How to launch FB app from URL (specifically the share function) - facebook

I'm looking for a way to replicate this:
But I want to force it to use the Facebook App - I know that you can launch the FB app using this command
but have not been able to recreate the sharer function.
Any ideas? I can share in WhatsApp using
Note: This is for mobile devices only that is why I want to force it to use the FB app

Direct deep-linking into the Facebook App, or better, into a specific section of the app (Share Dialog, User Profile etc.) using the Custom URL Scheme of the Facebook iOS app is not officially supported.
You can however add the FBSDKShareKit framework to your app and open a Share Dialog that way, see


Is it possible to open Facebook share dialog (in Facebook app) from mobile web?

We have similar functionality for Twitter -- linking to "twitter://post?message=Hello" will open the Twitter app (if installed). Is there a similar way to invoke in-facebook-app share dialog via "fb://"?
The reason we'd like to use "fb://" over "" is UX. From their phones, most FB and Twitter users use the native apps (not the mobile web versions) so their apps are logged in and their browsers are not. The "twitter://post" link works beautifully for Twitter, but we can't figure out if something similar is possible with Facebook (we tried most of what's on but no dice. Even the actual share button invokes the fb web version, not the app). Suggestions?

Launch Facebook App from Browser and Post Status Update

I have a mobile website that I would like to allow users to share the url via their native Facebook and Twitter apps (it is tedious to have to login to
I can have a link to fb://post to open the FB app, but I can't figure out how to actually pass params for updating a status. I want the functionality of using the sharer.php link on the desktop, but for the native mobile app.
Is this possible?

ios 6: prompt user to log into facebook

I'm using UIActivityViewController to use facebook integration within my app. I've observed that in order for the Facebook option to be displayed in the list of displayed options, the user needs to be logged into Facebook on their device in the settings prior to entering that UIActivityViewController.
I'd like to prompt the user to log into Facebook and allow my app access to their account prior to invoking the UIActivityViewController. Is there a way to prompt the user to log into Facebook on their device (I guess I'm looking for a redirect or hook to the Settings app, with a callback)?
Note: I'd like to avoid using the Facebook SDK, and use the purely Apple supplied framework.
It's not possible with UIActivityViewController.
But you can achieve same function via SLComposeViewController.
I created a forked project OWActivityViewController that implement the same function as Apple's built-in Photos app's share action sheet through SLComposeViewController.
OWActivityViewController use the purely Apple supplied framework, compatible with iOS 5, hope this could help you somehow.

Open IOS Application which uses sharekit via fbconnect and/or sharekit from facebook app or facebook website

Does anyone of you know if it is possible to open a App which uses sharekit from a Facebook request by clicking on the request either in the facebook app, or in the browser?
I could not find anything about this in the web.
To be more precise i want my app which uses sharekit to send a request to a facebook-friend. This facebook friend should then be able to open the same app by clicking on the request either in the facebook app on his mobile device or by clicking on the request on the facebook browser page which is opened on his mobile device.
I already know how to share things in facebook via sharekit, but to get it "the other way round" seems to be difficult. I could not find anything helpful in the web so far.
Greets and many thanks in advance,
Yes. Your will will need to register itself as a protocol handler, and the link clicked on from Facebook app would need to use the url scheme you define.
Keep in mind if the recipient does not have the app installed, or they do this on their desktop machine, they will get a message that the phone is unable to open that URL.
See this tutorial:

Connect to Facebook using Facebook app on iPhone

How to connect to Facebook using the downloaded Facebook app, and not the embeeded Facebook connect. This is done for example with Rockmelt app.
What seems to be done, is to launche a third party app using the url like (fb:some paramaeters) and having a callback url with your app (myapp://authentification parameter ).
The interest of this is that if you are already logged on facebook, you just need to approve or not your app.
What is missing, is what are the parameters to acheive this with the downloaded facebook app.
Just use the supplied Facebook Connect library as it handles all this for you. FBConnect by default will use single sign on either via the browser or the facebook app if already installed.
You can examine the source code of the FBConnect library to see how this is done if you wish, but I'd suggest that re-inventing the wheel is perhaps not the best way to go.