can not import in mysql workbench - mysql-workbench

I exported database, from mysql workbench, and it is in local disk C, and then delete the database, from MySQL workbench, and then imported database(which I exported previously, in this case ui.sql) and original database name is hibernatedb (which I deleted from MySQL workbench), so now the error is unknown database, how can I import this?[this is commands of import.this is exported database in local disk C.

By default, the "Include Create Schema" option in the Data Export wizard is disabled. I suspect you left it disabled, so your generated SQL lacks a query to create your database. In other words, you need to create your hibernatedb database. So, you might add "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS hibernatedb; USE hibernatedb;" on top of ui.sql.


How do i dump data from an Oracle Database without access to the database's file system

I am trying to dump the schema and data from an existing Oracle DB and import it into another Oracle DB.
I have tried using the "Export Wizard" provided by sqldeveloper.
I found answers using Oracle Data Pump, however i do not have access to the filesystem of the DB server.
I expect to get a file that i can copy and import into another DB
Without Data Pump, you have to make some concessions.
The biggest concession is you're going to ask a Client application, running somewhere on your network, to deal with a potentially HUGE amount of data/IO.
Withing reasonable limits, you can use the Tools > Database Export wizard to build a series of SQLPlus style scripts, both DDL (CREATEs) and DATA (INSERTs).
Once you have those scripts, you can use SQLPlus, SQLcl, or SQL Developer to run them on your new/target database.

Dropped postgres tables recreated when database dropped and recreated [duplicate]

Whenever I create a new database from pgAdmin or using the command line (using CREATE DATABASE database_name), it's not empty.
It contains some tables that are part of a previous project I worked on.
I'm not yet very familiar with Psql so I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
You probably have created objects in the database template1.
Quote from the manual:
By default, the new database will be created by cloning the standard system database template1. A different template can be specified by writing TEMPLATE name. In particular, by writing TEMPLATE template0, you can create a virgin database containing only the standard objects predefined by your version of PostgreSQL. This is useful if you wish to avoid copying any installation-local objects that might have been added to template1.
So, anything that is in the template1 database will be copied over to the new database when you run create database.
Connect to the template1 database and drop all objects you don't want.

How to load or import backup file into new teradata database?

I'm working in Teradata Database Express 14.04
I took the particular database build( backup the database) in Teradata Database.
The Archived file is stored in /roor/Documents/TD_BUILD. The file extension of TD_BUILD is (.File).
Now, how to import that file into new Database in Teradata?
To restore to a different system and/or database or to restore a dropped table you need a COPY instead of a RESTORE:
copy data tables(xyz),release lock,file=test;
Caution, restoring on database level drops all objects within first, i.e. ARCMAIN submits a DELETE DATABASE.
If you restore to a different database:
copy data tables(newdb) (from (xyz)),release lock,file=test;

How to export data from SQL Server to PostgreSQL?

I need to export all tables from SQL Server to PostgreSQL.
Try: I tried from SQL Server IDE but at some stage its giving the error about data types are different.
Question:How can I do export of data from SQL Server to PostgreSQL? Is COPY does my job? If yes, then how can I export all tables including records?
You can't export data from MSsql then import to PostgreSql because it is not same syntax, data type, but you can use tool to migration data from mssql to postgreSql,
See more in topic
migrate data from MS SQL to PostgreSQL?
Create MS SQL and PostgreSQL database connections (login)
Create target tables in PostgreSQL (same structures in MS SQL)
F5 to see new tables
Right-click on new tables -> 'Import Data' -> You will see 'Data Transfer' window
Choose 'Table' type then click 'Next' -> You will see 'Select input object', where you can choose tables from MS SQL connection
Just 'next' and check settings that you need, done :D
First export the schema into a file and run it against PostgreSQL until you've removed all incompatibilities.
You could try to do the same with the data you want to export but you may be better off writing a Python script to migrate it.
There is an absolutely simple way using built-in SSIS tool using Management Studio. You can find the detailed answer here.
Use , as An Le mentioned.
After 40 years of DB development, migrating DB data is still a challenge. DBeaver is a free tool to use for data migration. But you still have to migrate the schema.
Exporting data from DBeaver
From contextual menu of your SQLServer database or schema select Tools > Create new Task > Common > Data Export
You will generate SQL insert files or CSV files. For migration between database types use CSV files.
Cons of SQL Server Migration Tool
Unable to migrate rows containing booleans.
Export ended up in errors of migrationg data with Bool columns, complaining that value is not boolean, although both source and destination columns where of boolean type.
Unable to continue with the next tables afer one table migration fails.
SQL Server - A single error stops all migration even for tables that are not related to the initial error.
Configuring the tool over and over again, trying to export your data is a waste of time. SQL Server migration task does not save the configuration of the source and destination connections. And the wizard is not user friendly, spending your time on it is frustrating. I assume the migration project was abandoned for at least 10 years.

deleting database in oracle 10g query

i want to drop a database in oracle 10g..
i saw the command
DROP database.
How to run this query and drop database.
If i tried this query, it is showing error as invalid query.
Oracle documentation states:
Dropping a database involves removing
its datafiles, redo log files, control
files, and initialization parameter
files. The DROP DATABASE statement
deletes all control files and all
other database files listed in the
control file. To use the DROP DATABASE
statement successfully, all of the
following conditions must apply:
The database must be mounted and closed.
The database must be mounted exclusively--not in shared mode.
The database must be mounted as RESTRICTED.
An example of this statement is:
The DROP DATABASE statement has no
effect on archived log files, nor does
it have any effect on copies or
backups of the database. It is best to
use RMAN to delete such files. If the
database is on raw disks, the actual
raw disk special files are not
If you used the Database Configuration
Assistant to create your database, you
can use that tool to delete (drop)
your database and remove the files.