Is it possible to annotate lambda in scala? - scala

For my dsl I need something in the spirit of:
#deprecated def foo(x: Int) = x
... only for lambdas\anonymous functions.
Is something like this possible?

Apparently this exists in the language according to the lang spec:
An annotation of an expression e appears after the expression e,
separated by a colon.
So this supposed to work:
object TestAnnotation {
val o = Some(1)
def f = + 1 : #deprecated("gone", "forever"))
val e = { 1 + 2 } : #deprecated("hmm", "y")
However, when I compile it with scalac -deprecation I get no warnings whatsoever. I opened an issue here and got a response that it's not supported.
One workaround you could use is to declare lambda separately:
object TestAnnotation {
val o = Some(1)
#deprecated("this", "works") val deprecatedLambda: Int => Int = _ + 1
scalac then gives:
Annotation.scala:6: warning: value deprecatedLambda in object TestAnnotation is deprecated: this
one warning found


Convert Seq[Try[Option(String, Any)]] into Try[Option[Map[String, Any]]]

How to conveniently convert Seq[Try[Option[String, Any]]] into Try[Option[Map[String, Any]]].
If any Try before convert throws an exception, the converted Try should throw as well.
Assuming that the input type has a tuple inside the Option then this should give you the result you want:
val in: Seq[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]] = ???
val out: Try[Option[Map[String,Any]]] = Try(Some(in.flatMap(_.get).toMap))
If any of the Trys is Failure then the outer Try will catch the exception raised by the get and return Failure
The Some is there to give the correct return type
The get extracts the Option from the Try (or raises an exception)
Using flatMap rather than map removes the Option wrapper, keeping all Some values and discaring None values, giving Seq[(String, Any)]
The toMap call converts the Seq to a Map
Here is something that's not very clean but may help get you started. It assumes Option[(String,Any)], returns the first Failure if there are any in the input Seq and just drops None elements.
package foo
import scala.util.{Try,Success,Failure}
object foo {
val x0 = Seq[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]]()
val x1 = Seq[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]](Success(Some(("A",1))), Success(None))
val x2 = Seq[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]](Success(Some(("A",1))), Success(Some(("B","two"))))
val x3 = Seq[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]](Success(Some(("A",1))), Success(Some(("B","two"))), Failure(new Exception("bad")))
def f(x: Seq[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]]) =
x.find( _.isFailure ).getOrElse( Success(Some( _.get ).filterNot( _.isEmpty ).map( _.get ).toMap)) )
Example session
bash-3.2$ scalac foo.scala
bash-3.2$ scala -classpath .
Welcome to Scala 2.13.1 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_66).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> import
scala> f(x0)
res0: scala.util.Try[Option[Equals]] = Success(Some(Map()))
scala> f(x1)
res1: scala.util.Try[Option[Equals]] = Success(Some(Map(A -> 1)))
scala> f(x2)
res2: scala.util.Try[Option[Equals]] = Success(Some(Map(A -> 1, B -> two)))
scala> f(x3)
res3: scala.util.Try[Option[Equals]] = Failure(java.lang.Exception: bad)
scala> :quit
If you're willing to use a functional support library like Cats then there are two tricks that can help this along:
Many things like List and Try are traversable, which means that (if Cats's implicits are in scope) they have a sequence method that can swap two types, for example converting List[Try[T]] to Try[List[T]] (failing if any of the items in the list are failure).
Almost all of the container types support a map method that can operate on the contents of a container, so if you have a function from A to B then map can convert a Try[A] to a Try[B]. (In Cats language they are functors but the container-like types in the standard library generally have map already.)
Cats doesn't directly support Seq, so this answer is mostly in terms of List instead.
Given that type signature, you can iteratively sequence the item you have to in effect push the list type down one level in the type chain, then map over that container to work on its contents. That can look like:
import cats.implicits._
import scala.util._
def convert(listTryOptionPair: List[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]]): Try[
Option[Map[String, Any]]
] = {
val tryListOptionPair = listTryOptionPair.sequence { listOptionPair =>
val optionListPair = listOptionPair.sequence { listPair =>
} has a slightly more complete example.
One way to approach this is by using a foldLeft:
// Let's say this is the object you're trying to convert
val seq: Seq[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]] = ???
seq.foldLeft(Try(Option(Map.empty[String, Any]))) {
case (acc, e) =>
for {
accOption <- acc
elemOption <- e
} yield elemOption match {
case Some(value) => + value)
case None => accOption
You start off with en empty Map. You then use a for comprehension to go through the current map and element and finally you add a new tuple in the map if present.
The following solutions is based on this answer to the point that almost makes the question a duplicate.
Method 1: Using recursion
def trySeqToMap1[X,Y](trySeq : Seq[Try[Option[(X, Y)]]]) : Try[Option[Map[X,Y]]] = {
def helper(it : Iterator[Try[Option[(X,Y)]]], m : Map[X,Y] = Map()) : Try[Option[Map[X,Y]]] = {
if(it.hasNext) {
val x =
else if(x.get.isDefined)
helper(it, m + (x.get.get._1-> x.get.get._2))
helper(it, m)
} else Success(Some(m))
Method 2: directly pattern matching in case you are able to get a stream or a List instead:
def trySeqToMap2[X,Y](trySeq : LazyList[Try[Option[(X, Y)]]], m : Map[X,Y]= Map.empty[X,Y]) : Try[Option[Map[X,Y]]] =
trySeq match {
case Success(Some(h)) #:: tail => trySeqToMap2(tail, m + (h._1 -> h._2))
case Success(None) #:: tail => tail => trySeqToMap2(tail, m)
case Failure(f) #:: _ => Failure(f)
case _ => Success(Some(m))
note: this answer was previously using different method signatures. It has been updated to conform to the signature given in the question.

Found Unit, required Int

I have the following Scala code:
object Solution {
def getBestSolution(sumList: List[Int]): Int = {
return 0
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val t = readInt()
(0 until t).foreach({
val n = readInt()
val a = readLine().split(" ").map(_.toInt).toList
val sumList = a.scanLeft(0)(_ + _).tail.toList
For it, I am getting this error:
file.scala:16: error: type mismatch;
found : Unit
required: Int => ?
one error found
Any idea what is causing this?
The argument you are passing to foreach is the result of executing the code block (which is a Unit), not a function.
Remove the outer parentheses (they do not really hurt anything, but are unnecessary and look ugly), and add _ => in the beginning:
(0 to t).foreach { _ =>
This is the proper syntax for creating an unnamed function. The stuff before => is the parameter list that the function accepts. In your case, you can just put an underscore there, because you do not need the value of the parameter. Or you could give it a name if you needed to do something with it, e.g.: (0 to t).foreach { x => println(x*x) }
you could have done it with simple for comprehension too instead of foreach
for(x <- 0 to t){
val n = readInt()
val a = readLine().split(" ").map(_.toInt).toList
val sumList = a.scanLeft(0)(_ + _).tail.toList
To sum up, Programming in Scala book has pointed that Scala provides the for comprehension, which provides syntactically pleasing nesting of map, flatMap, and filter ... The for comprehension is not a looping construct, but is a syntactic construct the compiler reduces to map, flatMap, and filter.

Why "val a=-1" doesn't work in scala?

I found val a = -1 works well in scala REPL, but if I skip the space around the = like val a=-1, the expression doesn't return the result.
Does anyone have ideas about this? Why the space arount the = is necessary here?
=- is a legitimate method name in Scala; the following will work:
class A {
def =-(i: Int) = i
val a = new A
So the parser can't distinguish your val a=-1 from this case.
val is used in 2 cases:
1) value declaration:
val a = 2
> a: Int = 2
2) pattern definition:
val Some(x) = Some(2)
> x: Int = 2
when you write val a=-1, it clearly fails to match the "value declaration" syntax, so the compiler attempts "pattern definition" syntax.
To see this is the case, let's put a semi-colon in the end of the line.
val a=-1 ;
> <console>:1: error: '=' expected but ';' found.
Indeed, the compiler is looking for the right hand side of pattern definition.
Now notice that =- is a valid identifier name.
So if it is a case class (or a normal class with unapply method), it can be used in pattern
match syntax.
Let's see if this actually works:
case class =- (i: Int, j: Int)
> defined class $eq$minus
val a =- b = =-(2, 3) // infix syntax for pattern match
> a: Int = 2
b: Int = 3
// Yes. it works!
// This is same as:
val =-(a, b) = =-(2, 3)

Scala untyped macro in infix position

In response to this question, I've been having a go at implementing a Haskell-style 'where' expression in Scala using the macro-paradise branch. The code is available at scala-where. I can now write something like the following:
val result = where ( f1(1) * f2(2), {
def f1(x : Int) = x + 1
def f2(x : Int) = x + 2
However, what I'd really like to do is to be able to call this in infix position:
val result = ( f1(1) * f2(2)) where {
def f1(x : Int) = x + 1
def f2(x : Int) = x + 2
Normally, this sort of thing would be easy, but I can't see how to do it with the macro call. The expression (f1(1) * f2(2)) won't type before macro application, so something like building an implicit value class doesn't work. Is there a way to get this kind of syntax otherwise?
Failing this, just having two parameter lists so one could do:
val result = where (f1(1) * f2(2)) {
def f1(x : Int) = x + 1
def f2(x : Int) = x + 2
would be nice, but again this seems difficult. Can one call a macro with two parameter lists?
For the first option: I would think you could make the implicit conversion an untyped macro itself, no?
For the second option: You can call a macro with multiple parameter lists, yes. Multiple lists at the call site will translate to multiple lists at the definition site, e.g.:
def myMacro(a: _)(b: _) = macro myMacro_impl
def myMacro_impl(c: Context)(a: c.Tree)(b: c.Tree): c.Tree = { ... }
Would be called as:
Answer: as of 2013-03-08 it is not possible to use untyped macros in an infix position. Quoted from Eugene Burmako on the scala-user mailing list:
Currently the argument on the left has to be typechecked first before
any implicit resolution kicks in. The fact that you can write "class
foo(x: _)" is an oversight - the underscore syntax is supposed to be
working only in untyped macros.
For reference, the closest I came to being able to do this was the following:
implicit class HasWhere(val exp : _) {
def where(block : Unit) = macro whereInfix
def whereInfix(c : Context)(block : c.Expr[Unit]) = {
import c.universe._
val exp = Select(c.prefix.tree, TermName("exp"))
val Expr(Block((inner, _))) = block
val newinner = inner :+ exp
Block(newinner : _*)

Scala's infix notation with object +, why not possible?

I can name objects like this, but can't call m:
object + {
def m (s: String) = println(s)
Can't call +.m("hi"):
<console>:1: error: illegal start of simple expression
Also can't call + m "hi" (preferred for DSL-usage).
But with object ++ it works fine! Do they conflict with (not existent) unary_+ methods? Is it possible to avoid this?
Indeed it is not possible with unary operators. If you want to call it anyways, you could resort to using the name generated by the compiler for the JVM (which starts with a dollar):
scala> object + {
| def m( s: String ) = println(s)
| }
defined module $plus
scala> +.m("hello")
<console>:1: error: illegal start of simple expression
scala> $plus.m("hello")
I believe the problem is that in order to handle unary operators without ambiguity, scala relies on a special case: only !, +, - and ~ are treated as unary operators. Thus in +.m("hi"), scala treat + as an unary operator and can't make sense of the whole expression.
Another code using package:
object Operator extends App {
package pkg1 {
object + {
def m (s: String) = println(s)
object Sample {
def f = {
// +.m("hi") => compile error: illegal start of simple expression
// + m "hi" => compile error: expected but string literal found.
$plus.m("hi pkg1")
$plus m "hi pkg1"
package pkg2 {
object + {
def m (s: String) = println(s)
object Sample {
def f = {
pkg2.+.m("hi pkg2")
pkg2.+ m "hi pkg2"
pkg2.$plus.m("hi pkg2")
pkg2.$plus m "hi pkg2"
java version "1.7.0_09"
Scala code runner version 2.9.2