Word Addin is getting crashed when trying to delete a row which contains a content control in a table - ms-word

I'm developing a Word Add-in (Word API + Office.js) where i am working with content controls, I am trying to read the table content inside a content control where I need remove the empty rows
Sample: I have this table inside a content control I have to remove the blank rows
i am able to achieve this functionality with this code, but if the table contains a content control which is blank then when i try to delete that row the addin itself is getting crashed.
function checktable(element) {
Word.run(function (context) {
// Queue a command to get the current selection and then
// create a proxy range object with the results.
var contentControl = context.document.contentControls.getByTag('control1').getFirst();
var table = contentControl.tables.getFirst();
context.load(contentControl, 'tables');
return context.sync()
.then(function () {
// Get the longest word from the selection.
if (contentControl.tables.items.length === 0) {
document.getElementById('lblstatus').innerText += "No Tables found";
else {
document.getElementById('lblstatus').innerText += " Tables found";
var Tablevaules = table.values;
for (var i = 0, len = Tablevaules.length; i < len; i++)
var nullcheck = "";
var inner=Tablevaules[i];
// inner loop applies to sub-arrays
for (var j = 0, len2 = inner.length; j < len2; j++) {
// accesses each element of each sub-array in turn
if (inner[j] == "") {
if (nullcheck != "False") {
nullcheck = "True";
else {
nullcheck = "False";
if (nullcheck == "True") {
.then(function () {
// Queue a command to highlight the search results.
document.getElementById('lblstatus').innerText += element + ":" + "Successs";
Please let me know whether i am missing something or its a known bug!!


OpenXML / Xceed insert Table without empty lines

I have an existing.docx document with some text. All I want is to insert programmatically a table to a specific place. So my idea was to add a Keyword where the table should be inserted. There are no empty lines, before and after the keyword.
After the insertion of the table I add \n, before and after the table, for an empty line but somehow the Xceed library adds three after the table and two before the table.
Here is how I'm doing it:
using (DocX document = DocX.Load(#"C:\Users\rk\Desktop\test.docx"))
var IntTableSoftwareLocation = document.FindAll("Table").FirstOrDefault();
document.ReplaceText("Table", "");
var tableSoftware = document.InsertTable(IntTableSoftwareLocation, 3, 5);
tableSoftware.SetBorder(TableBorderType.InsideH, new Border());
tableSoftware.SetBorder(TableBorderType.InsideV, new Border());
tableSoftware.SetBorder(TableBorderType.Left, new Border());
tableSoftware.SetBorder(TableBorderType.Bottom, new Border());
tableSoftware.SetBorder(TableBorderType.Top, new Border());
tableSoftware.SetBorder(TableBorderType.Right, new Border());
string TextToInsert = "Some Text";
//Column width
for (int i = 0; i < tableSoftware.RowCount; i++)
for (int x = 0; x < tableSoftware.ColumnCount; x++)
#region set column width
if (x == 0)
tableSoftware.Rows[i].Cells[x].Width = 28.3; // 1cm
else if (x == 1)
tableSoftware.Rows[i].Cells[x].Width = 318;
else if (x == 2)
tableSoftware.Rows[i].Cells[x].Width = 50;
else if (x == 3)
tableSoftware.Rows[i].Cells[x].Width = 28.3;
else if (x == 4)
tableSoftware.Rows[i].Cells[x].Width = 64;
tableSoftware.Rows[2].Cells[1].Paragraphs[0].Append(TextToInsert + "\n").FontSize(11d).Bold().Font("Arial");
tableSoftware.Rows[2].Cells[2].Paragraphs[0].Append("User").Font("Arial").Alignment = Alignment.center;
tableSoftware.Rows[2].Cells[2].VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
tableSoftware.Rows[2].Cells[3].Paragraphs[0].Append("1").Font("Arial").Alignment = Alignment.center;
tableSoftware.Rows[2].Cells[3].VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
tableSoftware.Rows[2].Cells[4].Paragraphs[0].Append("2.199,00 €").Font("Arial").Alignment = Alignment.right;
tableSoftware.Rows[2].Cells[4].VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
And thats how my docx Document looks like:
Ok, this is how it should be done:
//Find the Paragraph by keyword
var paraTable = document.Paragraphs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Text.Contains("Table"));
// Remove the Keyword
//Insert the table into Paragraph
var table = paraTable.InsertTableAfterSelf(3, 5);
No strange empty lines anymore

Find and Replace Header/Footer text Office JS

I'm having trouble with office js and processing a list of items with lookup codes and replacement values for the header and footer. I've got the body working just not the header/footer. I'm getting this error:0x800a139e - JavaScript runtime error: The property 'items' is not available. Before reading the property's value, call the load method on the containing object and call "context.sync()" on the associated request context. As you can see I do call load and sync before trying to access the results.
function mergeHeader(documentFieldKeys) {
if (documentFieldKeys.length > 0)
Word.run(function(context) {
var key = documentFieldKeys.shift();
var mySections = context.document.sections;
context.load(mySections, 'body/style');
return context.sync().then(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < mySections.items.length; i++ ) {
findAndReplace(key, context, mySections.items[i].getHeader("primary"));
return context.sync().then(function() {
return mergeHeader(documentFieldKeys);
function findAndReplace(key, context, body) {
var results = body.search(key.Code, { matchWholeWord: false, matchCase: false });
return context.sync().then(function() {
if (results.items.length > 0 && key.Value === "") {
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < results.items.length; i++) {
results.items[i].insertText(key.Value, "replace");
Any help would be appreciated.
context.load(mySections, 'items');

Exception trying to get parentContentControlOrNullObject property

I´m trying to get the Title and the order of all the content controls in a Word document. The following code works:
function readContentControlsTitle() {
Word.run(function (context) {
var myDocParagraphs = context.document.body.paragraphs;
context.load(myDocParagraphs, 'text, outlineLevel');
return context.sync().then(function () {
for (var i = 0; i < myDocParagraphs.items.length; i++) {
var parContentControl = myDocParagraphs.items[i].parentContentControlOrNullObject;
context.load(parContentControl, 'title');
return context.sync().then(function () {
for (var iCount = 0; iCount < paragraphContentControls.length; iCount++) {
if (paragraphContentControls[iCount].title != null) {
// Some stuff with paragraphContentControls[iCount].title
return context.sync();
}).catch(function (error) {
if (error instanceof OfficeExtension.Error) {
console.log("Debug info: " + JSON.stringify(error.debugInfo));
The problem arise when I insert a table of contents in the document. In that case, I always get an exception in the second context.sync. If I remove the table of contents, it works again. The output of the exception is:
Debug info: {"code":"GeneralException","message":"GeneralException","errorLocation":"Paragraph.parentContentControlOrNullObject"}
My Word version: 16.0.7927.1020
Thank you for discovering the issue. Yes it is a bug. It is fixed now and should be released next month. Before the fix, you can put parentContentControlOrNullObject in a try/catch. Thanks.

Web speech api recognition word in sentence

I try with my programm to recognise a specific word when I speek a sentence, it's use Web speech API.
When I speek the word alone, my programm work fine, but when I speek it in a sentence, my programm doesn't run.
Thank's to tell me where is the problem with my programm.
var $btn = $('#btn');
var $result = $('#result');
var words = null;
if ('webkitSpeechRecognition' in window)
var recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition();
recognition.lang = "fr-FR";
recognition.continuous = false;
recognition.interimResults = true;
recognition.onresult = function (event)
for (var i = event.resultIndex; i < event.results.length; i++)
var transcript = event.results[i][0].transcript;
if (event.results[i].isFinal)
words = transcript.split(' ');
if(words[0] == 'test')
// do something
return true;
$result.text($('#result').text() + event.results[i][0].transcript);
When you do words = transcript.split(' ') you make words an array of all of the recognized words. Then when you do if(words[0] == 'test') you are only checking the first word, so it will only work if the word you are trying to recognize is the first (or only) word.
Instead of this:
if(words[0] == 'test')
// do something
Try this:
words.some(function (word) {
if (word === 'test') {
// do something
return true;

Google Spreadsheet - How to avoid sending email duplicates?

I am having an issue with a script. I used the following script from Google Developers Website in order to do a simple merge mail. See https://developers.google.com/apps-script/articles/mail_merge
I modified a bit the script so to prevent email duplicates. However, even if the script seems to work as it marks 'EMAIL_SENT' in each row every time an email is sent. It does not pay attention if the mail as already been marked and still send the mail.
I believe there is an error at line 16 "var emailSent = rowData[6];"
I would really appreciate if someone could help me. Whoever you are thanks in advance.
Here is the modified script :
function sendEmails() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var dataSheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
var dataRange = dataSheet.getRange(2, 1, dataSheet.getMaxRows() - 1, 7);
var templateSheet = ss.getSheets()[1];
var emailTemplate = templateSheet.getRange("A2").getValue();
var objects = getRowsData(dataSheet, dataRange);
for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; ++i) {
var Resume = DriveApp.getFilesByName('Resume.pdf') var Portfolio = DriveApp.getFilesByName('Portfolio.pdf') var rowData = objects[i];
var emailText = fillInTemplateFromObject(emailTemplate, rowData);
var emailSubject = "Architectural Internship";
var emailSent = rowData[6];
if (emailSent != EMAIL_SENT) {
MailApp.sendEmail(rowData.emailAddress, emailSubject, emailText, {
attachments: [Resume.next(), Portfolio.next()]
dataSheet.getRange(2 + i, 7).setValue(EMAIL_SENT);
function fillInTemplateFromObject(template, data) {
var email = template;
var templateVars = template.match(/\${\"[^\"]+\"}/g);
for (var i = 0; i < templateVars.length; ++i) {
var variableData = data[normalizeHeader(templateVars[i])];
email = email.replace(templateVars[i], variableData || "");
return email;
function getRowsData(sheet, range, columnHeadersRowIndex) {
columnHeadersRowIndex = columnHeadersRowIndex || range.getRowIndex() - 1;
var numColumns = range.getEndColumn() - range.getColumn() + 1;
var headersRange = sheet.getRange(columnHeadersRowIndex, range.getColumn(), 1, numColumns);
var headers = headersRange.getValues()[0];
return getObjects(range.getValues(), normalizeHeaders(headers));
function getObjects(data, keys) {
var objects = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
var object = {};
var hasData = false;
for (var j = 0; j < data[i].length; ++j) {
var cellData = data[i][j];
if (isCellEmpty(cellData)) {
object[keys[j]] = cellData;
hasData = true;
if (hasData) {
return objects;
function normalizeHeaders(headers) {
var keys = [];
for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; ++i) {
var key = normalizeHeader(headers[i]);
if (key.length > 0) {
return keys;
function normalizeHeader(header) {
var key = "";
var upperCase = false;
for (var i = 0; i < header.length; ++i) {
var letter = header[i];
if (letter == " " && key.length > 0) {
upperCase = true;
if (!isAlnum(letter)) {
if (key.length == 0 && isDigit(letter)) {
if (upperCase) {
upperCase = false;
key += letter.toUpperCase();
} else {
key += letter.toLowerCase();
return key;
// Returns true if the cell where cellData was read from is empty. // Arguments: // - cellData: string function isCellEmpty(cellData) {
return typeof(cellData) == "string" && cellData == "";
// Returns true if the character char is alphabetical, false otherwise. function isAlnum(char) { return char >= 'A' && char <= 'Z' || char >= 'a' && char <= 'z' || isDigit(char); }
// Returns true if the character char is a digit, false otherwise. function isDigit(char) { return char >= '0' && char <= '9'; }
Your code is really hard to read and the functions that return 2 or more objects make it even harder...you are using variable names that are also a bit confusing.... but that is probably a personal pov :-)
Anyway, I think I've found the issue: when you write var rowData = objects[i];
This "object" is actually the result of the getRowData function but if you look at this function, you'll see that it returns 2 objects, the first one being itself the result of another function (getObjects) ...
You are checking the value is the 6th element of the array which is actually an object and compare it to a string. The equality will never be true.
I didn't go further in the analyse since I found it really confusing ( as I already said) but at least you have a first element to check .
I would suggest you rewrite this code in a more simple way and use more appropriate variable names to help you while debugging.
I would recommend logging both values before executing to make sure they are the same. I would also guess that the email_sent and EMAIL_SENT are different data types. Can also try forcing the value to string for comparison.
To clarify:
if (emailSent.toString() != EMAIL_SENT.toString())
Error is in this line of code -
var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, 1, numRows, 2)
It's considering only 2 columns in the range. Changed 2 to 3 and it worked fine.