Unity with google cardboard: Remove center divider with gear? - unity3d

I am a complete beginner with Unity and VR and I've downloaded a few demo scenes into Unity with Google Cardboard all set up.
These scenes work, however I have seen several VR applications where the stereo view (the 2 screens for the 2 different eyes) is NOT separated by Google's little divider with the gear icon at the bottom -
These applications look a lot cleaner and just have a split, stereo screen with no divider or anything. Here is a video of what I'm talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZC0ef604WU
There is no divider, just 2 stereo screens. I don't know what this is called.
I've downloaded some demos that have this but cannot figure out where/how they disabled Google's divider and moreover the black around the 2 screens.. How do you do this with Google cardboard's Main camera?
Please explain everything clearly as I'm new to this.

In Unity select the "CardboardMain" gameobject. You will see a checkbox for Alignment Marker and Settings Button. Uncheck those and you should be set.


Unity AR UI not showing up

I have created a simple Unity AR Foundation app which places objects on a plane whenever the screen is touched. I would like to add some UI so the user can press a button rather than anywhere on the screen.
I have followed several different tutorials which seem to be doing mostly the same thing. I right-click the Hierarchy -> UI -> Button. I have scaled it so it should fit my mobile screen and anchored it to the center so it should be easy enough to find.
These are the canvas settings:
Might the UI somehow be hidden behind the camera feed from the AR Session Origin -> AR Camera? Am I missing any steps to anchor the UI to the screen?
As you can probably tell, I am very new to Unity but I feel like I have followed the tutorials for creating a UI, but it simply won't show. If you need more information, please just ask and I will provide.
Not sure but sounds like you might need to have that Canvas Scalar to scale with the screen size. Change the UI scale mode to Scale with Screen Size.
I was compiling the wrong scene. I had two very similar scenes, so when I compiled I didn't realize there were no changes and that I was inspecting the entirely wrong scene.
Once I changed to the correct scene the setup above worked as expected.

Why aren't my Unity Game's ui elements working on Google Play store?

I added some ui elements to my game and they work properly in unity and on my device when connected to unity remote.
But I uploaded it to google play, downloaded it, and some text doesn't appear, buttons aren't pressable, and the background is red for some reason (supposed to be blue). Anyone know what's going on?
It may be a ratio problem, to fix this use anchors in your UI elements by using the anchor presets or by using the anchor or by using the anchor min and max values in insector, to make it scale with size you can set its UI Scale Mode to Scale With Screen Size.(https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.ugui#1.0/manual/HOWTO-UIMultiResolution.html). Let me know if that helps

Unity, at higher resolution (2560 x 1440) tester cannot click the navigation elements on the screen even though they are in position

Here is my issue, the way my game works is that you click on the edges of the screen to navigate. This is done through an Overlay Canvas using OnPointerClick. I colored the navigation areas, and scale the canvas according to screen size and the navigation areas appear on their screen as they should. Yet they CANNOT click any of the elements for some reason. They have another monitor that works without issue. They've noted that their larger monitor is AMD. I've also confirmed that the ability to navigate in game has not been hindered. I have never had this issue (or any other testers) on 1920x1080 monitors.
I have completely exhausted what the issue can be, they cannot even navigate on a bare bones tutorial. Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated.
Here is an image of their screen and the respective clickable navigation areas.
Unity 2019.2.14f1
Put a Image component without sprite, because without that, you will not detect any click. You can set the alpha to 0 after you see that working.
Also check the anchors of the navigation areas.

Unity - Create Android Menu Item (3 vertical dots and Back Arrow button)

I have been searching on how to create a native top bar in Unity with menu item for Android mobile game (the 3 vertical dots and the back arrow) but I couldn't find anything.
So I was wondering if there is a standard Unity way to create a top bar like the native Android or I have to create a custom one?
Here is an image with what I am describing (yellow color is all the bar, and red color the 3 vertical dots)
Thank you.
There is no standard Unity way to create a top bar like the native Android. You have to create a similar UI that looks that the Android menu with the components Unity's UI system This can easily be done if you know the basics of Unity's UI system.
Breaking down the Android menu for Unity:
The three dots can just be represented with the Image or RawImage
component. If you decided to have 3 images(one for each dot) instead
of one image with three dots then use the VerticalLayoutGroup
to group all dots into one.
The search icon could just be a UI Button, Image or RawImage
component.It really doesn't matter. Any of these should work.
You will need a grey background image just the color from the Android
Menu Item. Again, this image will also use the Image or RawImage
You will also need a Text component to show your "Action Buttons" text or any or text you wish to display in the menu.
Finally, group all the components mentioned above into a panel then
use anchor and pivot point to position the panel to the top of the screen.
If you still want to show the Android menu, it is still possible to do:
Create new Android project with Android Studio (Not from Unity. From there, create the
Android menu item.
Export your Unity project and import it into your Android
project in Android Studio.
Modify your Manifest and Activity class code to display your Unity
game as sub-view. You can find more information here. From there
you can even call Unity's function from your Android project with the
UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage function if needed. Your game will run with any Android UI.
I don't recommend this because it would only work on Android. Also, each time you make changes to your game, you would have to export it again. This is annoying and time consuming. Use the Unity UI system to create this.

Why is this thin black line showing in play mode but not in scene view in Unity 3D engine

Please take a look at screenshot
I want to hide those thin black lines in my game.
You should be able to avoid them by enabling Pixel Snap in the Material of the tiles. Try also by turning off Anti aliasing in Projects Settings > Quality.