orientdb db.save "object is ambiguous" error - orientdb

I'm using release orientdb-community-2.1.9.
Following example in docs (http://orientdb.com/docs/2.1/Functions.html)
I tried:
return db.save({
"#class": "V",
log: 'test'
And I've got this error:
Error on parsing script at position #0: Error on execution of the script\nScript: test\n------^\nsun.org.mozilla.javascript.EvaluatorException: The choice of Java method com.orientechnologies.orient.core.command.script.OScriptDocumentDatabaseWrapper.save matching JavaScript argument types (object) is ambiguous; candidate methods are: \n class com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument save(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.ORecord)\n class com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument save(java.util.Map) (#360) in at line number 360\nThe choice of Java method com.orientechnologies.orient.core.command.script.OScriptDocumentDatabaseWrapper.save matching JavaScript argument types (object) is ambiguous; candidate methods are: \n class com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument save(com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.ORecord)\n class com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument save(java.util.Map) (#360)
How can I correct this ambiguity?


Generics: Type argument is not within its bounds

Any idea why the following code wouldn't compile?
fun <T : Comparable<T>> naturalSort(list: List<T>): List<T> {
val natComparator = naturalOrder<T>() // compiler error here
return list.sortedWith(natComparator)
The second line results in the compiler error:
Type argument is not within its bounds: should be subtype of 'Comparable'
It works for me in https://play.kotlinlang.org/ but fails in Eclipse and when building the project (from Eclipse) with the project's Gradle build script.
Here's how my Gradle build environment looks like:
Solved. The problem was caused by the wrong Comparable interface being used due to import statements in the actual code (no problem with the import statements, not really sure why java.lang.Comparable was used instead of kotlin.Comparable). Specifying in the code that kotlin.Comparable should be used resolves the issue:
fun <T : kotlin.Comparable<T>> naturalSort(list: List<T>): List<T> {
val natComparator = naturalOrder<T>() // no error
return list.sortedWith(natComparator)
Thanks to everyone who responded.

Unknown error on VDM++ toolbox lite

I'm doing VDM++ on VDM++ toolbox lite and below is my example code:
class Course
public study :: numsubj : nat1
sem : nat1;
public subjpersem = nat1;
public getsubj:nat1 * nat1 ==>study
getsubj(numsubj,sem) == (
subjpersem := numsubj/sem;
end Course
I tried to run the code. Succeeded creating the object but when I run print getsubj(10,2), it returns error Run-Time Error 120: Unknown state component
Can somebody help me thank you in advance
In Overture/VDMJ, this spec gives two type checking errors. Do these not appear in VDMTools?
Error 3247: Symbol 'subjpersem' is not an updatable variable in 'Course' (test.vpp) at line 9:5
Error 3027: Operation returns unexpected type in 'Course' (test.vpp) at line 7:8
Actual: ()
Expected: study
Type checked 1 class in 0.119 secs. Found 2 type errors

Getting error in eclipse for spock's #Shared annotation

As a try, I created a simple groovy class in eclipse and wrote a simple spock test method.
I created one object with #Shared annotation and eclipse is complaining like:
Multiple markers at this line
- Groovy:unable to resolve class Shared , unable to find class
for annotation
- Groovy:class Shared is not an annotation in #Shared
I googled a little but did not find the solution. Does anyone know why this error is occurring? Below is the sample code:
class SimpleSpockTestExampleSpec extends Specification {
MyObject obj;
def "length of Spock's and his friends' names"()
expect:"Replaces when-then block"
name.size() == length
name << ["zzzzz","xxx","yyy"]
length << [5,6,7]
Pease ignore the line numbers in the image.
It seems that you haven't imported appropriate package. Do you have the following statement in the code:
import spock.lang.Shared

initialize systemverilog (ovm) parameterized class array

I want to monitor several analysis ports, and "publish" the item through one analysis port.
It works for predefined item type, but fail to be parameterized.
The code:
class ovm_analysis_sink #(int NUM_PORTS = 1, type T = ovm_object ) extends ovm_component;
// .......................................
// .......................................
ovm_analysis_imp #(T,ovm_analysis_sink) mon_analysis_imp[NUM_PORTS-1:0];
ovm_analysis_port #(T) mon_analysis_port = new("mon_analysis_port", this);
virtual function void build() ;
string inst;
for(int i=0 ;i < NUM_PORTS ;i++ )
mon_analysis_imp[i] = new(inst,this);
super.build() ;
endfunction : build
The usage of the analysis_sink:
ovm_analysis_sink #(3,a_type) a_item_sink;
And the error message:
Error-[ICTTFC] Incompatible complex type usage ovm_tb.sv, 42
Incompatible complex type usage in task or function call.
The following expression is incompatible with the formal parameter of the function.
The type of the actual is 'class $unit::ovm_analysis_sink#(3,class $unit::a_type)',
while the type of the formal is 'class $unit::ovm_analysis_sink#(1,class ovm_pkg::ovm_object)'.
Expression: this Source info: ovm_analysis_imp::new(inst, this)
The error says type incompatibility. That means the actual (run-time) and formal (compile-time) arguments/types of implementation port is not the same.
There is an error while declaration of analysis port. Declaring the port as shown above creates a handle of analysis imp port of type uvm_analysis_sink #(1,uvm_object) while, you want it to be of type uvm_analysis_sink #(3,a_type).
So, declare it as follows:
ovm_analysis_imp #(T,ovm_analysis_sink#(NUM_PORTS,T)) mon_analysis_imp[NUM_PORTS-1:0];
This shall remove the type conflict and make it type assignment compatible. Now any parameter overriding shall work.
I have created a sample UVM code on EDAPlayground for reference. Similar applies to your OVM testbench. For further information refer to this forum question.

C++ Conversion Operator Overloading issue

I have my own SmartPointer class.
There are cases where SmartPtr contain a class that inherite from a Base class, and I would like to convert SmartPtr<ClassX> into SmartPtr<BaseClassOfClassX>;
I am trying to overload the SmartPtr Conversion operator to do this.
It work fine for the Class themself, such as:
template<class newType>
operator SmartPtr<newType>() const
return SmartPtr<newType>((SmartPtr<newType>*)this);
but not for pointer to the Class, I have tried the following, and it never gets call and get the following error:
template<class newType>
operator SmartPtr<newType>*() const
return static_cast<SmartPtr<newType>*>(this);
Simple code to get the error:
SmartPtr<ClassX> test(pClassX);
SmartPtr<BaseClassOfClassX>* ob = &test;
cannot convert from 'SmartPtr<T> *' to 'SmartPtr<T> *'
Does anyone see what is wrong with my second conversion overload?
From the C++ standard: "An operator function shall either be a non-static member function or be a non-member function and have at least one
parameter whose type is a class, a reference to a class, an enumeration, or a reference to an enumeration."
As the type of &test is not a class nor anything implicitly convertible to a class, you cannot overload the typecasts on the pointer directly. Depending on why you need pointers to your smart pointers, maybe you really want to employ references which is much more common.