I am using specflow to create my feature files using GWT scenarios in visual studio 2015. When I use Specflow + Runner I am able to to see the report generated for the test. But I use Nunit for the execution I am not able to view report. How can I see the XML report file?
Does the Nunit test Runner Produce any result report?(Specflow + Runner produce HTML report) In many websites it is mentioned as Nunit gives TestResult.XML
Use Pickles to create documentation for Specflow.
My team uses VSTS with hosted agents and a Visual Studio Test build task to run all tests and produce code coverage. However the tab Code coverage remains empty afterwards, only showing a link to download the *.coverage file.
I actually expect the code coverage results to be shown, with tables and graphs which projects are tested and it's respective coverage.
We are using the Visual Studio Test build task to test net461 assemblies with the Code Coverage enabled checked.
Somewhat related are both this and this issue, but not entirely, because we are just using MSTest Framework with built-in Visual Studio Test build task, which (I understand) should also automatically publish the code coverage results.
Am I missing something to get this Code coverage view working? Thanks!!
In Code coverage Tab, you need to use Publish Code Coverage Results task to show tables and graphs there.
While for Publish Code Coverage Results task, it only supports Code Coverage data in Jacoco or Cobertura formats. So the result of the *.coverage file can not be shown by tables and graphs in Code coverage Tab.
More details, you can refer the blog Browse Code Coverage reports and the issue How to publish the code coverage result with a .coverage file.
I have a CakeBuild build script which compiles a Visual Studio 2015 solution then uses the Cake add in for NUnit 3 to run the unit tests and generate the TestResult.xml file. The tests pass successfully when run locally and the report is generated.
This same build script is being run by TeamCity (version 10.0.2), with the build agent also successfully running the tests (all passing) and the TestReport.xml file being generated.
The TeamCity build configuration has been configured via the XML Report Processing Build Feature to import the NUnit report. The build log suggests this has also occurred successfully. Example of the log:
[10:06:41]NUnit report watcher
[10:06:41][NUnit report watcher] 1 report found for paths:
[10:06:41][NUnit report watcher] **/TestResult.xml
[10:06:41][NUnit report watcher] Successfully parsed
[10:06:41][Successfully parsed] 1 report
[10:06:41][Successfully parsed] build\TestResult.xml
However, there is no reference to any of the tests in the build run - the Test tab is missing completely and no other references to the tests at all.
Is there anything else that needs to be configured to get the test results to show up?
We've had the same issue and found the solution in https://github.com/nunit/teamcity-event-listener/issues/39
Main point is to make sure to include the package NUnit.Extension.TeamCityEventListener which reports the results to TeamCity.
In addition the Nunit Runner Settings should include
NUnit3(path, new NUnit3Settings {
TeamCity = true
I am using an NUnit 3 runner in a TeamCity 9.1.6 step. I've chosen "JetBrains dotCover" as the .NET Coverage tool, and now I'd like this step to use the xxx.sln.DotSettings file that we've put in source control and that we're sharing across devs in Visual Studio, rather than to duplicate settings to TeamCity Filters, Attribute Filters etc. Is this possible in TeamCity?
It is not possible from the box now. It is a great idea, could you create an issue here https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/
But there is a simple workaround:
you could parse dotSettins manually on the first step
publish configuration parameters using ##teamcity[setParameter name='ddd' value='fff'] TeamCity service message (see for details https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TCD9/Build+Script+Interaction+with+TeamCity)
use those configuration parameters in the appropriate fields for dotCover like %ddd%
I saw several solutions for NUnit 2.x version. For example, I can create XSLT, or use Allure Reporter.
But how can I do it for NUnit 3.x version (without writing my own XSLT for NUnit XML results)?
Allure does not work with NUnit3.
I would suggest using GHPReporter.
You can create reports for NUnit 3, SpecFlow and MSTest.
No additional attributes required for NUnit 3. Just set up addin (see short instruction in README file: https://github.com/GHPReporter/Ghpr.NUnit) and run your tests with NUnit3 Console.
View your report locally in Firefox:
Go to about:config
Find security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy parameter
Set it to false
View your report locally in Chrome:
Close your Chrome (all instances)
Launch it with --allow-file-access-from-files option:
eg C:\PATH TO\chrome.exe --allow-file-access-from-files
Also see demo report here
NUnitGo is no longer maintained.
I remember doing this in an older version of Team City in which the NUnit Runner failed, so I tried running NUnit using the Command Line Runner instead.
I think there was an option in the Command Line Runner settings which let you specify the kind of output file: NUnit result.xml was one of them. Doing this, you could see the test result breakdown in the Web GUI, just like when the NUnit Runner worked.
But I don't see this in the latest Team City (6.5.5). Can it still be done?
PS: Before anyone asks, I can't use Team City's NUnit Runner because NUnit has a bug which will be fixed in the soon to come 2.6.0 version. Said bug does not occurr when running nunit-console
This could be done using importdata TeamCity message, this is really helpful when you are running NUnit tests manually executing nunit-console.exe from an MSBuild script, for instance using NUnit MSBuild Community Task, but keep in mind that TeamCity provides built in NUnit tests runner so you do not need this low level TeamCity scripting. Anyway you can import report in this way:
Text="##teamcity[importData type='nunit' path='...\TestResults.xml']"
See Importing XML Reports
If you prefer to run code coverage, code inspection, test tools or
duplicate finders directly from build script, not as a build runner,
you can use the importData service messages to import generated xml
reports into TeamCity.
The functionality was still there, found it by accident when looking at another build configuration. Importing an XML is now a "Build Feature", see: