How to use libigl library on Matlab - matlab

I'm trying to use libigl library for a program in Matlab R2016 on windows 10 but i can't understand how to set it and I haven't found a tutorial. Maybe is something trivial but I need help. Have you some hint/tutorial that can help me?
Thank you!


Codesys v.3.5 sp18 p3 - visualistation toolbox is empty

I am starting a PLC course on my uni, The Proffesor has recorded a tutorial on how to download and start CodeSyS, so I am completly yellow about it all.
I have followed the instructions carefully but for some reason visualistian toolbox is empty. I have no items to choose from.
Can anybody help me solve this problem? I've done research in google but there was no topic that would atleast help me find a way on how to solve this.
Thank you in advance for your help :)
I had the exact same problem, I uninstalled and reinstalled Codesys and it worked. Hopefully this help.

Is surf descriptor extractor still available in opencv3.1?

Does anybody know if surfdescriptorextractor is still available in opencv 3.1? if it is how may i use it can you direct me? Thanks in advance
It's not included by default after Opencv 3.0, now this is in opencv_contrib at xfeatures2d module. You will need to compile with the contrib module.
Look for a similar question
How do I use SIFT in OpenCV 3.0 with c++?

Include JOGL library in eclipse

I have include the libraries in eclipse, but he can't find the function. Someone can help me please.
I follow this tutorial
and I got this error
I already solve the problem. I has importing but now I have to import com.jogamp.(...)
Thanks for your help

Steps to create stand alone application with XUL::Gui

it may look very simple question for many of you. As a beginner in XUL::Gui, this question is most useful to me:
I have Perl scripts, running well in my system. Now, I am interested to develop it as standalone application using XUL::Gui. I don't have any prior experience in XUL::Gui, so how to go?
As far as i know, First I need to pack my scripts using PAR, then i have to create GUI using XUL::Gui. after these steps, what to do?
Your help will be appreciated!
Thanks in advance

Use opencv in mex function

I wanted to use opencv library in a mex function but it just kept telling me that opencv functions had not been declared. So I searched a bit and found out I should link them somehow but I couldn't figure out how.
Can anybody help me with that?
I'm using opencv2.4.2 and matlab 2012 on a 64-bit ubuntu11.10
Ok so i could't exactly solve the problem but I found this project which had done it and I just edited its functions and it worked fine.