Changing patch colors except one color - netlogo

I'm creating a program in Netlogo which has shoppers (turtles) moving through a grocery store layout. When they step on a patch it increases in color and when it has no agent on it, it decreases in color, as this will show the paths shoppers take through a store.
My code is:
ask turtles
[ rt random 360
fd 1
set pcolor pcolor + 1 ]
ask patches with [ (pcolor > 9.9) or (pcolor < 0.1) ]
[set pcolor 0]
ask patches with [ (count turtles-here = 0) and (pcolor <= 9.9) and (pcolor > 0) ]
[ set pcolor pcolor - 0.1 ]
However, as the aisle patches are blue this is turning them back to black as well. I was wondering what code I could use so patches with pcolor = 105 will stay blue and not change to black?

Don't change the color of the patches with pcolor = 105. You'll just need to add an additional condition to anywhere you modify the patch color.
ask turtles
[ rt random 360
fd 1
if pcolor != 105[set pcolor pcolor + 1 ]
ask patches with [ pcolor != 105 and ((pcolor > 9.9) or (pcolor < 0.1))]
[set pcolor 0]
ask patches with [pcolor != 105 and (count turtles-here = 0) and (pcolor <= 9.9) and (pcolor > 0) ]
[ set pcolor pcolor - 0.1 ]


turtles change color on particular patch color

this code contains a road setup and turtle creation , after that on the go procedure that makes turtles take the pink path , and am trying to make turtles change color with they get to a red colored patch , but for unknown reason this code is not working and the cars never change their color and stay blue as there creation color
i hope i get some help to do it
turtles-own [
to setup-road
ask patches [
ifelse pycor < -8 and pycor > -17 [set pcolor black ]
[set pcolor gray - 3 ]
if pycor < -9 and pycor > -15 [ set pcolor gray ]
if pycor > -10 and pycor < -8 and pxcor > 20 and pxcor < 27
[set pcolor white ]
if pycor < -2 and pycor > -4 and pxcor < 20 and pxcor > -24
[set pcolor pink ]
if pycor < -3 and pycor > -10 and pxcor < -22 and pxcor > -24
[set pcolor green ]
if pxcor = 20 and pycor = -3
[set pcolor red
set-default-shape turtles "car"
create-turtles 2 [
set color blue
set size 2
set xcor random-xcor
set ycor -12
set heading 90
set speed 0.1 + random-float 0.9
set s? true
to go
ask turtles [
let car-ahead one-of turtles-on patch-ahead 2
if car-ahead != nobody
[ fd speed]
let gate one-of patches in-radius 5 with [pcolor = green ]
let path one-of patches in-radius 5 with [pcolor = pink ]
if s?
[ ifelse gate != nobody
[ move-to gate
fd speed
ifelse path != nobody
move-to path
fd speed
if patch-ahead 1 != nobody and pcolor != pink
[set color green ]
[fd speed]]
[fd speed]

coloring patches with specific in a domain

I want to have pcolor of my outer-ring patches as green
I have written following command
To setup
ask patch 0 0 [ set pcolor red
ask neighbors
[ set pcolor blue]
ask patches with [pxcor > 1 and pxcor < -1 and pycor > 1 and pycor < -1]
[set pcolor green ]
I get center and neighbors with required color but out ring of patches remained black.
plz help.
The problem is that you provide a condition that no patch can satisfy. (E.g., it cannot be both to the left of your colored patches and to the right, but you use and.) Does the following meet your needs?
to colorPatches
ask patch 0 0 [
set pcolor red
ask neighbors [ set pcolor blue]
ask patches with [pcolor = black] [
set pcolor green

Setting turtles energy diminishing differently in different areas

In NetLogo I've got 3 areas:
to setup-patches
ask patches [ if pxcor > 6
[set pcolor yellow
ask patches [ if pxcor <= 6
[set pcolor green
ask patches [ if pxcor < -6
[set pcolor blue
I'd like 2 of my 3 different kinds of turtles to lose energy faster as they go (tick) in one of the areas, for example in ycor > 6.
set energy energy - 1 [ -6 if xcor <= 6]
But this does not work.
ask patches with [pxcor > 6] [set pcolor yellow]
ask patches with [pxcor <= 6] [set pcolor green]
ask patches with [pxcolor < -6] [set pcolor blue]
Then, if energy is a turtle variable.
ask turtles
if yellow = pcolor [set energy energy - 1]
if green = pcolor [set energy energy - 2]
if blue = pcolor [set energy energy - 3]

Color progression issue in netlogo

I have three different turtles: red, white, and green. I am trying to get these turtles to couple up (like people in relationships) and then uncouple. While a red turtle is coupled with a green or white turtle I want the patch color to sometimes randomly change colors, but for some reason the patch color color progression is not working.
to go
ask turtles
[ if coupled? = true
[ set couple-length couple-length + 1 ] ]
ask turtles
[ if coupled? = false
[ move ] ]
ask turtles
[ if coupled? = false and shape = "person righty" and (random-float 10.0 < coupling-tendency)
[ couple ]
let potential-intervener one-of (turtles-on neighbors) with [ green-dotter? = true]
if (coupled? = true and potential-intervener != nobody and "person righty" = true)
[ifelse (random-float 10.0 < resting-tendency)
[;;decides to stay
ask potential-intervener [move-to patch-here] ;; this is possibly what is causing the lack of intervention?
; does not intervene, start the color progression
ifelse (random-float 10.0 < intervening-tendency)
[;; intervenes
[set couple-length couple-length + 1 ;; increments the couple length by 1
if (couple-length = 2)
ask patch-here [set pcolor yellow]
ask patch-at -1 0 [set pcolor yellow] ]
if (couple-length = 4)
ask patch-here [set pcolor orange]
ask (patch-at -1 0) [set pcolor orange] ]
if (couple-length = 6)
ask patch-here [set pcolor red]
ask (patch-at -1 0) [set pcolor red] ] ]
;;decides to move
ask potential-intervener [move]
set couple-length couple-length + 1 ;; increments the couple length by 1
if (couple-length = 2)
ask patch-here [set pcolor yellow]
ask patch-at -1 0 [set pcolor yellow] ]
if (couple-length = 4)
ask patch-here [set pcolor orange]
ask (patch-at -1 0) [set pcolor orange] ]
if (couple-length = 6)
ask patch-here [set pcolor red]
ask (patch-at -1 0) [set pcolor red] ] ]
; will green dotter intervene?
ifelse (random-float 10.0 < intervening-tendency)
[;; intervenes
[;; does not intervene, start the color progression
set couple-length couple-length + 1 ;; increments the couple length by 1
if (couple-length = 2)
ask patch-here [set pcolor yellow]
ask patch-at -1 0 [set pcolor yellow] ]
if (couple-length = 4)
ask patch-here [set pcolor orange]
ask (patch-at -1 0) [set pcolor orange] ]
if (couple-length = 6)
ask patch-here [set pcolor red]
ask (patch-at -1 0) [set pcolor red] ] ]
For one thing, your line if (coupled? = true and potential-intervener != nobody and "person righty" = true) is inside a command block that is only reached through if coupled? = false and shape = "person righty" and (random-float 10.0 < coupling-tendency). That is, it doesn't get reached because coupled? would need to be both true and false. Better formatting would make this immediately clear. I have reformatted the top part of your code so you can see this:
to go
ask turtles
[ ifelse coupled?
[ set couple-length couple-length + 1 ] ]
[ move
if shape = "person righty" and (random-float 10.0 < coupling-tendency)
[ couple ]
let potential-intervener one-of (turtles-on neighbors) with [ green-dotter?]
if (coupled? and potential-intervener != nobody and "person righty")
[ ifelse (random-float 10.0 < resting-tendency)
[;;decides to stay
ask potential-intervener [move-to patch-here]
A couple of other notes. You don't need to say if coupled? = true, it is sufficient to say if coupled?. Since you have the same colouring code three times, it would be better to have it only once as a separate procedure and call it from the three locations, so it is much easier to change.

How can I include the effect of patches age in netlogo?

How can I accomplish the following in the code below:
patches change color reflective of their distance from the row "min-pycor"
For example, colors alternate from yellow to red and then to black (signifying death).
But this should take into account that the production of yellow patches > red > black.
stem? ;; true for stem cells, false for transitory cells
age ;; age of cell. changes color with age
metastatic? ;; false for progeny of stem cell 0, true for progeny of stem cell 1
to setup
set-default-shape turtles "square"
ask patches[
if pycor = min-pycor [
ifelse random 10 <= 2
[set pcolor white]
[sprout 1 [set shape "square" set color blue] ]
to go
ask patches with [pcolor = yellow]
[if count neighbors with [pcolor = black] > 0
[ask one-of neighbors with [pcolor = black][set pcolor yellow]
ask patches with [pcolor = white]
[if count neighbors with [pcolor = black] > 0
[ask one-of neighbors with [pcolor = black][set pcolor yellow]
;;transitional cells move and hatch more. Turtle proc.
to move-transitional-cells
if (not stem?)
set color ( red + 0.25 * age )
fd 1
if (age < 6)
hatch 1
[ ;amplification
rt random-float 360
fd 1
to mitosis ;; turtle proc. - stem cells only
if stem?
hatch 1
fd 1
set color red
set stem? false
ifelse (who = 1)
[ set age 16 ]
[ set age 0 ]
to death ;; turtle proc.
if (not stem?) and (not metastatic?) and (age > 20)
[ die ]
if (not stem?) and metastatic? and (age > 4)
[ die ]
to evaluate-params
set cell-count count turtles ;cell count
if (cell-count <= 0)
[ stop ]
to kill-original-stem-cell
ask turtle 0
[ die ]
to kill-moving-stem-cell
ask turtle 1
[ die ]
to kill-transitory-cells
ask turtles with [ age < 10 and not stem? ]
[ die ]
You seem to have two conflicting requirements, the color change based on proximity in your code, and the color change based on PYCOR that you ask about.
Ignoring the code for a moment, we can set color based on PYCOR in many ways. For example, we can create bands of color, we can create dithered interminglings of color, or we can create a "smooth" transition between colors.
The first is easy. We can use an IFELSE structure. This example creates even bands, but you can change the "divide" variables to create bands of any height.
let color1 red
let color2 yellow
let color3 black
let divide1 (min-pycor + world-height * 0.33)
let divide2 (min-pycor + world-height * 0.66)
ask patches
[ ifelse pycor < divide1 [ set pcolor color1 ][
ifelse pycor < divide2 [ set pcolor color2 ][
set pcolor color3
We can also do it in a mathy way. This example creates even bands.
let colors [ red yellow black ]
let bands length colors
let band-height floor ( world-height / bands + .5 )
;; pycor - min-pycor shifts the range from 0 to world-height
ask patches [ set pcolor item ( floor ( ( pycor - min-pycor ) / band-height ) ) colors ]
We can create dithered bands by introducing a random element to the pycor. we also have to add some tests to keep the random numbers in range.
let colors [ red yellow black ]
let bands length colors
let band-height floor (world-height / bands + .5)
let dither band-height * .5 ;; adjust this to change dithery-ness
ask patches
[ let py pycor - min-pycor + dither - random-float ( dither * 2 )
;; you might want to really study the above line to fully grok what's happening there
if py < 0 [ set py 0 ]
if py > world-height [ set py world-height ]
set pcolor item ( floor ( py / band-height ) ) colors
Graduated (gradiant) bands are tougher, because the NetLogo color space doesn't do gradual shifts in hue, only tint and shade, so there's really no way to get from red to yellow that way. So we would have to use RGB (three value list)colors, instead of NetLogo (single value) colors. And that's beyond what I'm willing to type out at the moment, so there you go--left as an exersize.