How do I read the order of properties from PSCustomObject? - powershell

Does PSCustomObject's know the order in which its properties are added?
# Order of properties
$o21 = New-Object PSCustomObject |
Add-Member NoteProperty a2 2 -passThru |
Add-Member NoteProperty a1 1 -passThru
$o21 | fl
a2 : 2
a1 : 1
$o12 = New-Object PSCustomObject |
Add-Member NoteProperty a1 1 -passThru |
Add-Member NoteProperty a2 2 -passThru
$o12 | fl
a1 : 1
a2 : 2
I want to read this order. How?

To get an ordered list of properties of an object in PowerShell, you can access the Properties collections through the hidden psobject memberset property:
PS C:\> $o12.psobject.Properties
MemberType : NoteProperty
IsSettable : True
IsGettable : True
Value : 1
TypeNameOfValue : System.Int32
Name : a1
IsInstance : True
MemberType : NoteProperty
IsSettable : True
IsGettable : True
Value : 2
TypeNameOfValue : System.Int32
Name : a2
IsInstance : True
Expand the Name property if you just want an ordered list of property names using Select-Object:
$PropertyNames = $o12.psobject.Properties |Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
or using property enumeration (PowerShell 3.0+):
$PropertyNames = $o12.psobject.Properties.Name

To expand on Mathias' answer; if you are looking to get the property list for an array of objects, you'll need to do one of the following depending on how different the objects in the array are:
All objects in the array share the same properties:
This example will pull the first object of the array only and grab its property names
$PropertyNames = $o12[0].PSObject.Properties | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
Objects in the array do not share properties:
$PropertyNames = $o12 | ForEach-Object { $_.PSObject.Properties | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name}
In both of the examples, the takeaway is that property enumeration will happen at the top level. If your top level is an object array and not a PSCustomObject/PSObject, then you'll return array properties and not the properties of the object/objects in the array:
PS> $obj.PSObject.Properties.Name
PS> $obj[0].PSObject.Properties.Name


How to get the name of a attribute of an object and its value

I am trying to parse parameters of a Graph command to get every value and attribute name. The reason would be to use Compare-Object between the current state of an object and bodyparams added as JSON or an array in Powershell.
Or even create a simple function to compare any of the old params with the JSON for any change, and create a parms with the differences.
The conceptual idea would be to have a template for any modification without using the commands, the old object's params, to compare with a new set of params from the diff.
So far, I managed to do this :
Get-MgGroup -GroupId $GroupId | Select-Object * |Convertto-Json
Which returns :
"AcceptedSenders": null,
"AllowExternalSenders": null,
"AppRoleAssignments": null,
"AssignedLabels": null,
"AssignedLicenses": null,
(The whole JSON is too long to be put here, and it would be pointless. It's just attributes and objects)
Which is what I'd want. But I would want to do the same with the object itself
Definition is where the values are since this command:
Get-MgGroup -GroupId $GroupId | Select-Object * | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty
Returns this :
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
AcceptedSenders NoteProperty object AcceptedSenders=null
AdditionalProperties NoteProperty Dictionary[string,Object] AdditionalProperties=System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Object]
AllowExternalSenders NoteProperty object AllowExternalSenders=null
AppRoleAssignments NoteProperty object AppRoleAssignments=null
AssignedLabels NoteProperty object AssignedLabels=null
AssignedLicenses NoteProperty object AssignedLicenses=null
AutoSubscribeNewMembers NoteProperty object AutoSubscribeNewMembers=null
Calendar NoteProperty MicrosoftGraphCalendar Calendar=Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphCalendar
CalendarView NoteProperty object CalendarView=null
Classification NoteProperty object Classification=null
Conversations NoteProperty object Conversations=null
CreatedDateTime NoteProperty datetime CreatedDateTime=04/09/2022 05:48:57
CreatedOnBehalfOf NoteProperty MicrosoftGraphDirectoryObject CreatedOnBehalfOf=Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphDirectoryObject
DeletedDateTime NoteProperty objec
As you can see, not every value is null or a string, so I cannot just fill an empty object with an iteration of the name with null on it.
In simple terms, I would like to get from the cmd's any "NoteProperty" : the name, the type, and the value.
I figure it might be hard to grasp without context, I wrote a draft on kroki
enter image description here
The idea would have a model for any future change, but I wouldn't want to change it manually every time.
Edit :
I actuall went further and maybe that'll be more evident with the function :
function Compare-Attributes {
Get-MgGroup -GroupId $GroupId | Select-Object -Property * | ConvertTo-Json -Compress | Out-file -FilePath 'C:\Users\Currentusr\Currentdir\BodyParams.JSON'
### I change some values
$old_parms = #(Get-MgGroup -GroupId $GroupId | Select-Object -Property * | ConvertTo-Json )
$new_parms = #(Get-Content 'C:\Users\Currentusr\Currentdir\BodyParams.JSON' | Convertfrom-Json )
$new_parms = #(Get-Content 'C:\Users\YassinBousaadi\projects\Ansible\Ansible_Modules\BodyParams.JSON' | Convertfrom-Json |
Edit-LeafProperty -PassThru { if ($null -eq $_.Value) { $_.Value = 'null' } } | ConvertTo-Json)
$old_parms_obj = #( $old_parms| ConvertFrom-Json)
$new_parms_obj = #( $new_parms | ConvertFrom-Json)
echo $new_parms_obj
Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $old_parms_obj `
-DifferenceObject $new_parms_obj `
-IncludeEqual `
What it returns is actually not half bad :
#{AcceptedSenders=null; AllowExternalSenders=null; AppRoleAssignments=null; AssignedLabels=null; AssignedLicenses=null; AutoSubscribeNewMembers=null; Calendar=; CalendarView=null; Classification=null; Conversations=null; CreatedDateTime=04/09/2022 05:48:57; CreatedOnB...
I changed the AcceptedSenders attribute as true in the JSON in between, so that value should show. but that'll be the one to show, since it's the only one that's changed, right ? I even went and changed every null value to actual null as strings in the JSON because it would otherwise return empty values

retrieving and changing data of an object, which is in another object

passing by value or reference : powershell
more information :
PSVersion 5.1.19041.906
All files can be found here : [*]
I would like to try to pass an object by reference, variable. In this object I would like to pass a bunch of information (containing different other variables/data).
Sometimes there's a need to return it back (one variable), by return $menuObjts.
At paragraphs 'INFO' are $menuObjts and $menuObjts[‘MENUS’] shown.
More information about these object I have tried to figure it out by gettype().fullname.
REMARK : in the code here I've used $global: for allowing to ACCESS and CHANGE the variable and be able to make a screenshot and use it for test purpose.
So my problem is to ACCESS and CHANCE values in $menuObjts[‘MENUS’], which is a part, element of $menuObjts.
Thanks to #Santiago Squarzon for his patience and quick reaction.
The idea is to create dynamically menus from the CSV file (what works) and calls the selected functions by name - $menus_.FUNCTION which are retrieved.
But now I would like to extend it and be able to create multi sub menus.
There are two seperate MENU_GRP elements :
-- contains info about the current/active/selected one
($menuObjts.**MENUS** | Where-Object {[int]**$($_).MENU_GRP** -eq ...
-- $menuObjts.MENUS : contains all posible menus (CSV)
So I import a range menu-items by a CSV file.
So these $menus_ are added to $menuObjts.MENUS / $menuObjts[‘MENUS’]
There are other features in $menus_ such as MENU, PARENT, MENU_GRP, MENU_IDX, MENU_OFFSET, MENU_SEL_TYPE, nrElems, FUNCTION, info, status , SEL, RESTART, STOP
$global:menus_ = Import-Csv -Delimiter "," $($curPath)
$menuGRP_ = 0 # 0 - MAIN
$nrRestarts = #($menus_ | Where-Object { [int]$_.RESTART -eq 1 -and [int]$_.MENU_GRP -eq 0 }).Count
write-host (" info : - nrRestarts: {0}" -f ($nrRestarts))
# SET : values in one object : $menuObjts
$global:menuObjts =[ordered]#{
MENUS = $menus_;
MENU_GRP = $menuGRP_;
MENU_SEL_TYPE = $null;
MENU_OFFSET = $null;
nrElems = $null;
sel_input = $null;
MENU_IDX = $null}
$menuObjts.MENUS?MENU_GRP = 0 or $menuObjts.MENUS?MENU_GRP = 6
$menuObjts.MENUS?MENU_OFFSET = -1 or $menuObjts.MENUS?MENU_OFFSET = 12
$menuObjts.MENUS?nrElems = 13 or $menuObjts.MENUS?nrElems = 4
$menuObjts.MENUS ? - ? because I don't know how to retrieve the underlying object and their features/data
So my problem is how to retrieve each element of $menus_ in $menuObjts.MENUS again.
The idea is that via one variable, the next one will be calculated ([*]see function updateMenuObjtsInfo )
So my question is how can I see by type, how to get the wanted data ...
information of variables/object Get-Variable
$menuObjts.MENUS | select -first 1
These are a few things I want to achieve, but this doesn't work proper ($_).MENU_GRP
$1stElementGrp_ = $($menus_ | Where { [int]$($_).MENU_GRP -eq $menuObjts.MENU_GRP }| Select -First 1 )
$menuOFFSET_ = $($1stElementGrp_).MENU_OFFSET
$menuNrElems_ = $($1stElementGrp_).nrElems
##### where $($menuObjts.MENUS).MENU_GRP -eq $menuObjts.MENU_GRP -> .MENU_OFFSET
$menuObjts.MENU_OFFSET = $($menuObjts.MENUS | Where-Object { [int]$($_).MENU_GRP -eq $menuObjts.MENU_GRP}| Select -First 1 ).MENU_OFFSET
$menuObjts.nrElems = #($menuObjts.MENUS | Where-Object { [int]$($_).MENU_GRP -eq $menuObjts.MENU_GRP -and [int]$($_).SEL -eq 1}).Count
Another idea … was adding methods, but I’m struggling with my (little) knowledge of Powershell.
(based on 4 Ways to Create PowerShell Objects | )
$menuObjts | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name "getMENUS_RESTART" -Value $( this.MENUS | Where-Object { [int]$_.RESTART -eq 1 -and [int]$_.MENU_GRP -eq $menuGRP_ })
INFO - $menuObjts :
Name Value
---- -----
MENUS {#{MENU;PARENT;MENU_GRP;MENU_IDX;MENU_OFFSET;MENU_SEL_TYPE;nrElems;FUNCTION;info;status;SEL;RESTART;STOP=typeInstallation;LICENSE;0;0;-1;0;13;f1;Windows-Defende...
INFO - $menuObjts.MENUS :
typeInstallation;LICENSE;0;0;-1;0;13;f1;Windows-Defender has to be uninstalled
activate;;0;1;-1;0;13;f2;Windows has to be upgraded if working with an EVALUATION prod key;-1;0;0;0
NAME;HOST;0;2;-1;0;13;f3;F-SEC has to be configured as an isolated machine on the CSI server;-1;0;0;0
IP;;0;3;-1;0;13;f4;disable default Windows NTP service;-1;0;1;0
routes;;0;4;-1;0;13;f5;disable default Windows NTP service;-1;0;0;0
users;;0;5;-1;0;13;f6;disable default Windows NTP service;-1;0;0;0
ANTI VIRUS;SERVICEs;0;6;-1;0;13;f7;disable default Windows NTP service;-1;0;0;0
check;after CSI;0;10;-1;0;13;f11;;-1;0;0;0
WINDOWS DEFENDER;ANTI VIRUS;6;13;12;1;4;f14;;-1;0;0;0
Additional information [2021/05/04]
PS C:\Users\Administrator> $menuObjts.MENUS | Get-Member
TypeName: System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
Equals Method bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetHashCode Method int GetHashCode()
GetType Method type GetType()
ToString Method string ToString()
FUNCTION NoteProperty string FUNCTION=f1
info NoteProperty string info=Windows-Defender has to be uninstalled, before installing an other anti-virus program
MENU NoteProperty string MENU=typeInstallation
MENU_GRP NoteProperty string MENU_GRP=0
MENU_IDX NoteProperty string MENU_IDX=0
MENU_OFFSET NoteProperty string MENU_OFFSET=-1
PS C:\Users\Administrator> $menuObjts.MENUS
MENU : typeInstallation
nrElems : 13
info : Windows-Defender has ...
status : -1
SEL : 0
MENU : activate
I have the impression that $menus_ is added as a 'value' instead as an object to $menuObjts - Value : {#{MENU=
PS C:\Users\Administrator> $menuObjts.MENUS.PSobject.Properties
ReferencedMemberName : Length
ConversionType :
MemberType : AliasProperty
TypeNameOfValue : System.Int32
IsSettable : False
IsGettable : True
Value : 17
Name : Count
IsInstance : False
MemberType : Property
Value : 17
IsSettable : False
IsGettable : True
TypeNameOfValue : System.Int32
Name : Length
IsInstance : True
MemberType : Property
Value : {#{MENU=typeInstallation; PARENT=LICENSE; MENU_GRP=0; MENU_IDX=0; MENU_OFFSET=-1; MENU_SEL-TYPE=; nrElems=13;FUNCTION=f1; info=Windows-Defender has to be uninstalled, before installing an other anti-virus program;status=-1; SEL=0; RESTART=1; STOP=},
#{MENU=activate; PARENT=; MENU_GRP=0; MENU_IDX=1; MENU_OFFSET=-1; MENU_SEL-TYPE=; nrElems=13; FUNCTION=f2; info=Windows has to be upgraded if working with an EVALUATION prod key;status=-1; SEL=0; RESTART=0; STOP=},
#{MENU=NAME; PARENT=HOST; MENU_GRP=0; MENU_IDX=2; MENU_OFFSET=-1;MENU_SEL-TYPE=; nrElems=13; FUNCTION=f3; info=F-SEC has to be configured as an isolated machine on the CSI server;status=-1; SEL=0; RESTART=0; STOP=},
#{MENU=IP; PARENT=; MENU_GRP=0; MENU_IDX=3; MENU_OFFSET=-1; MENU_SEL-TYPE=;nrElems=13; FUNCTION=f4; info=disable default Windows NTP service; status=-1; SEL=0; RESTART=1; STOP=}...}
IsSettable : False
IsGettable : True
TypeNameOfValue : System.Object
Name : SyncRoot
IsInstance : True
First of all, I would recommend a good read on: Where-Object, about_Arrays and this good article on PS Objects
# Storing the CSV in the $csv var
$csv = #'
typeInstallation;LICENSE;0;0;-1;0;13;f1;Windows-Defender has to be uninstalled
activate;;0;1;-1;0;13;f2;Windows has to be upgraded if working with an EVALUATION prod key;-1;0;0;0
NAME;HOST;0;2;-1;0;13;f3;F-SEC has to be configured as an isolated machine on the CSI server;-1;0;0;0
IP;;0;3;-1;0;13;f4;disable default Windows NTP service;-1;0;1;0
routes;;0;4;-1;0;13;f5;disable default Windows NTP service;-1;0;0;0
users;;0;5;-1;0;13;f6;disable default Windows NTP service;-1;0;0;0
ANTI VIRUS;SERVICEs;0;6;-1;0;13;f7;disable default Windows NTP service;-1;0;0;0
check;after CSI;0;10;-1;0;13;f11;;-1;0;0;0
WINDOWS DEFENDER;ANTI VIRUS;6;13;12;1;4;f14;;-1;0;0;0
'#|convertfrom-csv -Delimiter ';'
Get the first element of the array
$1stElementGrp_ = $csv[0] # Like this
$1stElementGrp_ = $csv | Select-Object -First 1 # Or Like this
Get the value of the property MENU_OFFSET and nrElems of the variable $1stElementGrp_
$menuOFFSET_ = $1stElementGrp_.MENU_OFFSET # $menuOFFSET_ returns -1
$menuNrElems_ = $1stElementGrp_.nrElems # $menuNrElems_ returns 13
Not sure what you're trying filter here
# $menuObjts.MENU_OFFSET = ($menuObjts.MENUS | Where-Object {
# [int]$($_).MENU_GRP -eq $menuObjts.MENU_GRP
# }| Select -First 1).MENU_OFFSET
# $menuObjts.nrElems = #($menuObjts.MENUS | Where-Object {
# [int]$($_).MENU_GRP -eq $menuObjts.MENU_GRP -and [int]$($_).SEL -eq 1}).Count
# }
Example: If you want to filter all the rows where MENU_OFFSET = -1
$csv | Where-Object {$_.MENU_OFFSET -eq -1} |
---- ------ -------- -------- -----------
typeInstallation LICENSE 0 0 -1
activate 0 1 -1
NAME HOST 0 2 -1
IP 0 3 -1
routes 0 4 -1
users 0 5 -1
NTP 0 7 -1
addPATH postgres 0 9 -1
check after CSI 0 10 -1
execute 0 11 -1
quite 0 12 -1
Example: If you want to filter all the rows where MENU_GRP = 6 AND MENU matches the word 'WINDOWS'
$csv | Where-Object {$_.MENU_GRP -eq 6 -and $_.MENU -match 'Windows'} |
---- ------ -------- -------- -----------

Powershell pscustomobject with array properties to Csv file

I got an $Object with a ton of properties which look like this:
IsSynchronized : { False, False }
What I want is to do something like :
$Object | Export-Csv C:\Test\Merge.csv -Delimiter ';'
To get a CSV containing :
But as expected I get
Is there a good way to get a ton of the object's properties in a .CSV ?
I have 6 .csv files with values and I try to add them in to one big .csv for further processing.
I asked about this Topic yesterday but i need to make more clear what i want.
I create a PSCustomObject and fill it with Arrays:
$Object = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject
$Object | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "CPUHost" -value $global:CPUHost
$Object | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "NumCpu" -value $global:NumCpu
$Object | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "MemoryMB" -value $global:MemoryMB
$Object | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "CPU Usage (Average), Mhz" -value $global:CPUUsageAverageMhz
$Object | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "CPU Usage (Average), %" -value $global:CPUUsageAverage
$Object | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "Memory Usage (Average), %" -value $global:MemoryUsageAverage
$Object | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "Network Usage (Average), KBps" -value $global:NetworkUsageAverageKBps
$Object | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "Disk Usage (Average), KBps" -value $global:DiskUsageAverageKBps
All of these Global Variables are Arrays because i never know how many Values i get in the first place.
They are filled by lopping through 6 CSV Files i will allways get.
After running this bit i will have a Object looking like this:
CPUHost : {xxxx}
NumCpu : {20}
MemoryMB : {36094}
CPU Usage (Average), Mhz : {3914,33}
CPU Usage (Average), % : {8,91}
Memory Usage (Average), % : {70,17}
Network Usage (Average), KBps : {439,68}
Disk Usage (Average), KBps : {1994,93}
What i want is to Export that in to a CSV Displayed like :
CPUHost NumCPU MemoryMb CPUUsage ...
------- ------ -------- ---------
xxxx 20 36094 3914
With every Value in its own Cell.
What i get is instead of the values : System.Type.[] which is technically correct but not what i need.
I allready tryed to -join the values but that will leave me with the values in the same cell
You state that you have one object with multiple properties like what was posted. I assume you have an object that looks like the following:
IsSynchronized Property2 Property3
-------------- --------- ---------
{False, False} {1, 2, 3} {string1, string2, string3, string4}
You could do the following:
$loopmax = $object[0] |% {($_.Value | measure-object).Count} | Sort -desc | Select -First 1
$newobject = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $loopmax; $i++) {
$hash = [ordered]#{}
foreach ($p in $object[0] {
$hash[$p] = $object.$p[$i]
$newobject | convertto-csv -notype
This doesn't seem wise to do. CSV isn't very good for representing or storing rich or hierarchical objects. The problem is even worse when the property is an object, in your case it's a flat array. You can output as you suggest / request, and other answers have demonstrated:
However, this disrupts the property's relationship to the other properties. If you have other types like [String] & [Int], or even varying numbers of elements in array typed properties things are going to get weird quickly!
If you must stick with CSV you can sub-delimit the field. A great example of this is Exchange Message Tracking logs. They are CSV files delimited on the typical ",", but the recipients field is sub-delimited on a ";".
An example in code might look something like this:
$Object =
Prop1 = "one"
Prop2 = "two"
Arr1 = #( 1,2,3,4 )
$Object |
Select-Object Prop1, Prop2,
#{ Name = 'Arr1'; Expression = {$_.Arr1 -join "," } } |
ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ";"
Note: To use full fidelity data in a later process would require appropriate handling on input. However, if you follow other solutions and said weirdness occurs you'll be left with a similar issue; having to handle on the input side everywhere you intend to use that data.
Given CSV's shortcomings JSON may be a better choice to store & reuse full fidelity objects. Export/Import CliXML are interesting for this.
To answer the literal question asked (although I'm not sure that's what the OP actually wants)...
If you have a single object with a property that contains an array of values, you can expand them out into a new array and then convert that to csv as follows:
$obj = new-object psobject -Property #{
"IsSynchronized" = #( $false, $false )
# IsSynchronized
# --------------
# {False, False}
$data = $obj.IsSynchronized | foreach-object {
new-object pscustomobject -Property #{ "IsSynchronized" = $_ }
$csv = $data | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation
# "IsSynchronized"
# "False"
# "False"

Search and delete registry values containing string using Powershell

I'm trying to find all the values recursively that contains this sub-string in it name : "~fr-FR~".
$registry = Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\PackageDetect\" -Recurse
Foreach($a in $registry) {
($a | Get-ItemProperty).Psobject.Properties |
Where-Object { $_.Name -like '*~fr-FR~*' }
At this point I can retrieve all the values filtered recursively. Pasted below is example of one of the results:
MemberType : NoteProperty
IsSettable : True
IsGettable : True
Value : 3
TypeNameOfValue : System.Int32
Name : Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-ClientTools-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~fr-FR~10.0.17134.1
IsInstance : True
How do I remove the sub-string?

PowerShell cmdlet shows property, but it can't display it through 'select'

I am trying to execute the following statement.
dir IIS:\Sites| foreach{ get-webapplication -site $_.Name} | select -first 1
This results in
Name Application pool Protocols Physical Path
---- ---------------- --------- -------------
i1 DefaultWebSite http C:\inetpub\hosts\DefaultWebSite\i1
But when I execute the following the result is empty
dir IIS:\Sites| foreach{ get-webapplication -site $_.Name} | select -first 1 name
So I looked into the properties for this object
dir IIS:\Sites| foreach{ get-webapplication -site $_.Name} | select -first 1 | get-member | sort
Name | select Name, MemberType | format-table -auto
Name MemberType
---- ----------
applicationPool NoteProperty
Attributes Property
ChildElements Property
ClearLocalData Method
Collection NoteProperty
ConfigurationPathType NoteProperty
Copy Method
Delete Method
ElementTagName Property
enabledProtocols NoteProperty
Equals Method
GetAttribute Method
GetAttributeValue Method
GetChildElement Method
GetCollection Method
GetHashCode Method
GetMetadata Method
GetParentElement Method
GetType Method
Item ParameterizedProperty
ItemXPath NoteProperty
LoadProperties Method
Location NoteProperty
Methods Property
path NoteProperty
PhysicalPath ScriptProperty
PSPath NoteProperty
Schema Property
SetAttributeValue Method
SetMetadata Method
ToPSObject Method
ToString Method
Update Method
UpdateCollection Method
virtualDirectoryDefaults NoteProperty
So no 'Name' property. How is it that the get-webpplication can show the name property, but we cant select it?
The WebAdministration module defines default format for the concerned type. In this case, the WebApplication that you get is of type Microsoft.IIs.PowerShell.Framework.ConfigurationElement#site#application
If you look at the file iisprovider.format.ps1xml under the module ( usually located at C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\WebAdministration), you will see that the format specified for the Name of this type is as below:
$name = $_.Path.Trim('/')
Thus the name is actually got from $_.Path.Trim('/'), so you can do the same if you want:
get-webapplication -site "test" | select #{e={$_.Path.Trim('/')};l="Name"}
This works for me:
get-webapplication | forEach { write-host $_.Attributes[0].Value }