Disconnect in Akka Remoting? - scala

I want to drop connection with a remote side using Akka Remoting. I've found only information about impossibility of it in the Web. Is any trick to drop a connection though?

Since akka remoting is peer-to-peer, if not connected either side can start a connection it isn't really about dropping one connection but to remove the possibility to talk to another system. The only two ways I can think of are (neither especially smooth):
only allow communication through an actor that will decide if incoming messages from other systems are dropped or allowed. This will not really drop the tcp connection, but disallow incoming messages.
Use a separate actor system for the remoting connection, and shut that down. This will effectively kill communication, but if you intend to communicate with many remotes it might be too much overhead
If it is one connection coming in from another system, like a client-server scenario it might be better to use some other way of communication, a custom protocol on top of tcp or some other higher level protocol such as http.


ZMQ Pattern Dealer/Router HeartBeating

I have a Dealer socket in client side, who is connected to Router socket in server side.
I often see Heartbeating mechanism : the server regularly send message to the client in order that client knows if he is correctly connect to the server, so the client can reconnect if he doesn't received message for some times.
For example the Paranoid Pirate pattern here : http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:chapter4
But after some tests : if the client loose the connection to the server for a moment and find it again, the client is automatically reconnected to the server socket (he receive sended message...).
I wonder in which case Heartbeating is necessary ?
Heartbeating isn't necessary to keep the connection alive (there is a ZMQ_TCP_KEEPALIVE socket option for TCP sockets). Instead, heartbeating is required for both sides to know that the other side is still active. If either side does detect that the other is inactive, it can take alternative action.
Inactivity might be because a process has died, it's deadlocked, it's doing too much work between network activity, or network failure, etc. From the other sides point of view, all these scenarios are indistinguishable without more information.
In networking, making a design work is the easy part. The overwhelmingly hard part is dealing with failure. You have to consider as many possible failure modes as possible and deal with them in the design protocols. Heartbeating is often a helpful part in those protocols. They are far more useful than trying to work out if a socket is still up by use of monitor events, say.
Having said that, if your application doesn't need any particular level of reliability; perhaps you can just power cycle equipment when a failure happens. Then you probably don't need to worry about heartbeating. After all, there are plenty of patterns in the guide that don't use it. It's horses for courses.

Zeromq which socket should bind on PubSub pattern

I have been reading about ZeroMQ more specifically about NetMQ and almost every Pub/Sub examples I saw used to Bind the Publisher socket and then the Subscriber socket connects to the other.
So i'm wondering if it is possible to do the reverse, i mean Bind the Subscriber socket and then publishers connect to it.
Is this possible ? (I didn't found anything clear on documentation)
What are the disadvantages using this connection strategy ?
Any help will be usefull.
Yes, you can reverse it and there are no disadvantages to using that connection strategy... provided it suits your purpose.
In ZMQ, the driving concept behind "binding" and "connecting" is that one side is often considered to be more reliable (and usually there will be fewer nodes), and the other side is considered to be more transient (and there could be more numerous nodes). The reliable side would be considered your "server", and you should bind() on that side, the transient side would be considered your "client" (or clients), and you should connect() on that side.
Typically, we think of a stable "server" publishing information constantly, to many "client" subscribers which may come and go. This is represented in the examples that you see: bind on pub, connect on sub.
But, you could just as easily have a stable "server" subscribing to any output from many "client" publishers that connect to it, accepting any information that they're sending while they are available. Bind on sub, connect on pub.
You're not limited to one server, either, it's just the simplest example - however, you're more limited if you're running all of your sockets on the same computer. Binding on the same address with more than one socket will produce a conflict, but you can connect as many sockets to the same address as you like.
In many cases, both sides of the communication are really intended to be reliable and long running, in which case it's useful to think of the node which sends the information as the server, and the one which receives it as the client. In which case, we're back to bind on pub, connect on sub.

Multiple service connections vs internal routing in MMO

The server consists of several services with which a user interacts: profiles, game logics, physics.
I heard that it's a bad practice to have multiple client connections to the same server.
I'm not sure whether I will use UDP or TCP.
The services are realtime, they should reply as fast as possible so I don't want to include any additional rerouting if there are no really important reasons. So are there any reasons to rerote traffic through one external endpoint service to specific internal services in my case?
This seems to be multiple questions in one package. I will try to answer the ones I can identify as separate...
UDP vs TCP: You're saying "real-time", this usually means UDP is the right choice. However, that means having to deal with lost packets and possible re-ordering of packets. But, using UDP leaves a couple of possible delay-decreasing tricks open.
Multiple connections from a single client to a single server: This consumes resources (end-points, as it were) on both the client (probably ignorable) and on the server (possibly a problem, possibly ignorable). The advantage of using separate connections for separate concerns (profiles, physics, ...) is that when you need to separate these onto separate servers (or server farms), you don't need to update the clients, they just need to connect to other end-points, using code that's already tested.
"Re-router" (or "load balancer") needed: Probably not going to be an issue initially. However, it will probably become an issue later. Depending on your overall design and server OS, using UDP may actually become an asset here. UDP packet arrives at the load balancer, dispatched to the right backend and that could then in theory send back a reply with the source IP of the load balancer.
An alternative would be to have a "session broker". The client makes an initial connection to a well-known endpoint, says "I am a client, tell me where my profile, physics, what-have0-you servers are", the broker considers the current load, possibly the location of the client and other things that may make sense and the client then connects to the relevant backends on its own. The downside of this is that it's harder (not impossible, but harder) to silently migrate an ongoing session to a new backend, when there's a load-balancer in the way, this can be done essentially-transparently.

multiple clients with server handling

I am just starting to learn sockets and client/servers. I am not clear on the following concept. Assume non-blocking sockets.
Assume I have a server application, and I have 1000 clients trying to talk to it, I think it is very realistic. Assume the client and server talk via sockets.
1- Does this mean that with every client, there is a separate socket connection? (Do we have 1000 sockets, or one socket with 1000 connections?
2- Does every socket connection belong to a separate thread? If Yes, How can we limit number of threads as it can get out of control?
Assuming you're using TCP, then every connection is over a separate socket. The operating system allocates them using file descriptors.
When using a protocol like UDP, this need not be the case, and won't be unless you write the code to do make it happen.
Threading? It depends on how you build the server. You don't need threads to be a part of a server at all and you can (obviously) have multiple threads with just a single connection. One common way of doing things, however, is to hand the socket returned by accept() to a new thread, yes.
If you don't have an interest in threads--for example, if the server only performs very quick tasks and creating a thread is just wasting time--you can use select() to poll the sockets and determine which ones need attention. Some servers use a combination of threading and polling to try to maximize throughput.

Can socket connections be multiplexed?

Is it possible to multiplex sa ocket connection?
I need to establish multiple connections to yahoo messenger and i am looking for a way to do this efficiently without having to hold a socket open for each client connection.
so far i have to use one socket for each client and this does not scale well above 50,000 connections.
oh, my solution is for a TELCO, so i need to at least hit 250,000 to 500,000 connections
i'm planing to bind multiple IP addresses to a single NIC to beat the 65k port restriction per IP address.
Please i would any help, insight i can get.
**most of my other questions on this site have gone un-answered :) **
This is an interesting question about scaling in a serious situation.
You are essentially asking, "How do I establish N connections to an internet service, where N is >= 250,000".
The only way to do this effectively and efficiently is to cluster. You cannot do this on a single host, so you will need to be able to fragment and partition your client base into a number of different servers, so that each is only handling a subset.
The idea would be for a single server to hold open as few connections as possible (spreading out the connectivity evenly) while holding enough connections to make whatever service you're hosting viable by keeping inter-server communication to a minimum level. This will mean that any two connections that are related (such as two accounts that talk to each other a lot) will have to be on the same host.
You will need servers and network infrastructure that can handle this. You will need a subnet of ip addresses, each server will have to have stateless communication with the internet (i.e. your router will not be doing any NAT in order to not have to track 250,000+ connections).
You will have to talk to AOL. There is no way that AOL will be able to handle this level of connectivity without considering cutting your connection off. Any service of this scale would have to be negotiated with AOL so both you and they would be able to handle the connectivity.
There are i/o multiplexing technologies that you should investigate. Kqueue and epoll come to mind.
In order to write this massively concurrent and teleco grade solution, I would recommend investigating erlang. Erlang is designed for situations such as these (multi-server, massively-multi-client, massively-multithreaded telecommunications grade software). It is currently used for running Ericsson telephone exchanges.
While you can listen on a socket for multiple incoming connection requests, when the connection is established, it connects a unique port on the server to a unique port on the client. In order to multiplex a connection, you need to control both ends of the pipe and have a protocol that allows you to switch contexts from one virtual connection to another or use a stateless protocol that doesn't care about the client's identity. In the former case you'd need to implement it in the application layer so that you could reuse existing connections. In the latter case you could get by using a proxy that keeps track of which server response goes to which client. Since you're connecting to Yahoo Messenger, I don't think you'll be able to do this since it requires an authenticated connection and it assumes that each connection corresponds to a single user.
You can only multiplex multiple connections over a single socket if the other end supports such an operation.
In other words it's a function protocol - sockets don't have any native support for it.
I doubt yahoo messenger protocol has any support for it.
An alternative (to multiple IPs on a single NIC) is to design your own multiplexing protocol and have satellite servers that convert from the multiplex protocol to the yahoo protocol.
I'll trow in another approach you could consider (depending on how desperate you are).
Note that operating system TCP/IP implementations need to be general purpose, but you are only interested in a very specific use-case. So it might make sense to implement a cut-down version of TCP/IP (which only handles your use-case, but does that very well) in your application code.
For example, if you are using Linux, you could route a couple of IP addresses to a tun interface and have your application handle the IP packets for that tun interface. That way you can implement TCP/IP (optimised for your use-case) entirely in your application and avoid any operating system restriction on the number of open connections.
Of course, it's quite a bit of work doing the TCP/IP yourself, but it really depends on how desperate you are - i.e. how much hardware can you afford to throw at the problem.
500,000 arbitrary yahoo messenger connections - is your telco doing this on behalf of Yahoo? It seems like whatever solution has been in place for many years now should be scalable with the help of Moore's Law - and as far as I know all the IM clients have been pretty effective for a long time, and there's no pressing increase in demand that I can think of.
Why isn't this a reasonable problem to address with hardware plus traditional solutions?