py2applet and PIL do not work together - python-imaging-library

I have this very simple python script that works perfectly when I launch the script from the terminal.
from PIL import Image
im ='test.png')
But then I tried to use py2applet to create a Mac app from it. It works but the all crashes. Googling around I found out that PIL/Pillow and py2app do no go along very well but I couldn't find a clear solution.
I get this error log

I solved my problem although I'm not very sure how. I list here the changes I made in case it's useful for someone to actually understand.
1) "import Image" does not work. I needed "from PIL import image"
2) "py2applet" does not work I needed to create the first with the option --make-setup and then make the applet with "python py2app" (N.B.: No -A option)
3) Probably the most important I had to manually move Pillow-3.1.0-py2.7-macosx-10.9-intel.egg to /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/. It was previously into /Libraries I think.


Vs Code Issue: no code output. how do i fix this?

I am very new to coding and am trying to write a practice script for webscraping in VS Code Editor. But every time i run the script i get this issue of there being no real output. Can you please advise on what the issue is? Note: the pink boxes are just covering my nameenter image description here
I tried running the code and expected webscraped data from the link. I have tried many different scripts and the same issue happens. So there must be something wrong with the whole system i think
VSCode is an excellent IDE. When you start a new project (or open a folder in VSCode), it does not come with any build tools or compilers etc. You have to manually configure them. You have to set up the environment using different toolchains. Here are some instructions for Python
This is not a problem with VSCode but I am going to answer your question.
You can't webscrape with requests and beatiful soup because it has bot protection using cloudflare. If you take a closer look to the response it returns the 403 Forbidden status code instead of 200 OK. You can scrape using a headless browser using selenium.
Here's an example
First install selenium and webdriver_manager
pip install selenium webdriver_manager
from selenium.webdriver import Chrome, ChromeOptions
from import By
from import Service
from import ChromeDriverManager
# Make sure you are not detected as HeadlessChrome, some sites will refuse access
options = ChromeOptions()
options.add_experimental_option("excludeSwitches", ["enable-automation"])
options.add_experimental_option('useAutomationExtension', False)
driver = Chrome(options=options, service=Service(
# Make sure you are not detected as HeadlessChrome, some sites will refuse access
ua = driver.execute_script("return navigator.userAgent").replace(
"HeadlessChrome", "Chrome")
driver.execute_cdp_cmd("Network.setUserAgentOverride", {
"userAgent": ua})
main = driver.find_element(By.ID, "main")

Run a shell file from a github project

need some help here.
Im new to linux and all the stuff.
My main problem is to run a specific project from Github(
I'm useing a raspberry pi 4 with raspbain buster on it.
Dont know what i am doing wrog here.
Would be awesome if somebody could test the project on a similar system and gide me trough thx. :D
Okay the main point iam stuck with is when is have to run the ./ file.
if i open it Raspbain is showing me a message to execute the file.
but if i click on that noting happens.
I ve also try to click run in terminal but theres also nothing happend thx.

Ember-cli: importing blanket.js causes test runners to hang

I'm currently using ember-cli with ember-qUnit for testing. I would also like to add code coverage results to the test output, so after some research blanketjs seemed the way to go. I installed blanket using:
npm install blanket
And moved the blanket folder into the ember-cli vendor folder. As I understand the way to import libraries is through the Brocfile.js which I am doing like so:
Using ember inspector it appears that blanket has been imported correctly, and the "enable coverage" checkbox has appeared at the top of the qUnit test results page. However the tests just hang and just say "running". No tests seem to run. When I use:
ember test -server
It says that it is "waiting for runners". Does anyone know what could be going wrong here?
I've looked around and it seems code-coverage with ember-cli is a tricky subject:
Ember CLI Code Coverage Reports
I installed it using ember-cli-blanket. I don't think you need to include it in your Brocfile.js, but instead import it in your tests/index.html after you import your test-support.js.
Blanket will probably make your runners hang for a big as it is essentially loading you entire app all over again.
For what it's worth, I haven't been able to get accurate test coverage using this method yet, but it's possibly user error.

Pylint in Sublime Text 2

So, I've been using Sublime for a while as a simple text editor, but I'm venturing into the land of plugins for work and I've run into an issue getting pylint to work. Specifically I have it installed and have the Sublime package manager working, but I'm not sure how to include paths in my sublime settings.
I haven't found very useful documentation on this point, but if you are willing to point me towards it that would be a perfectly acceptable answer. My basic issue is that currently every time I save a file, the following error message shows up:
"Please define the full path to '' in the settings"
I understand this error message which is great, I just have no idea where the sublime settings are or what the standard format for defining a path is. Any help would be appreciated.
There are quite complete directions at the SublimeLinter GitHub page that should describe how to set everything up. Briefly, go to Preferences->Package Settings->SublimeLinter->Settings - Default to see where the different settings are defined. Then, open Preferences->Package Settings->SublimeLinter->Settings - User to change anything, as the main settings will be overwritten when the package is updated. Remember that settings files are in JSON format, so you'll need opening and closing curly brackets to enclose settings, and a comma between them:
"sublimelinter_delay": 30,
"sublimelinter_mark_style": "none"
I haven't gotten the error you have, are you sure you're using the regular SublimeLinter and not the new beta version? I just installed it fresh on my work machine (I've been using it for a while at home) and after restarting ST2 it's working like a charm with Python.
I had the same problem. I found it to be coming from the package "Pylinter". I removed Pylinter and added SublimeLinter, it covers more than python and is well used. I'm enjoying it quite a bit.
From your command line just run:
sudo easy_install pylint
sudo easy_install pep8
After that restart your sublime.
I encounter the same situation today. In my case, that is because I have not installed the 'pylint' in my system yet. It works fine after I installed the 'pylint' through pip.
Just for other people reference.

PyDev: "Unresolved import nltk" When running, pydev imports it

I want to get rid of this error message and I want to have the benefits of auto completion and suggestions. PyDev obviously does find nltk, because when running it from inside the IDE it works. Not only from console.
Surely someone needs to know why I got this "unresolved import" error message but on the other way when clicking on "run" it works perfectly well.
#TheGT seems to be on the correct path, though I found the instructions a little confusing. My solution:
Project->Properties->PYDEV-PYTHONPATH->External Libraries
Add source folder (button)
Obviously, your path, version, etc... could be different.
Here's what seems odd.
There's a button to add zip/jar/egg and that doesn't want to work correctly with the The nltk egg behaves like a directory in the chooser (i.e. continues to drill down rather than return).
On the other hand, the source folder button does allow you to choose a folder... so I chose the egg and that seems to work.
It seems like the nltk egg is not configured correctly for OSX. And, depending on how it is accessed, it can behave like a folder or a final destination.
NOTE: Adding the nltk egg into the external libraries path of your project makes the error go away. But adding the egg into preferences>PyDev>Interpreter does not appear to resolve the problem (on it's own).
I faced the exact same error when I was trying to use nltk in my project. I did 2 things to resolve the unresolved error to go away.
I added the setupctools**.egg file (the file that is used to install nltk in mac/*nix systems) as an external library
[Project->Properties->PYDEV-PYTHONPATH->External Libraries]
I am using Eclipse Indigo, and Python 2.6.1 on my mac btw.
I restarted the eclipse
Bam! - the error goes away.
Although, the error is not there anymore, I would like to know why Eclipse was behaving this way. The strange thing to note was that when I tried to run the program, the program did run successfully, even though eclipse marked "import nltk" as unresolved import.