Powershell pscustomobject with array properties to Csv file - powershell

I got an $Object with a ton of properties which look like this:
IsSynchronized : { False, False }
What I want is to do something like :
$Object | Export-Csv C:\Test\Merge.csv -Delimiter ';'
To get a CSV containing :
But as expected I get
Is there a good way to get a ton of the object's properties in a .CSV ?
I have 6 .csv files with values and I try to add them in to one big .csv for further processing.
I asked about this Topic yesterday but i need to make more clear what i want.
I create a PSCustomObject and fill it with Arrays:
$Object = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject
$Object | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "CPUHost" -value $global:CPUHost
$Object | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "NumCpu" -value $global:NumCpu
$Object | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "MemoryMB" -value $global:MemoryMB
$Object | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "CPU Usage (Average), Mhz" -value $global:CPUUsageAverageMhz
$Object | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "CPU Usage (Average), %" -value $global:CPUUsageAverage
$Object | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "Memory Usage (Average), %" -value $global:MemoryUsageAverage
$Object | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "Network Usage (Average), KBps" -value $global:NetworkUsageAverageKBps
$Object | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "Disk Usage (Average), KBps" -value $global:DiskUsageAverageKBps
All of these Global Variables are Arrays because i never know how many Values i get in the first place.
They are filled by lopping through 6 CSV Files i will allways get.
After running this bit i will have a Object looking like this:
CPUHost : {xxxx}
NumCpu : {20}
MemoryMB : {36094}
CPU Usage (Average), Mhz : {3914,33}
CPU Usage (Average), % : {8,91}
Memory Usage (Average), % : {70,17}
Network Usage (Average), KBps : {439,68}
Disk Usage (Average), KBps : {1994,93}
What i want is to Export that in to a CSV Displayed like :
CPUHost NumCPU MemoryMb CPUUsage ...
------- ------ -------- ---------
xxxx 20 36094 3914
With every Value in its own Cell.
What i get is instead of the values : System.Type.[] which is technically correct but not what i need.
I allready tryed to -join the values but that will leave me with the values in the same cell

You state that you have one object with multiple properties like what was posted. I assume you have an object that looks like the following:
IsSynchronized Property2 Property3
-------------- --------- ---------
{False, False} {1, 2, 3} {string1, string2, string3, string4}
You could do the following:
$loopmax = $object[0].psobject.properties |% {($_.Value | measure-object).Count} | Sort -desc | Select -First 1
$newobject = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $loopmax; $i++) {
$hash = [ordered]#{}
foreach ($p in $object[0].psobject.properties.name) {
$hash[$p] = $object.$p[$i]
$newobject | convertto-csv -notype

This doesn't seem wise to do. CSV isn't very good for representing or storing rich or hierarchical objects. The problem is even worse when the property is an object, in your case it's a flat array. You can output as you suggest / request, and other answers have demonstrated:
However, this disrupts the property's relationship to the other properties. If you have other types like [String] & [Int], or even varying numbers of elements in array typed properties things are going to get weird quickly!
If you must stick with CSV you can sub-delimit the field. A great example of this is Exchange Message Tracking logs. They are CSV files delimited on the typical ",", but the recipients field is sub-delimited on a ";".
An example in code might look something like this:
$Object =
Prop1 = "one"
Prop2 = "two"
Arr1 = #( 1,2,3,4 )
$Object |
Select-Object Prop1, Prop2,
#{ Name = 'Arr1'; Expression = {$_.Arr1 -join "," } } |
ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ";"
Note: To use full fidelity data in a later process would require appropriate handling on input. However, if you follow other solutions and said weirdness occurs you'll be left with a similar issue; having to handle on the input side everywhere you intend to use that data.
Given CSV's shortcomings JSON may be a better choice to store & reuse full fidelity objects. Export/Import CliXML are interesting for this.

To answer the literal question asked (although I'm not sure that's what the OP actually wants)...
If you have a single object with a property that contains an array of values, you can expand them out into a new array and then convert that to csv as follows:
$obj = new-object psobject -Property #{
"IsSynchronized" = #( $false, $false )
# IsSynchronized
# --------------
# {False, False}
$data = $obj.IsSynchronized | foreach-object {
new-object pscustomobject -Property #{ "IsSynchronized" = $_ }
$csv = $data | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation
# "IsSynchronized"
# "False"
# "False"


Trying to list the resource groups and locations

I am trying to list the Azure resource groups based on only the locations available in vnet locations. Here is my code.
$SelectVnet=$AllVnet | Select-Object -Property Name,ResourceGroupName,Location
foreach($loc in $vnetloc)
$ResourceGroup=Get-AzResourceGroup -Location $loc
$VMObject = New-Object PSObject
$VMObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value $Name
$VMObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Location" -Value $Loc
$ResourceGroupList += $VMObject
It returns the result in the below format
Name Location
---- --------
AZRWUSRG1 westus
{NWRG, AZREUS####, AZREU###, AZREUSLSSTO###} {eastus, eastus, eastus, eastus…}
But I want in this format
Name Location
---- --------
AZRWUSRG1 westus
NWRG eastus
AZREUS#### eastus
How can I achieve that? Can anyone please help.
Get-AzResourceGroup can return multiple objects of type PSResourceGroup. In this case $ResourceGroup will be an array.
The above code lets PowerShell create an array by collecting the value of the property ResourceGroupName from all elements of the array $ResourceGroup. This is why you get output like {NWRG, AZREUS####, AZREU###, AZREUSLSSTO###}.
The code can be fixed and greatly simplified like this:
$SelectVnet=$AllVnet | Select-Object -Property Name,ResourceGroupName,Location
$ResourceGroupList = foreach($loc in $vnetloc)
Get-AzResourceGroup -Location $loc | Select-Object Name, Location
Using Select-Object we create a new object for each PSResourceGroup element that is returned from Get-AzResourceGroup, containing only the given properties.
Since we have assigned the foreach output to a variable, PowerShell automatically captures all output from the loop body in the variable, which will be an array when there are more than one elements.

Creation and modification of Objects in Powershell

I'm a newbie of powershell, I'm starting right now to look at objects, etc.
I'm creating an object in this way:
$myObject = [PSCustomObject]#{
ComputerName = "abc"
Data = "xxx"
If I then print $myObject what i get is:
ComputerName Data
------------ ----
abc xxx
And everything is ok, now I want to add a property to that object, and I saw (tell me if i'm wrong) that I can do it in 2 ways: with add-member and with select-object
For example with add-member what I did was:
$myObject | Add-member -NotePropertyName Level -NotePropertyValue Highest
Instead with Select-object I did:
$myobject = 2 (cause i want to add 2 properties, is it right?) | Select-Object -Property Level, Privilege
$myobject.Level = "High"
$myobject.Privilege = "Elevated"
Now if I run $myobject I still only get:
ComputerName Data
------------ ----
abc xxx
What should I do to see all the data, even the one that I added later?
Can I directly add the values to the properties added through Select-Object?
You can use the Add-Member method on a PsCustomObject.
$myObject = [PSCustomObject]#{
ComputerName = "abc"
Data = "xxx"
$myObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Level -NotePropertyValue High
$myObject | Add-Member Privilege Elevated
#Output looks like,
ComputerName Data Level Privilege
------------ ---- ----- ---------
abc xxx High Elevated
Not sure at the moment why but will elaborate on it ...
If you print the Pscustomobject and then run the add-member, they seem to be ignored. If you create a hashtable, update it and then convert to PsObject, it works. Following is an example of that hashtable
$myObject = #{
ComputerName = "abc"
Data = "xxx"
$myObject | ft
$myObject.Add("Level", "high")
$myObject.Add("Privilege", "Elevated")
[pscustomobject] $myObject | ft
What I found
When you print $myObject then add the data, the data is added but not displayed. This is due to some internal mechanism, unknown to me, that continues to use the same headers from previous command.
If you notice, the data is printed twice under the same heading. If you want to see the differences before and after, pipe it to format-list or format-table to use a different output stream each time.
$myObject = [PSCustomObject]#{
ComputerName = "abc"
Data = "xxx"
$myObject | ft
$myObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Level -NotePropertyValue High -Force
$myObject | Add-Member Privilege Elevated
$myObject | ft
You can use either Add-Member or Select-Object. Withstanding the advantages or disadvantages in different situations I just want to throw in the Select-Object example. Just so you have both methods:
This example will echo the object with the selected properties:
$myObject |
Select-Object *,
#{Name = 'Level'; Expression = { 'High' } },
#{Name = 'Privilege'; Expression = { 'Elevated' } }
If you want to save the new properties back to the object variable you'll have to reassign like below:
$myObject = $myObject |
Select-Object *,
#{Name = 'Level'; Expression = { 'High' } },
#{Name = 'Privilege'; Expression = { 'Elevated' } }
PowerShell allows you to provide a hash table to define the new properties. You'll note it looks fairly similar to the hash you used to create the object. Typically the expression would leverage the $_ syntax to calculate the property's value. You will often here these referred to as calculated properties.

How to dynamically add new properties to custom object in PowerShell

I have a custom object that contains device information that looks something like this.
PC1,Elitebook 850, ABC123,
PC2,EliteDesk 600,123ABC
I have a function that retrieves threats detected by an antivirus product. These are returned as an array of objects. There are more properties than below but this is just an example
I would like to add each member as properties to the custom object so the final output is similar to this.
Currently, my script does this:
foreach($device in $devices){
$threats = Get-Threats $device
[pscustomobject] #{
name = $device.device_name
make = $device.make
sn = $device.sn
ThreatFileName = $threats.File -join ", "
Threat_md5 = $threats.md5 -join ", "
This works ok but I'd really like each object returned by the 'Get-Threats' function to be listed as its own set of properties. I need this to be generated dynamically because I don't know how many threats will be returned for each device.
Any thoughts on how to go about this?
You can add properties to objects at any time with the Add-Member cmdlet. Maybe start with an empty object and loop through the elements returned by Get-Threats, adding a member each time?
Edit: Example code to answer for reference.
$o = [pscustomobject]#{
$o | ft
$o | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'MemberE' -Value 'eee'
$o | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'MemberF' -Value 'fff'
$o | ft
The answer from #krome got me pointed in the right direction although that answer wouldn't work for me as there could be multiple threats for each device.
I used the answer from #scobi on Dynamically get PSCustomObject property and values to arrive at this answer which meets my requirement that the new properties be generated dynamically.
foreach($device in $devices){
$threats = Get-Threats $device
if($null -ne $threats){
$i = 1
foreach($threat in $threats){
$threat | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | % Name | %{
Add-Member -InputObject $device -NotePropertyName ("Threat"+$i.ToString() + "_" + $_) -NotePropertyValue $threat.$_ -Force
Write-Output $devices
I loop over each device in the devices array and call my
Get-Threats function.
The if statement prevents the loop from running for any devices
that don't have threats.
$i is used as my counter to increment the property name for each
threat found so the properties will all have unique names
I then loop over each threat found piping to Get-Member to retrieve
the property name and values
I use Add-Member to add additional properties for each threat found
to each device in the loop, using the counter to give each propery a unique name

Get the term set name that is being used in sharepoint sites

I have been tasked to get the MMS term sets that are being used based on terms(not with null value of MMS column in the list's items ) in all the sites so that only those MMS terms sets can get migrated to the other sharepoint environment. On a base level I'm using below script
$FieldCollection= (Get-SPWeb https:/sharepoint.com/sites/pssl/mgmt).Lists.Fields
$MetadataField = New-Object psobject
$MetadataField | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ParentListUrl" -value ""
$MetadataField | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ParentListTitle" -value ""
$MetadataField | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FieldTitle" -value ""
$MetadataField | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FieldId" -value ""
$matches = #();
foreach($field in $FieldCollection)
if($field.GetType().Name -ne "TaxonomyField"){
#if($field.TermSetId.ToString() -ne $TermSet.Id.ToString()){continue;}
$tf = $MetadataField | Select-Object *;
$tf.ParentListUrl = $field.ParentList.ParentWeb.Url;
$tf.ParentListTitle = $field.ParentList.Title;
$tf.FieldTitle = $field.Title;
$tf.FieldId = $field.ID;
$matches += $tf;
return $matches;
but it returns only managed metadata columns defined in the list, but not they are being used in the list. Can anybody help me to achieve the task.
I'm not an expert in Sharepoint API, but I'm trying to understand what the problem is to help you and I can't.
I notice that you create an object $MetadataField before a loop, then kind of create a replica $MetadataField | Select-Object * and then add in a array.
As you say, the returned objects should only have the columns of ParentListUrl,ParentListTitle,FieldTitle and FieldId which is what I expect from the sample above. Can you elaborate more on what you are looking for? Maybe update the entire function into your question and post your returned expectation. this way I can try to help you out.
Btw, the ; is not required and you should create a new instance of the object within the loop. You can use the same method or first create a hash key that drives the properties of a custom object. For example in your loop adjust the following.
New-Object -Type PSObject -Property $hash
Also if you function returns directly each found item without extra processing, then you can skip adding them in an array and just write in the output like I do in my example. To make it more clear, if I would put a loop around my example in a function and execute, then I would get a recordset with custom object with Property1 and Property2

hash tables in arrays ....and JSON

I'm trying to use Zabbix JSON API to automate some monitoring stuff in our IT shop.
I'd like to use the graph.create method described here : https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/2.2/manual/api/reference/graph/create
I'm struggling with the gitems array. It must contain hash tables (one per item in the graph), each with "itemid" and "color" rows.
This is part of my code :
#i get a list of itemids in $items
$colours=#("C04000", "800000", "191970", "3EB489", [...])
$gitems=#() #an array of hash tables...
foreach ($itemid in $items.result) {
$graphmember.add("itemid", $itemid)
$graphmember.add("color", $colours[$c])
$gitems += $graphmember
$c += 1
$params.add("gitems", $gitems)
#construct the JSON object
$objgraph = (New-Object PSObject | Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty jsonrpc '2.0' |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty method 'graph.create' |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty params $params |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty auth $session.result |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty id '2') | ConvertTo-Json
return $objgraph
Which, when called returns this :
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "graph.create",
"params": {
"gitems": [
"auth": "dc50acf4c337e5430c00936f998f74da",
"id": "2"
So i get 5 rows, which is the right number based on the arguments i supplied, but it seems like convertto-json doesnt like my object... can't figure out why.
I was not sure about the hash table in a array thing so i did a test and it seems to work :
$gitems += $i1
$gitems += $i2
Name Value
---- -----
color bleu
itemid 123
color yellow
itemid 567
Thanks for ideas people!
The depth parameter specifies how many levels of contained objects are included in the JSON representation. The default value is 2. If you specify a value 3, the json will be created successfully:
$objgraph = (New-Object PSObject | Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty jsonrpc '2.0' |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty method 'graph.create' |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty params $params |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty auth $session.result |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty id '2') | ConvertTo-Json -depth 3