Are there any ways to create HTML report for NUnit3? - nunit

I saw several solutions for NUnit 2.x version. For example, I can create XSLT, or use Allure Reporter.
But how can I do it for NUnit 3.x version (without writing my own XSLT for NUnit XML results)?
Allure does not work with NUnit3.

I would suggest using GHPReporter.
You can create reports for NUnit 3, SpecFlow and MSTest.
No additional attributes required for NUnit 3. Just set up addin (see short instruction in README file: and run your tests with NUnit3 Console.
View your report locally in Firefox:
Go to about:config
Find security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy parameter
Set it to false
View your report locally in Chrome:
Close your Chrome (all instances)
Launch it with --allow-file-access-from-files option:
eg C:\PATH TO\chrome.exe --allow-file-access-from-files
Also see demo report here
NUnitGo is no longer maintained.


Report Generation in Specflow

I am using specflow to create my feature files using GWT scenarios in visual studio 2015. When I use Specflow + Runner I am able to to see the report generated for the test. But I use Nunit for the execution I am not able to view report. How can I see the XML report file?
Does the Nunit test Runner Produce any result report?(Specflow + Runner produce HTML report) In many websites it is mentioned as Nunit gives TestResult.XML
Use Pickles to create documentation for Specflow.

Using sln.DotSettings in TeamCity dotcover runner

I am using an NUnit 3 runner in a TeamCity 9.1.6 step. I've chosen "JetBrains dotCover" as the .NET Coverage tool, and now I'd like this step to use the xxx.sln.DotSettings file that we've put in source control and that we're sharing across devs in Visual Studio, rather than to duplicate settings to TeamCity Filters, Attribute Filters etc. Is this possible in TeamCity?
It is not possible from the box now. It is a great idea, could you create an issue here
But there is a simple workaround:
you could parse dotSettins manually on the first step
publish configuration parameters using ##teamcity[setParameter name='ddd' value='fff'] TeamCity service message (see for details
use those configuration parameters in the appropriate fields for dotCover like %ddd%

Does the XML Report Processing work for NUnit3?

I'm currently moving one of our projects to DNX (.NET Core now) and I was forced to update to nunit3. Because of other considerations, we run compile the test project as a console app with its own entry point, basically self-hosting the NUnit runner.
I now need to report the results to TeamCity via the XML Reporter, which doesn't seem to parse Nunit3 TestResults.xml files.
Any advice on how to work around this?
The NUnit 3 console has the option to produce results formatted in the NUnit 2 style.
Use the option:
To add to the answer above:
NUnitLite inherits the --result CLI parameter which seems to do the trick.
Another option, which I went for in the end is using the --teamcity CLI parameter:
dotnetbuild --project:<path to project directory> -- --teamcity
which will integrate with TC's service messages. This will also do real-time updates.

Process NUnit result.xml and show it in Team City Web GUI

I remember doing this in an older version of Team City in which the NUnit Runner failed, so I tried running NUnit using the Command Line Runner instead.
I think there was an option in the Command Line Runner settings which let you specify the kind of output file: NUnit result.xml was one of them. Doing this, you could see the test result breakdown in the Web GUI, just like when the NUnit Runner worked.
But I don't see this in the latest Team City (6.5.5). Can it still be done?
PS: Before anyone asks, I can't use Team City's NUnit Runner because NUnit has a bug which will be fixed in the soon to come 2.6.0 version. Said bug does not occurr when running nunit-console
This could be done using importdata TeamCity message, this is really helpful when you are running NUnit tests manually executing nunit-console.exe from an MSBuild script, for instance using NUnit MSBuild Community Task, but keep in mind that TeamCity provides built in NUnit tests runner so you do not need this low level TeamCity scripting. Anyway you can import report in this way:
Text="##teamcity[importData type='nunit' path='...\TestResults.xml']"
See Importing XML Reports
If you prefer to run code coverage, code inspection, test tools or
duplicate finders directly from build script, not as a build runner,
you can use the importData service messages to import generated xml
reports into TeamCity.
The functionality was still there, found it by accident when looking at another build configuration. Importing an XML is now a "Build Feature", see:

Displaying results of an NUnit run, CruiseControl.Net 1.5.7256.1

We recently upgraded CruiseControl.Net 1.4.2 to 1.5.7256.1. To our dismay the nice nunit results page that had previously been there had disappeared. All we get now is a build log with the verbose output from command line of our build.
After some research we discovered you can log into "Dashboard Administrator" from the main ccnet dashboard page and install the NUnit package. However, this did not change the output of our builds to include a NUnit result page.
Is there something extra we need to do here to have our output displayed? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I don't goto stack overflow until I've exhaustively searched on Google. I'm surprised no one else is confused or complaining about this.
FYI, we are merging our nunit XML output in the project configuration.
I'm not used to the Dashboard Administrator stuff, but you can edit the dashboard.config manually. Opposite to earlier versions CCNET version 1.5 comes with a naked configuration file.
Alternatively you may simply replace the configuration file with your 1.4 dashboard.config.
Possible duplicate of Cruise Control .net: Using packages and showing NUnit results
Don't merge manually if you use the nunit task
Edit the dashboard.config and the ccservice.exe.config files to add the nunit xsl files. Restart IIs.
Check that the Iis user has been granted access to the dashboard dir.