CommandMatchers in Selenium IDE - selenium-ide

What are commandMatchers in Selenium RollUp? Kindly explain with an example.
This is the code :
var manager = new RollupManager();
name: 'check_for_syntax_errors',
description: 'Check for PHP syntax errors, notices, warnings.',
args: [],
commandMatchers: [],
getExpandedCommands: function(args) {
var commands = [];
command: 'assertNotText',
target: '//body',
value: '*Notice: Undefined*'
return commands;


Running sequilize migration with umzug through github ci/cd

im using sequlize with umzug - migrations work locally, when i create a job for it, it cannot find the neccessery modules.
I got a mirgrator.js file.
const { migrator } = require('./iumzug.js');
And an iumzug.ts file as well, which configured like this.
const { Sequelize } = require('sequelize');
const { envVar } = require('./src/utilities/env-var')
const { Umzug, SequelizeStorage } = require("umzug")
const sequelize = new Sequelize({
database: envVar.DB_DATABASE,
host: envVar.DB_HOST,
port: 5432,
schema: ["TEST"].includes(envVar.NODE_ENV) ? 'test' : 'public',
username: envVar.DB_USERNAME,
password: envVar.DB_PASSWORD,
dialect: 'postgres',
ssl: true,
dialectOptions: {
ssl: {
require: true,
const migrator = new Umzug({
migrations: {
glob: ["./src/database/*.ts", { cwd: __dirname }],
resolve: ({ name, path, context }) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line #typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
const migration = require(path);
return {
// adjust the parameters Umzug will
// pass to migration methods when called
up: async () => migration.up(context, Sequelize),
down: async () => migration.down(context, Sequelize)
context: sequelize.getQueryInterface(),
storage: new SequelizeStorage({
modelName: "migration_meta"
logger: console
module.exports = { migrator }
i created a migration job on my github yml file as followes:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: build
- uses: actions/checkout#v3
- name: migrations step
run: |
node migrator.js up
when i run github action - i get this error
looking for alternatives / directions to fix it.
Let me know if i need to add anymore code / pictures of the process.

AWS CDK Glue Job + Trigger created but won't run

I have the following AWS CDK configuration in TypeScript (abriged):
const jobProps = {
command: {
name: 'glueetl',
pythonVersion: '3',
scriptLocation: `s3://${s3bucket.bucketName}/${this.scriptName}`,
connections: { connections: [connectionName] },
defaultArguments: { },
description: idEnv + '-job',
executionProperty: {
maxConcurrentRuns: 1,
glueVersion: '2.0',
maxRetries: 0,
name: idEnv + '-job',
numberOfWorkers: 2,
role: glueServiceRole.roleArn,
timeout: 180, // minutes
workerType: 'Standard',
const job = new CfnJob(this, idEnv, jobProps);
const trigger = new CfnTrigger(this, idEnv + '-trigger', {
type: 'SCHEDULED',
description: 'Scheduled run for ' +,
schedule: this.JOB_SCHEDULE,
actions: [
The trigger is created, it is seen in the Console and it is linked to the Job. But it just won't run (manual Job run is OK). What am I missing?
You need to add "startOnCreation: true" to the CfnTrigger props, so the trigger status will be enabled by default.

Protractor to dynamically choose browser based on input

I am new to protractor and I want to be able to run my chrome browser painted or headless.
So I set up something like this
let chrome = {
browserName: 'chrome',
platform: 'MAC',
'max-duration': '1800',
let chromeHeadless = {
browserName: 'chrome',
chromeOptions: {
args: [ "--headless", "--disable-gpu", "--window-size=800,600" ]
browserDefault = browser.params.browserToUse
exports.config = {
params: {
'browserToUse': "get from user'
capabilities: browserDefault,
and i ran this code as
protractor config.js --params.browserToUse='chromeHeadless'
But this does not work. Protractor fails saying it does not understand "browser.params.browserInput". Whats the right way to make protractor dynamically choose chrome or chromeheadless based on the input
The global variable browser is only init when code run into onPrepare(). You used browser outside onPrepare() function, browser have not been inited, it is undefined, so you met the error.
Another point you need to get it's when the variable browser inited, a browser window has been opened, means protractor has know which capabilities to launch the browser. Therefore you can't use to specify which capabilities, you need to tell protractor the capabilities before it init the browser variable.
let capabilitiesMap = {
'chrome-headful' : {
browserName: 'chrome',
platform: 'MAC',
'max-duration': '1800',
'chrome-headless': {
browserName: 'chrome',
chromeOptions: {
args: [ "--headless", "--disable-gpu", "--window-size=800,600" ]
let browserToUse = 'chrome-headful'; // set default value
// extract the browserToUse value from cli
process.argv.slice(3).forEach(function(arg) {
var name = arg.split('=')[0];
var value = arg.split('=')[1];
var name = name.replace('--', '');
if (name === 'browserToUse') {
if (, value) ) {
browserToUse = value;
let config = {
seleniumAddress: '',
specs: [],
onPrepare: function() {}
config.capabilities = capabilitiesMap[browserToUse];
exports.config = config;
CLI example: protractor conf.js --browserToUse=chrome-headless
I also came across this issue and soleved it using the getMultiCapabilities() function in your conf.js
const _ = require('lodash');
let capabilities = {
chrome: {
browserName: 'chrome',
platform: 'MAC',
'max-duration': '1800',
chromeHeadless : {
browserName: 'chrome',
chromeOptions: {
args: [ "--headless", "--disable-gpu", "--window-size=800,600" ]
getMultiCapabilities() {
const browsers = this.params.browserToUse.split(',');//if you pass more than one browser e.g chrome,chromeHeadless
const cap = _(capabilities).pick(browsers).values().value(); //this uses the lodash npm module
return cap;
In a testing context working with just Chrome, I did the following. In capabilities:
chromeOptions: {
args: []
beforeLaunch: function() {
//at this point browser is not yet defined, so process command line directly
if (process.argv[process.argv.length-1].search('headless=true')>-1){
That way by the time the browser was launched, it had the right configuration. Where I have "headless=true", you might want "Chrome-headless."
And then on the command line I call it like you do with --params.headless=falseso that should I want to find it in the script itself later (after the browser has launched), it is readily available.
Note I had just one command line parameter and control of the command line, so it felt okay to assume this parameter was the last.

Why is gulp-rsync not deploying?

Im trying to deploy to a staging site with gulp-rsync. I'm not receiving any errors but it's not deploying to My server. I would also expect to be asked for the password, which is not happening.
var gulp = require('gulp'),
gutil = require('gulp-util'),
sass = require('gulp-sass'),
autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer'),
minifycss = require('gulp-minify-css'),
jshint = require('gulp-jshint'),
stylish = require('jshint-stylish'),
uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),
concat = require('gulp-concat'),
rename = require('gulp-rename'),
plumber = require('gulp-plumber'),
bower = require('gulp-bower'),
sftp = require('gulp-sftp'),
rsync = require('gulp-rsync');
gulp.task('deploy', function() {
root: 'build',
hostname: '*****',
username: '*****',
port: 2222,
destination: '/wp-content/themes/',
incremental: true,
progress: true,
relative: true,
exclude: ['/node_modules', '/bower_components'],
recursive: true
Try using return keyword before gulp.src:
gulp.task('deploy', function() {
return gulp.src('build/test_for_rsync')
root: 'build', ...

Configure Karma-dojo to use local repository of dojo

I'm trying to set up a local testing environment for my Dojo project. I've decided on Karma as the test runner and Jasmine as the suite. I've found a few example karma.config files on how to set it up and that works fine.
But when I try to set up the dojo.config in main test file to point to a local version of dojo it just breaks.
This works:
var dojoConfig = {
packages: [
name: 'dojo',
location: ''
}, {
name: 'dojox',
location: ''
}, {
name: 'dijit',
location: ''
async: true
But as soon as I do something like this:
var dojoConfig = {
packages: [
name: 'dojo',
location: 'base/lib/dojo'
}, {
name: 'dojox',
location: 'base/lib/dojox'
}, {
name: 'dijit',
location: 'base/lib/dijit'
async: true
This is the error log:
ERROR: 'There is no timestamp for /base/lib/dojo/domReady.js!'
ERROR: 'There is no timestamp for /base/lib/dojo/_base/array.js!'
WARN [web-server]: 404: /base/lib/dojo/domReady.js
Then it runs through and outputs the same for all dojo modules.
That's an odd error... I can't give you much more than a Google search (You did google your error right?), but have you seen these questions?
test not running on karma/jasmine/require.js 'There is no timestamp for *lib*!' error
karma error 'There is no timestamp for'