Converting a char array to string using MATLAB - matlab

date time machine power energy heat
? ? ? MW kJ kJ
2/15/2016 20:50:46 kuka 45 22 22
2/15/2016 20:50:47 kuka 50 24 22
2/15/2016 20:50:48 kuka 56 26 22
2/15/2016 20:50:49 kuka 58 28 22
2/15/2016 20:50:50 kuka 62 30 22
2/15/2016 20:50:51 kuka 60 32 22
2/15/2016 20:50:52 kuka 64 34 20
I have a textfile and I imported data using importdata() command in matlab
I have tried Delimiter with space ' ' and '\t'
All data is saved in a struct as fine I as need but the problem is in the first line all of it is saved in one cell like date time machine power energy heat
All of the other data like ? , MW , KJ and 45 are save in separate cells which are fine.
I want data from the first row as separate entities like data time machine etc
If I save that cell in a variable name X then output is like 'date time machine power energy heat'
When I check class of this its char
What I want know is to convert this char to a string so that I can continue writing code for my GUI

Answering after your comment
d = X{1}
Take any variable like Z use textscan to get your desired result
Z = textscan(d , '%s');
This will make Z a cell of order (1 X 1)
Z{1}(1) will be date
Z{1}(2) will be time
Z{1}(3) will be machine


What data should I use on predicting month values using linear regression

Predicting next month values using linear regression.
I am using 6 month based historical values to predict future values.
I use vaccinated count on dependent variable and use months for independent variable and converted it to integer starts on 1.
Historical Data:
Month dependent variable independent variable
Jun 15 1
Jul 14 2
Aug 18 3
Sep 19 4
Oct 20 5
Nov 22 6
Is that correct?
Dependent Variable = Vaccinated Count
Independent Variable = Month converted to number start from 1
Expecting to give me some ideas if my data is correct
See picture below.
Python simple linear regression:
2000-04-01 139
2000-04-02 128
2000-04-03 172
2000-04-04 139
2000-04-05 191
df['Time'] = np.arange(len(df.index))
Hardcover Time
2000-04-01 139 0
2000-04-02 128 1
2000-04-03 172 2
2000-04-04 139 3
2000-04-05 191 4
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot('Time', 'Hardcover', data=df, color='0.75')
ax = sns.regplot(x='Time', y='Hardcover', data=df, ci=None, scatter_kws=dict(color='0.25'))
ax.set_title('Time Plot of Hardcover Sales');

How can I efficiently convert the output of one KDB function into three table columns?

I have a function that takes as input some of the values in a table and returns a tuple if you will - three separate return values, which I want to transpose into the output of a query. Here's a simplified example of what I want to achieve:
select twoX:multiplier[price][0]; threeX:multiplier[price][1]; fourX:multiplier[price][2] from data;
The above basically works (I think I've got the syntax right for the simplified example - if not then hopefully my intention is clear), but is inefficient because I'm calling the function three times and throwing away most of the output each time. I want to rewrite the query to only call the function once, and I'm struggling.
I think I missed a crucial piece of information in my explanation of the problem which affects the outcome - I need to get other data in the query alongside the output of my function. Here's a hopefully more realistic example:
select average:avg price, total:sum price, twoX:multiplier[sum price][0]; threeX:multiplier[sum price][1]; fourX:multiplier[sum price][2] by category from data;
I'll have a go at adapting your answers to fit this requirement anyway, and apologies for missing this bit of information. The real function if a proprietary and fairly complex algorithm and the real query has about 30 output columns, hence the attempt at simplifying the example :)
If you're just looking for the results themselves you can extract (exec) as lists, create dictionary and then flip the dictionary into a table:
q)exec flip`twoX`threeX`fourX!multiplier[price] from ([]price:til 10)
twoX threeX fourX
0 0 0
2 3 4
4 6 8
6 9 12
8 12 16
10 15 20
12 18 24
14 21 28
16 24 32
18 27 36
If you need other columns from the original table too then its trickier but you could join the tables sideways using ,'
q)t:([]price:til 10)
q)t,'exec flip`twoX`threeX`fourX!multiplier[price] from t
An apply # can also achieve what you want. Here data is just a table with 10 random prices. # is then used to apply the multiplier function to the price column while also assigning a column name to each of the three resulting lists:
q)data:([] price:10?100)
q)#[data;`twoX`threeX`fourX;:;multiplier data`price]
price twoX threeX fourX
80 160 240 240
24 48 72 72
41 82 123 123
0 0 0 0
81 162 243 243
10 20 30 30
36 72 108 108
36 72 108 108
16 32 48 48
17 34 51 51

How to convert alphabets to numerical values with spaces and return it back to alphabets?

Want to convert the alphabet to numerical values and transform it back to alphabets using some mathematical techniques like fast Fourier transform in MATLAB.
The following is the text saved in "text2figure.txt" file
Hi how r u am fine take care of your health
thank u very much
am 2.0
Reading it in MATLAB:
temp = fileread( 'text2figure.txt' )
temp = regexprep( temp, ' {6}', ' NaN' )
Now I wish to convert cell array with spaces to numerical values/integers:
coding = 'abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz .,;'
str = temp %// example text
[~, result] = ismember(str, coding)
result =
Columns 1 through 18
0 9 28 8 16 24 28 19 28 22 28 1 13 28 6 9 14 5
Columns 19 through 36
28 21 1 11 5 28 3 1 19 5 28 16 6 28 26 16 22 19
Columns 37 through 54
28 8 5 1 12 21 8 28 0 0 21 8 1 14 11 28 22 28
Columns 55 through 71
23 5 19 26 28 13 22 3 8 0 0 1 13 28 0 29 0
Now I wish to convert the numerical values back to alphabets:
Hi how r u am fine take care of your health
thank u very much
am 2.0
How to write a MATLAB code to return the numerical values in the variable result to alphabets?
Most of the code in the question doesn't have any useful effects. These three lines are the ones that lead to result:
str = fileread('test2figure.txt');
coding = 'abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz .,;';
[~, result] = ismember(str, coding);
ismember returns, in the second output argument, the indices into coding for each element of str. Thus, result are indices that we can use to index into coding:
out = coding(result);
However, this does not work because some elements of str do not occur in coding, and for those elements ismember returns 0, which is not a valid index. We can replace the zeros with a new character:
coding = ['*',coding];
out = coding(result+1);
Basically, we're shifting each code by one, adding a new code for 1.
One of the characters we're missing here is the newline character. Thus the three lines have become one line. You can add a code for the newline character by adding it to the coding table:
str = fileread('test2figure.txt');
coding = ['abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz .,;',char(10)]; % char(10) is the newline character
[~, result] = ismember(str, coding);
coding = ['*',coding];
out = coding(result+1);
All of this is easier to achieve just using the ASCII code table:
str = fileread('test2figure.txt');
result = double(str);
out = char(result);

Append data or values to csv file Column wise in matlab

suppose i have a .csv file And it has the values as follows:
A 23 45
B 69 84
C 48 78
D 12 34
so it has two columns. Now what i need to do is to add values staring from the 3rd column with out deleting the values in the 1st and 2nd columns..
i tried z code
fileID = fopen('exp.csv','A');
fprintf(fileID,' %12.4f\n',D);
But the issue is that this is added all in one column like:
How can i do this...??
Use the csvread / csvwrite functions to load in the existing file, append a column, and write the new data.
data = csvread('exp.csv');
toadd = (1:4)';
newdata = [data toadd];
csvwrite('out.csv', newdata);

How do I select n elements of a sequence in windows of m ? (matlab)

Quick MATLAB question.
What would be the best/most efficient way to select a certain number of elements, 'n' in windows of 'm'. In other words, I want to select the first 50 elements of a sequence, then elements 10-60, then elements 20-70 ect.
Right now, my sequence is in vector format(but this can easily be changed).
The sequences that I am dealing with are too long to be stored in my RAM. I need to be able to create the windows, and then call upon the window that I want to analyze/preform another command on.
Do you have enough RAM to store a 50-by-nWindow array in memory? In that case, you can generate your windows in one go, and then apply your processing on each column
%# idxMatrix has 1:50 in first col, 11:60 in second col etc
idxMatrix = bsxfun(#plus,(1:50)',0:10:length(yourVector)-50); %'#
%# reshapedData is a 50-by-numberOfWindows array
reshapedData = yourVector(idxMatrix);
%# now you can do processing on each column, e.g.
maximumOfEachWindow = max(reshapedData,[],1);
To complement Kerrek's answer: if you want to do it in a loop, you can use something like
n = 50
m = 10;
for i=1:m:length(v)
w = v(i:i+n);
% Do something with w
There's a slight issue with the description of your problem. You say that you want "to select the first 50 elements of a sequence, then elements 10-60..."; however, this would translate to selecting elements:
That first sequence should be 0-10 to fit the pattern which of course in MATLAB would not make sense since arrays use one-indexing. To address this, the algorithm below uses a variable called startIndex to indicate which element to start the sequence sampling from.
You could accomplish this in a vectorized way by constructing an index array. Create a vector consisting of the starting indices of each sequence. For reuse sake, I put the length of the sequence, the step size between sequence starts, and the start of the last sequence as variables. In the example you describe, the length of the sequence should be 50, the step size should be 10 and the start of the last sequence depends on the size of the input data and your needs.
>> startIndex = 10;
>> sequenceSize = 5;
>> finalSequenceStart = 20;
Create some sample data:
>> sampleData = randi(100, 1, 28)
sampleData =
Columns 1 through 18
8 53 10 82 82 73 15 66 52 98 65 81 46 44 83 9 14 18
Columns 19 through 28
40 84 81 7 40 53 42 66 63 30
Create a vector of the start indices of the sequences:
>> sequenceStart = startIndex:sequenceSize:finalSequenceStart
sequenceStart =
10 15 20
Create an array of indices to index into the data array:
>> index = cumsum(ones(sequenceSize, length(sequenceStart)))
index =
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
5 5 5
>> index = index + repmat(sequenceStart, sequenceSize, 1) - 1
index =
10 15 20
11 16 21
12 17 22
13 18 23
14 19 24
Finally, use this index array to reference the data array:
>> sampleData(index)
ans =
98 83 84
65 9 81
81 14 7
46 18 40
44 40 53
Use (start : step : end) indexing: v(1:1:50), v(10:1:60), etc. If the step is 1, you can omit it: v(1:50).
Consider the following vectorized code:
x = 1:100; %# an example sequence of numbers
nwind = 50; %# window size
noverlap = 40; %# number of overlapping elements
nx = length(x); %# length of sequence
ncol = fix((nx-noverlap)/(nwind-noverlap)); %# number of sliding windows
colindex = 1 + (0:(ncol-1))*(nwind-noverlap); %# starting index of each
%# indices to put sequence into columns with the proper offset
idx = bsxfun(#plus, (1:nwind)', colindex)-1; %'
%# apply the indices on the sequence
slidingWindows = x(idx)
The result (truncated for brevity):
slidingWindows =
1 11 21 31 41 51
2 12 22 32 42 52
3 13 23 33 43 53
48 58 68 78 88 98
49 59 69 79 89 99
50 60 70 80 90 100
In fact, the code was adapted from the now deprecated SPECGRAM function from the Signal Processing Toolbox (just do edit specgram.m to see the code).
I omitted parts that zero-pad the sequence in case the sliding windows do not evenly divide the entire sequence (for example x=1:105), but you can easily add them again if you need that functionality...