How to use `dataTaskDidReceiveResponse` callback? - swift

I'm trying to use dataTaskDidReceiveResponse of the SessionDelegateof the manager but can't find how to use it. I'm new to swift (but experienced with objective-c) and can't found the correct syntax.
I have tried something like
manager.delegate.dataTaskDidReceiveResponse = {
return NSURLSessionResponseDisposition.Allow
}((session:NSURLSession, task:NSURLSessionDataTask, response:NSURLResponse)-> NSURLSessionResponseDisposition)
and some other variants. I don't know if it's just a syntax issue or my comprehension of swift/Alamofire that is lacking.
Can anyone help me found the right path?

Found it:
manager.delegate.dataTaskDidReceiveResponse =
{(session:NSURLSession, dataTask:NSURLSessionDataTask, response:NSURLResponse) -> NSURLSessionResponseDisposition in
return NSURLSessionResponseDisposition.Allow


How to use authorization in lumen

I followed this docs.
Actually I dont know where to define the Gate
in register() or in boot() function
After that also it say: Class 'App\Providers\Gate' not found
And what is the correct one in 3 of these?
For the 'Checking Abilities', the docs said :
if (Gate::allows('update-post', $post)) {
But I cannot use that in my route file.
The question here is how to use gate in route?
Please support me. I'm new with this.
you should use this Illuminate\Support\Facades\Gate
**remember** everything that you use trough `::` like Gate::allows or
Route::get or something like that is `Facade` so for import use the uri that
contains `Facade`
Here is good tutorial which explain how to use `Gate`, hope it can be usefull

zxing : forFragment Cannot resolve symbol

How to fix this?
IntentIntegrator test = new IntentIntegrator.forFragment(this);
forFragment, forforSupportFragment too
Cannot resolve symbol
Your invocation is wrong. Should be
IntentIntegrator test = new IntentIntegrator().forFragment(this);
Notice the first parentheses.
IntentIntegrator test = IntentIntegrator.forFragment(this);
Sorry but I used the older version, so I am not sure how the invocation looks right now.

OrientDB: is OCommandFunction usable in 3.0.0m1?

In version 2 OCommandFuction would be used more or less like this:
OCommandFunction command = new OCommandFunction(function);
ODocument doc = db.command(command).execute(args);
OResultSet<ODocument> rs = db.command(command).execute(args);
In 3.0 db.command is deprecated and the 3.0 idiomatic alternatives are documented in most use cases, except, to the best of my knowledge, for the one I described.
Any suggestions?
The following should work fine:
db.execute("sql", "RETURN yourFunctin()", params);
3.0M1 is still an early beta, so if you find any problems please report them on the official issue tracker. Thanks!

RSBarcodes_Swift how to use?

Sorry for Google translator...
I want to understand the use of the Swift RSBarcodes library.
How to assign a variable scanned code.
I tried to do so:
var MyVar:String = ""
self.barcodesHandler = { barcodes in
for barcode in barcodes {
MyVar = barcode.stringValue
But this has no effect :(
How to generate code?
I tried to do so:
RSUnifiedCodeGenerator.shared.generateCode("2166529V", machineReadableCodeObjectType: AVMetadataObjectTypeCode39Code)
But this has no effect :( What should I do to see the generated image. I do not understand.
Maybe someone has a full description of the library or working example.
I would be very grateful.
Sorry for Google translator...

How to use getChangedCells method?

I found that getChangedCells method is somehow applicable to the application that I am building right now.
Can someone show me on how to use getChangedCells method?
var temp= $("#grid").getChangedCells('all') // Return Rows
var temp= $("#grid").getChangedCells('dirty') / Returns the changed cells.
Also try looking at the official docs as #ozczecho mentioned
Check this out. Official documentation. Or a similar question.