list of procedure not working? *Important - racket

Working on an assignment right now (racket) and came across this problem.
> (define a '(even?))
> a
> (first a)
> (even? 2)
> ((first a) 2)
. . application: not a procedure;
expected a procedure that can be applied to arguments
given: even?
Why is this not working?
Isn't ((first a) 2) equivalent to (even? 2) ??

'(even?) is equivalent to (quote (even?)) which returns a list with a symbol even? (not the function).
If you want the code you're describing to work you need to have the first define look like (define a (list even?)) which is a list with the procedure even? in it.


How deterministic is Racket's evaluation order?

I would like to known how deterministic Racket's evaluation order is when set! is employed. More specifically,
Does #%app always evaluates its arguments from left to right?
If no, can the evaluation of different arguments be intertwined?
Take, for instance, this snippet:
#lang racket
(define a 0)
(define (++a) (set! a (add1 a)) a)
(list (++a) (++a)) ; => ?
Could the last expression evaluate to something different than '(1 2), such as '(1 1), '(2 2) or '(2 1)?
I failed to find a definite answer on
Unlike Scheme, Racket is guaranteed left to right. So for the example call:
(proc-expr arg-expr ...)
You can read the following in the Guide: (emphasis mine)
A function call is evaluated by first evaluating the proc-expr and all
arg-exprs in order (left to right).
That means that this program:
(define a 0)
(define (++a) (set! a (add1 a)) a)
(list (++a) (++a))
; ==> (1 2)
And it is consistent. For Scheme (2 1) is an alternative solution. You can force order by using bindings and can ensure the same result like this:
(let ((a1 (++ a)))
(list a1 (++ a)))
; ==> (1 2)

Reverse the order of pairs

I am trying to write a function in Racket that will reverse the order of pairs. For example, given the list '(1 2) the function should produce '(2 1). Here is my code so far:
(define (reverse aList)
(cons (second aList)
(first aList))
This is not producing the correct answer, however. When I test with '(a b) it returns '(b . a) instead of '(b a). How do I get rid of the period between the b and a?
You should have:
(define (reverse-pair lst)
(cons (second lst) (cons (first lst) empty)))
As stated in Racket's docs:
The cons function actually accepts any two values, not just a list for the second argument. When the second argument is not empty and not itself produced by cons, the result prints in a special way. The two values joined with cons are printed between parentheses, but with a dot (i.e., a period surrounded by whitespace) in between.
> (cons 1 2)
'(1 . 2)
> (cons 1 (cons 2 empty)) ; equivalent to (list 1 2)
'(1 2)

'('(LIST) 'NIL 'NIL) should be a lambda expression in (hanoi('('(list)'()'())))

I'm trying to implement the Towers of Hanoi.I'm not printing out anything between my recursive calls yet, but I keep getting an error saying
'('(LIST) 'NIL 'NIL) should be a lambda expression
I've read that the reason this happens is because of a problem with the parenthesis, however I cannot seem to find what my problem is. I think it's happening in the pass-list function when I am trying to call the hanoi function. My code:
(defun pass-list(list)
(defun hanoi ('('(1) '(2) '(3)))
(hanoi '('(cdr 1) '(cons(car 1) 2) '(3)))
(hanoi '('(cons(car 3)1) '(2)'(cdr 3)))
This code has many syntax problems; there are erroneous quotes all over the place, and it looks like you're trying to use numbers as variables, which will not work. The source of the particular error message that you mentioned comes from
First, understand that the quotes in 'x and '(a b c) are shorthand for the forms (quote x) and (quote (a b c)), and that (quote anything) is the syntax for getting anything, without anything being evaluated. So '(1 2 3) gives you the list (1 2 3), and '1 gives you 1. quote is just a symbol though, and can be present in other lists, so '('(list)'()'()) is the same as (quote ((quote (list)) (quote ()) (quote ()))) which evaluates to the list ((quote (list)) (quote ()) (quote ())). Since () can also be written nil (or NIL), this last is the same as ('(list) 'NIL 'NIL). In Common Lisp, function calls look like
(function arg1 arg2 ...)
where each argi is a form, and function is either a symbol (e.g., list, hanoi, car) or a list, in which case it must be a lambda expression, e.g., (lambda (x) (+ x x)). So, in your line
we have a function call. function is hanoi, and arg1 is ('('(list)'()'())). But how will this arg1 be evaluated? Well, it's a list, which means it's a function application. What's the function part? It's
which is the same as
'('(list 'NIL 'NIL))
But as I just said, the only kind of list that can be function is a lambda expression. This clearly isn't a lambda expression, so you get the error that you're seeing.
I can't be sure, but it looks like you were aiming for something like the following. The line marked with ** is sort of problematic, because you're calling hanoi with some arguments, and when it returns (if it ever returns; it seems to me like you'd recurse forever in this case), you don't do anything with the result. It's ignored, and then you go onto the third line.
(defun pass-list(list)
(hanoi (list list) '() '()))
(defun hanoi (a b c)
(hanoi (rest a) (cons (first a) b) c) ; **
(hanoi (cons (first c) a) b (rest c)))
If hanoi is supposed to take a single list as an argument, and that list is supposed to contain three lists (I'm not sure why you'd do it that way instead of having hanoi take just three arguments, but that's a different question, I suppose), it's easy enough to modify; just take an argument abc and extract the first, second, and third lists from it, and pass a single list to hanoi on the recursive call:
(defun hanoi (abc)
(let ((a (first abc))
(b (second abc))
(c (third abc)))
(hanoi (list (rest a) (cons (first a) b) c))
(hanoi (list (cons (first c) a) b (rest c)))))
I'd actually probably use destructuring-bind here to simplify getting a, b, and c out of abc:
(defun hanoi (abc)
(destructuring-bind (a b c) abc
(hanoi (list (rest a) (cons (first a) b) c))
(hanoi (list (cons (first c) a) b (rest c)))))

Procedure works as intended but error message still shows up

I've been attempting to learn programming with the book "Structures and Interpretation of Computer Programs. To do the exercises I've been using DrRacket (I couldn't find a scheme interpreter for Windows 7, and DrRacket seems pretty good), and haven't had any problems so far. But while doing exercise 1.22 I've ran into an issue. I've wrote a procedure that gives a given number (n) of prime numbers larger than a:
(define (search-for-primes a n)
(define (sfp-iter a n counter)
(cond ((and (prime? a) (= counter n))
((newline) (display "end")))
((prime? a)
(display a)
(sfp-iter (+ a 1) n (+ counter 1))))
(else (sfp-iter (+ a 1) n counter))))
(sfp-iter a n 0))
The procedure works as intended, displaying all that it should, but after displaying end it shows the following error message:
application: not a procedure;
expected a procedure that can be applied to arguments
given: #
And highlights the following line of code:
((newline) (display "end"))
What is the problem?
(I apologize for any mistakes in spelling and so, English isn't my native language, I also apologize for any error in formatting or tagging, I'm new here)
You have a couple of parenthesis problems, this fixes it:
(define (search-for-primes a n)
(define (sfp-iter a n counter)
(cond ((and (prime? a) (= counter n))
(newline) (display "end"))
((prime? a)
(display a)
(sfp-iter (+ a 1) n (+ counter 1)))
(else (sfp-iter (+ a 1) n counter))))
(sfp-iter a n 0))
In the first and second conditions of the cond, you were incorrectly surrounding the code with (). That's unnecessary, in a cond clause all the expressions that come after the condition are implicitly surrounded by a (begin ...) form, so there's no need to group them together.

Adding to the end of list in LISP [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
what is the ‘cons’ to add an item to the end of the list?
After watching many tutorials on lisp and searching high and low on google for answers, I still cannot figure out how to add to the end of a list in LISP.
I want my function to add 'a at the end of the list '(b c d) but I only know how to add it in front. Can someone help me use cons correctly to add 'a at the end of the list? Here is my code. Thanks in advance.
(defun AddRt (a list)
((null list)
(princ (cons a (cons (car list) (cdr list))))
(AddRt 'a '(b c d))
Either push to last, or use nconc:
> (defparameter a (list 1 2 3))
> (push 4 (cdr (last a)))
> a
(1 2 3 4)
> (nconc a (list 5))
(1 2 3 4 5)
> a
(1 2 3 4 5)
note that these are destructive operators, i.e., they modify the object which is the value of a, not just the binding of a.
This is why, BTW, you should never use nconc on quoted lists, like (nconc '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)).
PS. Note that adding to the end of a list requires its full
traversal and is thus an O(length(list)) operation. This may be a bad
idea if your lists are long, so people often use the
idiom, e.g.,
(let (range)
(dotimes (i 10 (nreverse range))
(push i range)))
==> (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
You may use a recursive function. Also, you should avoid using princ inside.
The following function, endcons, does exactly the same thing as cons, except the value is added at the end.
(defun endcons (a v)
(if (null v) (cons a nil) (cons (car v) (endcons a (cdr v)))))
(endcons 'a '(b c d))
Of course, you could also use append:
(append '(b c d) '(a))
See also this related question: what is the 'cons' to add an item to the end of the list?
One way is to reverse the list. Add the element to beginning of the reversed list. And then finally reverse the whole list.
Scheme code:
(define (add-to-tail l x)
(reverse (cons x (reverse l)))
But if this is an operation you need often, then I'd suggest you find a data structure other than (single linked) lists.