LReal Vs Real Data Types - plc

In PLC Structure Text what is main difference between a LReal Vs a Real data type? Which would you use when replacing a double or float when converting from a C based language to structure text with a PLC

LReal is a double precision real, float, or floating point variables that is a 64 bit signed value rather then a real is a single precision real, float, or floating point that is made from a 32 bit signed value. So it stores more in a LReal which makes LReal closer to a Double and a Float. The other thing to keep in mind is depending on the PLC it will convert a Real into a LReal for calculations. Plus a LReal is limited to 15 decimal places rather than a Real is 9 decimal places. So if you need more then 9 decimal places I would recommend LReal but if you need less I would stick with Real because with LReals you have to convert from a Integer to a Real to a LReal. So it would save you a step.


Postgres floating point math - do I need to do anything special?

I am new to PG and I'm wondering if I need to 'do anything' extra to properly handle floating-point math.
For example, in ruby you use BigDecimal, and in Elixir you use Decimal.
Is what I have below the best solution for PG?
COALESCE(SUM(active_service_fees.service_fee * (1::decimal - active_service_fees.withdraw_percentage_discount)), 0)
FROM active_service_fees
Data types:
service_fee integer NOT NULL
withdraw_percentage_discount numeric(3,2) DEFAULT 0.0 NOT NULL
It depends on what you want.
If you want floating point numbers you need to use the data types real or double precision, depending on your precision requirements.
These floating point numbers need a fixed space (4 or 8 bytes), are stored in binary representation and have limited precision.
If you want arbitrary precision, you can use the binary coded decimal type numeric (decimal is a synonym for it).
Such values are stored as decimal digits, and the amount of storage required depends on the number of digits.
The big advantage of floating point numbers is performance – floating point arithmetic is implemented in hardware in the processor, while arithmetic on binary coded decimals is implemented in PostgreSQL.
A rule of thumb would be:
If you need values that are exact up to a certain number of decimal places (like monetary data) and you don't need to do a lot of calculations, use decimal.
If you need to do number crunching and you don't need values rounded to a fixed precision, use double precision.

Efficiently Store Decimal Numbers with Many Leading Zeros in Postgresql

A number like:
is difficult to store without a large performance penalty with the available numeric types in postgres. This question addresses a similar problem, but I don't feel like it came to an acceptable resolution. Currently one of my colleagues landed on rounding numbers like this to 15 decimal places and just storing them as:
So that the double precision numeric type can be used which prevents the penalty associated with moving to a decimal numeric type. Numbers that are this small for my purposes are more or less functionally equivalent, because they are both very small (and mean more or less the same thing). However, we are graphing these results and when a large portion of the data set would be rounded like this it looks exceptionally stupid (flat line on the graph).
Because we are storing tens of thousands of these numbers and operating on them, the decimal numeric type is not a good option for us as the performance penalty is too large.
I am a scientist, and my natural inclination would just be to store these types of numbers in scientific notation, but it does't appear that postgres has this kind of functionality. I don't actually need all of the precision in the number, I just want to preserve 4 digits or so, so I don't even need the 15 digits that the float numeric type offers. What are the advantages and disadvantages of storing these numbers in two fields like this:
1.234 (real)
-40 (smallint)
where this is equivalent to 1.234*10^-40? This would allow for ~32000 leading decimals with only 2 bytes used to store them and 4 bytes to store the real value, for a total of maximally 6 bytes per number (gives me the exact number I want to store and takes less space than the existing solution which consumes 8 bytes). It also seems like sorting these numbers would be much improved as you'd need only sort on the smallint field first followed by the real field second.
You and/or your colleague seem to be confused about what numbers can be represented using the floating point formats.
A double precision (aka float) number can store at least 15 significant digits, in the range from about 1e-307 to 1e+308. You have to think of it as scientific notation. Remove all the zeroes and move that to the exponent. If whatever you have once in scientific notation has less than 15 digits and an exponent between -307 and +308, it can be stored as is.
That means that 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000123456 can definitely be stored as a double precision, and you'll keep all the significant digits (123456). No need to round that to 0.000000000000001 or anything like that.
Floating point numbers have well-known issue of exact representation of decimal numbers (as decimal numbers in base 10 do not necessarily map to decimal numbers in base 2), but that's probably not an issue for you (it's an issue if you need to be able to do exact comparisons on such numbers).
What are the advantages and disadvantages of storing these numbers in
two fields like this
You'll have to manage 2 columns instead of one.
Roughly, what you'll be doing is saving space by storing lower-precision floats. If you only need 4 digits of precision, you can go further and save 2 more bytes by using smallint + smallint (1000-9999 + exponent). Using that format, you could cram the two smallint into one 32 bits int (exponent*2^16 + mantissa), that should work too.
That's assuming that you need to save storage space and/or need to go beyond the +/-308 digits exponent limit of the double precision float. If that's not the case, the standard format is fine.

Selecting floating point numbers in decimal form

I've a small number in a PostgreSQL table:
test=# CREATE TABLE test (r real);
test=# INSERT INTO test VALUES (0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000009);
When I run the following query it returns the number as 8.96831e-44:
test=# SELECT * FROM test;
(1 row)
How can I show the value in psql in its decimal form (0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000009) instead of the scientific notation? I'd be happy with 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000896831 too. Unfortunately I can't change the table and I don't really care about loss of precision.
(I've played with to_char for a while with no success.)
Real in Postgres is a floating point datatype, stored on 4 bytes, that is 32 bits.
Your value,
Can not be precisely represented in a 32bit IEEE754 floating point number. You can check the exact values in this calculator
You cold try and use double precision (64bits) to store it, according to the calculator, that seems to be an exact representation. NOT TRUE Patricia showed that it was just the calculator rounding the value, even though explicitly asking it not to... Double would mean a bit more precision, but still no exact value, as this number is not representable using finite number of binary digits. (Thanks, Patricia, a lesson learnt (again): don't believe what you see on the Intertubez)
Under normal circumstances, you should use a NUMERIC(precision, scale) format, that would store the number precisely to get back the correct value.
However, your value to store seems to have a scale larger than postgres allows (which seems to be 30) for exact decimal represenations. If you don't want to do calculations, just store them (which would not be a very common situation, I admit), you could try storing them as strings... (but this is ugly...)
This to_char problem seems to be a known bug...
My immediate reaction to that is that float8 values don't have 57 digits
of precision. If you are expecting that format string to do something
useful you should be applying it to a numeric column not a double
precision one.
It's possible that we can kluge things to make this particular case work
like you are expecting, but there are always going to be similar-looking
cases that can't work because the precision just isn't there.
In a quick look at the code, the reason you just get "0." is that it's
rounding off after 15 digits to ensure it doesn't print garbage. Maybe
it could be a bit smarter for cases where the value is very much smaller
than 1, but it wouldn't be a simple change.
(from here)
However, I find this not defendable. IMHO a double (IEEE754 64bit floating point to be exact) will always have ~15 significant decimal digits, if the value fits into the type...
Recommended reading:
What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic
Postgres numeric types
BUG #6217: to_char() gives incorrect output for very small float values

Is it a good idea to use NSDecimalNumber for floating point arithmetics instead of plain double?

I wonder what's the point of NSDecimalNumber. It offers some arithmetics methods, but why should I use NSDecimalNumber and not just double or NSNumber? Did apple take care of some floating point arithmetics uglyness there? Would it make life easier when making heavy use of high precision and big floating point maths?
This all depends or your needs.
It is a trade off between precision, speed and size of data.
If you are writing an accounting application you cannot lose any precision and so might well use NSDecimal number.
Ig you are doing complex numerical analysis the speed could matter and so NSDecimalNumber would be too slow. But even in that case your analysis would look at the precision and errors you could afford and here could be cases where you need more precision that doubles etc give you.
NSNumber is a separate case it is a class cluster to allow storage of C type numbers in other objects and other use in Cocoa.
If your software deals with money, or other non-integer numbers of interest to accountants, you are well advised to use decimal numbers for that (rather than the binary ones that the underlying HW is optimized to process); that's why all sorts of general purpose languages and databases bend over backwards to support decimal non-integer numbers, not just binary ones.
Rounding issues with binary non-integers might easily result in fractions-of-a-cent discrepancies that, at the limit, might even land you in legal trouble, and, more realistically, will be perceived by accountants and others dealing with money &c as errors in your program, no matter how staunchly you may argue otherwise!-)
NSDecimalNumber is a fixed precision (and scale) integer scaled to a certain size to represent fractional numbers. This is a little different from a floating point number (where the point, obviously, floats...)
As an example, say you need to represent money from 0.00 to 999.99, you could store this in an integer from 0 to 99999 as an amount in pennies. The scale (in digits) is 2 and the precision is 5. In a floating point number, with precision 5, and a floating point you could represent from .00001 to 99999, but not 999.999, for example.

Decimal vs Double Speed

I write financial applications where I constantly battle the decision to use a double vs using a decimal.
All of my math works on numbers with no more than 5 decimal places and are not larger than ~100,000. I have a feeling that all of these can be represented as doubles anyways without rounding error, but have never been sure.
I would go ahead and make the switch from decimals to doubles for the obvious speed advantage, except that at the end of the day, I still use the ToString method to transmit prices to exchanges, and need to make sure it always outputs the number I expect. (89.99 instead of 89.99000000001)
Is the speed advantage really as large as naive tests suggest? (~100 times)
Is there a way to guarantee the output from ToString to be what I want? Is this assured by the fact that my number is always representable?
UPDATE: I have to process ~ 10 billion price updates before my app can run, and I have implemented with decimal right now for the obvious protective reasons, but it takes ~3 hours just to turn on, doubles would dramatically reduce my turn on time. Is there a safe way to do it with doubles?
Floating point arithmetic will almost always be significantly faster because it is supported directly by the hardware. So far almost no widely used hardware supports decimal arithmetic (although this is changing, see comments).
Financial applications should always use decimal numbers, the number of horror stories stemming from using floating point in financial applications is endless, you should be able to find many such examples with a Google search.
While decimal arithmetic may be significantly slower than floating point arithmetic, unless you are spending a significant amount of time processing decimal data the impact on your program is likely to be negligible. As always, do the appropriate profiling before you start worrying about the difference.
There are two separable issues here. One is whether the double has enough precision to hold all the bits you need, and the other is where it can represent your numbers exactly.
As for the exact representation, you are right to be cautious, because an exact decimal fraction like 1/10 has no exact binary counterpart. However, if you know that you only need 5 decimal digits of precision, you can use scaled arithmetic in which you operate on numbers multiplied by 10^5. So for example if you want to represent 23.7205 exactly you represent it as 2372050.
Let's see if there is enough precision: double precision gives you 53 bits of precision.
This is equivalent to 15+ decimal digits of precision. So this would allow you five digits after the decimal point and 10 digits before the decimal point, which seems ample for your application.
I would put this C code in a .h file:
typedef double scaled_int;
#define SCALE_FACTOR 1.0e5 /* number of digits needed after decimal point */
static inline scaled_int adds(scaled_int x, scaled_int y) { return x + y; }
static inline scaled_int muls(scaled_int x, scaled_int y) { return x * y / SCALE_FACTOR; }
static inline scaled_int scaled_of_int(int x) { return (scaled_int) x * SCALE_FACTOR; }
static inline int intpart_of_scaled(scaled_int x) { return floor(x / SCALE_FACTOR); }
static inline int fraction_of_scaled(scaled_int x) { return x - SCALE_FACTOR * intpart_of_scaled(x); }
void fprint_scaled(FILE *out, scaled_int x) {
fprintf(out, "%d.%05d", intpart_of_scaled(x), fraction_of_scaled(x));
There are probably a few rough spots but that should be enough to get you started.
No overhead for addition, cost of a multiply or divide doubles.
If you have access to C99, you can also try scaled integer arithmetic using the int64_t 64-bit integer type. Which is faster will depend on your hardware platform.
Always use Decimal for any financial calculations or you will be forever chasing 1cent rounding errors.
Yes; software arithmetic really is 100 times slower than hardware. Or, at least, it is a lot slower, and a factor of 100, give or take an order of magnitude, is about right. Back in the bad old days when you could not assume that every 80386 had an 80387 floating-point co-processor, then you had software simulation of binary floating point too, and that was slow.
No; you are living in a fantasy land if you think that a pure binary floating point can ever exactly represent all decimal numbers. Binary numbers can combine halves, quarters, eighths, etc, but since an exact decimal of 0.01 requires two factors of one fifth and one factor of one quarter (1/100 = (1/4)*(1/5)*(1/5)) and since one fifth has no exact representation in binary, you cannot exactly represent all decimal values with binary values (because 0.01 is a counter-example which cannot be represented exactly, but is representative of a huge class of decimal numbers that cannot be represented exactly).
So, you have to decide whether you can deal with the rounding before you call ToString() or whether you need to find some other mechanism that will deal with rounding your results as they are converted to a string. Or you can continue to use decimal arithmetic since it will remain accurate, and it will get faster once machines are released that support the new IEEE 754 decimal arithmetic in hardware.
Obligatory cross-reference: What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic. That's one of many possible URLs.
Information on decimal arithmetic and the new IEEE 754:2008 standard at this Speleotrove site.
Just use a long and multiply by a power of 10. After you're done, divide by the same power of 10.
Decimals should always be used for financial calculations. The size of the numbers isn't important.
The easiest way for me to explain is via some C# code.
double one = 3.05;
double two = 0.05;
System.Console.WriteLine((one + two) == 3.1);
That bit of code will print out False even though 3.1 is equal to 3.1...
Same thing...but using decimal:
decimal one = 3.05m;
decimal two = 0.05m;
System.Console.WriteLine((one + two) == 3.1m);
This will now print out True!
If you want to avoid this sort of issue, I recommend you stick with decimals.
I refer you to my answer given to this question.
Use a long, store the smallest amount you need to track, and display the values accordingly.