Web speech api recognition word in sentence - webspeech-api

I try with my programm to recognise a specific word when I speek a sentence, it's use Web speech API.
When I speek the word alone, my programm work fine, but when I speek it in a sentence, my programm doesn't run.
Thank's to tell me where is the problem with my programm.
var $btn = $('#btn');
var $result = $('#result');
var words = null;
if ('webkitSpeechRecognition' in window)
var recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition();
recognition.lang = "fr-FR";
recognition.continuous = false;
recognition.interimResults = true;
recognition.onresult = function (event)
for (var i = event.resultIndex; i < event.results.length; i++)
var transcript = event.results[i][0].transcript;
if (event.results[i].isFinal)
words = transcript.split(' ');
if(words[0] == 'test')
// do something
return true;
$result.text($('#result').text() + event.results[i][0].transcript);

When you do words = transcript.split(' ') you make words an array of all of the recognized words. Then when you do if(words[0] == 'test') you are only checking the first word, so it will only work if the word you are trying to recognize is the first (or only) word.
Instead of this:
if(words[0] == 'test')
// do something
Try this:
words.some(function (word) {
if (word === 'test') {
// do something
return true;


Limit size of entered data in tinyMCE 5

I use tinyMCE 5 in my web site to enter data stored in a database. Therefore I need to limit the entered size, including format information, to the size of the data field. How can I prohibit the user to enter more then the allowed number of bytes, say 2000?
Best of all if I could add some information like "42/2000" on the status bar.
We had a similar requirement in our project (difference: the output should be <entered_chars>/<chars_left> instead of <entered_chars>/<max_chars>), and it ended up being a custom plugin, based on the wordcount plugin. There is some hacks in there, which could make it fail whenever tinyMCE changes, since there is no API for the statusbar in version 5 at this point of time.
But maybe you will still find it useful:
(function () {
'use strict';
var global = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.PluginManager');
var maxChars = function (editor) {
return editor.getParam('number_max_chars', 3600);
var applyMaxChars = function (editor) {
return editor.getParam('restrict_to_max_chars', true);
var Settings = {
maxChars: maxChars,
applyMaxChars: applyMaxChars
var global$1 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.dom.TreeWalker');
var getText = function (node, schema) {
var blockElements = schema.getBlockElements();
var shortEndedElements = schema.getShortEndedElements();
var isNewline = function (node) {
return blockElements[node.nodeName] || shortEndedElements[node.nodeName];
var textBlocks = [];
var txt = '';
var treeWalker = new global$1(node, node);
while (node = treeWalker.next()) {
if (node.nodeType === 3) {
txt += node.data;
} else if (isNewline(node) && txt.length) {
txt = '';
if (txt.length) {
return textBlocks;
var strLen = function (str) {
return str.replace(/[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g, '_').length;
var countCharacters = function (node, schema) {
var text = getText(node, schema).join('');
return strLen(text);
var createBodyCounter = function (editor, count) {
return function () {
return count(editor.getBody(), editor.schema);
var createMaxCount = function (editor) {
return function () {
return Settings.maxChars(editor);
var createRestrictToMaxCount = function (editor) {
return function () {
return Settings.applyMaxChars(editor);
var get = function (editor) {
return {
getCount: createBodyCounter(editor, countCharacters),
getMaxCount: createMaxCount(editor),
getRestrictToMaxCount: createRestrictToMaxCount(editor)
var global$2 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.util.Delay');
function isAllowedKeycode(event) {
// allow arrow keys, backspace and delete
const key = event.keyCode;
return key === 37 || key === 38 || key === 39 || key === 40 || key === 8
|| key === 46;
var updateCount = function (editor, api) {
'tox-statusbar__text-container')[0].textContent = String(
api.getCount()) + " / " + String(
Settings.maxChars(editor) - api.getCount());
var setup = function (editor, api, delay) {
var debouncedUpdate = global$2.debounce(function () {
return updateCount(editor, api);
}, delay);
editor.on('init', function () {
updateCount(editor, api);
global$2.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () {
editor.on('SetContent BeforeAddUndo Undo Redo keyup', debouncedUpdate);
editor.on('SetContent BeforeAddUndo Undo Redo keydown', function (e) {
if (!isAllowedKeycode(e) && Settings.applyMaxChars(editor) &&
api.getCount() >= Settings.maxChars(editor)) {
}, 0);
function Plugin(delay) {
if (delay === void 0) {
delay = 300;
global.add('charactercount', function (editor) {
var api = get(editor);
setup(editor, api, delay);
return api;
Currently I'm working on a preprocessor for the paste plugin, so that the max_length effects also pasted text. That's why you see the charactercount API in the code.

Word Addin is getting crashed when trying to delete a row which contains a content control in a table

I'm developing a Word Add-in (Word API + Office.js) where i am working with content controls, I am trying to read the table content inside a content control where I need remove the empty rows
Sample: I have this table inside a content control I have to remove the blank rows
i am able to achieve this functionality with this code, but if the table contains a content control which is blank then when i try to delete that row the addin itself is getting crashed.
function checktable(element) {
Word.run(function (context) {
// Queue a command to get the current selection and then
// create a proxy range object with the results.
var contentControl = context.document.contentControls.getByTag('control1').getFirst();
var table = contentControl.tables.getFirst();
context.load(contentControl, 'tables');
return context.sync()
.then(function () {
// Get the longest word from the selection.
if (contentControl.tables.items.length === 0) {
document.getElementById('lblstatus').innerText += "No Tables found";
else {
document.getElementById('lblstatus').innerText += " Tables found";
var Tablevaules = table.values;
for (var i = 0, len = Tablevaules.length; i < len; i++)
var nullcheck = "";
var inner=Tablevaules[i];
// inner loop applies to sub-arrays
for (var j = 0, len2 = inner.length; j < len2; j++) {
// accesses each element of each sub-array in turn
if (inner[j] == "") {
if (nullcheck != "False") {
nullcheck = "True";
else {
nullcheck = "False";
if (nullcheck == "True") {
.then(function () {
// Queue a command to highlight the search results.
document.getElementById('lblstatus').innerText += element + ":" + "Successs";
Please let me know whether i am missing something or its a known bug!!

How to check if text is found in column in Protractor

I'm trying to assert that a name is displayed in a column of a table. I've written an inResults function that will iterate through a column's text to see if a name exists. Here's what I'm trying:
Page object:
this.names = element.all(by.repeater('row in rows').column('{{row}}'));
this.inResults = function(nameString) {
var foundit = '';
this.names.each(function(name) {
name.getText().then(function(it) {
console.log(it); // each name IS printed...
if(it == nameString) {
console.log('it\'s TRUE!!!!'); // this gets printed...
foundit = true;
return foundit; // returns '' but should be true?
Spec expect:
Both console statements print as expected... but my expect fails as foundit's value is still ''. I've tried this a number of ways and none are working. What am I missing?
I've devised what I think is a better/cleaner way to solve this. It's less complex and doesn't require locator/css code in the method.
// locator
this.friendName = function(text) { return element.all(by.cssContainingText('td.ng-binding', text)) };
// method
this.inResults = function(name) {
return this.friendName(name).then(function(found) {
return found.length > 0;
I've added this to my protractor_example project on GitHub...
I would recommend you to use filter: http://angular.github.io/protractor/#/api?view=ElementArrayFinder.prototype.filter
this.inResults = function(nameString) {
return this.names.filter(function(name) {
return name.getText().then(function(text) {
return text === nameString;
}).then(function(filteredElements) {
// Only the elements that passed the filter will be here. This is an array.
return filteredElements.length > 0;
// This will be a promise that resolves to a boolean.
Use map to do this.This will return a deferred that will resolve with the values in an array, so if you have this:
this.mappedVals =element.all(by.repeater('row in rows').column('{{row}}')).map(function (elm) {
return elm.getText();
It will resolve like this:
this.inResults = function(nameString) {
var foundit = '';
mappedVals.then(function (textArr) {
// textArr will be an actual JS array of the text from each node in your repeater
for(var i=0; i<textArr.length; i++){
if(it == textArr[i]) {
console.log('it\'s TRUE!!!!'); // this gets printed...
foundit = true;
return foundit;
And Use that in Spec file like,

How do I determine which buttons are enabled in iOS UI Automation?

Using the UI Automation instrument, I know how to test if a particular button is enabled in my iOS application:
if( btn[0].isEnabled() ) {
UIALogger.logPass("button enabled");
} else {
UIALogger.logFail("button not enabled");
However, I'd like to be able to determine the number of buttons that have been enabled in the interface, not just whether a specific one is enabled. How could I determine the number of enabled buttons?
Also, how do I print details of these buttons to the console?
Here's a function which takes a UIAElementArray (ie app.mainWindow().buttons()) and logs the number of enabled buttons:
function printEnabledButtons(list) {
var enabledButtons = 0;
for (var i=0;i<list.length;i++) {
if (list[i].isEnabled()) {
//UIALogger.logDebug("button " + list[i].name() + " is enabled");
} else {
//UIALogger.logDebug("button " + list[i].name() + " is not enabled");
UIALogger.logDebug("number of enabled buttons: " + enabledButtons);
Example calling code:
I've modified your code a bit. So here it is:
function checkIfEnabled(list, button_name) {
var btn_enabled = false;
var list_length = list.length;
var list_item;
for (var list_index=0; list_index < list_length; list_index++) {
list_item = list[list_index];
var item_name = list_item.name();
if (list_item.isVisible () && list_item.isEnabled () &&
UIALogger.logMessage ("We're IN !!! ");
btn_enabled = true;
} else {
btn_enabled = false;
UIALogger.logMessage ("Still looking for a button");
return btn_enabled;
Here is my usage of this function:
var btn_state = checkIfEnabled(app.navigationBar().buttons(),
Then you can simply check whether 'btn_state' is true or false depending on your needs.

SuperBoxSelect: Using Shift+Click to Select Multiple Items at Once

When implementing SuperBoxSelect (http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?69307-3.x-Ext.ux.form.SuperBoxSelect), I've realized that it currently does not support shift + click selection of multiple items. Has anyone been able to implement this functionality or found a similar plugin that offers this functionality?
beforeadditem:function(self, recordValue) {
var start = 0;
var end = 0;
var record = this.findRecord(this.valueField, recordValue);
var recordIndex = this.store.indexOf(record);
if(window.event.shiftKey) {
this.multiSelectMode = true;
if(this.firstChoiceIndex == undefined) {
this.firstChoiceIndex = recordIndex;
return false;
} else {
this.secondChoiceIndex = recordIndex;
if(this.firstChoiceIndex > this.secondChoiceIndex) {
start = this.secondChoiceIndex;
end = this.firstChoiceIndex;
} else if(this.secondChoiceIndex > this.firstChoiceIndex) {
start = this.firstChoiceIndex;
end = this.secondChoiceIndex;
var selectedRecords = this.store.getRange(start, end);
Ext.each(selectedRecords, function(item, index, allitems) {
this.firstChoiceIndex = undefined;
this.secondChoiceIndex = undefined;
return false;
} else {
this.firstChoiceIndex = undefined;
this.secondChoiceIndex = undefined;
return true;
Add that listener and it works. The x-combo-selected-shift class is identical to the x-combo-selected class. It's just named different so the highlighting sticks to the item you shift+clicked on after you mouse out.