Why does this code do work: "map.apply(1)+=3" - scala

val map = scala.collection.mutable.Map(1 -> 2)
map(1) += 3
map.apply(1) += 3
I don't understand why the codes are all compiling fine.
In the first case, I think the code is expanded to map(1) = map(1) + 3, and to map.update(1, map(1) + 3).
But in the second and third cases,
map.apply(1) = map.apply(1) + 3 causes a compilation error, of cause.
How are the second and third code expanded to?

Running :replay -Xprint:typer from the scala console:
1) map(1) += 3 expands to:
map.update(1, map.apply(1).+(3))
2) map.apply(1) += 3 expands to:
map.update(1, map.apply(1).+(3))
3) (map.apply(1)).+=(3) expands to:
map.update(1, map.apply(1).+(3))
EDIT Answer to the question in the comments
If all three expansions are the same, why second and third causes a compilation error?
The second and third: map.apply(1) += 3 and (map.apply(1)).+=(3) are compiling fine and are also equivalent.
What I tried to prove with my answer is that: map.apply(1) += 3 doesn't expand to map.apply(1) = map.apply(1) + 3 as explained by #som-snytt in the first part of his answer.
BTW map(1) = map(1) + 3 does not expands to map.update(1, map(1) + 3) as stated in the question.
I hope this clarify my answer.

The rule for update is in the spec under assignments, and expansion of assignment operators here.
The question is why is explicit m.apply not taken as m() for purposes of the update rule.
The two forms are supposed to be equivalent.
Someone just debated update syntax with examples.
scala> import reflect.runtime.universe._
import reflect.runtime.universe._
scala> val map = scala.collection.mutable.Map(1 -> 2)
map: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 2)
scala> reify(map(1) += 3)
res0: reflect.runtime.universe.Expr[Unit] = Expr[Unit]($read.map.update(1, $read.map.apply(1).$plus(3)))
scala> reify(map.apply(1) += 3)
res1: reflect.runtime.universe.Expr[Unit] = Expr[Unit]($read.map.update(1, $read.map.apply(1).$plus(3)))
scala> reify(map(1) = map(1) + 3)
res2: reflect.runtime.universe.Expr[Unit] = Expr[Unit]($read.map.update(1, $read.map.apply(1).$plus(3)))
scala> reify(map.apply(1) = map.apply(1) + 3)
<console>:16: error: missing argument list for method apply in trait MapLike
Unapplied methods are only converted to functions when a function type is expected.
You can make this conversion explicit by writing `apply _` or `apply(_)` instead of `apply`.
reify(map.apply(1) = map.apply(1) + 3)
scala> map.apply.update(1, map.apply(1) + 3)
<console>:16: error: missing argument list for method apply in trait MapLike
Unapplied methods are only converted to functions when a function type is expected.
You can make this conversion explicit by writing `apply _` or `apply(_)` instead of `apply`.
map.apply.update(1, map.apply(1) + 3)
Edit: FWIW, that's just how it is.
This is the anomaly:
scala> val m = collection.mutable.Map(1->2)
m: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 2)
scala> m(1) = m(1) + 3
scala> m(1) += 3
scala> m.apply(1) += 3
scala> m.apply(1) = m.apply(1) + 3
<console>:13: error: missing argument list for method apply in trait MapLike
Unapplied methods are only converted to functions when a function type is expected.
You can make this conversion explicit by writing `apply _` or `apply(_)` instead of `apply`.
m.apply(1) = m.apply(1) + 3
Since these expressions are all equivalent, they should all compile to an invocation of update.
The last expression fails to typecheck because the compiler does a mechanical rewrite to m.apply.update(1, m.apply(1) + 3) instead of m.update.
The explanation in gitter chat is that, well, the compiler isn't required to be smart enough to recognize m.apply(1) as m(1) in this context. After all, possibly ambiguities ensue. What if apply is parameterless and returns a value with an update method? Do you take m.apply(1) as m(1) only if it doesn't typecheck otherwise?
It's clear that, by the spec, m(1) += ??? is expanded to m(1) = m(1) + ??? and then converted to m.update(1, m(1) + ???).
In the code, the two transformations (converting op= to x = x op expr and x(1) = ??? to x.update(1, ???)) are compressed:
Deciding if something is mutable
On error with op=, attempt conversion to assignment
Converting to update (or to plain assignment).
It might be possible to work around the limitation in the implementation, but it's not obvious that it would spec nicely (as above, where apply might be paramless).
Then should m.apply(1) += 3 fail to compile, for symmetry? If the compiler worked harder to retain the source expression, it could at least be more consistent in this case.

FWIW, this works in 2.12.0-M3
Welcome to Scala 2.12.0-M3 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_66).
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scala> val map = scala.collection.mutable.Map(1 -> 2)
map: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 2)
scala> map(1) += 3
scala> map
res1: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 5)
scala> map.apply(1) += 3
scala> map
res3: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 8)
scala> (map.apply(1)).+=(3)
scala> map
res5: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 11)


How is the placeholder different to an explicit parameter in lambda functions? [duplicate]

I want to iterate over a list of values using a beautiful one-liner in Scala.
For example, this one works well:
scala> val x = List(1,2,3,4)
x: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
scala> x foreach println
But if I use the placeholder _, it gives me an error:
scala> x foreach println(_ + 1)
<console>:6: error: missing parameter type for expanded function ((x$1) =>x$1.$plus(1))
x foreach println(_ + 1)
Why is that? Can't compiler infer type here?
x foreach println(_ + 1)
is equivalent to this:
x.foreach(println(x$1 => x$1 + 1))
There's no indication as to what might be the type of x$1, and, to be honest, it doesn't make any sense to print a function.
You obviously (to me) meant to print x$0 + 1, where x$0 would the the parameter passed by foreach, instead. But, let's consider this... foreach takes, as a parameter, a Function1[T, Unit], where T is the type parameter of the list. What you are passing to foreach instead is println(_ + 1), which is an expression that returns Unit.
If you wrote, instead x foreach println, you'd be passing a completely different thing. You'd be passing the function(*) println, which takes Any and returns Unit, fitting, therefore, the requirements of foreach.
This gets slightly confused because of the rules of expansion of _. It expands to the innermost expression delimiter (parenthesis or curly braces), except if they are in place of a parameter, in which case it means a different thing: partial function application.
To explain this better, look at these examples:
def f(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int) = a + b + c
val g: Int => Int = f(_, 2, 3) // Partial function application
Here, we applies the second and third arguments to f, and returned a function requiring just the remaining argument. Note that it only worked as is because I indicated the type of g, otherwise I'd have to indicate the type of the argument I was not applying. Let's continue:
val h: Int => Int = _ + 1 // Anonymous function, expands to (x$1: Int => x$1 + 1)
val i: Int => Int = (_ + 1) // Same thing, because the parenthesis are dropped here
val j: Int => Int = 1 + (_ + 1) // doesn't work, because it expands to 1 + (x$1 => x$1 + 1), so it misses the type of `x$1`
val k: Int => Int = 1 + ((_: Int) + 1) // doesn't work, because it expands to 1 + (x$1: Int => x$1 + 1), so you are adding a function to an `Int`, but this operation doesn't exist
Let discuss k in more detail, because this is a very important point. Recall that g is a function Int => Int, right? So, if I were to type 1 + g, would that make any sense? That's what was done in k.
What confuses people is that what they really wanted was:
val j: Int => Int = x$1 => 1 + (x$1 + 1)
In other words, they want the x$1 replacing _ to jump to outside the parenthesis, and to the proper place. The problem here is that, while it may seem obvious to them what the proper place is, it is not obvious to the compiler. Consider this example, for instance:
def findKeywords(keywords: List[String], sentence: List[String]) = sentence.filter(keywords contains _.map(_.toLowerCase))
Now, if we were to expand this to outside the parenthesis, we would get this:
def findKeywords(keywords: List[String], sentence: List[String]) = (x$1, x$2) => sentence.filter(keywords contains x$1.map(x$2.toLowerCase))
Which is definitely not what we want. In fact, if the _ did not get bounded by the innermost expression delimiter, one could never use _ with nested map, flatMap, filter and foreach.
Now, back to the confusion between anonymous function and partial application, look here:
List(1,2,3,4) foreach println(_) // doesn't work
List(1,2,3,4) foreach (println(_)) // works
List(1,2,3,4) foreach (println(_ + 1)) // doesn't work
The first line doesn't work because of how operation notation works. Scala just sees that println returns Unit, which is not what foreachexpects.
The second line works because the parenthesis let Scala evaluate println(_) as a whole. It is a partial function application, so it returns Any => Unit, which is acceptable.
The third line doesn't work because _ + 1 is anonymous function, which you are passing as a parameter to println. You are not making println part of an anonymous function, which is what you wanted.
Finally, what few people expect:
List(1,2,3,4) foreach (Console println _ + 1)
This works. Why it does is left as an exercise to the reader. :-)
(*) Actually, println is a method. When you write x foreach println, you are not passing a method, because methods can't be passed. Instead, Scala creates a closure and passes it. It expands like this:
x.foreach(new Function1[Any,Unit] { def apply(x$1: Any): Unit = Console.println(x$1) })
The underscore is a bit tricky. According to the spec, the phrase:
_ + 1
is equivalent to
x => x + 1
x foreach println (y => y + 1)
<console>:6: error: missing parameter type
x foreach println (y => y + 1)
If you add some types in:
x foreach( println((y:Int) => y + 1))
<console>:6: error: type mismatch;
found : Unit
required: (Int) => Unit
x foreach( println((y:Int) => y + 1))
The problem is that you are passing an anonymous function to println and it's not able to deal with it. What you really want to do (if you are trying to print the successor to each item in the list) is:
x map (_+1) foreach println
scala> for(x <- List(1,2,3,4)) println(x + 1)
There is a strange limitation in Scala for the nesting depth of expressions with underscore. It's well seen on the following example:
scala> List(1) map(1+_)
res3: List[Int] = List(2)
scala> Some(1) map (1+(1+_))
<console>:5: error: missing parameter type for expanded function ((x$1) => 1.+(x$1))
Some(1) map (1+(1+_))
Looks like a bug for me.
Welcome to Scala version 2.8.0.Beta1-prerelease (Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM, Java 1.6.0_17).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
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scala> val l1 = List(1, 2, 3)
l1: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
scala> l1.foreach(println(_))

Why doesn't the scala compiler recognize this as a tuple?

If I create a map:
val m = Map((4, 3))
And try to add a new key value pair:
val m_prime = m + (1, 5)
I get:
error: type mismatch;
found : Int(1)
required: (Int, ?)
val m_prime = m + (1, 5)
If I do:
val m_prime = m + ((1, 5))
val m_prime = m + (1 -> 5)
Then it works. Why doesn't the compiler accept the first example?
I am using 2.10.2
This is indeed very annoying (I run into this frequently). First of all, the + method comes from a general collection trait, taking only one argument—the collection's element type. Map's element type is the pair (A, B). However, Scala interprets the parentheses here as method call parentheses, not a tuple constructor. The explanation is shown in the next section.
To solve this, you can either avoid tuple syntax and use the arrow association key -> value instead, or use double parentheses, or use method updated which is specific to Map. updated does the same as + but takes key and value as separate arguments:
val m_prime = m updated (1, 5)
Still it is unclear why Scala fails here, as in general infix syntax should work and not expect parentheses. It appears that this particular case is broken because of a method overloading: There is a second + method that takes a variable number of tuple arguments.
trait Foo {
def +(tup: (Int, Int)): Foo
def test1(f: Foo) = f + (1, 2) // yes, it works!
trait Baz extends Foo {
def +(tups: (Int, Int)*): Foo // overloaded
def test2(b: Baz) = b + (1, 2) // boom. we broke it.
My interpretation is that with the vararg version added, there is now an ambiguity: Is (a, b) a Tuple2 or a list of two arguments a and b (even if a and b are not of type Tuple2, perhaps the compiler would start looking for an implicit conversion). The only way to resolve the ambiguity is to use either of the three approaches described above.

Not sure where my assignment is going

I ran into some issues today making assignments to a var field in a case class instance stored in a map. Here's a simple session in the repl demonstrating the problem:
scala> case class X(var x: Int)
defined class X
scala> val m = Map('x -> X(1))
m: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Symbol,X] = Map('x -> X(1))
scala> m
res0: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Symbol,X] = Map('x -> X(1))
scala> m('x).x = 7
scala> m
res1: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Symbol,X] = Map('x -> X(1))
scala> val x = m('x)
x: X = X(1)
scala> x.x = 7
x.x: Int = 7
scala> x
res2: X = X(7)
scala> m
res3: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Symbol,X] = Map('x -> X(7))
scala> m('x).x_=(8)
scala> m
res5: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Symbol,X] = Map('x -> X(8))
The first attempt at assignment does nothing. However, storing the instance in a val and then doing the assignment works, as does directly calling the assignment method for the field.
I'm using Scala 2.9.2.
If this is expected behavior, it would be nice if someone could explain it to me because I can't seem to make sense of it right now. If this is a bug then that would be good to know as well.
Either way, it would also be interesting to know where that first m('x).x = 7 assignment is going. I assume something is getting mutated somewhere—I just have no idea what that something could be.
Update: It looks like this only happens in the repl. I just tried compiling the code and the assignment happens as expected. So, what is the repl doing to my assignment?
This seems to be a bug. If one executes this with a 2.10 nightly an error message is thrown:
scala> m('x).x = 7
<console>:10: error: ')' expected but string literal found.
+ "m(scala.Symbol("x")).x: Int = " + `$ires0` + "\n"
I created a ticket for this.

Why does leaving the dot out in foldLeft cause a compilation error?

Can anyone explain why I see this compile error for the following when I omit the dot notation for applying the foldLeft function?(version 2.9.2)
scala> val l = List(1, 2, 3)
res19: List[Int] = List(1 ,2 ,3)
scala> l foldLeft(1)(_ * _)
<console>:9: error: Int(1) does not take parameters
l foldLeft(1)(_ * _)
scala> l.foldLeft(1)(_ * _)
res27: Int = 6
This doesn't hold true for other higher order functions such as map which doesn't seem to care whether I supply the dot or not.
I don't think its an associativity thing because I can't just invoke foldLeft(1)
It's because foldLeft is curried. As well as using the dot notation, you can also fix this by adding parentheses:
scala> (l foldLeft 1)(_ * _)
res3: Int = 6
Oh - and regarding your comment about not being able to invoke foldLeft(l), you can, but you need to partially apply it like this:
scala> (l foldLeft 1) _
res3: ((Int, Int) => Int) => Int = <function1>
Omitting the dot is possible because of scala's syntactic support for the infix notation, which expects 3 parts:
leftOperand operator rightOperand.
But because foldLeft had two list of parameters, you end up with 4 parts at the syntactic level: l foldLeft (1) (_ * _)
Which does not fit infix notation, hence the error.

Scala foreach strange behaviour

I want to iterate over a list of values using a beautiful one-liner in Scala.
For example, this one works well:
scala> val x = List(1,2,3,4)
x: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
scala> x foreach println
But if I use the placeholder _, it gives me an error:
scala> x foreach println(_ + 1)
<console>:6: error: missing parameter type for expanded function ((x$1) =>x$1.$plus(1))
x foreach println(_ + 1)
Why is that? Can't compiler infer type here?
x foreach println(_ + 1)
is equivalent to this:
x.foreach(println(x$1 => x$1 + 1))
There's no indication as to what might be the type of x$1, and, to be honest, it doesn't make any sense to print a function.
You obviously (to me) meant to print x$0 + 1, where x$0 would the the parameter passed by foreach, instead. But, let's consider this... foreach takes, as a parameter, a Function1[T, Unit], where T is the type parameter of the list. What you are passing to foreach instead is println(_ + 1), which is an expression that returns Unit.
If you wrote, instead x foreach println, you'd be passing a completely different thing. You'd be passing the function(*) println, which takes Any and returns Unit, fitting, therefore, the requirements of foreach.
This gets slightly confused because of the rules of expansion of _. It expands to the innermost expression delimiter (parenthesis or curly braces), except if they are in place of a parameter, in which case it means a different thing: partial function application.
To explain this better, look at these examples:
def f(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int) = a + b + c
val g: Int => Int = f(_, 2, 3) // Partial function application
Here, we applies the second and third arguments to f, and returned a function requiring just the remaining argument. Note that it only worked as is because I indicated the type of g, otherwise I'd have to indicate the type of the argument I was not applying. Let's continue:
val h: Int => Int = _ + 1 // Anonymous function, expands to (x$1: Int => x$1 + 1)
val i: Int => Int = (_ + 1) // Same thing, because the parenthesis are dropped here
val j: Int => Int = 1 + (_ + 1) // doesn't work, because it expands to 1 + (x$1 => x$1 + 1), so it misses the type of `x$1`
val k: Int => Int = 1 + ((_: Int) + 1) // doesn't work, because it expands to 1 + (x$1: Int => x$1 + 1), so you are adding a function to an `Int`, but this operation doesn't exist
Let discuss k in more detail, because this is a very important point. Recall that g is a function Int => Int, right? So, if I were to type 1 + g, would that make any sense? That's what was done in k.
What confuses people is that what they really wanted was:
val j: Int => Int = x$1 => 1 + (x$1 + 1)
In other words, they want the x$1 replacing _ to jump to outside the parenthesis, and to the proper place. The problem here is that, while it may seem obvious to them what the proper place is, it is not obvious to the compiler. Consider this example, for instance:
def findKeywords(keywords: List[String], sentence: List[String]) = sentence.filter(keywords contains _.map(_.toLowerCase))
Now, if we were to expand this to outside the parenthesis, we would get this:
def findKeywords(keywords: List[String], sentence: List[String]) = (x$1, x$2) => sentence.filter(keywords contains x$1.map(x$2.toLowerCase))
Which is definitely not what we want. In fact, if the _ did not get bounded by the innermost expression delimiter, one could never use _ with nested map, flatMap, filter and foreach.
Now, back to the confusion between anonymous function and partial application, look here:
List(1,2,3,4) foreach println(_) // doesn't work
List(1,2,3,4) foreach (println(_)) // works
List(1,2,3,4) foreach (println(_ + 1)) // doesn't work
The first line doesn't work because of how operation notation works. Scala just sees that println returns Unit, which is not what foreachexpects.
The second line works because the parenthesis let Scala evaluate println(_) as a whole. It is a partial function application, so it returns Any => Unit, which is acceptable.
The third line doesn't work because _ + 1 is anonymous function, which you are passing as a parameter to println. You are not making println part of an anonymous function, which is what you wanted.
Finally, what few people expect:
List(1,2,3,4) foreach (Console println _ + 1)
This works. Why it does is left as an exercise to the reader. :-)
(*) Actually, println is a method. When you write x foreach println, you are not passing a method, because methods can't be passed. Instead, Scala creates a closure and passes it. It expands like this:
x.foreach(new Function1[Any,Unit] { def apply(x$1: Any): Unit = Console.println(x$1) })
The underscore is a bit tricky. According to the spec, the phrase:
_ + 1
is equivalent to
x => x + 1
x foreach println (y => y + 1)
<console>:6: error: missing parameter type
x foreach println (y => y + 1)
If you add some types in:
x foreach( println((y:Int) => y + 1))
<console>:6: error: type mismatch;
found : Unit
required: (Int) => Unit
x foreach( println((y:Int) => y + 1))
The problem is that you are passing an anonymous function to println and it's not able to deal with it. What you really want to do (if you are trying to print the successor to each item in the list) is:
x map (_+1) foreach println
scala> for(x <- List(1,2,3,4)) println(x + 1)
There is a strange limitation in Scala for the nesting depth of expressions with underscore. It's well seen on the following example:
scala> List(1) map(1+_)
res3: List[Int] = List(2)
scala> Some(1) map (1+(1+_))
<console>:5: error: missing parameter type for expanded function ((x$1) => 1.+(x$1))
Some(1) map (1+(1+_))
Looks like a bug for me.
Welcome to Scala version 2.8.0.Beta1-prerelease (Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM, Java 1.6.0_17).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.
scala> val l1 = List(1, 2, 3)
l1: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
scala> l1.foreach(println(_))