How to zero out the centre k by k matrix in an input matrix with odd number of columns and rows - matlab

I am trying to solve this problem:
Write a function called cancel_middle that takes A, an n-by-m
matrix, as an input where both n and m are odd numbers and k, a positive
odd integer that is smaller than both m and n (the function does not have to
check the input). The function returns the input matrix with its center k-by-k
matrix zeroed out.
Check out the following run:
>> cancel_middle(ones(5),3)
ans =
1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1
My code works only when k=3. How can I generalize it for all odd values of k? Here's what I have so far:
function test(n,m,k)
A = ones(n,m);
B = zeros(k);
A(((end+1)/2)-1,((end+1)/2)-1)= B(1,1);
A(((end+1)/2)-1,((end+1)/2))= B(1,2);
A(((end+1)/2)-1,((end+1)/2)+1)= B(1,3);
A(((end+1)/2),((end+1)/2)-1)= B(2,1);
A(((end+1)/2),((end+1)/2)+1)= B(2,3);
A(((end+1)/2)+1,((end+1)/2)-1)= B(3,1);
A(((end+1)/2)+1,((end+1)/2))= B(3,2);

You can simplify your code. Please have a look at
Matrix Indexing in MATLAB. "one or both of the row and column subscripts can be vectors", i.e. you can define a submatrix. Then you simply need to do the indexing correct: as you have odd numbers just subtract m-k and n-k and you have the number of elements left from your old matrix A. If you divide it by 2 you get the padding on the left/right, top/bottom. And another +1/-1 because of Matlab indexing.
% Generate test data
n = 13;
m = 11;
A = reshape( 1:m*n, n, m )
k = 3;
% Do the calculations
start_row = (n-k)/2 + 1
start_col = (m-k)/2 + 1
A( start_row:start_row+k-1, start_col:start_col+k-1 ) = zeros( k )

function b = cancel_middle(a,k)
[n,m] = size(a);
start_row = (n-k)/2 + 1;
start_column = (m-k)/2 + 1;
end_row = (n-k)/2 + k;
end_column = (m-k)/2 + k;
a(start_row:end_row,start_column:end_column) = 0;
b = a;
I have made a function in an m file called cancel_middle and it basically converts the central k by k matrix as a zero matrix with the same dimensions i.e. k by k.
the rest of the matrix remains the same. It is a general function and you'll need to give 2 inputs i.e the matrix you want to convert and the order of submatrix, which is k.


Vectorising a code using xor in Matlab

I have an mxn array r in Matlab with elements that are zeros or ones.
I want to construct a vector p of dimension mxn such that for i=1,...,m
p(i,2)=r(i,2)XOR r(i,1)
p(i,3)=r(i,3) XOR r(i,2)
p(i,n)=r(i,n) XOR r(i,n-1)
This code does what I want but it is slow for m,n large. Could you suggest something faster?
r=[1 1 1 1 1; ...
0 0 1 0 0; ...
1 0 1 0 1; ...
0 1 0 0 0];
for i=1:m
for j=2:n
p = zeros(m,n);
p(:,1) = r(:,1);
p(:,2:end) = xor( r(:,1:(end-1)), r(:,2:n) );
What we're doing here is:
Pre-allocating the array. Same as your code.
Fill in the first column of p with the first column of r
Fill in the 2nd - last columns of p with the desired XOR operation. As inputs to the XOR we are using two large sections of r. The first is the 1st - (last-1)th columns. The second is the 2nd through last columns.

How do I create this matrix on Matlab?

I am trying to create a matrix (32 x 32) with -1 on its main diagonal and 1 in its first and second superdiagonals. 0 everywhere else.
A = eye(32)* -1;
That gives me a matrix with -1 on its main diagonal, how do I proceed?
toeplitz([-1; zeros(n-1,1)],[-1 1 1 zeros(1,n-3)])
is what you need. This will create a non-symmetric Toeplitz matrix (a band matrix), the first column of which is given by [-1; zeros(32-1,1)], the first row by [-1 1 1 zeros(1,32-3)]. You could also define a function with size n as input parameter, if necessary.
You can use spdiags to set the diagonals directly into a sparse matrix and full-it if desired.
n = 32;
Asparse = spdiags(ones(n,1)*[-1,1,1],[0,1,2],n,n);
Afull = full(Asparse);
n = 32
A = -1*eye(n); %Create 32x32 Identity
A(n+1:n+1:n^2) = 1; %Set 1st Superdiagonal to 1
A(2*n+1:n+1:n^2) = 1; %Set 2nd Superdiagonal to 1
Note that MATLAB uses column-major order for matrices. For the 1st superdiagonal, we start with the (n+1)th element and choose every (n+1)th element thereon. We do a similar operation for 2nd superdiagonal except we start from (2*n+1)th element.
Just using diag and eye:
n = 32;
z = ones(n-1,1);
A = diag(z,1)+diag(z(1:n-2),2)-eye(n);
There's also:
n = 32;
A = gallery('triw',n,1,2)-2*eye(n)
using the gallery function with the 'triw' option.
diag allows you to create a matrix passing a diagonal:
Last parameter 0 for the main diagonal, 1 and 2 for the super diagonals.
If I can suggest more esoteric code, first create a vector full of 1s, then create the identity matrix, then shift create a diagonal matrix with these 1s with the vector and shift it to the right by 1, decreasing the amount of elements in the vector, then do it again for the last superdiagonal.
n = 32;
vec = ones(n,1);
out = -eye(n) + diag(vec(1:end-1),1) + diag(vec(1:end-2),2);
N = 32;
A = -diag(ones(N,1)); % diagonal
tmp1=diag(ones(N-1,1),1); %1st supra
tmp1=diag(ones(N-2,1),2); #2nd supra
A = A+tmp1+tmp2;
using diag
Yet another approach: this uses convmtx from the Signal Processing Toolbox:
n = 32; %// matrix size
v = [-1 1 1]; %// vector with values
M = convmtx(v, n);
M = M(:,1:end-numel(v)+1);

Finding sub-matrix with minimum elementwise sum

I have a symmetric m-by-m matrix A. Each element has a value between 0 and 1. I now want to choose n rows / columns of A which form an n-by-n sub-matrix B.
The criteria for choosing these elements, is that the sum of all elements of B must be the minimum out of all possible n-by-n sub-matrices of A.
For example, suppose that A is a 4-by-4 matrix:
A = [0 0.5 1 0; 0.5 0 0.5 0; 1 0.5 1 1; 0 0 1 0.5]
And n is set to 3. Then, the best B is the one taking the first, second and fourth rows / columns of A:
B = [0 0.5 0; 0.5 0 0; 0 0 0.5]
Where the sum of these elements is 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0.5 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0.5 = 1.5, which is smaller than another other possible 3-by-3 sub-matrices (e.g. using the first, third and fourth rows / columns).
How can I do this?
This is partly a mathematics question, and partly a Matlab one. Any help with either would be great!
Do the following:
m = size(A,1);
sub = nchoosek(1:m,n); % (numCombinations x n)
subR = permute(sub,[2,3,1]); % (n x 1 x numCombinations), row indices
subC = permute(sub,[3,2,1]); % (1 x n x numCombinations), column indices
lin = bsxfun(#plus,subR,m*(subC-1)); % (n x n x numCombinations), linear indices
allB = A(lin); % (n x n x numCombinations), all possible Bs
sumB = sum(sum(allB,1),2); % (1 x 1 x numCombinations), sum of Bs
sumB = squeeze(sumB); % (numCombinations x 1), sum of Bs
[minB,minBInd] = min(sumB);
fprintf('Indices for minimum B: %s\n',mat2str(sub(minBInd,:)))
fprintf('Minimum B: %s (Sum: %g)\n',mat2str(allB(:,:,minBInd)),minB)
This looks only for submatrices where the row indices are the same as the column indices, and not necessarily consecutive. That is how I understood the question.
This is a bit brute force, but should work
A = [0 0.5 1 0; 0.5 0 0.5 0; 1 0.5 1 1; 0 0 1 0.5];
sizeA = size(A,1);
idx_combs = nchoosek(1:sizeA, size_sub);
for ii=1:size(idx_combs,1)
sub_temp = A(idx_combs(ii,:),:);
sub = sub_temp(:,idx_combs(ii,:));
sum_temp = sum(sub);
sums(ii) = sum(sum_temp);
[min_set, idx] = min(sums);
sub_temp = A(idx_combs(idx,:),:);
sub = sub_temp(:,idx_combs(idx,:))
Try to convolve the matrix A with a smaller matrix M. Eg if you is interested in finding the 3x3 submatrix then let M be ones(3). This code shows how it works.
A = toeplitz(10:-1:1) % Create a to eplitz matrix (example matrix)
m = 3; % Submatrix size
mC = ceil(m/2); % Distance to center of submatrix
M = ones(m);
Aconv = conv2(A,M); % Do the convolution.
[~,minColIdx] = min(min(Aconv(1+mC:end-mC,1+mC:end-mC))); % Find column center with smallest sum
[~,minRowIdx] = min(min(Aconv(1+mC:end-mC,minColIdx+mC),[],2)); % Find row center with smlest sum
minRowIdx = minRowIdx+mC-1 % Convoluted matrix is larger than A
minColIdx = minColIdx+mC-1 % Convoluted matrix is larger than A
range = -mC+1:mC-1
B = A(minRowIdx+range, minColIdx+range)
The idea is to imitate a fir filter y(n) = 1*x(n-1)+1*x(n)+1*x(n+1). For now it only finds the first smallest matrix though. Notice the +1 adjustment because first matrix element is 1. Then notice the the restoration right below.

Replacing zeros (or NANs) in a matrix with the previous element row-wise or column-wise in a fully vectorized way

I need to replace the zeros (or NaNs) in a matrix with the previous element row-wise, so basically I need this Matrix X
To become like this:
please note that if the first row element is zero it will stay like that.
I know that this has been solved for a single row or column vector in a vectorized way and this is one of the nicest way of doing that:
id = find(X);
X(id(2:end)) = diff(X(id));
Y = cumsum(X)
The problem is that the indexing of a matrix in Matlab/Octave is consecutive and increments columnwise so it works for a single row or column but the same exact concept cannot be applied but needs to be modified with multiple rows 'cause each of raw/column starts fresh and must be regarded as independent. I've tried my best and googled the whole google but coukldn’t find a way out. If I apply that same very idea in a loop it gets too slow cause my matrices contain 3000 rows at least. Can anyone help me out of this please?
Special case when zeros are isolated in each row
You can do it using the two-output version of find to locate the zeros and NaN's in all columns except the first, and then using linear indexing to fill those entries with their row-wise preceding values:
[ii jj] = find( (X(:,2:end)==0) | isnan(X(:,2:end)) );
X(ii+jj*size(X,1)) = X(ii+(jj-1)*size(X,1));
General case (consecutive zeros are allowed on each row)
X(isnan(X)) = 0; %// handle NaN's and zeros in a unified way
aux = repmat(2.^(1:size(X,2)), size(X,1), 1) .* ...
[ones(size(X,1),1) logical(X(:,2:end))]; %// positive powers of 2 or 0
col = floor(log2(cumsum(aux,2))); %// col index
ind = bsxfun(#plus, (col-1)*size(X,1), (1:size(X,1)).'); %'// linear index
Y = X(ind);
The trick is to make use of the matrix aux, which contains 0 if the corresponding entry of X is 0 and its column number is greater than 1; or else contains 2 raised to the column number. Thus, applying cumsum row-wise to this matrix, taking log2 and rounding down (matrix col) gives the column index of the rightmost nonzero entry up to the current entry, for each row (so this is a kind of row-wise "cummulative max" function.) It only remains to convert from column number to linear index (with bsxfun; could also be done with sub2ind) and use that to index X.
This is valid for moderate sizes of X only. For large sizes, the powers of 2 used by the code quickly approach realmax and incorrect indices result.
X =
0 1 2 2 1 0 0
5 6 3 0 0 2 3
1 1 1 1 0 1 1
>> Y
Y =
0 1 2 2 1 1 1
5 6 3 3 3 2 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
You can generalize your own solution as follows:
Y = X.'; %'// Make a transposed copy of X
Y(isnan(Y)) = 0;
idx = find([ones(1, size(X, 1)); Y(2:end, :)]);
Y(idx(2:end)) = diff(Y(idx));
Y = reshape(cumsum(Y(:)), [], size(X, 1)).'; %'// Reshape back into a matrix
This works by treating the input data as a long vector, applying the original solution and then reshaping the result back into a matrix. The first column is always treated as non-zero so that the values don't propagate throughout rows. Also note that the original matrix is transposed so that it is converted to a vector in row-major order.
Modified version of Eitan's answer to avoid propagating values across rows:
Y = X'; %'
tf = Y > 0;
tf(1,:) = true;
idx = find(tf);
Y(idx(2:end)) = diff(Y(idx));
Y = reshape(cumsum(Y(:)),fliplr(size(X)))';
%Do it column by column is easier
while 1
%fields to replace
%do nothing for the first row/column
if rm2==rm
%nothing to do
%replace zeros
x(l) = x(find(l)-1);
I have a function I use for a similar problem for filling NaNs. This can probably be cutdown or sped up further - it's extracted from pre-existing code that has a bunch more functionality (forward/backward filling, maximum distance etc).
X = [
0 1 2 2 1 0
5 6 3 0 0 2
1 1 1 1 0 1
0 0 4 5 3 9
X(X == 0) = NaN;
Y = nanfill(X,2);
Y(isnan(Y)) = 0
function y = nanfill(x,dim)
if nargin < 2, dim = 1; end
if dim == 2, y = nanfill(x',1)'; return; end
i = find(~isnan(x(:)));
j = 1:size(x,1):numel(x);
j = j(ones(size(x,1),1),:);
ix = max(rep([1; i],diff([1; i; numel(x) + 1])),j(:));
y = reshape(x(ix),size(x));
function y = rep(x,times)
i = find(times);
if length(i) < length(times), x = x(i); times = times(i); end
i = cumsum([1; times(:)]);
j = zeros(i(end)-1,1);
j(i(1:end-1)) = 1;
y = x(cumsum(j));

Random binary matrix with two non-trivial constraints

I need to generate a random matrix of K columns and N rows containing ones and zeroes, such that:
a) Each row contains exactly k ones.
b) Each row is different from the other (combinatorics imposes that if N > nchoosek(K, k) there will be nchoosek(K,k) rows).
Assume I want N = 10000 (out of all the possible nchoosek(K, k) = 27405 combinations), different 1×K vectors (with K = 30) containing k (with k = 4) ones and K - k zeroes.
This code:
clear all; close
N=10000; K=30; k=4;
M=randi([0 1],N,K);
plot(sum(M,2)) % condition a) not satisfied
does not satisfy neither a) nor b).
This code:
clear all; close;
NN=N; K=30; k=4;
for ii=1:NN
ttmodel(randsample(K,k,false))=1; %satisfies condition a)
Check=bi2de(tempM); %from binary to decimal
[tresh1,ind,tresh2] = unique(Check);%drop the vectors that appear more than once in the matrix
M=tempM(ind,:); %and satisfies condition b)
plot(sum(M,2)) %verify that condition a) is satisfied
%Effective draws, Wanted draws, Number of possible combinations to draw from
[sum(sum(M,2)==k) N nchoosek(K,k) ]
satisfies condition a) and partially condition b). I say partially because unless NN>>N the final matrix will contain less than N rows each different from each other.
Is there a better and faster way (that possible avoids the for cycle and the need of having NN>>N) to solve the problem?
First, generate N unique k-long permutations of the positions of ones:
cols = randperm(K, N);
cols = cols(:, 1:k);
Then generate the matching row indices:
rows = meshgrid(1:N, 1:k)';
and finally create the sparse matrix with:
A = sparse(rows, cols, 1, N, K);
To obtain the full form of the matrix, use full(A).
K = 10;
k = 4;
N = 5;
cols = randperm(K, N);
cols = cols(:, 1:k);
rows = meshgrid(1:N, 1:k)';
A = sparse(rows, cols , 1, N, K);
The result I got is:
ans =
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
This computation should be pretty fast even for large values of K and N. For K = 30, k = 4, N = 10000 the result was obtained in less than 0.01 seconds.
You could use randperm(n) to generate random sequences of integers from 1 to n, and store the nonrepeated sequences as rows in a matrix M until size(unique(M,'rows'),1)==size(M,1). Then you could use M to index a logical matrix with the appropriate number of true values in each row.
If you have enough memory for nchoosek(K,k) integers, build an array of those, use a partial Fisher-Yates shuffle to get a proper uniformly random subset of N of those. Now, given the array of N integers, interpret each as the rank of the combination representing each row of your final array. If you use colexicographical ordering of combinations, computing the combination from a rank is pretty simple (though it uses lots of binomial combination functions, so it pays to have a fast one).
I'm not a Matlab guy, but I've done things similar to this in C. This code, for example:
for (i = k; i >= 1; --i) {
while ((b = binomial(n, i)) > r) --n;
buf[i-1] = n;
r -= b;
will fill the array buf[] with indices from 0 to n-1 for the rth combination of k out of n elements in colex order. You would interpret these as the positions of the 1s in your row.