Running sequilize migration with umzug through github ci/cd - github

im using sequlize with umzug - migrations work locally, when i create a job for it, it cannot find the neccessery modules.
I got a mirgrator.js file.
const { migrator } = require('./iumzug.js');
And an iumzug.ts file as well, which configured like this.
const { Sequelize } = require('sequelize');
const { envVar } = require('./src/utilities/env-var')
const { Umzug, SequelizeStorage } = require("umzug")
const sequelize = new Sequelize({
database: envVar.DB_DATABASE,
host: envVar.DB_HOST,
port: 5432,
schema: ["TEST"].includes(envVar.NODE_ENV) ? 'test' : 'public',
username: envVar.DB_USERNAME,
password: envVar.DB_PASSWORD,
dialect: 'postgres',
ssl: true,
dialectOptions: {
ssl: {
require: true,
const migrator = new Umzug({
migrations: {
glob: ["./src/database/*.ts", { cwd: __dirname }],
resolve: ({ name, path, context }) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line #typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
const migration = require(path);
return {
// adjust the parameters Umzug will
// pass to migration methods when called
up: async () => migration.up(context, Sequelize),
down: async () => migration.down(context, Sequelize)
context: sequelize.getQueryInterface(),
storage: new SequelizeStorage({
modelName: "migration_meta"
logger: console
module.exports = { migrator }
i created a migration job on my github yml file as followes:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: build
- uses: actions/checkout#v3
- name: migrations step
run: |
node migrator.js up
when i run github action - i get this error
looking for alternatives / directions to fix it.
Let me know if i need to add anymore code / pictures of the process.


ReferenceError: TextEncoder is not defined in Github Actions Jest Script

I have an error that's only happening in my Github Actions workflow (when I run my Jest script locally, it's fine). I've only found this SO answer and this one but error still persists. Any thoughts on what to check next?
Here's the error:
> jest server/test/test --config=server/test/jest.config.js
FAIL server/test/test.js
● Test suite failed to run
ReferenceError: TextEncoder is not defined
at Object.<anonymous> (../../node_modules/mongodb-connection-string-url/node_modules/whatwg-url/dist/encoding.js:2:21)
at Object.<anonymous> (../../node_modules/mongodb-connection-string-url/node_modules/whatwg-url/dist/url-state-machine.js:5:34)
Here's my Jest config and script:
module.exports = {
preset: '#shelf/jest-mongodb'
const dotenv = require('dotenv');
const path = require('path');
process.env = dotenv.config({path: path.resolve(__dirname, '.env')}).parsed;
const request = require('supertest');
const {app, server} = require('../server');
const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');
const { TextEncoder } = require('util');
global.TextEncoder = TextEncoder;
describe('GET /', () => {
let mongoClient;
beforeAll(async () => {
app.locals.mongoClient = mongoClient = await MongoClient.connect(process.env.MONGODB_URI, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true });;
afterAll(async () => {
await mongoClient.close();
it('responds with path of /', (done) => {
request(app).get('/').expect(JSON.stringify({path: '/'}), done);
My Github Actions workflow is erroring at the npm run test-server step:
name: cicd
branches: [ master ]
branches: [ master ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
node-version: [ 10.x, 12.x, 14.x, 15.x ]
fail-fast: false
- uses: actions/checkout#v2
- name: Create environment variables
run: |
touch server/test/.env
echo MONGODB_URI=${{ secrets.QA_MONGODB_URI }} >> server/test/.env
- name: Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
uses: actions/setup-node#v2
node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
- run: npm ci
- run: npm run build --if-present
- run: npm run test-server
needs: build
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout#v2
- uses: akhileshns/heroku-deploy#v3.12.12
heroku_api_key: ${{ secrets.HEROKU_API_KEY }}
heroku_app_name: "my-app-name"
heroku_email: "my-email"
I had the same problem and a just inserted the two lines at the top
global.TextEncoder = require("util").TextEncoder;
global.TextDecoder = require("util").TextDecoder;
reference: ReferenceError: TextEncoder is not defined with mongodb nodes
global.TextEncoder = require("util").TextEncoder;
global.TextDecoder = require("util").TextDecoder;
import { MongoMemoryServer } from 'mongodb-memory-server';
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
let mongod: MongoMemoryServer;
beforeAll(async () => {
const mongod = await MongoMemoryServer.create();
const mongoUri = mongod.getUri();
await mongoose.connect(mongoUri);
beforeEach(async () => {
const collections = await mongoose.connection.db.collections();
for (let collection of collections) {
await collection.deleteMany({});
afterAll(async () => {
await mongod.stop(true);
await mongoose.connection.close();

ApiGateway: Only one base path mapping is allowed if the base path is empty

Creating an API Gateway I get this error:
api-mapping (apimappingXXXXXXX) Only one base path mapping is allowed
if the base path is empty. (Service: AmazonApiGateway; Status Code:
409; Error Code: ConflictException;
where my code is:
// External API Gateway
const externalApi = new apigateway.RestApi(this, 'external-api-gw',
apiKeySourceType: apigateway.ApiKeySourceType.AUTHORIZER,
restApiName: 'external-api',
deploy: false,
endpointConfiguration: {
policy: new iam.PolicyDocument({
statements: [
const domainName = externalApi.addDomainName('domain-name', {
domainName: props.apigatewayRecordName + '.' + props.hostedZone,
certificate: existingCertificate,
endpointType: apigateway.EndpointType.REGIONAL,
const myApiGateway = new route53targets.ApiGateway(externalApi);
// deployment
const apiDeployment = new apigateway.Deployment(this, 'deployment', {
api: externalApi
// stage
const apiStage = new apigateway.Stage(this, 'stage', {
stageName: 'api',
accessLogDestination: new apigateway.LogGroupLogDestination(logGroup),
accessLogFormat: apigateway.AccessLogFormat.jsonWithStandardFields(),
loggingLevel: apigateway.MethodLoggingLevel.INFO,
dataTraceEnabled: true,
deployment: apiDeployment
externalApi.deploymentStage = apiStage;
domainName.addBasePathMapping(externalApi, { basePath: 'api', stage: apiStage} );
It seems that an empty base path mapping is created automatically and the second one cannot be added.
Any suggestions, please?
As mentioned in comments, Below you can find the working code snippet:
Create CfnDomainName:
// import relevant data from ssm
const certificateArn = ssm.StringParameter.valueFromLookup(this, 'CertificateArn');
const domainNameURL = ssm.StringParameter.valueFromLookup(this, 'ApiCustomDomainUrl');
const certificate = cert.Certificate.fromCertificateArn(this, 'Certificate', certificateArn);
// create DomainName
const domainName = new apigateway.DomainName(this, 'DomainName', {
domainName: domainNameURL,
certificate: certificate ,
endpointType: apigateway.EndpointType.REGIONAL,
Add base path mapping:
// create the api
const api = new apigateway.RestApi(this, id, {
restApiName: 'API GW ' + id,
deployOptions: {
stageName: 'dev',
endpointTypes: [apigateway.EndpointType.REGIONAL]
// add new base path to domain name
new apigateway.BasePathMapping(this, 'my-mapping', {
domainName: domainName,
restApi: api,
basePath: 'my-mapping'
// add new base path to domain name
new apigateway.BasePathMapping(this, 'my-mapping-two', {
domainName: domainName,
restApi: api,
basePath: 'my-mapping-two'
More about BasePathMapping , DomainName.
Not sure if something changed over the versions, but this does not work with 1.57 of the CDK.
Will generate: "Error: API does not define a default name"

Cannot read property 'getCompilationErrors' of undefined

I'm having issues setting up an express server instance on serverless with nextJs. I keep getting a Cannot read property 'getCompilationErrors' of undefined when running the server function. It seems to be an issue with app.render.
When running debug it seems to be coming from within nextJs
const express = require('express');
const path = require('path');
const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production';
const next = require('next');
const pathMatch = require('path-match');
const app = next({ dev });
const handle = app.getRequestHandler();
const { parse } = require('url');
const server = express();
const route = pathMatch();
server.use('/_next', express.static(path.join(__dirname, '.next')));
server.get('/', (req, res) => app.render(req, res, '/'));
server.get('*', (req, res) => handle(req, res));
module.exports = server;
const sls = require('serverless-http')
const binaryMimeTypes = require('./binaryMimeTypes')
const server = require('./server')
module.exports.server = sls(server, {
binary: binaryMimeTypes
service: ssr-react-next
name: aws
runtime: nodejs8.10
stage: ${self:custom.secrets.NODE_ENV}
region: us-east-1
NODE_ENV: ${self:custom.secrets.NODE_ENV}
handler: index.server
- http: ANY /
- http: ANY /{proxy+}
- serverless-apigw-binary
- serverless-domain-manager
secrets: ${file(secrets.json)}
- '*/*'
domainName: ${self:custom.secrets.DOMAIN}
basePath: ''
stage: ${self:custom.secrets.NODE_ENV}
createRoute53Record: true
# endpointType: 'regional'
# if the ACM certificate is created in a region except for `'us-east-1'` you need `endpointType: 'regional'`
Figured a way around this, just needed to prepare the app with async
server.use(async(req, res, next) => {
await app.prepare();
Did you add this in the server.js so it looks like this?
server.js after server.use('/_next', express.static(path.join(__dirname, '.next')))
server.use(async(req, res, next) => {
await app.prepare();

sails cannot lift when changing adapter to sails-disk or sails-memory

I would like to use sails with sails-disk, migrate: drop so that whenever I run testcase I can have a new database with the following configuration on local.js. I am fine with sails lift. However, once I update migrate: drop or adapter to sails-disk or sails-memory. I am not able to sails lift from bootstrap and under server I can not even get configuration information. the sails lift just handling. without any detail message.
module.exports = {
models: {
connection: 'testing',
migrate: 'drop',
connections: {
testing: {
adapter: 'sails-disk',
host: '',
user: 'test',
password: 'test',
database: 'db',
const TestConfig = require('./config/local');
before((done) => {
// Increase the Mocha timeout so that Sails has enough time to lift.
connections: TestConfig.connections,
models: TestConfig.models,
}, function(err) {
if (err) { return done(err); }
return done(err, server);
#error message
after adding more debug information before return I can not get config information
1) "before all" hook
0 passing (3s)
1 failing
1) "before all" hook:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'config' of undefined
at async.series (test/bootstrap.test.js:29:26)
at node_modules/async/dist/async.js:3888:9
at node_modules/async/dist/async.js:473:16
at replenish (node_modules/async/dist/async.js:1006:25)
at node_modules/async/dist/async.js:1016:9
at eachOfLimit (node_modules/async/dist/async.js:1041:24)
at node_modules/async/dist/async.js:1046:16
at _parallel (node_modules/async/dist/async.js:3879:5)
at Object.series (node_modules/async/dist/async.js:4735:5)
at Sails.lift (test/bootstrap.test.js:19:11)
Since you're not providing any error message, I just can guessing that your config is wrong.
You have to name each connection and tell which one you want to use.
module.exports = {
models: {
migrate: 'drop',
connection : 'testing',
connections: {
testing : {
adapter: 'sails-disk',
host: '',
user: 'user',
password: 'password',
database: 'db',

Why is gulp-rsync not deploying?

Im trying to deploy to a staging site with gulp-rsync. I'm not receiving any errors but it's not deploying to My server. I would also expect to be asked for the password, which is not happening.
var gulp = require('gulp'),
gutil = require('gulp-util'),
sass = require('gulp-sass'),
autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer'),
minifycss = require('gulp-minify-css'),
jshint = require('gulp-jshint'),
stylish = require('jshint-stylish'),
uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),
concat = require('gulp-concat'),
rename = require('gulp-rename'),
plumber = require('gulp-plumber'),
bower = require('gulp-bower'),
sftp = require('gulp-sftp'),
rsync = require('gulp-rsync');
gulp.task('deploy', function() {
root: 'build',
hostname: '*****',
username: '*****',
port: 2222,
destination: '/wp-content/themes/',
incremental: true,
progress: true,
relative: true,
exclude: ['/node_modules', '/bower_components'],
recursive: true
Try using return keyword before gulp.src:
gulp.task('deploy', function() {
return gulp.src('build/test_for_rsync')
root: 'build', ...