How to add keyboard shortcut (accelerator) for wireshark lua plugin? - plugins

I have created a wireshark plugin using lua, which currently shows up under Tools->my_plugin
I want to know, if there is a way by which I can assign a keyboard shortcut to it, so that users dont have to go through menu bar.

No, there isn't a way to do that currently. You could submit a patch to allow register_menu to take a shortcut key.
For others, documentation of register menu:


Is there any shortcut to check the content of the dev tools console?

I am just wondering if there is a shortcut/tool/widget which helps us use only the keyboard to access the information of the console in dev tools.
For example:
I have this array with objects inside.
Is there any way I can only use the keyboard to access the info?
So that I can check these?
I used the tab to navigate to it but it does not open it. Also tried ctrn+h to "hide" it but nothing.
I am using windows

Only one instance of a website from the desktop shortcut

I have a desktop shortcut which I use to navigate to a web site/page and I need to use MS Edge as the browser.
My question is, is it possible to use this shortcut to navigate to just one instance of this page?
If I double click the shortcut when the page is already open, I want the existing page to set focus on the screen and not create a new tab.
If this possible? I don’t want to have to change any settings to the Edge browser just the shortcut.
Any other workarounds are also welcome.

How do you open the Javascript console?

A moment ago I had minimized VSCode but then accidentally pressed some set of keys. VSCode popped up and displayed a standard Javascript debug console on the right side. While this may very well be an error and VSCode does not intend to expose this console, it's very interesting and I'd love to use it.
Is this an expose feature of VSCode? Is it a legitimate "secret" feature? In either case, how can you access it?
There is a little console available under the F12 short-cut that has DOM / Styles / Event Listeners and the like.
It is pretty analogous to browser tools.
The main purpose of it is that it exposes the "under the hood" editor - as that is the web page that it is inspecting.

Matlab: How to activate autocomplete without Tab?

How to enable auto word completion in the MATLAB Editor?
I know that we can Tab to ask for autocomplete. However, this is kind tedious. In IDEs like rubymine, there is no need to ask for a autocomplete, the suggestion jumps out by itself.
And this is working on mobile device: Is is possile to do it on desktop?
So how can I make the autocomplete autoly? without the need of Tab?
I've searched that on the Internet before. But no results:( It seems that Tab is the only way to achieve complete on MATLAB desktop up till now. AUTOcomplete is available on the mobile version because of the inconvenience for one to type on a mobile phone MAYBE.

Is there a Keyboard Shortcut in Chrome Developer Tools to switch Source File?

Checking the list
I cannot find any way to navigate through the source files inside Chrome Dev Tools. Anyone with an idea how to switch source files without using the mouse?
Ctrl-P / Ctrl-O shortcut will bring up a Goto-Source dialog.
To my knowledge there is no keyboard shortcut for doing this. I would know since I have recently updated that page multiple times to add or change some shortcuts.
I'm pretty sure there's no command you can configure either.
I'd suggest opening a ticket for it if you would like to see this added.