Sense behind the empty subscript? - swift

Why does this even compile? What is the need for an empty subscript which obviously behaves like a function without parameters?
extension Array {
subscript() -> Int {
return 0
let array = [1,3,2]
print(array[]) // "0"
Note that it can also be used for an assignment, so it behaves like a computed property named [].

Why does this even compile
It compiles because you defined an empty-subscript extension to Array:
extension Array {
subscript() -> Int {
return 0
Array already has a subscript defined, whereby you supply an index number and get back the element at that index. This extension adds another subscript, whereby you supply nothing and get back the number zero.
Without that extension, this would not compile:
let array = [1,3,2]
What is the need for an empty subscript which obviously behaves like a function without parameters
There's no "need"; it's a convenience. You could, after all, make exactly the same "objection" to subscripts in general! They do nothing that you cannot accomplish by methods. In fact, such methods exist; the subscript notation is merely a pleasant piece of syntactic sugar.


Swift - Ambiguous reference to member '==' error

I've done some searching and can't seem to find a solution for my below issue. I'm fairly new to swift so working through some issues. I have the below function which is just a stub containing the signature of the function and a return value just to get it to compile.
The test code is what I've been given, I did not write this and unfortunately cannot alter it.
My issues is that when I run it, it says that the test that calls this function has an "Ambiguous call to member '=='". I cannot alter the test code. Whatever the issue is must be in my function signature i'm assuming but could use some help.
Function That I am writing (That I assume contains the issue):
func contains(target: StringOrInt, compare: Character ) -> Bool {
return false
} // contains
Test that calls the function (I'm not allowed to edit this and did not write it):
func test_contains_cons_2_strings_3() {
let list1 = MyList.cons("foo", MyList.cons("bar", MyList.empty))
assertEquals(testName: "test_contains_cons_2_strings_3",
expected: true,
received: list1.contains(target: "bar", compare: ==))//Error is on this line '=='
} // test_contains_cons_2_strings_3
main.swift:807:67: error: ambiguous reference to member '=='
received: list1.contains(target: "foo", compare: ==))
Also note that "StringOrInt" is a protocol that I've defined that acts as an extension on both Int and String. This is done because the test code (Which i did not write and cannot edit) passes both strings and ints to this same variable and function.
Thanks advance for any help, I really appreciate it!
I think you want to compare two strings by passing "==" operator and return a Boolean value.If so you can use the below method,
func myList(_ compare:((String, String) -> Bool)) -> Bool {
return compare("foo","bar")
I was able to figure this out using the below. I implemented an enum of generic type and the nan extension on that enum. I then used this generic type within the contains function to represent multiple types instead of StringOrInt. Thanks everyone for the comments and the help.
enum implemented:
indirect enum my_list<A> {
case cons(A, my_list<A>)
case empty
I then implemented in extension for this enum "extension my_list" and placed the contains function within the extension.
contains function signature/stub:
func contains(target: A, compare:((A, A) -> Bool))
-> Bool {
return true
}// contains

Array values optional, or not?

Could you explain why:
when I access an array value using array.first it's optional
when I access from an index value it is not?
var players = ["Alice", "Bob", "Cindy", "Dan"]
let firstPlayer = players.first
print(firstPlayer) // Optional("Alice")
let firstIndex = players[0]
print(firstIndex) // Alice
(The short answers to this question are great, and exactly what you need. I just wanted to go a bit deeper into the why and how this interacts with Swift Collections more generally and the underlying types. If you just want "how should I use this stuff?" read the accepted answer and ignore all this.)
Arrays follow the rules of all Collections. A Collection must implement the following subscript:
subscript(position: Self.Index) -> Self.Element { get }
So to be a Collection, Array's subscript must accept its Index and unconditionally return an Element. For many kinds of Collections, it is impossible to create an Index that does not exist, but Array uses Int as its Index, so it has to deal with the possibility that you pass an Index that is out of range. In that case, it is impossible to return an Element, and its only option is to fail to return at all. This generally takes the form of crashing the program since it's generally more useful than hanging the program, which is the other option.
(This hides a slight bit of type theory, which is that every function in Swift technically can return "crash," but we don't track that in the type system. It's possible to do that to distinguish between functions that can crash and ones that cannot, but Swift doesn't.)
This should naturally raise the question of why Dictionary doesn't crash when you subscript with a non-existant key. The reason is that Dictionary's Index is not its Key. It has a little-used subscript that provides conformance to Collection (little-used in top-level code, but very commonly used inside of stdlib):
subscript(position: Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index) -> Dictionary.Element { get }
Array could have done this as well, having an Array.Index type that was independent of Int, and making the Int subscript return an Optional. In Swift 1.0, I opened a radar to request exactly that. The team argued that this would make common uses of Array too difficult and that programmers coming to Swift were used to the idea that out-of-range was a programming error (crash). Dictionary, on the other hand, is common to access with non-existant keys, so the Key subscript should be Optional. Several years using Swift has convinced me they were right.
In general you shouldn't subscript arrays unless you got the index from the array (i.e. using index(where:)). But many Cocoa patterns make it very natural to subscript (cellForRow(at:) being the most famous). Still, in more pure Swift code, subscripting with arbitrary Ints often suggests a design problem.
Instead you should often use Collection methods like first and first(where:) which return Optionals and generally safer and clearer, and iterate over them using for-in loops rather than subscripts.
if you want to use subscript and you don't want to have a crash, you can add this extension to your code:
extension Collection {
subscript (safe index: Index) -> Iterator.Element? {
return indices.contains(index) ? self[index] : nil
and then use it:
let array = [0, 1, 2]
let second = array[safe:1] //Optional(1)
let fourth = array[safe:3] //nil instead of crash
The behavior of first and index subscription is different:
first is declared safely: If the array is empty it returns nil, otherwise the (optional) object.
index subscription is unsafe for legacy reasons: If the array is empty it throws an out-of-range exception otherwise it returns the (non-optional) object
This is because with first, if the Array is empty, the value will be nil. That is why it is an optional. If it is not empty, the first element will be returned.
However, with a subscript (or index value), your program will crash with an error
fatal error: Index out of range
If it is out of range (or is empty) and not return an optional. Else, it will return the element required.
There are default behavior of array property. Array is generic type of Element. When you try to access using first it return as optional.
public var first: Element? { get }
This is available in Array class.

swift function to iterate possibly reversed array

I'd like to create a function that will iterate over an array (or collection or sequence). Then I will call that function with an array, and the reversed version of the array (but efficiently: without creating a new array to hold the reverse).
If I do this:
func doIteration(points: [CGPoint]) {
for p in points {
// I also need random access to points
doSomethingElseWithPoint(points[points.count-2]) // ignore obvious index error
And if I have this:
let points : [CGPoint] = whatever
I can do this just fine:
But then if I do this:
I get 'Cannot convert value of type 'ReverseRandomAccessCollection<[CGPoint]> to expected argument type [_]'
Now, I DON'T want to do this:
let reversedPoints : [CGPoint] = points.reverse()
even though it will work, because that will (correct me if I'm wrong) create a new array, initializing it from the ReverseRandomAccessCollection returned by reverse().
So I guess I'd like to write my doIteration function to take some sort of sequence type, so I can pass in the result of reverse() directly, but ReverseRandomAccessCollection doesn't conform to anything at all. I think I'm missing something - what's the accepted pattern here?
If you change your parameter's type to a generic, you should get the functionality you need:
func doIteration
<C: CollectionType where C.Index: RandomAccessIndexType, C.Generator.Element == CGPoint>
(points: C) {
for p in points {
doSomethingElseWithPoint(points[points.endIndex - 2])
More importantly, this won't cause a copy of the array to be made. If you look at the type generated by the reverse() method:
let points: [CGPoint] = []
let reversed = points.reverse() // ReverseRandomAccessCollection<Array<__C.CGPoint>>
You'll see that it just creates a struct that references the original array, in reverse. (although it does have value-type semantics) And the original function can accept this new collection, because of the correct generic constraints.
You can do this
let reversedPoints : [CGPoint] = points.reverse()
or this
doIteration(points.reverse() as [CGPoint])
but I don't think there is any real difference by the point of view of a the footprint.
Scenario 1
let reversedPoints : [CGPoint] = points.reverse()
Infact in this case a new Array containing references to the CGPoint(s) present in the original array is created. This thanks to the Copy-on-write mechanism that Swift used to manage structures.
So the memory allocated is the following:
points.count * sizeOf(pointer)
Scenario 2
On the other hand you can write something like this
doIteration(points.reverse() as [CGPoint])
But are you really saving memory? Let's see.
A temporary variable is created, that variable is available inside the scope of the function doIteration and requires exactly a pointer for each element contained in points so again we have:
points.count * sizeOf(pointer)
So I think you can safely choose one of the 2 solutions.
We should remember that Swift manages structures in a very smart way.
When I write
var word = "Hello"
var anotherWord = word
On the first line Swift create a Struct and fill it with the value "Hello".
On the second line Swift detect that there is no real reason to create a copy of the original String so writes inside the anotherWord a reference to the original value.
Only when word or anotherWord is modified Swift really create a copy of the original value.

Swift error: binary operator '>' cannot be applied to two T operands

I am writing a mutaitin function for Array. I can't compare the array components like below:
extension Array {
mutating func mutFunc() {
while self[1]>self[2]{
The Array must is Int type array. I can't even use this way to compare.
while Int(self[1])>Int(self[2]){
What is wrong in my code?
You can't do it in Swift 1.2 or before. This is exactly the problem that extension where clauses in Swift 2.0 solves. That way, you can extend Array only and exactly insofar as its element type adopts Comparable (or even Int), thus guaranteeing that > is defined.
extension Array where Element : Comparable {
// ... your function involving > goes here

Implementing a multimap in Swift with Arrays and Dictionaries

I'm trying to implement a basic multimap in Swift. Here's a relevant (non-functioning) snippet:
class Multimap<K: Hashable, V> {
var _dict = Dictionary<K, V[]>()
func put(key: K, value: V) {
if let existingValues = self._dict[key] {
existingValues += value
} else {
self._dict[key] = [value]
However, I'm getting an error on the existingValues += value line:
Could not find an overload for '+=' that accepts the supplied arguments
This seems to imply that the value type T[] is defined as an immutable array, but I can't find any way to explicitly declare it as mutable. Is this possible in Swift?
The problem is that you are defining existingValues as a constant with let. However, I would suggest changing the method to be:
func put(key: K, value: V) {
var values = [value]
if let existingValues = self._dict[key] {
self._dict[key] = values
I feel that the intent of this is clearer as it doesn't require modifying the local array and reassigning later.
if var existingValues = self._dict[key] { //var, not let
existingValues += value;
// should set again.
self._dict[key] = existingValues
} else {
self._dict[key] = [value]
Assignment and Copy Behavior for Arrays
The assignment and copy behavior for Swift’s Array type is more complex than for its Dictionary type. Array provides C-like performance when you work with an array’s contents and copies an array’s contents only when copying is necessary.
If you assign an Array instance to a constant or variable, or pass an Array instance as an argument to a function or method call, the contents of the array are not copied at the point that the assignment or call takes place. Instead, both arrays share the same sequence of element values. When you modify an element value through one array, the result is observable through the other.
For arrays, copying only takes place when you perform an action that has the potential to modify the length of the array. This includes appending, inserting, or removing items, or using a ranged subscript to replace a range of items in the array. If and when array copying does take place, the copy behavior for an array’s contents is the same as for a dictionary’s keys and values, as described in Assignment and Copy Behavior for Dictionaries.
Buckets is a data structures library for swift. It provides a multimap and allows subscript notation.
One easy way to implement a multi-map is to use a list of pairs (key, value) sorted by key, using binary search to find ranges of entries. This works best when you need to get a bunch of data, all at once. It doesn't work so well when you are constantly deleting and inserting elements.
See std::lower_bound from C++ for a binary search implementation which can be easily written in swift.