Selenium server could not connect - selenium-ide

Selenium server could not connect
Description : Run the script and In Log table display the error.
Error : Selenium server could not connect, have you started the selenium server.

You should check out this link. Your settings might be trying to use webdriver to connect to a selenium server. You likely do not want this feature on, or you need to specify a valid selenium server. Follow the instructions to open the options dialog:
You're probably in "webdriver playback" mode. There are two ways to
play back tests that were recorded with Selenium IDE: using Selenium
IDE, or using Webdriver. If you're using Webdriver, you have a client
that connects to a server (sometimes a remote server), so you have to
start the server component in order to let the client (Selenium IDE)
To turn off Webdriver playback, go to the Options dialog, and uncheck
"Enable Webdriver playback". Then restart the browser you're running
Selenium IDE in.


Aws backend code debugging

I deployed my backend code(used framework is drop-wizard) in the form of jar file on AWS(Amazon Web service) server. I want to know is it possible to debug that jar file(jar file deployed on the AWS server) using eclipse on my local pc?? If yes than please display the way of how to do it??
Looking for a good response
First, you need to start your application with remote debugging
enabled. With dropwizard, you are typically starting the application
on a server with:
java -jar myapp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Change this to:
java -Xdebug -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=9999,server=y,suspend=n -jar myapp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
This sets up Java to listen for remote debugging sessions on port
9999. Make sure you choose a port that's not blocked by firewalls or
your AWS security configuration.
Next, you have to configure Eclipse to connect to the remote
application for debugging. In Eclipse, right click on the project and
select Debug, Debug Configuration. Create a new configuration of
Remote Java Application. Set the host to your AWS server and the port
to 9999, as above.
Now you should be able to set a breakpoint in your code and start a
debug session on the remote server.

Start Websphere Liberty in Debug mode and connect via Eclipse

I am searching for a way to start the Websphere Liberty profile in debug mode from the command line? I want to be able to start Liberty, so that it is listening for debug connections on a specific port. Then I would like to connect to Liberty from Eclipse, so that I can step through and debug the server code running in Liberty.
I've tried integrating Liberty into Eclipse and using the Eclipse 'Servers' view. This works great and I can start and stop Liberty using debug mode. Unfortunately, this method does not satisfy my use case because the build process uses tools external to Eclipse.
Essentially, I need a way to do this via the command line.
I tried creating a jvm.options file for Liberty and starting it, but I still can't connect to the port I specified. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but thus far I haven't figured it out.
This page has some info on jvm.options
The Administering the Liberty profile from the command prompt page describes how to do this:
[bin]$ export WLP_DEBUG_ADDRESS=7778
[bin]$ ./server debug
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 7778
You can then connect from Eclipse using Remote Debugging.

Remote Tomcat Server Configuration hangs the server startup when parameter suspend=y used

It would be great if someone can help me on this:
I configured a tomcat server for doing remote debugging using eclipse:
I used the gui for tomcat7
If I run tomcat with the command
-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n it works fine but
If I put suspend=y in the above command tomcat sert hangs in starting state and does not stop at all even after 2-3 hours.
When using suspend=y, the JVM remains suspended until a debug client connects.
To connect to the suspended Tomcat instance, you can create a new Eclipse Debug Configuration via Run->Debug Configurations. Then choose Remote Java Application. On the configuration panel, specify the host and port e.g. 8000 to connect. Finally, press Debug. This will attempt to connect to your suspended Tomcat instance. Once, the connection is made you can step through the code. (Of course, you must load that code into the Eclipse workspace)

GWT: Running the development mode code server (from Eclipse)

i am only start learning GWT by following their tutorial on
On that page, when i reach the heading Running the development mode code server (from Eclipse), i copied the generated url to my browser.
It eventually times out, says page not loading...the plugin page did not show up initially, so i manually installed the plugin...but it still times out...
On the screen, it says...
The connection was reset
The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.
If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection.
If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web
Am i missing any configurations etc?
Thanks very much in advance
It still looks like your browser is missing the GWT developer plugin. Try a different browser (preferably Chrome). You can also check the instalation of GWT in Eclipse. Look into Windows/Preferences and under Google/WebToolkit you should see checked GWT SDK. Also you can check if a jetty server runs on port 8888, when you type "netstat -na" on the command line.

Setup for PHP with FileMaker Server on Windows 7 and Apache Server

I'm trying to get PHP Web Publishing working with FMS on Windows 7 and apache server. I've clicked the link on Filemaker Server Admin Console for PHP. The Filemaker PHP Site Assistant launches, I select Create New Site and enter Test as name and enter server ip and click connect. I receive the following error:
"Publishing engine is not running on the specified server"
Also in the FileMaker Server Admin Console >General Settings it does not hold the "Automatically start web publishing engine" check box after I click it and save. It does accept and hold "Automatically start Database Server"
What am I doing wrong?
Go to this URL in a browser like FireFox that supports XML rendering:
You should get an XML listing of all of the databases on your server. If you get something else, then your Web Publishing Engine is not installed correctly, or is not running. In that case, I would recommend uninstalling and re-installing the Web Publishing Engine, or call FileMaker tech support.
Also be well aware that FMS does NOT support Apache on Windows.
Just a word of warning with FileMaker server / PHP -- ensure that your web application isn't high concurrent volume or you're going to have problems.
FileMaker Server has a very limited number of concurrent connections and the timeout value on requests makes using FileMaker Server problematic if you have a large number of concurrent sessions.