Vs Code Issue: no code output. how do i fix this? - visual-studio-code

I am very new to coding and am trying to write a practice script for webscraping in VS Code Editor. But every time i run the script i get this issue of there being no real output. Can you please advise on what the issue is? Note: the pink boxes are just covering my nameenter image description here
I tried running the code and expected webscraped data from the link. I have tried many different scripts and the same issue happens. So there must be something wrong with the whole system i think

VSCode is an excellent IDE. When you start a new project (or open a folder in VSCode), it does not come with any build tools or compilers etc. You have to manually configure them. You have to set up the environment using different toolchains. Here are some instructions for Python

This is not a problem with VSCode but I am going to answer your question.
You can't webscrape indeed.com with requests and beatiful soup because it has bot protection using cloudflare. If you take a closer look to the response it returns the 403 Forbidden status code instead of 200 OK. You can scrape using a headless browser using selenium.
Here's an example
First install selenium and webdriver_manager
pip install selenium webdriver_manager
from selenium.webdriver import Chrome, ChromeOptions
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.service import Service
from webdriver_manager.chrome import ChromeDriverManager
# Make sure you are not detected as HeadlessChrome, some sites will refuse access
options = ChromeOptions()
options.add_experimental_option("excludeSwitches", ["enable-automation"])
options.add_experimental_option('useAutomationExtension', False)
driver = Chrome(options=options, service=Service(
# Make sure you are not detected as HeadlessChrome, some sites will refuse access
ua = driver.execute_script("return navigator.userAgent").replace(
"HeadlessChrome", "Chrome")
driver.execute_cdp_cmd("Network.setUserAgentOverride", {
"userAgent": ua})
main = driver.find_element(By.ID, "main")


Angular Live Development Server api requests not found

really confused about this and don't know where to start.
Basically i have generated a new angular project with the "dotnet new angular" command.
Im using a fresh machine, node, npm etc etc are all up to date.
My issue is this template just does not work out of the box. When i run the application, all of the frontend will load however, any requests to the api's etc will 404 stating that it cannot find the url.
Message in Chrome console: "Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment..."
My application runs on a different port everytime I execute the "dotnet run" command. Is this supposed to be the case ? Whichever port is generated, this will be the problematic one.
I have to manually change to port 5001 for anything to function correctly (although this comes with annoying security prompts.)
I am using visual studio code for this project. The funny thing is, if i run this project via visual studio (not code) i get a consistent static port number that will function as intended (this also comes with annoying security prompts) so i have to assume its this random port number that vscode is generating ?
Im honestly not to familiar with this so I could be way off admittedly. Any help or advice would be appreaciated. I'd post code snippets if I knew where to start.
PS, I know that I can of course just not run it with VSCode and just stick to Visual Studio. I'd rather understand the issue than ignore it though.
Thanks, in advance.

How do I get a server up and running in WebStorm?

Because of cross domain issues I need to run my code (which is HTML & JS) via a server in WebStorm. None of the instructions I can find are simple and straight forward. Can someone give me an idiots' guide to doing this?
Alternatively, I have got Tomcat up and running in Eclipse, but I can't figure out how to import a non-java project into it. Again, instructions that a bear of little brain can follow would be appreciated.
WebStorm comes with a built-in static web server, listening on localhost:63342. All you need to do to run your code on it is right-clicking your .html file and choosing Run.
see also https://www.jetbrains.com/help/webstorm/2017.3/debugging-javascript-in-chrome.html, Debugging an application running on the built-in server

Ember-cli: importing blanket.js causes test runners to hang

I'm currently using ember-cli with ember-qUnit for testing. I would also like to add code coverage results to the test output, so after some research blanketjs seemed the way to go. I installed blanket using:
npm install blanket
And moved the blanket folder into the ember-cli vendor folder. As I understand the way to import libraries is through the Brocfile.js which I am doing like so:
Using ember inspector it appears that blanket has been imported correctly, and the "enable coverage" checkbox has appeared at the top of the qUnit test results page. However the tests just hang and just say "running". No tests seem to run. When I use:
ember test -server
It says that it is "waiting for runners". Does anyone know what could be going wrong here?
I've looked around and it seems code-coverage with ember-cli is a tricky subject:
Ember CLI Code Coverage Reports
I installed it using ember-cli-blanket. I don't think you need to include it in your Brocfile.js, but instead import it in your tests/index.html after you import your test-support.js.
Blanket will probably make your runners hang for a big as it is essentially loading you entire app all over again.
For what it's worth, I haven't been able to get accurate test coverage using this method yet, but it's possibly user error.

How can I get a IPython NotebookApp to be started and still manage it from outside of a browser?

It is possible to start a notebook app within an ipython console by
from IPython.html import notebookapp
nbapp = notebookapp.NotebookApp()
This will simply open a browser with a dashboard from which is possible to create/delete and start/shutdown notebooks. However nbapp.start() hooks up to tornado http server and it is not possible to use the instance nbapp to manage the notebooks from the console.
Some level of management can be done before executing the method nbapp.start(), but I couldn't find a way to start a proper notebook(linked to a new ipython kernel) page which can be read and edited from a web browser.
By taking a look at the start method in NotebookApp class, it seems that all the magic is done by the following method call
This is the link for what I am refering to.
ioloop is imported at the beginning of the file and I didn't quite understand what this actually do.
# Install the pyzmq ioloop. This has to be done before anything else from
# tornado is imported.
from zmq.eventloop import ioloop
I was wondering if there was a way to start the server just the way it is working now, and send requests to it, as it works on a click of a mouse on the dashboard.
Or even better, have full access to the nbapp instance to create and start notebooks in the server.
Hope someone can help me with that, I would love to better understand how the ipython notebook work at the back stage.

What language does SmartFoxServer 2x use on the server side?

I have downloaded and started the community version of SFSx2. I read everything on their documentation page:
Which unfortunately only talks about flash client side code. Nothing about the corresponding server side code, nor about html5 client side which I need.
I downloaded the HTML5 examples, which took me a long time to find (they are here: http://www.smartfoxserver.com/download/get/140 )
None of the examples work, as they can't connect to the server. Presumably, this is because the examples only supply client side code. There are no instructions supplied on how to install or run the examples.
I can find no mention on the smartfox documenation on the following:
1) what language is used on the server side. One assumes its java.
2) how does one deploy java code to the smartfox server? I cant find any mention of this in the docs.
3) how does one find and install the server part of the client side examples (which are Tris, GameLobby, BuddyMessenger, AdvancedChat).
I applied to be allowed to post on the smartfoxserver forums, but no reply yet.
I also found it hard so I share what I've found out.
The server extensions are written in Java. I used Eclipse JUNO to write my code.
You can download Eclipse here. http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/
You export the extension in jar format from eclipse into you extension path. The name of your file has to end in 'extension' eg MyFirstExtension.jar otherwise sfs2x wont recognize it. Your extension path will be something like this: C:\Program Files\SmartFoxServer2X\SFS2X\extensions\MyFirstExtension\MyFirstExtension.jar if your working in windows.
You will find docs on JAVA API here. http://docs2x.smartfoxserver.com/api-docs/javadoc/server/
This is a link to the basic example code: http://www.smartfoxserver.com/download/get/120
Unzip the content into the [SFS2X_install_folder]/SFS2X/www/root/examples folder, overwriting the existing file. Run the index.html file, then navigate to another index.html to open the example. Run the sfs2x-standalone.exe first of course(see below). If you followed the 'server configuration tutorial' on smartfox website and changed the server ports, the examples wont work. Leave the ports alone until you start to understand the server.
This is a link to the flash example code: http://www.smartfoxserver.com/download/get/108
You will find the example code for apps mentioned above. They are written in Adobe Flash Builder and Java extensions. I don't know if there is any code for HTML5 but the Java server code and AS3 is there.
I also found that using the standalone server was the way to go rather than using SFS2x as a service. c:\program files\smartfoxserver2x\sfs2x\sfs2x-standalone.exe. Using the exe gives you the command prompt window. You can use the window for debugging and see the state of the server when it starts.
Most of the examples should work without creating extensions but to create an extension out of source examples:
Create and setup a new project in your Java IDE. You will have already set up a workspace.
Copy the content of the /source/server/src folder to your project's source folder.
Add SFS2X Libraries. Go to properties of the project -> Select Java Build Path -> Click Library Tab -> Add external jar. Add 'sfs2x.jar' and 'sfs2x-core.jar' from C:\Program Files\SmartFoxServer2X\SFS2X\lib folder. To create the extension, export jar file to extension path. Restart server.
Another problem I had was the Java Version I was using. I had to use Java1.6 with my version of sfs2x when writing extensions. This was trial and error as there was no documentation. There may be a newer version out now.
I had to copy all the server source into eclipse to try and understand how things were done. It was a way of having all the code in one place. There was a lot of trial and error as getting help is hard. I eventually accomplished what I set out to achieve. Good Luck.
SmartFox Server is easy to use even with extension. documentation Give try to Nuggeta solution for game development too. No extension needed at first. This is optionnal.
We have full HTML5 open source game walkthrough on github