Is surf descriptor extractor still available in opencv3.1? - descriptor

Does anybody know if surfdescriptorextractor is still available in opencv 3.1? if it is how may i use it can you direct me? Thanks in advance

It's not included by default after Opencv 3.0, now this is in opencv_contrib at xfeatures2d module. You will need to compile with the contrib module.
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How do I use SIFT in OpenCV 3.0 with c++?


How to use libigl library on Matlab

I'm trying to use libigl library for a program in Matlab R2016 on windows 10 but i can't understand how to set it and I haven't found a tutorial. Maybe is something trivial but I need help. Have you some hint/tutorial that can help me?
Thank you!

How can i import the seedSuperpixel modules?

I wanted to implement the SEEDS Superpixel segmentation algorithm in python using opencv but it looks like other than video module no other module has been put up in order to implement it. Please help me know what module needs to be used to import the seeds superpixel segmentation functionalities?
I was having a similar problem to use SEEDS.
At least for my problem, I had to install "opencv-contrib-python" and uninstall "opencv-python" because both are imported the same way (using "import cv2") but only the contrib version allows you to use SEEDS and other segmentation tools. There is more information here
I don't know if that will work for others, but solved my problem :)
To use SEEDS for Superpixel segmentation analysis, you need to import cv2.
I found this bit of code and was able to replicate results after installing opencv.

Charting Library for use with Quantlib C++

I've recently built Quantlib and am trying now to find a decent charting library for use with Quantlib. Has anyone used Quantlib and what did you use for charts?
Has to be in C++. Dynamically or Statically linked.
May be can have take a loot at ChartDirector, which has a C++ edition.

Import Cascade classifier from Matlab to OpenCV 3.0

I have a cascade classifier made with Matlab 2014b, but the XML file says it is only compatible with OpenCV 2.4. I need to use it with OpenCV 3.0. Any way to do this?
Thank you
Unfortunately it is currently not possible to use the XML file with OpenCV 3.0.

Use opencv in mex function

I wanted to use opencv library in a mex function but it just kept telling me that opencv functions had not been declared. So I searched a bit and found out I should link them somehow but I couldn't figure out how.
Can anybody help me with that?
I'm using opencv2.4.2 and matlab 2012 on a 64-bit ubuntu11.10
Ok so i could't exactly solve the problem but I found this project which had done it and I just edited its functions and it worked fine.