Why doesn't the scala compiler recognize this as a tuple? - scala

If I create a map:
val m = Map((4, 3))
And try to add a new key value pair:
val m_prime = m + (1, 5)
I get:
error: type mismatch;
found : Int(1)
required: (Int, ?)
val m_prime = m + (1, 5)
If I do:
val m_prime = m + ((1, 5))
val m_prime = m + (1 -> 5)
Then it works. Why doesn't the compiler accept the first example?
I am using 2.10.2

This is indeed very annoying (I run into this frequently). First of all, the + method comes from a general collection trait, taking only one argument—the collection's element type. Map's element type is the pair (A, B). However, Scala interprets the parentheses here as method call parentheses, not a tuple constructor. The explanation is shown in the next section.
To solve this, you can either avoid tuple syntax and use the arrow association key -> value instead, or use double parentheses, or use method updated which is specific to Map. updated does the same as + but takes key and value as separate arguments:
val m_prime = m updated (1, 5)
Still it is unclear why Scala fails here, as in general infix syntax should work and not expect parentheses. It appears that this particular case is broken because of a method overloading: There is a second + method that takes a variable number of tuple arguments.
trait Foo {
def +(tup: (Int, Int)): Foo
def test1(f: Foo) = f + (1, 2) // yes, it works!
trait Baz extends Foo {
def +(tups: (Int, Int)*): Foo // overloaded
def test2(b: Baz) = b + (1, 2) // boom. we broke it.
My interpretation is that with the vararg version added, there is now an ambiguity: Is (a, b) a Tuple2 or a list of two arguments a and b (even if a and b are not of type Tuple2, perhaps the compiler would start looking for an implicit conversion). The only way to resolve the ambiguity is to use either of the three approaches described above.


Variable Function: Sum elements of List

Why Line 1 and 2 works, but 3 fail ?¿:
val sum1= (a: Int, b: Int, c: Int) => a + b + c //OK
List(1,2,3).reduceLeft(_+_) //OK
val sum2 =(x: List) =>x.reduceLeft(_+_) //Fail
You have to add the element type to x: List, so it becomes List[Int] or List[Double]. List itself is a raw type, which is illegal in Scala. Without the type annotation, the compiler also does not know what the + operator means in the reduceLeft(_+_) part, so it has to produce an error.
The compiler is missing proof that the underlying objects inside List are a type that defines the + operator. Here's a nice way to use the underlying Scala lib to define a method that is capable of adding a List of any numerical type.
For this, you don't even need reduce, as Scala already defines sum. List is a higher kinded type construcotr, more details here.
def addList[T : Numeric](list: List[T]): T = list.sum

How is the placeholder different to an explicit parameter in lambda functions? [duplicate]

I want to iterate over a list of values using a beautiful one-liner in Scala.
For example, this one works well:
scala> val x = List(1,2,3,4)
x: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
scala> x foreach println
But if I use the placeholder _, it gives me an error:
scala> x foreach println(_ + 1)
<console>:6: error: missing parameter type for expanded function ((x$1) =>x$1.$plus(1))
x foreach println(_ + 1)
Why is that? Can't compiler infer type here?
x foreach println(_ + 1)
is equivalent to this:
x.foreach(println(x$1 => x$1 + 1))
There's no indication as to what might be the type of x$1, and, to be honest, it doesn't make any sense to print a function.
You obviously (to me) meant to print x$0 + 1, where x$0 would the the parameter passed by foreach, instead. But, let's consider this... foreach takes, as a parameter, a Function1[T, Unit], where T is the type parameter of the list. What you are passing to foreach instead is println(_ + 1), which is an expression that returns Unit.
If you wrote, instead x foreach println, you'd be passing a completely different thing. You'd be passing the function(*) println, which takes Any and returns Unit, fitting, therefore, the requirements of foreach.
This gets slightly confused because of the rules of expansion of _. It expands to the innermost expression delimiter (parenthesis or curly braces), except if they are in place of a parameter, in which case it means a different thing: partial function application.
To explain this better, look at these examples:
def f(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int) = a + b + c
val g: Int => Int = f(_, 2, 3) // Partial function application
Here, we applies the second and third arguments to f, and returned a function requiring just the remaining argument. Note that it only worked as is because I indicated the type of g, otherwise I'd have to indicate the type of the argument I was not applying. Let's continue:
val h: Int => Int = _ + 1 // Anonymous function, expands to (x$1: Int => x$1 + 1)
val i: Int => Int = (_ + 1) // Same thing, because the parenthesis are dropped here
val j: Int => Int = 1 + (_ + 1) // doesn't work, because it expands to 1 + (x$1 => x$1 + 1), so it misses the type of `x$1`
val k: Int => Int = 1 + ((_: Int) + 1) // doesn't work, because it expands to 1 + (x$1: Int => x$1 + 1), so you are adding a function to an `Int`, but this operation doesn't exist
Let discuss k in more detail, because this is a very important point. Recall that g is a function Int => Int, right? So, if I were to type 1 + g, would that make any sense? That's what was done in k.
What confuses people is that what they really wanted was:
val j: Int => Int = x$1 => 1 + (x$1 + 1)
In other words, they want the x$1 replacing _ to jump to outside the parenthesis, and to the proper place. The problem here is that, while it may seem obvious to them what the proper place is, it is not obvious to the compiler. Consider this example, for instance:
def findKeywords(keywords: List[String], sentence: List[String]) = sentence.filter(keywords contains _.map(_.toLowerCase))
Now, if we were to expand this to outside the parenthesis, we would get this:
def findKeywords(keywords: List[String], sentence: List[String]) = (x$1, x$2) => sentence.filter(keywords contains x$1.map(x$2.toLowerCase))
Which is definitely not what we want. In fact, if the _ did not get bounded by the innermost expression delimiter, one could never use _ with nested map, flatMap, filter and foreach.
Now, back to the confusion between anonymous function and partial application, look here:
List(1,2,3,4) foreach println(_) // doesn't work
List(1,2,3,4) foreach (println(_)) // works
List(1,2,3,4) foreach (println(_ + 1)) // doesn't work
The first line doesn't work because of how operation notation works. Scala just sees that println returns Unit, which is not what foreachexpects.
The second line works because the parenthesis let Scala evaluate println(_) as a whole. It is a partial function application, so it returns Any => Unit, which is acceptable.
The third line doesn't work because _ + 1 is anonymous function, which you are passing as a parameter to println. You are not making println part of an anonymous function, which is what you wanted.
Finally, what few people expect:
List(1,2,3,4) foreach (Console println _ + 1)
This works. Why it does is left as an exercise to the reader. :-)
(*) Actually, println is a method. When you write x foreach println, you are not passing a method, because methods can't be passed. Instead, Scala creates a closure and passes it. It expands like this:
x.foreach(new Function1[Any,Unit] { def apply(x$1: Any): Unit = Console.println(x$1) })
The underscore is a bit tricky. According to the spec, the phrase:
_ + 1
is equivalent to
x => x + 1
x foreach println (y => y + 1)
<console>:6: error: missing parameter type
x foreach println (y => y + 1)
If you add some types in:
x foreach( println((y:Int) => y + 1))
<console>:6: error: type mismatch;
found : Unit
required: (Int) => Unit
x foreach( println((y:Int) => y + 1))
The problem is that you are passing an anonymous function to println and it's not able to deal with it. What you really want to do (if you are trying to print the successor to each item in the list) is:
x map (_+1) foreach println
scala> for(x <- List(1,2,3,4)) println(x + 1)
There is a strange limitation in Scala for the nesting depth of expressions with underscore. It's well seen on the following example:
scala> List(1) map(1+_)
res3: List[Int] = List(2)
scala> Some(1) map (1+(1+_))
<console>:5: error: missing parameter type for expanded function ((x$1) => 1.+(x$1))
Some(1) map (1+(1+_))
Looks like a bug for me.
Welcome to Scala version 2.8.0.Beta1-prerelease (Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM, Java 1.6.0_17).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.
scala> val l1 = List(1, 2, 3)
l1: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
scala> l1.foreach(println(_))

Iteration over Scala tuples [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Iterate Over a tuple
(4 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
In scala, we can get an iterator over a tuple as follows
val t = (1, 2)
val it = t.productIterator
and even
it.foreach( x => println(x.isInstanceOf[Int]) )
returns true, we cannot do simple operations on the iterator values without using asInstanceOf[Int], since
it.foreach( x => println(x+1) )
returns an error: type mismatch; found : Int(1) required: String
I understand the issue with Integer vs. Int, but still the validity of isInstanceOf[Int] is somewhat confusing.
What is the best way to do these operations over tuples? Notice that the tuple can have a mix of types like integers with doubles, so converting to a list might not always work.
A tuple does not have to be homogenous and the compiler didn't try to apply magic type unification across the elements1. Take (1, "hello") as an example of such a a heterogenous tuple (Tuple2[Int,String]).
This means that x is typed as Any (not Int!). Try it.foreach( (x: Int) => println(x) ), with the original tuple, to get a better error message indicating that the iterator is not unified over the types of the tuple elements (it is an Iterators[Any]). The error reported should be similar to:
error: type mismatch;
found : (Int) => Unit
required: (Any) => ?
(1, 2).productIterator.foreach( (x: Int) => println(x) )
In this particular case isInstanceOf[Int] can be used to refine the type - from the Any that the type-system gave us - because we know, from manual code inspection, that it will "be safe" with the given tuple.
Here is another look at the iterators/types involved:
(1, 2) // -> Tuple2[Int,Int]
.productIterator // -> Iterator[Any]
.map(_.asInstanceOf[Int]) // -> Iterator[Int]
.foreach(x => println(x+1))
While I would recommend treating tuples as finite sets of homogenous elements and not a sequence, the same rules can be used as when dealing with any Iterator[Any] such as using pattern matching (e.g. match) that discriminates by the actual object type. (In this case the code is using an implicit PartialFunction.)
(1, "hello").productIterator
.foreach {
case s: String => println("string: " + s)
case i: Int => println("int: " + i)
1 While it might be possible to make the compiler unify the types in this scenario, it sounds like a special case that requires extra work for minimal gain. Normally sequences like lists - not tuples - are used for homogenous elements and the compiler/type-system correctly gives us a good refinement for something like List(1,2) (which is typed as List[Int] as expected).
There is another type HList, that is like tuple and List all-in-one. See shapeless.
I think, you can get close to what you want:
import shapeless._
val t = 1 :: 2 :: HNil
val lst = t.toList
lst.foreach( x => println(x+1) )

Curried update method

I'm trying to have curried apply and update methods like this:
def apply(i: Int)(j: Int) = matrix(i)(j)
def update(i: Int, j: Int, value: Int) =
new Matrix(n, m, (x, y) => if ((i,j) == (x,y)) value else matrix(x)(y))
Apply method works correctly, but update method complains:
scala> matrix(2)(1) = 1
<console>:16: error: missing arguments for method apply in class Matrix;
follow this method with `_' if you want to treat it as a partially applied function
matrix(2)(1) = 1
Calling directly update(2)(1)(1) works, so it is a conversion to update method that doesn't work properly. Where is my mistake?
The desugaring of assignment syntax into invocations of update maps the concatenation of a single argument list on the LHS of the assignment with the value on the RHS of the assignment to the first parameter block of the update method definition, irrespective of how many other parameter blocks the update method definition has. Whilst this transformation in a sense splits a single parameter block into two (one on the LHS, one on the RHS of the assignment), it will not further split the left parameter block in the way that you want.
I also think you're mistaken about the example of the explicit invocation of update that you show. This doesn't compile with the definition of update that you've given,
scala> class Matrix { def update(i: Int, j: Int, value: Int) = (i, j, value) }
defined class Matrix
scala> val m = new Matrix
m: Matrix = Matrix#37176bc4
scala> m.update(1)(2)(3)
<console>:10: error: not enough arguments for method update: (i: Int, j: Int, value: Int)(Int, Int, Int).
Unspecified value parameters j, value.
I suspect that during your experimentation you actually defined update like so,
scala> class Matrix { def update(i: Int)(j: Int)(value: Int) = (i, j, value) }
defined class Matrix
The update desugaring does apply to this definition, but probably not in the way that you expect: as described above, it only applies to the first argument list, which leads to constructs like,
scala> val m = new Matrix
m: Matrix = Matrix#39741f43
scala> (m() = 1)(2)(3)
res0: (Int, Int, Int) = (1,2,3)
Here the initial one-place parameter block is split to an empty parameter block on the LHS of the assignment (ie. the ()) and a one argument parameter block on the RHS (ie. the 1). The remainder of the parameter blocks from the original definition then follow.
If you're surprised by this behaviour you won't be the first.
The syntax you're after is achievable via a slightly different route,
scala> class Matrix {
| class MatrixAux(i : Int) {
| def apply(j : Int) = 23
| def update(j: Int, value: Int) = (i, j, value)
| }
| def apply(i: Int) = new MatrixAux(i)
| }
defined class Matrix
scala> val m = new Matrix
m: Matrix = Matrix#3af30087
scala> m(1)(2) // invokes MatrixAux.apply
res0: Int = 23
scala> m(1)(2) = 3 // invokes MatrixAux.update
res1: (Int, Int, Int) = (1,2,3)
My guess is, that it is simply not supported. Probably not due to an explicit design decision, because I don't see why it shouldn't work in principle.
The translation concerned with apply, i.e., the one performed when converting m(i)(j) into m.apply(i, j) seems to be able to cope with currying. Run scala -print on your program to see the code resulting from the translation.
The translation concerned with update, on the other hand, doesn't seem to be able to cope with currying. Since the error message is missing arguments for method apply, it even looks as if the currying confuses the translator such that it tries to translate m(i)(j) = v into m.apply, but then screws up the number of required arguments. scala -print unfortunately won't help here, because the type checker terminates the translation too early.
Here is what the language specs (Scala 2.9, "6.15 Assignments") say about assignments. Since currying is not mentioned, I assume that it is not explicitly supported. I couldn't find the corresponding paragraph for apply, but I guess it is purely coincidental that currying works there.
An assignment f(args) = e with a function application to the left of
the ‘=’ operator is interpreted as f.update(args, e), i.e. the
invocation of an update function defined by f.

What does param: _* mean in Scala?

Being new to Scala (2.9.1), I have a List[Event] and would like to copy it into a Queue[Event], but the following Syntax yields a Queue[List[Event]] instead:
val eventQueue = Queue(events)
For some reason, the following works:
val eventQueue = Queue(events : _*)
But I would like to understand what it does, and why it works? I already looked at the signature of the Queue.apply function:
def apply[A](elems: A*)
And I understand why the first attempt doesn't work, but what's the meaning of the second one? What is :, and _* in this case, and why doesn't the apply function just take an Iterable[A] ?
a: A is type ascription; see What is the purpose of type ascriptions in Scala?
: _* is a special instance of type ascription which tells the compiler to treat a single argument of a sequence type as a variable argument sequence, i.e. varargs.
It is completely valid to create a Queue using Queue.apply that has a single element which is a sequence or iterable, so this is exactly what happens when you give a single Iterable[A].
This is a special notation that tells the compiler to pass each element as its own argument, rather than all of it as a single argument. See here.
It is a type annotation that indicates a sequence argument and is mentioned as an "exception" to the general rule in section 4.6.2 of the language spec, "Repeated Parameters".
It is useful when a function takes a variable number of arguments, e.g. a function such as def sum(args: Int*), which can be invoked as sum(1), sum(1,2) etc. If you have a list such as xs = List(1,2,3), you can't pass xs itself, because it is a List rather than an Int, but you can pass its elements using sum(xs: _*).
For Python folks:
Scala's _* operator is more or less the equivalent of Python's *-operator.
Converting the scala example from the link provided by Luigi Plinge:
def echo(args: String*) =
for (arg <- args) println(arg)
val arr = Array("What's", "up", "doc?")
echo(arr: _*)
to Python would look like:
def echo(*args):
for arg in args:
print "%s" % arg
arr = ["What's", "up", "doc?"]
and both give the following output:
The Difference: unpacking positional parameters
While Python's *-operator can also deal with unpacking of positional parameters/parameters for fixed-arity functions:
def multiply (x, y):
return x * y
operands = (2, 4)
Doing the same with Scala:
def multiply(x:Int, y:Int) = {
x * y;
val operands = (2, 4)
multiply (operands : _*)
will fail:
not enough arguments for method multiply: (x: Int, y: Int)Int.
Unspecified value parameter y.
But it is possible to achieve the same with scala:
def multiply(x:Int, y:Int) = {
val operands = (2, 4)
multiply _ tupled operands
According to Lorrin Nelson this is how it works:
The first part, f _, is the syntax for a partially applied function in which none of the arguments have been specified. This works as a mechanism to get a hold of the function object. tupled returns a new function which of arity-1 that takes a single arity-n tuple.
Futher reading:
stackoverflow.com - scala tuple unpacking