Factorise symbolic expression (square of a sum) in MATLAB - matlab

If I start with the following symbolic expression:
a^2 + 2*a*b + b^2
Then run simplify (or factor), I get the expected result:
>> simplify(a^2 + 2*a*b + b^2)
(a + b)^2
Now when I run the same example, but adding another term, no factorisation occurs:
>> simplify(a^2 + 2*a*b + b^2 + 1)
a^2 + 2*a*b + b^2 + 1
How can I get these functions to return the more practical version of this expression ((a + b)^2 + 1)? I have tried all of the obvious options with these functions (like 'Steps', 'IgnoreAnalyticConstraints', etc.) but to no avail.
Context: I have the expression ax^2 - 2*ax*bx + bx^2 + ay^2 - 2*ay*by + by^2 which I need to convert back into (ax - bx)^2 + (ay - by)^2 so it can then be treated correctly as r^2. I know I could use some blunt substitution rules, but for something so simple I feel like I'm missing an obvious 'non-hack' solution.

you can run simplify on the two terms separately.
simplify(ax^2 - 2*ax*bx + bx^2) + simplify(ay^2 - 2*ay*by + by^2)
It seems like you already know how it should be simplified anyway.
Also, you eventually want to write it as r^2. This is not generally possible for all second-order expressions, so don't bother trying to find a general solution.


Linear Box Cox Transformation for different parameters for dependent variable/ and independent vaiable

I've been stuck on this for quite some time. Is there a command in R that will create a Box Cox Linear transformation that has a different a parameter for my independent variable and dependent variable?
chicago.reg <- lm(data = Chichagodata, sprice ~ nrooms + lvarea + hage + lsize + ptaxes + sspend + mspend +
medinc + dfcl + particle + sulfur+pctwht+ dfni +aircon+ garage+ nbath + cook+ohare)
Note that I do not want to transform my variables pctwht, dfni, aircon, garage, nbath, cook,and ohare as they are dummy variables.
Thank you if you can provide me insight on this issue.
You should have a look into coxBox and boxcox functions. The former allow to transform individual variables/lists, while the latter works on lm (or aov) objects. In addition you might want to read this and this posts...

Express A^2 as A * A in Matlab

So, I have a really long symbolic exrpression in Matlab that I want to copy/paste into a JavaScript-code to animate a numerical solution for it. The problem is that some places in my code i get exponents (mostly ^2), when I'd rather have Matlab express it as A*A.
I have mulitple (and different) expressions like
That I would rather have expressed as
Any way I can do this? The alternative is to use a text editor afterward and search for powers of 2 and replace it, but there are multiple different expressions, so that would take some time...
This is an example of one of the exrpressions I end up with:
(J31*(2*ddth2t*cos(th1t) - 2*w12*w13 - 4*dth1t*dth2t*sin(th1t) - 4*dth2t*w13*sin(th1t) + dth1t^2*sin(2*th2t)*cos(th1t) - w12^2*sin(2*th2t)*cos(th1t) + w13^2*sin(2*th2t)*cos(th1t) + 2*dth2t*w11*sin(2*th2t) + 2*w12*w13*cos(th2t)^2 + ddth1t*sin(2*th2t)*sin(th1t) + 4*dth1t*dth2t*cos(th2t)^2*sin(th1t) + 2*dth1t*w13*sin(2*th2t)*cos(th1t) + 4*dth2t*w13*cos(th2t)^2*sin(th1t) + w11*w12*sin(2*th2t)*sin(th1t) + 4*dth1t*w12*cos(th1t)^2*cos(th2t)^2 - 2*dth1t*w11*sin(2*th1t)*cos(th2t)^2 - 2*dth2t*w11*sin(2*th2t)*cos(th1t)^2 + 2*w12*w13*cos(th1t)^2*cos(th2t)^2 - w11*w13*sin(2*th1t)*cos(th2t)^2 - 4*dth2t*w12*cos(th1t)*cos(th2t)*sin(th1t)*sin(th2t)))/(2*(J11 + J31))
Steve's answer should work fine if you want to rely on the ** operator. However, since that operator is not officially supported, and that solution doesn't directly answer the OP's question, here is a function that can expand out the exponents in a symbolic expression.
function [ text ] = remove_powers( exp )
%Cleans the powers from T, and return expanded text representation
% Define functions
enclose =#(t) ['(' t ')'];
expand_pow=#(b,p) strjoin(strcat(cell(1,p),enclose(char(b))),'*');
count_pow=#(s) arrayfun(#(k) count(char(s(k)),'^'), 1:length(s));
sym2str = #(s) strrep(char(s), ' ', '');
% Check for fractions
if ~isequal(D,sym(1))
% pass up the num and den
text = [remove_powers(N) '/' enclose(remove_powers(D))];
% Split a into subterms
Ts = children(exp);
% Clean children
text = sym2str(exp);
if sum(count_pow(Ts))<count_pow(exp)
% We have removed a power, clean it, expand it, and pass up
text = expand_pow(remove_powers(Ts(1)),Ts(2));
% Just clean the unclean children and pass up
for t=Ts(has_pow)
text = strrep(text,sym2str(t),remove_powers(t));
The function uses the children function in Matlab to recursively clean each subexpression and replace it (as text) in the parent. This method is better than using regex because it avoids the issue of parsing the syntax, as Steve mentioned in the comment with respect to cos(x^2+2*y)^2.
Which makes for a good example:
syms x y real
exp = cos(x^2+2*y)^2;
cleaned_exp = remove_powers(exp)
Outputs: (cos(2*y+(x)*(x)))*(cos(2*y+(x)*(x)))
Notice that since Matlab is doing the parsing, there was no need to parse the order of precedence for the '^' operators, which could be difficult to accomplish with regex.
To test the OP's example:
syms ddth1t dth1t th1t ddth2t dth2t th2t w11 w12 w13 J11 J31 real
exp = (J31*(2*ddth2t*cos(th1t) - 2*w12*w13 - 4*dth1t*dth2t*sin(th1t) - 4*dth2t*w13*sin(th1t) + dth1t^2*sin(2*th2t)*cos(th1t) - w12^2*sin(2*th2t)*cos(th1t) + w13^2*sin(2*th2t)*cos(th1t) + 2*dth2t*w11*sin(2*th2t) + 2*w12*w13*cos(th2t)^2 + ddth1t*sin(2*th2t)*sin(th1t) + 4*dth1t*dth2t*cos(th2t)^2*sin(th1t) + 2*dth1t*w13*sin(2*th2t)*cos(th1t) + 4*dth2t*w13*cos(th2t)^2*sin(th1t) + w11*w12*sin(2*th2t)*sin(th1t) + 4*dth1t*w12*cos(th1t)^2*cos(th2t)^2 - 2*dth1t*w11*sin(2*th1t)*cos(th2t)^2 - 2*dth2t*w11*sin(2*th2t)*cos(th1t)^2 + 2*w12*w13*cos(th1t)^2*cos(th2t)^2 - w11*w13*sin(2*th1t)*cos(th2t)^2 - 4*dth2t*w12*cos(th1t)*cos(th2t)*sin(th1t)*sin(th2t)))/(2*(J11 + J31));
cleaned_exp = remove_powers(exp);
isequal(sym(cleaned_exp),exp) % This should be 1
count(cleaned_exp,'^') % This should be 0
As expected, the new expression is equivalent to the original, but has no '^' symbols.
This answer suggests that you could call the exponential operator in Javascript with e.g. A**2. As such you could replace all instances of ^ with **.
(Solution from comments)

How effective is compiler common subexpression elimination?

I need to compute some fairly long expressions that contain common subexpressions. For example, consider the following two expressions:
double dfdx1 = 2 * (-x2 + x1 - sin(b2)*n34 + cos(b2)*sin(c2)*n24 - cos(b2)*cos(c2)*n14 + sin(b1)*m34 - cos(b1)*sin(c1)*m24 + cos(b1)*cos(c1)*m14);
double dfdx2 = -2 * (-x2 + x1 - sin(b2)*n34 + cos(b2)*sin(c2)*n24 - cos(b2)*cos(c2)*n14 + sin(b1)*m34 - cos(b1)*sin(c1)*m24 + cos(b1)*cos(c1)*m14);
Aside from eliminating all the trigonometric functions, one obvious elimination is dfdx2 = -dfdx1. The question is whether the compiler will recognise this. I found that using MATLAB's MuPad generate::optimize() function does not, which rather surprised me.
More generally, will the compiler recognise that f2 = -f1 in the example below:
double f1 = a*a + b*b - c*a - c*b;
double f2 = c*a + c*b - a*a - b*b;
Or will it just eliminate the terms a*a, b*b, c*a and c*b?
I am using the MSVC compiler, but I guess that they all do pretty much the same thing.
Normally compilers should recognize this and carry out the asked transformation if you enable "fast math" (-ffast-math for gcc). The reason is that floating point operations are not perfectly exact and the order of the evaluation of an expression might matter.
Example (for doubles, all constants are actually considered being results of other operations):
"1e100"+"1.0"-"1e100" results in 0.0
"1e100"-"1e100"+"1.0" results in 1.0
So the compiler will only reorder expressions if you explicitly allow such transformations.

Simplify an equation in Matlab (MuPAD)

I have the following equation and want to simplify it using Matlab's MuPAD.
So, I used this in MuPAD:
Simplify(Gb = Gm*((2*(Gd+t)+3*Gm+3*P*(Gd+t-Gm))/(2*(Gd+t)+3*Gm-2*P*(Gd+t-Gm))))
and I get this:
Gb*(3*Gm + 2*Gd + 2*t - 2*P*(Gd - Gm + t)) = Gm*(3*Gm + 2*Gd + 2*t + 3*P*(Gd - Gm + t)) and 3*Gm + 2*Gd + 2*t <> 2*P*(Gd - Gm + t)
I cannot understand the first and second part (after "and"), what are these?
As per MuPAD's documentation, the relational operator <> denotes inequality, i.e., the left- and right-hand side are not equal. In other words, the simplification (before "and") is only valid if 3*Gm + 2*Gd + 2*t is not equal to 2*P*(Gd - Gm + t). This is the same thing as requiring that the denominator of the original expression not be zero (which would make it undefined).
Note that in MuPAD for Matlab R2015b, the <> operator is displayed as ≠ and "and" is rendered as ∧ (logical and):

Julia: How do I create a macro that returns its argument?

My question is quite similar to this one, but with a difference. I want to create a macro (or whatever) that behaves this way:
julia> #my-macro x + 2
:(x + 2)
(note that x + 2 is not enclosed in quotes). Is there something like that in Julia? And if there is not, how do I do it? (Please, give a detailed explanation about why it works.)
The input expression to the macro needs to be quoted because a macro returns an expression, which are evaluated, while you would like to get the expression itself, hence you need an extra quoting. The quoting can be done as:
macro mymacro(ex)
Expr(:quote,ex) # this creates an expression that looks like :(:(x + 2))
e=#mymacro x + 2 #returns :(x + 2)
Another shorter possibility:
macro mymacro(ex)
e = #mymacro x + 2 #returns :(x + 2)