Setting turtles energy diminishing differently in different areas - netlogo

In NetLogo I've got 3 areas:
to setup-patches
ask patches [ if pxcor > 6
[set pcolor yellow
ask patches [ if pxcor <= 6
[set pcolor green
ask patches [ if pxcor < -6
[set pcolor blue
I'd like 2 of my 3 different kinds of turtles to lose energy faster as they go (tick) in one of the areas, for example in ycor > 6.
set energy energy - 1 [ -6 if xcor <= 6]
But this does not work.

ask patches with [pxcor > 6] [set pcolor yellow]
ask patches with [pxcor <= 6] [set pcolor green]
ask patches with [pxcolor < -6] [set pcolor blue]
Then, if energy is a turtle variable.
ask turtles
if yellow = pcolor [set energy energy - 1]
if green = pcolor [set energy energy - 2]
if blue = pcolor [set energy energy - 3]


Spatial Autocorrelation in NetLogo

Is there any straight-forward way to adjust spatial autocorrelation for three different patch colors? I am trying to control both the number of red patches and how spatially autocorrelated (how close same colored patches are to each other). I can control the proportion of red patches, but don't know how to setup the autocorrelation.
Here is my code so far:
to setup-patches
resize-world 0 15 0 15
set-patch-size 30
ask patches [
set pcolor one-of [ green brown ]
ask patches [
let close-patches patches with [pcolor != red]
ask n-of ((proportion-red-plants * count patches) - count patches with [pcolor = red]) close-patches
[set pcolor red]
proportion-red-plants is a slider in the interface
If you know that AC of 0 means pick a patch that has no red neighbours, and that AC of 1 means pick a neighbour of any red patch, then all that is required is to choose AC=1 method with the given probability and the AC=0 method otherwise. This is what I meant by a design issue, you need to work out the steps required before trying to code those steps.
Here is an almost solution. I haven't bothered to do things like make sure the patches being turned red aren't already red so the counts will be incorrect.
to setup
let prop-red 0.1
let AC 0
ask one-of patches [set pcolor red]
ask n-of (prop-red * count patches) patches
[ ifelse random-float 1 < AC
[ ask one-of patches with [ pcolor = red ]
[ ask one-of neighbors [ set pcolor red ]
[ let candidates patches with [not any? neighbors with [pcolor = red] ]
if any? candidates
[ ask one-of candidates [ set pcolor red ]
Thank you JenB again for helping. This is the code I ended up using which proved to get the job done (while keeping counts of red patches correct)
to setup-patches
resize-world 0 15 0 15
set-patch-size 30
ask patches [set pcolor one-of [green brown]]
let first-patch one-of patches
ask first-patch [set pcolor red]
repeat (proportion-red-plants * count patches - 1) [ask one-of patches [assign]]
to assign
ifelse random-float 1 < AC
[let candds patches with [any? (neighbors with [pcolor = red])]
ask one-of candds [set pcolor red]]
[ask one-of patches [set pcolor red]]

expected input to be a number but got the TRUE/FALSE true instead

I want to write an evacuation with leader code in net-logo but i have this error (AND expected input to be a TRUE/FALSE but got the number 0 instead.)the error came from function (follow_leader). my project is that i evacuate an environment and evacuate it with the nearest leader from the crowd . the code is not perfect that because iam knew to netlogo .
this is my code
globals[ goal-x goal-y n number leader
percent_of_leader wall
door largecircle]
patches-own [path?
turtles-own [direction
to setup
set-default-shape turtles "person"
;create-turtles 50 [ set color yellow ]
;ask turtles [fd random 13 ]
ask n-of population patches with [ pcolor = black]
[sprout 1
[ set color white
set size 0.9
set shape "person"
set leader? false
;set follower self
if xcor < 9 and ycor > 9 [set heading 0]
if xcor >= 9 and ycor >= -10[set heading -90]
if xcor > -12 and ycor < -10 [set heading 90]
if xcor <= -8 and ycor > -10 and ycor < 0 [set heading 180]
to choose-leaders
ask turtle 6
set leader? true
set color yellow
set size 1
set shape "default"
set leader self
set xcor 3
set ycor 10
set heading 0
to go
ask turtle 6[move-to-exit1
fd 1 ]
ask turtles with [shape = "person"][
ifelse (xcor < 9 and ycor > 9 ) [follow_leader] [move-to-exit1]
if xcor >= 9 and ycor >= -10 [move-to-exit2]
if xcor > -12 and ycor < -10 [move-to-exit3]
if xcor < -12 and ycor < -10 [move-to-exit3]
if xcor <= -8 and ycor > -10 and ycor < 0 [move-to-exit4]
;avoid obstcao
; avoid_obstacles
;ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = blue
; [ lt random-float 360 ] ;; We see a blue patch in front of us. Turn a random amount.
;[ fd 1 ] ;; Otherwise, it is safe to move forward.
; ifelse not is-patch? patch-ahead 3 or [ pcolor ] of patch-ahead 3 =
;blue or not is-patch? patch-ahead 2 or [ pcolor ] of patch-ahead 2 =
;blue or not is-patch? patch-ahead 1 or [ pcolor ] of patch-ahead 1 =
;[lt random-float 360 ]
;[fd 1]
; while [patch-ahead 1 = nobody]
;lt random-float 360
;ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = blue
; [ lt random-float 360 ] ;; We see a blue patch in front of us. Turn a random amount.
;[ fd 1 ]
; ifelse not is-patch? patch-ahead 3 or [ pcolor ] of patch-ahead 3 =
;white or not is-patch? patch-ahead 2 or [ pcolor ] of patch-ahead 2 =
;white or not is-patch? patch-ahead 1 or [ pcolor ] of patch-ahead 1 =
; [lt random-float 360 ]
; [fd 1]
;ifelse not is-patch? patch-ahead 3 or [ pcolor ] of patch-ahead 3 =
;green or not is-patch? patch-ahead 2 or [ pcolor ] of patch-ahead 2 =
;green or not is-patch? patch-ahead 1 or [ pcolor ] of patch-ahead 1 =
;[lt random-float 360]
; [fd 1]
to rt-random
while [patch-ahead 3 = nobody]
rt random 360
to avoide
ask turtles [
if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = green
[lt random 360 fd 1]
to avoid_obstacles ;; all obstacles set as green patches
let i 1
while [[pcolor] of patch-ahead i != blue ]
[set i (i + 1) ]
if ([pcolor] of patch-ahead i = blue)
ifelse [pcolor] of patch-at-heading-and-distance (heading - 20) i + 1 = blue
ifelse [pcolor] of patch-at-heading-and-distance (heading + 20) i + 1 = blue
ifelse random 1 = 0
[ rt 360 ]
[ lt 360]
[ rt 360 ]
[lt 360]
to bounce
if [pcolor] of patch-at dx 8 = blue [
set heading (90)
if [pcolor] of patch-at 0 dy = blue [
set heading (-90)
to move-for
ask turtles with [shape = "person"][fd 1]
to drwa-walls
;rows x
ask patches with [pxcor <= 30 and pxcor >= 0 and pycor = -10]
[set pcolor blue]
ask patches with [pxcor >= -30 and pxcor <= 0 and pycor = 9]
[set pcolor blue]
;ask patches with [pycor <= 9 and pycor >= -10 and pxcor = 0]
;[set pcolor green]
;ask patches with [pycor <= 4 and pycor >= 0 and pxcor = 0]
;[set pcolor green]
;circle shape
ask patch -14 -9 [
set largecircle patches in-radius (2)
;set color of largecircle patches green
ask largecircle [
set pcolor green
ask patch 16 16 [
set largecircle patches in-radius (2)
;set color of largecircle patches green
ask largecircle [
set pcolor white
to draw-exit1
;exits at top of concourse area, where turtles will leave
set goal-x -1
set goal-y -30
ask patch goal-x goal-y [
sprout 1 [ set pcolor red
set shape "square"
to draw-exit2
set goal-x -1
set goal-y 30
ask patch goal-x goal-y [
sprout 1 [ set pcolor red
set shape "square"
to draw-exit3
set goal-x -30
set goal-y -6
ask patch goal-x goal-y [
sprout 1 [ set pcolor red
set shape "square"
to draw-exit4
set goal-x 30
set goal-y 4
ask patch goal-x goal-y [
sprout 1 [ set pcolor red
set shape "square"
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;exit goals;;
to move-to-exit1
facexy -1 30
to move-to-exit2
facexy 30 4
to move-to-exit3
facexy -1 -30
to move-to-exit4
facexy -30 -6
;to follow-leader
;if not leader? ;; we only want to ask non-leaders
;[let nearby-leaders turtles with [leader? and distance myself < 3] ;; find nearby leaders
;if any? nearby-leaders ;; to avoid 'nobody'-error, check if there are any first
; [ set heading (towards min-one-of nearby-leaders [distance myself]) ]] ;; then face the one closest to myself
; end
to follow_leader
let nearby-leaders turtles with [is-leader? and distance myself < 10] ;; nearby leaders
if any? nearby-leaders[
face min-one-of nearby-leaders [distance myself]
fd 0.5]
In the future, please only provide relevant code. For NetLogo, that is usually the procedure that throws the error (or doesn't work correctly etc) and whichever procedure calls it.
In your case, this is the procedure you mentioned:
to follow_leader
let nearby-leaders turtles with [is-leader? and distance myself < 10]
if any? nearby-leaders[
face min-one-of nearby-leaders [distance myself]
fd 0.5]
So the and that is throwing the error must be [is-leader? and distance myself < 10] (also, please state which line if you know it). My guess would be that you haven't initialised the variable is-leader? so it is 0 (the default value) instead of either true or false.
If this is the problem, wherever you creates turtles, initialise with set is-leader? false

turtles change color on particular patch color

this code contains a road setup and turtle creation , after that on the go procedure that makes turtles take the pink path , and am trying to make turtles change color with they get to a red colored patch , but for unknown reason this code is not working and the cars never change their color and stay blue as there creation color
i hope i get some help to do it
turtles-own [
to setup-road
ask patches [
ifelse pycor < -8 and pycor > -17 [set pcolor black ]
[set pcolor gray - 3 ]
if pycor < -9 and pycor > -15 [ set pcolor gray ]
if pycor > -10 and pycor < -8 and pxcor > 20 and pxcor < 27
[set pcolor white ]
if pycor < -2 and pycor > -4 and pxcor < 20 and pxcor > -24
[set pcolor pink ]
if pycor < -3 and pycor > -10 and pxcor < -22 and pxcor > -24
[set pcolor green ]
if pxcor = 20 and pycor = -3
[set pcolor red
set-default-shape turtles "car"
create-turtles 2 [
set color blue
set size 2
set xcor random-xcor
set ycor -12
set heading 90
set speed 0.1 + random-float 0.9
set s? true
to go
ask turtles [
let car-ahead one-of turtles-on patch-ahead 2
if car-ahead != nobody
[ fd speed]
let gate one-of patches in-radius 5 with [pcolor = green ]
let path one-of patches in-radius 5 with [pcolor = pink ]
if s?
[ ifelse gate != nobody
[ move-to gate
fd speed
ifelse path != nobody
move-to path
fd speed
if patch-ahead 1 != nobody and pcolor != pink
[set color green ]
[fd speed]]
[fd speed]

Changing patch colors except one color

I'm creating a program in Netlogo which has shoppers (turtles) moving through a grocery store layout. When they step on a patch it increases in color and when it has no agent on it, it decreases in color, as this will show the paths shoppers take through a store.
My code is:
ask turtles
[ rt random 360
fd 1
set pcolor pcolor + 1 ]
ask patches with [ (pcolor > 9.9) or (pcolor < 0.1) ]
[set pcolor 0]
ask patches with [ (count turtles-here = 0) and (pcolor <= 9.9) and (pcolor > 0) ]
[ set pcolor pcolor - 0.1 ]
However, as the aisle patches are blue this is turning them back to black as well. I was wondering what code I could use so patches with pcolor = 105 will stay blue and not change to black?
Don't change the color of the patches with pcolor = 105. You'll just need to add an additional condition to anywhere you modify the patch color.
ask turtles
[ rt random 360
fd 1
if pcolor != 105[set pcolor pcolor + 1 ]
ask patches with [ pcolor != 105 and ((pcolor > 9.9) or (pcolor < 0.1))]
[set pcolor 0]
ask patches with [pcolor != 105 and (count turtles-here = 0) and (pcolor <= 9.9) and (pcolor > 0) ]
[ set pcolor pcolor - 0.1 ]

netlogo patch set as chess board style

how can I set al of patches like chess board. one white than black?
ask patches [if ...... [set pcolor white]
if .......[set pcolor black]]
could you say is it the right way or?
assuming your world is already 8x8 patches and the patches are default black:
ask patches [if pxcor mod 2 = pycor mod 2 [set pcolor white]]
Assuming you have an 8x8 world
to setup
ask patches [
ifelse pxcor mod 2 = pycor mod 2
[set pcolor white]
[set pcolor black]