Emacs: Ctags table don't working on projectile plugin - emacs

After im use command projectile-regenerate-tags and I get:
Ctags excuberant don't be a command


Exuberant Ctags produces "Unexpected end of file" error on empty *.ml file

I found that Exuberant Ctags gives no output message on most empty files, except for *.ml files.
To reproduce, try following commands:
$ touch empty.txt empty.c empty.ml
$ ctags empty.txt
$ ctags empty.c
$ ctags empty.ml
ctags: Unexpected end of file: empty.ml
How can I make ctags behave consistently on all file types?
macOS Mojave 10.14.2
Exuberant Ctags 5.8
The bug was fixed in Universal-ctags (https://ctags.io) .

Executing Clojure in Emacs with `cider-jack-in`

I'm trying to run Clojure emacs with cider package installed.
I use Emacs 24.5.1 on Mac OS X 10.10.4.
I downloaded lein script and copied the script in ~/Dropbox/bin.
I checked with lein repl that Clojure works fine.
cider package is installed with M-x package-install. I edited the ~/.emacs.d/init.el to specify the lein script: (add-to-list 'exec-path "~/Dropbox/bin") with the hint from Can't launch `lein` REPL in Emacs.
However, when I started emacs and run M-x cider-jack-in, I have this error message:
When I started lein repl and executed M-x cider-connect (http://xahlee.info/clojure/clojure_emacs_cider.html), I can have the cider-repl running in Emacs.
What might be wrong?
The quickest fix was to symbolically link lein to the path where Emacs can find it. This line of code fixed the issue.
sudo ln -s ~/Dropbox/bin/lein /usr/local/bin/lein
I summarized the steps to install the cider package for running Clojure on emacs without any errors or warnings.
cider - https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider
Download lein https://raw.githubusercontent.com/technomancy/leiningen/stable/bin/lein
I copied the file ~/Dropbox/bin after making it executable.
It looks like that /usr/local/bin is not the path that Emacs finds the binary automatically, so I had to set it up.
Run sudo ln -s ~/Dropbox/bin/lein /usr/local/bin/lein
Update ~/.emacs.d/init.el to specify the location of lein script:
(add-to-list 'exec-path "/usr/local/bin")
Update ~/.lein/profiles.clj
Installation of cider-nrepl
{:user {:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.10.0-SNAPSHOT"]]}}
run lein deps
Errors and solutions
If error The lein executable (specified bycider-lein-command' or cider-boot-command') isn't on your exec-path occurs:
make the symbolic link, and update the init.el as is explained.
If error "Symbol's function definition is void: clojure-project-dir" occurs, it's because of the package version mismatch.
delete the old packages in ~/emacs.d/elpa
Then, run package-install in Emacs
Now, all the warnings are gone.
Can't launch `lein` REPL in Emacs
Executing Clojure in Emacs with `cider-jack-in`
cider - https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider
For Mac OS X, brew install leiningen can install the lein, but this caused an issue as in How to upgrade nrepl version of leiningen?. This is the message from the lein brew.
nREPL server started on port 61216 on host - nrepl://
REPL-y 0.3.5, nREPL 0.2.6
Clojure 1.6.0
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_45-b14
I had to use the lein from the lein site to get the correct version of tools.
Retrieving org/clojure/clojure/1.2.0/clojure-1.2.0.pom from central
nREPL server started on port 61279 on host - nrepl://
REPL-y 0.3.7, nREPL 0.2.7
Clojure 1.7.0
Another easy solution is to just use homebrew. While homebrew is overkill just for installing lein, if you already use it, then all you need to do is run
brew update
brew install leiningen
and your done. I use homebrew to install emacs and some other useful apps, so I already have it on my system.

Matlab-emacs integration - Symbol's value as variable is void: letion

I am new to emacs and I was trying to install the Matlab mode for emacs following the instruction on this page:
matlab script editing
Everything compiled fine, but I ran into this error:
Symbol's value as variable is void: letion
When I did "emacs --init-debug" it gave me the following:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable letion)
eval-buffer(#<buffer *load*> nil "/home/wjlee/.emacs" nil t) ; Reading at buffer position 404
load-with-code-conversion("/home/wjlee/.emacs" "/home/wjlee/.emacs" t t)
load("~/.emacs" t t)
#[0 "\205\262
I googled around a bit and some people said it's related to using older versions of emacs (emacs23 or older), however, I have emacs24.3.1, so I am not sure why this is still the case. Does anyone know how to fix this, please?
I decided to go a clean install of emacs24.3.1 again, without recompiling cedet and the matlab-emacs components, and somehow it works now... It seems like (from what I found on the web) although the newest version of CEDET is not bundled with emacs24, those that are already in there is enough for me to do the matlab-emacs integration.
Since I am very new to using all these, I'll just post what I found here:
To do a clean install of emacs24:
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cassou/emacs
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get purge emacs-snapshot-common emacs-snapshot-bin-common emacs-snapshot emacs-snapshot-el emacs-snapshot-gtk emacs23 emacs23-bin-common emacs23-common emacs23-el emacs23-nox emacs23-lucid auctex emacs24 emacs24-bin-common emacs24-common emacs24-common-non-dfsg
sudo apt-get install emacs24 emacs24-el emacs24-common-non-dfsg
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cassou-emacs-precise.list
Download matlab.el:
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous#matlab-emacs.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/matlab-emacs login
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous#matlab-emacs.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/matlab-emacs co -P matlab-emacs
And modify ~/.emacs:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/matlab-emacs")
(load-library "matlab-load")
I also found the following useful:
'(matlab-shell-command-switches '("-nodesktop -nosplash")))
And some short-cuts:
Some useful short cuts to begin with:
C-c C-r : run region in matlab
C-c C-s : save and run the file in matlab
C-c C-c E : insert a matching END statment
M-TAB : symbol/variable completion based on the script
M-s : brings up matlab-shell (in a different buffer if available)
M-p, M-n : in matlab-shell (or any emacs shell) cycle through past commands

run sml console at emacs - searching for program: no such file or directory?

I installed SML on Ubuntu 12.04.
Here is more info:
nazar_art#nazar-desctop:~$ sml -version
Standard ML of New Jersey v110.75 [built: Mon Sep 2 23:36:16 2013]
And added to emacs this package:
M x list-packages + Enter
find sml-mode and install by mouse click.
But when I tried write easy .sml file I want to open sml console at emacs.
I press C c + C s => I see SML command: sml and press Enter.
And see this message:
Searching for program: no such file or directory
Instead of opening sml console.
I couldn't figure out why this happen?
How to solve this trouble?
Here is my which sml:
and emacs version - GNU Emacs 24.3.1
Installed from here but only for emacs24, not for emacs-snapshot.
Option 4: Eval the following with: C-M-: (setq exec-path (cons "/usr/local/SML/bin" exec-path)) return/enter or put it into $home/.emacs to make it persist over all sessions.
Your problem is that the sml executable isn't on the PATH that Emacs sees.
And you can launch sml from bash probably because you modify path
in ~/.bashrc.
Option 1: modify PATH
In ~/.profile (you'll need to log out once):
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/SML/bin/
Option 2: create link
sudo ln -s /usr/local/SML/bin/sml /usr/bin/sml
Option 3: apt installs for me sml to /usr/bin/ (Emacs knows this path)
sudo apt-get install smlnj
Just elaborating on the steps mentioned by the Bleeding fingers:
Step1: Launch emacs from terminal.
step2: Press ctrl+x+f.
step3: You will get something in the bottom saying "Find a file:~/" then there write "/.emacs".
step4: Paste this line "setq exec-path (cons "/usr/local/SML/bin" exec-path))" in that.
step5: Press Ctrx+x+s to save the changes and then restart the emacs.

Error when trying to execute Sass script via Zsh terminal on Mac OS X

I've recently switched over from using the Bash command prompt to Zsh on Mac OSX.
Problem I have using Zsh is that the command I would use to watch Sass files no longer works.
The script file I have is sass.sh and the content is...
sass --style expanded --watch Assets/Styles/Sass:Assets/Styles --debug-info
exit 0
...but every time I run sh sass.sh I get the error...
/Users/<home-directory>/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p125/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/dependency.rb:247:in `to_specs': Could not find sass (>= 0) amongst [bigdecimal-1.1.0, io-console-0.3, json-1.5.4, minitest-2.5.1, rake-, rdoc-3.9.4] (Gem::LoadError)
from /Users/<home-directory>/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p125/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/dependency.rb:256:in `to_spec'
from /Users/<home-directory>/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p125/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems.rb:1230:in `gem'
from /Users/<home-directory>/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p125/bin/sass:18:in `<main>'
from /Users/<home-directory>/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p125/bin/ruby_noexec_wrapper:14:in `eval'
from /Users/<home-directory>/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p125/bin/ruby_noexec_wrapper:14:in `<main>'
...and I don't know how to resolve this problem.
It looks like it just can't locate the Sass gem, but if I run gem list --local I can see sass (3.2.3, 3.2.1, 3.1.20, 3.1.17, 3.1.15) in the list of gems. BUT I do also get an error again displayed first...
Error loading RubyGems plugin "/Users/<home-directory>/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p125/gems/rubygems-bundler-0.2.8/lib/rubygems_plugin.rb": cannot load such file -- rubygems_bundler/rubygems_bundler_installer (LoadError)
I've looked around on Google and SO and found miscellaneous references to similar issues but none that helped me and my specific issue.
Can any one tell me what I need to do to resolve this issue so I can continue to use Zsh and run my Sass script.
Well, seems the answer is very simple. When using Zsh you no longer use the sh command but the zsh command.
So instead of sh sass.sh I just needed to do zsh sass.sh