Cannot read property 'download' of undefined $cordovaFileTransfer in Ionic - ionic-framework

I want to use $cordovaFileTransfer in my app to dowload image data, but after trying to implement the code, this error is showing up:
Cannot read property 'download' of undefined
here is my code:
var url = "";
var targetPath = "img/"+ imgpaths;
var trustHosts = true;
var options = {};
$, targetPath, options, trustHosts)
.then(function(result) {
// Success!
console.log('Download Success' + targetPath);
}, function(err) {
// Error
}, function (progress) {
$timeout(function () {
var downloadProgress = (progress.loaded / * 100;
console.log('Progress : '+downloadProgress);
anybody can help me?

Check this issues list:
For example have you wrapped the call to $ inside deviceready handler or better inside $ionicPlatform.ready() ?


Protractor upload stuck when filesearch pops up

I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with the code below:
it('should upload a photo', function(){
var photo = './photos/et-test.jpeg',
exactPhoto = path.resolve(__dirname, photo);
var form = element('fileupload'));
var upload = element(by.css('input[type = "file"]'));
var addFiles = element(by.cssContainingText('.btn.btn-success.fileinput-button.mb-10','Add files...'));
var uploadBtn = element(by.css(''));
element(by.cssContainingText('.inline_link','Upload more album photos now')).click();
browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(addFiles), 5000);;
browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(uploadBtn), 5000);;
expect(element(by.css('.table')).getText()).toBe('Upload Finised');
I keep getting stuck on the filesearch popup and receive this error:
Failed: Wait timed out after 5006ms
Is there anything lacking or should've been done based on the flow of my code?
If I'm understanding your issue correctly you are seeing a popup window when uploading a file. Can you try the following capability in your conf (assuming you are using Chrome)
capabilities: {
browserName: 'chrome',
chromeOptions: {
prefs: {
download: {
'prompt_for_download': false,
'directory_upgrade': true,
'default_directory': 'src/test/javascript/e2e/downloads'(or where ever you prefer)
Yes, you don't need to click on it, just sendKeys() for this input element
Sometimes it needs to make this input visible. Just try like that (it works in my case for await/async protractor):
private addAttachment = element(by.css('input[type="file"]'))
await browser.executeScript("arguments[0].style.visibility = 'visible'; arguments[0].style.height = '1px'; arguments[0].style.width = '1px'; arguments[0].style.opacity = 1; arguments[0].style.display = 'inline'; arguments[0].style.overflow = 'visible'", this.addAttachment)
await browser.executeScript("arguments[0].focus();", await this.addAttachment.getWebElement())
await this.addAttachment.sendKeys(path)
Try this:
var photo = './photos/et-test.jpg',
exactPhoto = path.resolve(__dirname, photo);
var form = element('fileupload')); ///Users/leochardc/ET/photos/et-test.jpg
var upload = element(by.css('.fileupload_section input[type = "file"]'));
var addFiles = element(by.cssContainingText('.btn.btn-success.fileinput-button.mb-10','Add files...'));
var uploadBtn = element(by.css(''));
var uploadFinished = element(by.css('.fileupload_section .text-center p'));
element(by.cssContainingText('.inline_link','Upload more album photos now')).click();
browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(addFiles), 5000);
var previewPic = element(by.css('.fileupload_section.fileupload_files'));
browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(previewPic), 5000);
browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(uploadBtn), 5000);;
browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(uploadFinished), 30000);
expect(uploadFinished.getText()).toBe('Upload Finished');

sapui5 how to read PDF file content in controller

Im facing an issue in PDF File Uploading..
In the above Screenshot if you see, When im trying to upload a PDF file, Im not able to read the content in that pdf file.
My requirement is like, I need to get the content as String from that file and that content i need to send to back-end server..
Im getting below error if im trying to read the content
HTTP Status 405 - Bad Method
Below is my Code ..
Im using xmlns:u="sap.ui.unified" library
<u:FileUploader id="fileUploader" name="myFileUpload" tooltip="Upload Service Sheet"
uploadComplete="handleUploadComplete" change="handleValueChange" typeMissmatch="handleTypeMissmatch" style="Emphasized" fileType="pdf"
placeholder="Choose a file for Upload..." maximumFileSize="2000" mimeType="pdf" buttonText="Upload">
handleUploadComplete: function(oEvent) {
var fileName = oEvent.getSource().getProperty("value");
var sResponse = oEvent.getParameter("response");
if (sResponse) {
var sMsg = "";
var m = /^\[(\d\d\d)\]:(.*)$/.exec(sResponse);
if (m[0] == "200") {
sMsg = "Return Code: " + m[0] + "(Upload Success)";
} else {
sMsg = "Return Code: " + m[0] + "(Upload Error)";
Can some one please help me how can i read the data in the PDF??
Thank you in advance
Take a look at this example. Hope this helps.
<u:FileUploader change="onChange" fileType="pdf" mimeType="pdf" buttonText="Upload" />
convertBinaryToHex: function(buffer) {
return Uint8Array(buffer), function(x) {
return ("00" + x.toString(16)).slice(-2);
onChange: function(oEvent){
var that = this;
var reader = new FileReader();
var file = oEvent.getParameter("files")[0];
reader.onload = function(e) {
var raw =;
var hexString = that.convertBinaryToHex(raw).toUpperCase();
reader.onerror = function() {"Error occured when uploading file");

how to return a value of promise in Protractor

Panel Property Object:
this.IncSummary = element.all(by.css('#incidentList h5'));
Common function:
//Get the Text of Summary
exports.getIncSummary = function (IncId) {
console.log("executing getIncSummary function");
console.log("Summary items = " +items);
console.log("summary text = "+ txt);
return items[IncId].getText();
Using this function in my test:
it('compare the summary text ', function() {
console.log("promis= "+promis);
I am getting following error:
Failed: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined
Not sure what I am doing wrong, would appreciate any help on this.
Thanks in Advance.
The function getIncSummary doesn't return anything. If you wish to get the text for a given locator/index then use .get():
// Panel Property Object:
this.IncSummary = element.all(by.css('#incidentList h5'));
// Common function:
exports.getIncSummary = function (index) {
return Panel.IncSummary.get(index).getText();
// Using this function in my test:
it('compare the summary text ', function() {

Cannot read property 'addGraph' of undefined in meteorJS - nvd3

Using the official nvd3 package (
I have the following code under the Template.rendered block:
var formattedEarnedData = formatEarnedData(userEarnedDataSet);
nv.addGraph(function() {
var earnedChart = nv.models.lineChart()
.margin({ left: 25 })
.tickFormat(d3.format('d'));'#earned-charts svg').datum(
key: 'Earned',
values: formattedEarnedData
return earnedChart;
The following lies at the bottom of the js file outside of the rendered block:
var formatEarnedData = function(dataSet) {
var earnedDataArray = new Array();
var groupedDates = _.groupBy(_.pluck(dataSet, 'progression'), function(date) {
return moment(date).format('MMM D');
_.each(_.values(groupedDates), function(dates) {
date: dates[0],
total: dates.length
return earnedDataArray;
Even after following the documentation, I am still getting this error:
Cannot read property 'addGraph' of undefined
Can any nvd3 experts shed some light on why this error is happening?
Thanks in advance.

Chrome App FileReader

I'm trying to make use of the file system API in a Chrome App. I've tried all the sample code I can find and can't get a simple text file to read. I'm logging almost every step, and what seems to happen (or not happen) is everything stops the first time I reference a file reader object. It creates just fine, because I can log the .readyState, but after that I can't seem to even set an onload()event or execute a .readAsText().
Here's what I'm calling from a button:
function clickButton(){
chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({type: 'openFile', acceptsMultiple: false}, function(FileEntry){
if(chrome.runtime.lastError) {console.warn("Warning: " + chrome.runtime.lastError.message);}
var thing = new FileReader();
console.log("Started loading " & FileEntry);
console.log("added onloadstart");
document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = "I did something";
I did read somewhere that Chrome doesn't allow access to local files, but the chrome apps seem to be different. At least, the documentation seems to suggest that.
The only thing I end up with in my console is the FileEntry object.
I've used the example code right from the above link and still can't get it right. Anyone else have this issue or know what I'm doing wrong?
There is a difference between a FileEntry and a File. You need to call FileEntry's .file() method. So, replace
FileEntry.file(function(File) {
Try this code...
<!doctype html>
function handle_files(files) {
for (i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
file = files[i]
var reader = new FileReader()
ret = []
reader.onload = function(e) {
reader.onerror = function(stuff) {
console.log("error", stuff)
console.log (stuff.getMessage())
reader.readAsText(file) //readAsdataURL
FileReader that works!
<input type="file" multiple onchange="handle_files(this.files)">
I've written a function to extract text from a file.
function getFileEntryText(fileEntry) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
fileEntry.file(function (file) {
var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = function (text) {
fileReader.onerror = function () {
You can invoke this method like so:
getFileEntryText(fileEntry).then(function(text) {
// Process the file text here
}, function(error) {
// Handle the file error here
One thing I'm grappling with when working with the FileSystem is that every call is asynchronous. Having multiple levels of nested callbacks can make for code that's hard to read. I'm currently working around this by converting everything I can to a Promise.
for anyone who is interested, here's my final (working) code, complete with all the console.log()'s I needed to follow all those callbacks.
var chosenEntry = null;
function clickButton(){
console.log("Button clicked");
var accepts = [{
mimeTypes: ['text/*'],
extensions: ['js', 'css', 'txt', 'html', 'xml', 'tsv', 'csv', 'rtf']
chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({type: 'openFile', accepts: accepts}, function(theEntry) {
if (!theEntry) {
output.textContent = 'No file selected.';
// use local storage to retain access to this file{'chosenFile': chrome.fileSystem.retainEntry(theEntry)});
console.log("local data set. calling loadFileEntry");
console.log("loadFileEntry called, returned to clickButton()");
function loadFileEntry(_chosenEntry) {
console.log("entered loadFileEntry()");
chosenEntry = _chosenEntry;
chosenEntry.file(function(file) {
readAsText(chosenEntry, function(result) {
console.log("running callback in readAsText");
document.getElementById('text').innerHTML = result;
console.log("I just tried to update textarea.innerHTML");
console.log("added function to chosenEntry.file()");
function readAsText(fileEntry, callback) {
console.log("readAsText called");
fileEntry.file(function(file) {
var reader = new FileReader();
console.log("Created reader as FileReader");
reader.onload = function(e) {
console.log("called reader.onload function");
console.log("calling reader.readAsText");