TCP or UDP for lots of connections? - sockets

I want to create a P2P network with the following characteristics:
low latency is not really important
loosing packages is okay
the nodes would only send tiny amounts of data around
there will be no NAT/firewall issues, every node has an open port on its public ip
every node is connected to every other node
Usually I would use TCP for anything not time-critical but the last requirements causes the nodes to have lots of open connections for a long time. If I remember correctly, using TCP to connect to 1000 servers would mean I had to use 1000 ports to handle these connections. UDP on the other hand, would only require a single port for each node.
So my question is: Is TCP able to handle the above requirements in a network with e.g. 1000 nodes without tweaking the system? Would UDP be better suited in this case? Is there anything else that would be a deal-breaker for either protocol?

With UDP you control the "connection state" and it is pretty much the best way to do anything peer to peer related IF you have a high number of nodes or care about bandwidth, memory and CPU overhead. By moving all the control to your application in regards to the "connection state" of each node you minimize the amount of wasted resources by making it fit your needs exactly.
You will bypass a lot of operating system specific weirdness that limits the effectiveness of TCP with high numbers of connections. There is TIME_WAIT bloat and tens to hundreds of OS specific settings which will need tweaking for every user of your P2P app if it needs those high numbers. A test app I made which allowed you to use UDP with ack or TCP showed only a 10% difference in performance regardless of operating system using UDP. TCP performance was always lower than the best UDP and its performance varied wildly by over 600% depending upon the OS. With tweaks you can make most OS perform roughly the same using TCP but by default most are not properly tweaked.
So in my opinion it is harder to make a reliable UDP P2P network compared to TCP but it is often needed. However I would only advise that route it if you were quite experienced with networking as there are a lot of "gotchas" to deal with. There are libraries which help with this like Raknet or Enet. They provide ways to do reliable UDP but it still takes a higher amount of networking knowledge to know how this all ties in together, whereas with TCP it is mostly hidden from you.
In a peer to peer network you often have messages like NODE PINGs that you may not care if each one is always received, you just care if you have received one recently. ie You may send a ping every 10 seconds, and disconnect the node after 60 seconds of no ping. This would mean you would need 6 ping packets in a row to fail, which is highly unlikely unless the node is really down. If you received even one ping in that 60 second period then the node is still active. A TCP implementation of this would have involved more latency and bandwidth as it makes sure EACH ping message gets through and will block any other data going out until it does. And since you cannot rely on TCP to reliably tell you if a connection is dead, you are forced to add similar PING features for TCP, on top of all the other things TCP is already doing extra with your packets.
Games also often have data that if its not received by a client it is no big deal because there are more packets coming in a few milliseconds which will invalidate any missed packets. ie Player is moving from A to Z over a time span of 1 second, his client sends out each packet, roughly 40 milliseconds apart ABCDEFG__I__KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Do we really care if we miss "H and J" since every 40ms we are receiving updates? Not really, this is where prediction can come into it, but this is usually not relevant to most P2P projects. If that was TCP instead of UDP then it would have increased bandwidth requirements and added latency to the rest of the packets being received as the data will be resent until it arrives, on top of the extra latency it is already adding by acking everything.
Essentially you can lower latency and network overhead for many messages in a peer to peer network using UDP. However there will always be some messages which NEED to be sent reliably and that requires you to basically implement some reliable way to get packets to that node, similar to that of TCP. And this is where you need some level of expertise if you want a reliable peer to peer network. Some things to look into include sequencing packets with a number, message ACKs, etc.
If you care a lot about efficiency or really need tens of thousands of connections then implementing your specific protocol in UDP will always be better than TCP. But there are cases to be made for TCP, like if the time to make the project matters or if you are a new to network programming.

If I remember correctly, using TCP to connect to 1000 servers would mean I had to use 1000 ports to handle these connections.
You remember wrong.
Take a web server which is listening on port 80 and can handle 1000s of connections at the same time on this single port. This is because a connection is defined by the tuple of {client-ip,client-port,server-ip,server-port}. And while server-ip and server-port are the same for all connections to this server the client-ip and client-port are not. Even if the client-ip is the same (i.e. same client) the client would pick a different source port.
... with e.g. 1000 nodes without tweaking the system?
This depends on the system since each of the open connections needs to preserve the state and thus needs memory. This might be a problem for embedded systems with only little memory.
In any case: if your protocol is just sending small messages and if packet loss, reordering or duplication are acceptable than UDP might be the better choice because the overhead (connection setup, ACK..) is smaller and it takes less memory. You could also use a single socket to exchange data with all 1000 nodes whereas with TCP you would need a separate socket for each connection (socket is not the same as port!). Using only a single socket might allow for a simpler application design.

I want to amend the answer by Steffen with a few points:
1000 connections are nothing for any normal computer and OS.
UDP fits your requirements. It might be easier to program because it is message oriented. TCP provides a stream of bytes. You need to layer a messaging protocol on top of that which is not that easy. Also, you need to handle broken TCP connections by reconnecting.
Ports are not scarce. No problem with consuming 1000 ports.


UDP sockets Multiplexing/Demultiplexing

There are already some questions regarding this, but I want to ask something very specific that does not seem to be covered by the others. So, I'm aware that the same UDP port (server) can be used by different users - the server stills knows where to deliver the appropriated packages. However, since the UDP port on the server is exactly the same for both users, does this mean that some delay can occur? For instance, if at exact same time 5 users want to use the same server socket and the connection is UDP based, then there will be a delay because the socket can't deal with the 5 connections at the same time. Is this correct? I know that, in practice, this would only happen with a great amount of connection, given that processing time of an UDP connection is faster than TCP, but it could potentially happen. Or am I wrong?

Fast http communication

I want an http message to be sent and processed quickly by a remote server, via an already established persistent TCP connection
How can I optimize the communication?
I have a few ideas, but I am not knowledgeable enough about networking to know if they make sense:
HTTP sits on top of TCP. But how does it work exactly? Specifically, if I send 1 http message, does it translate into only 1 tcp message? (I know the initial handshake takes 3 round trip time, but I do not care about this, as the connection is already established). I guess it depends on the Maximum Segment Size that the server can accept?
Can I ask the server for a bigger maximum segment size if needed? How can I do it (I use python, httplib and socket modules, it would be ideal in this language).
The remote server works with TCP, but could I try sending it UDP messages? I know UDP is faster, but could this idea work?
I'll allow myself to comment/answer in-text:
I have a few ideas, but I am not knowledgeable enough about networking
to know if they make sense:
Exactly! Read up on TCP and HTTP, on wikipedia, for a starter. It will make things much easier to discuss. Probably also faster than asking on stackoverflow ;)
HTTP sits on top of TCP. But how does it work exactly?
Well, exactly like protocols work over each other in a layered protocol stack. Read Wikipedia's TCP article, and about the OSI/ISO layer model.
Specifically, if I send 1 http message, does it translate into only 1
tcp message?
No. HTTP itself doesn't care (and it doesn't have to) into how many lower level packets communication gets split.
(I know the initial handshake takes 3 round trip time,
but I do not care about this, as the connection is already
3 time? That's not something that makes sense. Read about the TCP handshake and how HTTP asks for a document.
I guess it depends on the Maximum Segment Size that the
server can accept?
Among a lot of different other factors; really: HTTP doesn't care the least!
Can I ask the server for a bigger maximum segment size if needed?
No. Your network stack will most probably automatically use the biggest MTU that works.
How can I do it (I use python, httplib and socket modules, it would be
ideal in this language).
The remote server works with TCP, but could I try sending it UDP messages?
There are some specialized HTTP-over-UDP protocols, but they are not HTTP. Generally, HTTP is spoken over TCP, but again, the internet works on a layered protocol stack, and higher level protocols usually don't care what transports their data -- you could perfectly well have an HTTP session over carrier pidgeons!
I know UDP is faster, but could this idea work?
It's not. That's a misconception. UDP doesn't have automatic re-requesting for packets that got lost along the way, which, for things like multimedia or games might make sense, but using TCP gives you an ordered session, which is necessary for HTTP.

Does listen() backlog affect established TCP connections?

Would it be naive to create a TCP socket with a listen backlog set to minimum as a way of rate limiting new incoming connections? The server workload in question doesn't expect many new connections at any time but spends a lot of time servicing long open persistent connections. It appears that new incoming connections shouldn't affect established connections, though I've been unable to find any definitive answer in any text. Is it possible for failed new incoming connections to create some kind of TCP traffic congestion on the server with the packets it's receiving or are they dropped fast enough that it has no effect on any buffers or other part of the network stack?
Specifically the platform in use is Linux, and although it may be handled differently in different OSs, I expect them to all behave roughly the same.
EDIT What I mean by the "same" is that backlog doesn't affect established connections, though I do understand Linux discards them while Windows sends a reset.
Does listen() backlog affect established TCP connections?
It affects established connections that the server hasn't accepted yet via accept(), only in the sense that it limits the number of such connections that can exist.
Would it be naive to create a TCP socket with a listen backlog set to minimum as a way of rate limiting new incoming connections?
All it would accomplish would be to unnecessarily fail some connecting clients. They won't get any service until your server gets around to it anyway, and once the backlog queue fills they are rate-limited by your service code anyway. There is no particular reason why shortening the queue would have any beneficial effect. The other problem with the idea is that it isn't readily possible to determine what the minimum actually is, or whether you succeeded in setting it as the backlog queue length.
It appears that new incoming connections shouldn't affect established connections, though I've been unable to find any definitive answer in any text.
That is correct. There is no reason why it should affect them: that's why you won't find it written down anywhere, any more than the fact that the phase of the moon doesn't affect it either.
Is it possible for failed new incoming connections to create some kind of TCP traffic congestion on the server with the packets it's receiving
or are they dropped fast enough that it has no effect on any buffers or other part of the network stack?
They're not dropped. They simply aren't even created if they won't fit on the backlog queue. Ergo their resource consumption at the server is zero.
Specifically the platform in use is Linux, and although it may be handled differently in different OSs, I expect them to all behave roughly the same.
They don't. On Windows, an incoming connection when the backlog queue is full causes an RST to be issued. On other platforms it is simply ignored.
What you describe are several types of attacks like flooding, syn attacks and other goodies resulting in denial of service.
This topic is not easy, because protection has to be implemented in all the layers, including TCP. For instance a SYN attack, fiddling with the sequence numbers, ... . At that point the packet in question already came a long way, through the ethernet layer and ip layer, bottom line it is taking resources. So if your system is under attack, the attacking packets are in your data stream just like the good ones are. The faster you can detect a packet is faulty and drop it, the better. Usually a system that is under attack will be slower. Well at least the systems that I have worked with.
Some attacks try to bring your system in a faulty state permanently, this by exploiting bugs. For instance TCP has a receive queue, if packets are constantly arriving out of order they will be stored in that receive queue. If the missing packet never arrives, then this receive queue could keep on growing and growing. Without the proper defense , this would lead to the system going completely out of resources.
There are specialised tools (codenumicon for instance) to check the vulnerability of a TCP stack implementation. You can assume that the one on linux has been properly tested using similar tools.
An attack can also occur on the application layer. If you have a TCP server and it allows only a limited amount of sessions. A malicious user can simply take all the connections simply by establishing all the connections and then not doing anything with it. So you have to create some defense as well. Weather or not you set this limit very low or high does not change a thing. A malicious user will try anything to bring your system down. You need to built in defense anyway. You can connect to a webserver (HTTP) simply using telnet. If you don't send anything the server's defense will come into play and close the connection.
So bringing the amount of possible connections to a low value and thinking that this in itself is a form of protection is indeed naive.
Is it possible for failed new incoming connections to create some kind of TCP traffic congestion on the server with the packets it's receiving or are they dropped fast enough that it has no effect on any buffers or other part of the network stack?
They are using resources of your machine and will make your system run slower.
It appears that new incoming connections shouldn't affect established connections, though I've been unable to find any definitive answer in any text.
If it is normal user trying to establish a connection, even if he is doing it continuously, retrying upon failure. The influence will be minimal, close to nothing. But a malicious user that is flooding connections attempts will have influence on the system performance, because the system has to spent time identifying those flawed packets and dropping them asap.

Is UDP always unreliable?

I'm about to re-architect a real-time system that has been prototyped on a single node and specify how it should be scaled up to multiple nodes (probably never more than 20 of them in any one LAN). Some of the functionality will multiply on a per-node basis, and some of it will remain centralised on a one-per-system basis. There is going to be a need for communication between each node and that central unit (possibly a master node), but not between individual nodes.
Due to the real-time demands of the system, UDP is something that should be considered for that communication. But... it is almost always described as unreliable. Is this always the case? Does it not depend on the scale of the network, the data load on the network and the way the protocol is used?
For example, suppose I have a central unit which regularly polls through each node by addressing a UDP message to it, and each node immediately responds with its data via UDP. There is no other communication on the (isolated) network. Suppose there is also some mechanism to ensure there are never any collisions (e.g. all nodes have a maximum transmission length for their responses to a poll message, and the latencies are nailed down to known levels). Is there any (hidden) reason in a simple and structured network like this that you would ever fail to transmit/receive every last UDP packet and have near 100% reliability?
EDIT: the detail of this question suffers from confusion around what "unreliable" means, and whether it is intended to apply only to UDP, or to the system in which UDP is employed. I have chosen to leave this confusion in the question, because looking back over a lot of material on UDP, I can see that this confusion might be very common, and that answers which highlight that confusion and overcome it might be valuable.
The key is, UDP does not make any guarantees. There are many reasons why datagrams might go undelivered:
Sender host buffers fill up
Cosmic rays flip bits somewhere along the way, causing a checksum mismatch and the datagram to be discarded
Electromagnetic interference corrupts the signal momentarily
A network cable gets unplugged for a moment
A hub or switch loses power for a moment
A switch's buffers fill up
Receiving host buffers fill up
If any of these things (or many others) occurs, a datagram may go undelivered. UDP will make no attempt to detect this or to re-deliver it.
Yes. Every layer is potentially unreliable, starting with the electrical signalling across your Ethernet cable. (Ever jostled one of those plugs? You can see it in Wireshark logs.) Collisions are virtually impossible to avoid. And in case of congestion, your protocol stack may decide to drop UDP packets.
But all that's rather beside the point. UDP is unreliable, but that doesn't mean it can't be relied on. Plenty of mission-critical applications run over UDP. You just need to understand the unreliability and account for it.
Unreliable does not mean it will definitely fail. It only means that it does not care about transport problems and thus will not make any guarantees that transmission will be successful. Let's compare some aspects of UDP against TCP.
UDP is packet based, TCP stream based. This has not much to do with reliability.
Packets may arrive in a different order than they were sent. UDP does not care and will deliver the packets in this order to the application. In TCP data have a sequence number so the receivers operating system will detect reordering and forward the data to the application in the correct order. This usually does not matter when you have a direct connection between client and server, but might happen in wide networks like the internet.
Packets may get lost due to router or switch congestion or overload of the senders or receiving system or others. This might also happen in local networks with heavy traffic or if the receiver system is unable to cope with the amount of data, even for a short time. With UDP the data will be lost. TCP instead will detect lost packets and retransmit them and even slow down the traffic to adapt to what speed network and endpoints can handle and thus loose less packets in the future.
Packets might get duplicated. Again TCP will detect this due to the sequence number but UDP will not and thus transmit the duplicate packet to the application.
Packets might get corrupted. Both TCP and UDP have the same kind of checksum to detect small errors, but will not detect larger errors.
Applications using UDP usually does not need the reliability of TCP or don't need all of this. For instance with real time audio and video packet loss is acceptable but duplicates and reordering is not. Thus the RTP protocol contains its own sequence number (timestamp) to detect this case. Also, RTP is often accompanied by the RTCP protocol to send statistics about packet loss back to the peer and thus make adaption of connection speed possible.
If you want reliable UDP, try looking at ENet library.
Unreliability with regard to UDP is different from unreliability in general. Also, UDP and alternatives to it (e.g. TCP) are always only ever components or single layers in a wider system. This can lead to some confusion about what "unreliable" means.
UDP is a transport layer network protocol. The transport layer is responsible for getting data from one point on the network to another specific point on the network. In that context, UDP is described as an "unreliable" protocol because it makes no guarantees about whether the data sent will actually arrive. In contrast, TCP is a "reliable" transport layer protocol because if data goes missing or is corrupted the first time it is sent, the protocol itself has mechanisms to resend the data and ensure it arrives... eventually.
But UDP is not some sloppy "maybe, maybe not - let me think about it and screw you around" protocol. It does what it is specified to do, and is reliable (general sense) at doing it... as well as reliable (general sense) in failing in predictable ways. If you take these failure modes into account elsewhere, UDP can be a component of an overall very reliable system.
For example, by restricting network topology and using UDP to transport higher level protocols, the GigE Vision standard specifies a highly reliable system with high data transfer rates and real-time response whose transport level communications is dominated by UDP traffic.
Historically, the major source of unreliable packet transport was packet collisions due to two sources attempting to transmit simultaneously on a single channel. In modern networks, each node is typically connected on a full duplex link to a network switch, making collisions impossible on that link, and consequently making modern networks much more reliable (in all senses) than was the case when UDP was first designed.
No networking technology currently available can be made 100% reliable... but let's be practical rather than pedantic, because potential unreliability and actual unreliability are a lot like shark attacks - they tend to occur far more in people's minds than in reality.
Some material on UDP makes it sound almost like the people who designed UDP did it just to annoy people - that unreliability was deliberately engineered in. This is not the case, and it is unhelpful to think of it in these terms. It is far better to focus on what UDP does and does not do in comparison to alternatives (e.g. see this comparison between TCP and UDP... which nonetheless lists "unreliability" as a key feature of UDP).
In reality, when there is data to be transmitted, that can be transmitted, it is transmitted; when there is data that can be received, it is received. Likewise, if you transmit packets 1, 2 then 3 directly to an endpoint, they will almost certainly be received as packets 1, 2 and 3 in order (assuming no failures in lower network layers, and that incoming data is buffered in a FIFO as is customary, but not mandatory). You can get a lot of reliability out of this, depending on how you use it.
However, if you transmit packets via multiple routes, all bets are off - "unreliability" of packet order can occur. And if you flood the available buffers, unreliability via dropping packets will occur. And if you allow nodes to transmit at any time (asynchronous), then you will get unreliability through packet collisions. But in the "simple and structured" (and also small and synchronous) LAN described, you may be able to either avoid this, or detect its occurrence (e.g. by sending an incrementing counter value in each packet), which will let you compensate in an application-specific way.
In cases where the power goes off (perhaps momentarily), or cosmic rays strike, or people trip on loose cables causing an unacceptable level of "unreliability"... then don't blame UDP - blame the engineer(s) whose design left the system susceptible to these things.
All things considered, in the LAN described, you might reasonably expect to be able to engineer a system based on UDP so as to never lose more than one packet in every few million, or billion, or even astronomically better than this - but it will depend on specifics, and only you can know if your application can tolerate the quantity and quality of unreliable comms that results in your case.

Can sending first a UDP message and then a TCP message be any good?

I have an application that communicates in real time with other clients over LAN. The application requires packets to be in order and all to arrive. It also requires as fast transfer as possible and I seem to have some problems with TCP in this matter.
So I was thinking about this, as a non-experienced network programmer, what if I first send a UDP protocoled message and then the same data with TCP. If the UDP-message arrive I will have it as fast as possible if not I still have the TCP message that will make sure I'll atleast get the packet. Obviously I'll make sure that I don't read the same data twice by giving each message an ID or similar.
Is this any good approach? I was thinking that maybe sending the tcpmessage simultaneously will just slow the udp message down so It wont make a difference anyways.
No, this is not a good approach.
You are doubling your network bandwidth and significantly increasing the complexity of your networking code for very little gain.
TCP and UDP have very different characeristics. If you care about data arriving in a timely manner, where if data is late it is no use, then TCP is not useful and as such you should use and only use UDP. If you do not care about data arriving in a timely manner, then UDP is not useful, as it is not reliable.
UDP has very specific use cases. i.e. say an online game which sends a players co-ordinates. You state the order and acknowledgment is needed, therefore TCP seems like the most sensible approach.
Although just to put a twist in the mix, TCP can sometimes surprise you and be better performance wise under specific circumstances.
TCP will try and buffer the data before it sends it across the network (more efficient use of bandwidth). UDP on the other hand puts a packet across the network immediately.
Now imagine writing lots of small packets across a network, UDP may cause congestion whereas TCP is better controlled.
No it is not a good approach at all. You will have now twice the data being sent.
For real time communication UDP is the best approach. You should design your reciever algorithm to manage out of data arrival and sort it and also non arrival of some data.
Also the kind of data being sent can be a deciding factor. If its transactions of a financial kind, udp is not a good idea. But then you should be on a different network.
If it is video data, real time is very important, losses can be tolerated.
So see if you can use the properties of your data to manage udp connection well.