Sitecore deploy changes from local to another remote env and source controlling - version-control

I am using Sitecore 6.6.0, we have multiple environments
I have to deploy few changes directly from Local to Prod (Don't ask me why directly to PROD, even if it is for QA, my question remains same), what I am doing is create a package on my local with all items and separately create folder structure for all files related to the fix an deploy that to PROD.
There is always a chance of human error, since I will have to remember all associated items and files for a fix, so is there a better automated way, which will not skip any changed Items or Files?
On the other note I am using Bit-bucket for source controlling sitecore code what about sitecore DBs? most of the sitecore developments stays in DBs. What is the best approach to source control sitecore DBs?
Installed packages from nuget
After installing Unicorn from nuget and unicorn.default.config, I get the following error
Attempt by method 'Unicorn.Data.DataProvider.UnicornDataProvider..ctor(Unicorn.Data.ITargetDataStore, Unicorn.Data.ISourceDataStore, Unicorn.Predicates.IPredicate, Rainbow.Filtering.IFieldFilter, Unicorn.Data.DataProvider.IUnicornDataProviderLogger, Unicorn.Data.DataProvider.IUnicornDataProviderConfiguration, Unicorn.Predicates.PredicateRootPathResolver)' to access method 'System.Action`1<System.__Canon>..ctor(System.Object, IntPtr)' failed.
Further after following the ReadMe on Github
When I do a sync on site/unicorn.aspx.
[P] Auto-publishing of synced items is beginning.
ERROR: Method not found: 'Sitecore.Publishing.Pipelines.Publish.PublishResult Sitecore.Publishing.Publisher.PublishWithResult()'. (System.MissingMethodException)
at Unicorn.Publishing.ManualPublishQueueHandler.PublishQueuedItems(Item triggerItem, Database[] targets, IProgressStatus progress)
at Unicorn.Pipelines.UnicornSyncEnd.TriggerAutoPublishSyncedItems.Process(UnicornSyncEndPipelineArgs args)
at (Object , Object[] )
at Sitecore.Pipelines.CorePipeline.Run(PipelineArgs args)
at Unicorn.ControlPanel.SyncConsole.Process(IProgressStatus progress)
For older sitecore versions (pre 7.2 iirc) you need to disable the auto
publish config file as it relies on a method added later by sitecore.

In order to track the database changes you are making, you will first need to install software that will be able to help you serialize your changes and store in source control. Team Development for Sitecore (TDS) and Unicorn are the two most popular options.
You will also want to make sure you have your own local database where you are making your changes so you can isolate those changes from your QA, PROD, etc. allowing you to maintain the same level of isolation you do for developing code.
Automation of this process helps reduce the human error you mention for the deployment by introducing a repeatable and known process. Here are a few blogs that can help you get started:
Jason Bert - Continuous Deployment (Git/TDS/TeamCity)
Jason St-Cyr - Automating with TeamCity and TFS (TFS/TDS/Team Build)
Andrew Lansdowne - Auto deploy Sitecore Items using Unicorn and TeamCity (Unicorn/TeamCity)
Brian Beckham - TDS and Build Configurations
You may also want to look into configuration transforms to support different values in your Sitecore Include patch files. SlowCheetah plugin will let create the transforms in Visual Studio (it might be in Visual Studio 2015 now...). TDS can pick up those transforms automatically and execute them on the build server for you, or you can do it with Visual Studio itself to create published packages.

For Sitecore versioning and deployment Unicorn is also a good option.


VSTS (TFVC): customising builds and hosting NuGet packages

We are still using an in-house TFS 2012 server but I'm now looking at moving to VSTS. I have a couple of questions though:
Years ago I customised our build process template to perform a number of additional tasks, and I was wondering if VSTS builds can be customised in a similar way, specifically to do what we currently do:
Run StyleCop
Change the version number in every AssemblyInfo.cs file in the solution prior to building (the major and minor numbers are specified in the build definition).
Run a batch file at the end of the build which runs an InnoSetup script to create a "setup.exe" file (the batch filename is againspecified in the build definition).
(The first two are (I think) DLLs that came from the now defunct site).
Second question: we currently have an in-house NuGet repository. Am I right in saying I could host this on VSTS instead? And will that be accessible both to VSTS builds and our dev team?
The newer build system is fully extensible. You can simply add "Command Line", "Batch File", or "PowerShell" tasks to run whatever commands you'd like during your build process. Any customizations you made to your XAML build process templates will have to be ported manually, but it's entirely possible that someone has created free extensions that are available to install from the VSTS marketplace that replicate the behavior you're seeking.
VSTS supports package management feeds. It's an extension and requires additional licensing, but the simple answer to your question is "yes".

Octopus deploy, I need to deploy all packages up till latest on promotion to QA

Here is the story, I am using RedGate SqlCompare to generate update scripts for my Dev env, each package contains only changes from current Dev version to Latest in source control.
Here is an example:
I create a table (package-0.1) -> Deploy to DevDB
I add Columns (package-0.2) -> Deploy to DevDB
I renamed some Column (package-0.3) -> Deploy to DevDB
But once I want to promote it to QA it causes me problem because it promotes only latest package-0.3 that contains only part of the changes (renaming of the column)
So I am looking for a way to deploy all the packages prior to current on Promotion if it is possible.
By now I solved that by creating custom package that contains all the change scripts, but is it possible to solve that with Octopus?
each package contains only changes from current Dev version to Latest
The way you do it is going to be painful for you as SQL Compare takes a state based approach. What you want to apply is the migrations based approach. You can see Alex's post on the difference between two approaches.
SQL Source Control 5 will come with a better migrations approach which will work with SQL Compare command line tool and DLM Automation tools. However, beta is closed right now unfortunately but I suggest you to contact the team through the e-mail address provided there.
The other option you have is ReadyRoll which has the pure migrations based approach. You can see this post on its octopus deploy integration.

Automated Building and Release Management VS2012

Trying to make my life easier, Currently we have 4 developers working in Visual Studio 2012 and we are using TFS 2012 for source control. The project we work on is a multi-tenant web application (single source directory with multiple dbs) that is a mixture of legacy, asp and vb6 com components, coupled with new C# code. We use TFS for source control and for managing User Stories and Bugs. Because of the way our site works it can not be ran or debugged locally only on the server.
Source Control is currently setup with a separate branch for each developer that's working directory is mapped to a shared network path on the dev server that has a web site pointed to it in IIS. Dev01-Dev05 etc. The developers work on projects in their branch test it using their dev website, then check in changes to their own branch and merge those into the trunk. The trunk's work space is mapped to the main dev website so that the developers can test their changes against the other customer's dev domains to test against customizations and variances in functionality based on the specific dbs the are connected to.
Very long explanation but basically each dev has a branch and a site, that are then merged into the trunk with its own site.
In order to deploy our staging server:
I compile the trunk's website via a bat file on the server
Run a windows app I built to query TFS for changesets associated with
specific WorkItems in a certain status, and copy all the files for
those changesets from the publish folder to a deployment folder.
Run another bat file on the server to use RedGate's Deployment Manager
to create a package from those new files
Go to the DM site on our network to create and deploy that release (haven't been able to get the command line tools to work for this, so I have to do it manually)
Run any SQL scripts that have been saved off in Folders that match ticket numbers on each database (10 or so customer dbs) to support the release
I have tried using TFS automated build stuff and never really got it to build the website correctly. Played around with Cruise Control also with little success. Using a mishmash of skunk works projects to do this is very time consuming and unreliable at best.
My perfect scenario would be:
Gated Checkin, Attempt build/publish every time a developer merges into the trunk, rejects and notifies developer if the build fails.
End of the day collect the TFS Items of a certain status and deploys files associated with them to the staging site
Deploy SQL scripts for those TFS items across all the customer dbs in staging
Eventually* run automated regression UI tests, create new WorkItems or emails to devs if failed
Update TFS WorkItems to new state so QA/Customers know their items are ready to test in our staging environment
Send report of what items were deployed successfully
How can I get here so that I am not spending hours preparing and deploying releases to staging and eventually production? Pretty open to potential solutions, things that would be hard to change would be the source control we are using, can't really switch to subversion or something else so we are pretty stuck with TFS.
Went back in and started trying to get TFS to build/publish my web solution. I was able to get a build to complete successfully. adding msbuild argument /p:DeployOnBuild=True and setting the msbuild platform to x86 seemed to do the trick on that.
Then I found which gives you a build process template to do the package and deployment using the redgate tools. After playing with that for a bit I finally got it to create, package and deploy my build to our staging environment.
Next up will be to modify the template to run some custom scripts to collect only the correct items to deploy, deploy all the sql files and then to set the workitems to the appropriate statuses after completion.
Really detailed description of your process. Thanks for sharing!
I believe you can set up TFS to have gated check-in on a single branch, which if you can setup on trunk would make sure that the merges built successfully. That could trigger msbuild, if you can get that working or a custom build job.
If you can get that working then you'd be able to use that trunk code as the artifact to send to Deployment Manager. That avoids having to assemble the files for deployment through the TFS change sets, as you'd be confident that the trunk could always build.
Are you using Deployment Manager to deploy the database from source control as well as the application?
That could be a way to further automate the process. SQL Source Control and SQL CI allow you to source control the structure of a database, keep a database up to date on each check-in, and run database unit tests. They also produce database packages for Deployment Manager, so you can deploy a release that contains both the application and the database.
If you want to send me the command you're using in step 4 to deploy the release using Deployment Manager I can help out with that. The commands I use are:
DeploymentManager.exe --create-release --server=http://localhost:81 --project="Project Name" --apiKey=XXXXXXXXXXX--version=1.1
DeploymentManager.exe --deploy-release --server=http://localhost:81 --project="Project Name" --apiKey=XXXXXXXXXXX--version=1.1 --deployto=CI-Environment-Name
That will create a release version 1.1 using the latest available packages for that project. You can optionally specify the package to be used when creating the release with
--packageversion=<package name>=<version>

is there a deploy tool (or set of tools) that supports rollback of a deployment?

I'm learning FluentMigrator. The thing that I like about FM is that it supports the idea of Forward and Back for migrations (aka Up/Down). I'm finding that it's not ideal about this; there are some holes. Still, it's good.
This leads me to wonder if there are any deployment tools (nant, msbuild or other) that support this idea of rolling forward and back. The scenario that I'm using it in is the deployment of a web app with a related database.
Ideally I'd like to set up my deployment so that, should any part of it fail, it will revert to the previous known working configuration. With FM, this is pretty easy to do (but there are rough spots), so that covers the db. How about the files that make up the web app? Do any deploy tools have support for this?
Deploying to a Windows Server. Assume that I can't make any changes to the server.
I don't know of any Microsoft-centric, automated provisioning/deployment tools like Capistrano. Here are some tools I've heard of, but never used:
MSDeploy, for deploying web application.
Microsoft Deployment Services, for managing operating system configuration
Microsoft's System Center Configuration Manager
HP's Operations Center
Up until about three months ago, we did our deployment/provisioning using custom MSBuild scripts. After a server is provisioned, deploys happen automatically using Robocopy to copy files to a share on the application server, updating changed application binaries and markup files. We've never had a need to rollback any of our deployments, but since our scripts are custom, we could write the logic if we needed to.
MSBuild is a terrible deployment/provisioning language. For the past three months, we've been writing all new scripts in, and porting existing ones to, PowerShell. It is wonderful. With version 2, there is support for running commands on remote servers, like SSH. We haven't used that functionality yet, but I'm looking forward to pushing setup scripts to remote server to provision and deploy at the same time.
We have been using Git to do our deploys for the last 6 months.
Here is the whole process:
CI server build the project
CI server checks it in to a local git repository
CI server pushes the changes to the centralised git repository
User creates an empty repository on the live server
User adds the central git repository to the remotes
User pulls the latest version over https (no need to open any ports)
It is a lot to setup in the beginning but once setup it works great. Deploys take seconds as only changed files get copied.
Another great thing about this method is that git keeps history of changes so rolling back is pretty simple. You can also roll back a few revisions and it's done straight on the live server. If something goes wrong reverting is super fast.
Also you can save some time if you use a hosted git service (github) for your central repository.
This is a very brief description but I can give you more info if you want.
Of course! My favorite is Capistrano. This was originally built for Ruby but I've found that it works just as well for other languages.

What is a typical workflow to put my local MVC3 project on to a "live server"?

I develop on my local machine with VS2010 and SQL Server. Naturally, my web.config points to my local SQL Server and I can debug/development and all is well. Unfortunately, I am not entirely sure on how to go about deploying my code to a live server.
Currently, my live server consists of a virtual machine (my site is accessible from the internet). When I'm ready to put my changes on the live server I publish my app (right click on solution explorer -> publish). Then I go to the directory it publishes to and dump all the files into a network share that goes to my site on the live server. On the initial copy over, I have to manually edit the web.config so that the connection string points to the SQL Server on the live server instead of my local machine. So this is my first stumbling block. How can I easily manage development settings and "live" settings in the web.config?
Now, I also use version control (Kiln). Can I possibly tag a changeset and have it automatically deployed to my live server somehow? Let's say someone submits a bug and I fix it. I push my changeset and now Kiln has the latest version of my code with the bug fix. What's the best way to get these changes on to a live server?
I'm unable to find any documentation that covers the entire workflow but I feel like there has go to be a better way. Surely, something like this can be accomplished without having to manually edit the web.config everytime I publish and pray to the computer Gods that I didn't miss something in the connection string.
It's just me so I have complete control over all of my environments, including the server and what's accessible via the internet, and anything is possible if only I knew what to do.
How can I easily manage development settings and "live" settings in the web.config?
Re: With VS 2010 web.config transformations, it is quite easy. Please take a look at this blog:
For VS 2008 or older, we used to have multiple config file based on environment and we used to create Debug/Release/DevTest/UAT/PROD release configuration and then in the post build event we used to replace the web.config with the release configuration based config. For example - if you build the project using "Prod" release configuration then we copy the PROD web.config to the publishing folder.
Now, I also use version control (Kiln).
Can I possibly tag a changeset and have it automatically deployed to my live server somehow? Let's say someone submits a bug and I fix it. I push my changeset and now Kiln has the latest version of my code with the bug fix. What's the best way to get these changes on to a live server?
Re: Source control and publishing to live server are two different things. The first question you are asking here related to how you manage multiple releases and have control over bug fixes for each release. The way I would do it is I will have PROD branch in my source control which will be the first release and for every major release I will sub branch it to have more control over e-fixes.
For the other question about how to get it to live server, it depends on your environment. We do it differently based on how customer environment is setup. If they have given us the FTP, we use that or otherwise we package the application into an MSI and then deploy it to UAT.. Until UAT signoff is done, we keep on updating the MSI. Once signoff received, the MSI goes to PROD.
Hope this helps.