How to draw arrow in ggvis? - ggvis

Does ggvis have the ability to draw an arrow? there is no layer_arrows() so I thought it may be generated by an specific argument of layer_paths() for instance. May you please help?


How can I 'trim' a path in Flutter

Let's say I have a container. I want to surround it with a border (or anything that would outline it) and be able to change it's start and end points. This would be similar to the trim paths effect in Adobe After effects. I've looked up options for container borders but the best I could find was to add it to juts one side and that is not the look I want.
The best way I can describe what I want to do is to have a border or outline to the container that looks sort of like a circular progress (but isn't round and takes the shape of the container) that has the start and end points move.
Here is a quick example I made in After Effects of what I am looking for:
This needs to be done through CustomPainters. Here is a repo I came across which does this through custom painters

If I have 4 coordinates making a rectangle, how can I color in that area?

I have 4 coordinates assigned to variables, so I would just like to colour in the rectangle that is created from these variables. I tried the fill function, but I cant gather much information from the example.
When I try to use:
fill(bottom left point, top right point,'g')
the figure it makes only shows a line between those points, and doesn't colour in the entire area.
I'm using MATLAB R2019b, if that helps.
Also, if its possible to fill the rectangle with a pattern instead, please let me know aswell.
Thanks in advance

Leaflet.js display of a non-geo map ( – I need a concrete example

I'm displaying a map that's been tiled (-p raster) using The X-coordinate is about [0..-1160]. The Y-coordinate, for some reason, is [-700,0]. Zoom-levels 0-5.
I simply cannot get a plausible display to work. Sometimes, if I zoom-out to level-zero, I see the map way down at the bottom of the display ... not centered. Nothing at all appears at other levels.
I am also seeing the display "bounce back and forth" between about a 3-o'clock and a 6-o'clock position. (Only, once again, at zoom-level zero.)
I am at my wit's end. Please give guidance. Complete examples. Anything ...
Well, I found my answer:
If you're going to be using several layers in your Leaflet map, add them in the constructor-call, using the layers parameter.
If you try to do things with the layers before joining them all together, or with the map with no layers added, "strange and default things will happen." (For example, although I requested the Simple CRS when constructing things (separately...), the net-effect was to actually try to use a different one. Therefore, "do what the author expected." Specify all the layers at once, to the Map constructor. Then, customize them as you need to. Make very sure that they all know about each other from the very start of things.

Psychtoolbox - Filloval

I am new to Matlab and Psychtoolbox. I need to change color saturation. When creating a circle Screen('FillOval',window, is there a way of getting a handler to the Oval object and is it rendered as image? Thanks in advance
Unfortunately, (as far as I know) the FillOval function doesn't create a handle like you would be used to with matlab figures / patches. The best way to change the color is simply with the RGB index argument.
If you forget the arguments that belong in Psychtoolbox functions, type the name with a question mark to see the help file. In this case, type this in the command line:
The arguments are:
Screen('FillOval', windowPtr [,color] [,rect] [,perfectUpToMaxDiameter]);
If i wanted to change the saturation, I would just redraw the Oval and change the RGB values I filled into the Fill Oval function. e.g. put in [255,0,0] on the first flip and [255,50,50] on the second.
It kind of sounds like you may want to opt for the "MakeTexture" and "DrawTexture" functions. With this function, you can take any image matrix and transform it into a texture handle with "MakeTexture". With "DrawTexture" you can then draw the image into the psych toolbox window. DrawTexture is nice, because it allows you to easily change the opacity of the texture.
I recommend exploring the help functions to learn more about this option.

Matlab: Adding symbols to figure

Below is the user interface I have created to simulate LDPC coding and decoding
The code sequence is decoded iteratively by passing values between the left and right nodes through the connections.
The first thing it would be good to add in order to improve visualization is to add arrows to the connections in the direction of passing values. The alternative is to draw a bigger arrow at the top of the connection showing the direction.
Another thing I would like to do is displaying the current mathematical operation below the connection (in this example c * H'). What I don't know how to do is displaying special characters and mathematical symbols and other kinds of text such as subscript and superscript in the figure (for example sum sign and subscript "T" instead of sign ="'" to indicate transposed matrix).
I would be very thankful if anyone could point to any useful resources for the questions above or show the solution.
Thank you.
To add arrows, you can either use the built-in QUIVER, or, for more options, ARROW from the file exchange. Both of these have to be plotted into axes, so if you want a big arrow on the top, you have to create an additional set of axes above the main axes.
As far as I know, you cannot use TeX or LaTeX symbols in text uicontrols. However, you can use them in axes labels. Thus, I suggest that you add an XLabel to the axes, for example
xlabel('\sigma c*H_T')
or (note the $-signs required for LaTeX)
xlabel('$\sum c*H_T$','interpreter','latex')
I hadn't mentioned the use of text (as suggested by #gnovice and #YYC) because I thought it wasn't possible to place text outside of the axes. It turns out that I was wrong. text(0.5,-0.2,'\Sigma etc.') should work fine as well. I guess the only advantage of using 'xlabel' would be that you can easily add and position the axes label during GUI creation.
In regards to the 1st question, annotation ( might be an alternative solution.
In regards to the 2nd question, try text property in Matlab Help.
Search "Character Sequence" for the special characters; search "Specifying Subscript and Superscript Characters" for the subscript and superscript.
For drawing the arrow, I would go Jonas' suggestion arrow.m by Erik Johnson on the MathWorks File Exchange. It's the easiest way I've found to create arrows in figures.
For creating text with symbols, you can use the function TEXT. It lets you place text at a given point in an axes, and you can use the 'tex' (default) or 'latex' options for the 'Interpreter' property to get access to different symbols. For example, this places the text you want at the point (0,0) using 'latex' as the interpreter:
hText = text(0,0,'$\sum c*H_T$','Interpreter','latex');
The variable hText is a handle to the text object created, which you can then use with the SET command to change the properties of the object (string, position, etc.).