UDP sockets Multiplexing/Demultiplexing - sockets

There are already some questions regarding this, but I want to ask something very specific that does not seem to be covered by the others. So, I'm aware that the same UDP port (server) can be used by different users - the server stills knows where to deliver the appropriated packages. However, since the UDP port on the server is exactly the same for both users, does this mean that some delay can occur? For instance, if at exact same time 5 users want to use the same server socket and the connection is UDP based, then there will be a delay because the socket can't deal with the 5 connections at the same time. Is this correct? I know that, in practice, this would only happen with a great amount of connection, given that processing time of an UDP connection is faster than TCP, but it could potentially happen. Or am I wrong?


why many libraries does not detect dead TCP connections?

TCP has a keep-alive mechanism to detect dead connections, but it surprised me that this option is turned off by default and many libraries/tools do not utilize this feature.
If I am understanding correctly, a TCP connection blocked in a recv call won't be able to detect if a connection has been actually aborted by peer if all the FIN/RST packets from peer have been lost.
A timeout parameter on client side may alleviate the issue but many libraries does not have a option to set timeout either. One example is that the mysql-python connector does not have a recv timeout option. Another example is that a Nginx server talks to a gunicorn backend with proxy_pass, gunicorn workers may stop responding due to dead connections on it, but there is no way for gunicorn workers to detect it.
Could anyone can explain the reason or correct me if I am wrong?
The term "dead connection" is a bit ambiguous -- it could mean any of the following:
The peer program closed its socket (or the peer program exited or crashed, and the peer computer's OS closed the socket as part of its standard process-cleanup)
Connectivity to the peer computer has suddenly been lost (this could happen because the peer computer lost power, or somebody pulled out the Ethernet cord that was connecting the peer computer to the router, or the peer's ISP had a router failure, or your ISP had a router failure, or etc)
The peer program is still running but simply decided (for some reason, probably due to a bug) to stop calling recv() on his TCP socket anymore.
The packet-path between your program and the remote peer still exists, sort of, but something along that path is dropping so many packets that the effective transmission rate of the TCP connection has dropped to approximately zero.
So the first question to answer is, which of the above conditions will the TCP layer detect on its own?
Condition (1) is the easy case -- the peer's TCP stack will send you the FIN packets, and when your program's network stack receives them, it will know for sure that the TCP connection is closed and act accordingly, and therefore your recv() call will return 0 very quickly.
In condition (2), the answer is "sometimes" -- in particular, if your program has any TCP data in the socket's output buffer that it is trying to send to the peer, and it never gets any ACK packets back regarding that data, then after a certain number of timeouts (and subsequent packet-resend attempts), your computer's TCP stack will give up, declare the connection dead, and unilaterally close the TCP connection; at which point recv() will return 0. If there are no outgoing TCP data packets trying to be sent, on the other hand, then the local TCP stack won't be waiting for any ACKs to come back, and therefore it won't time out when it doesn't get them, and therefore it won't ever give up and close the TCP connection. In this scenario, your recv() call could well block indefinitely, because the TCP connection is idle and the TCP stack has no way of knowing that the peer is gone (as opposed to simply not sending any data right now). It is this scenario that the SO_KEEPALIVE option was meant to handle, but since the designers of the SO_KEEPALIVE option wanted to conserve bandwidth by default, and sending automatic keepalive packets uses up additional bandwidth, they decided to make the keepalive option disabled by default. Also, the default send-a-keepalive interval is often quite long by modern standards (e.g. hours) and on some OS's it is difficult to change except on a system-wide basis, which make SO_KEEPALIVE of limited usefulness for many applications.
For conditions (3) and (4), the TCP connection isn't really "dead", it's just that some device (either the peer program, or a piece of networking gear somewhere between your program and the peer) is being uncooperative. Since the TCP layer can't know what the applications that are using it are trying to achieve, it wisely doesn't try to second-guess them in this regard, and it leaves the TCP connection open unless you explicitly tell it to close() the connection.
So now that we've described the TCP layer's behavior, what about the applications and API's that use it? i.e. why don't they try to improve on the basic TCP-stack behavior by offering better detection? The answer is that some of them do; e.g. by periodically sending dummy "ping" messages across any socket that would otherwise be idle, simply to "stimulate" the TCP stack into detecting when no ACKs are coming back as described in the paragraph about condition (2), above. Some go even further and expect the remote peer to send a corresponding "pong" message to come back on the same socket within (so many) seconds, and if it doesn't, the program will unilaterally close the socket. This sort-of works, but it also makes assumptions about the performance of your network, and that can lead to false positives and therefore unwanted disconnections when the peer is connecting via a slow or unreliable network, which is why many applications/libraries don't implement this (or at least don't enable it by default).
It's not surprising to me that keep-alive is turned off by default.
Because it's always possible that the peer program can freeze due to a bug or error, etc. In this case recv also blocks forever even if the TCP connection is alive. So keep-alive may be not so useful after all (except to prevent router from dropping connection). Various reasons might cause your recv to block forever anyway.
Besides, a low-level underlying protocol for general purpose should probably be kept as simple as possible.
In addition, I'm not surprised by your examples about not being able to set timeout either. Look at the most popular software tools in this world. They are polished, evolved, optimized, and used for such a long time. Yet many of them still freeze, crash, or misbehave rather frequently. Writing correct code is meticulous work. Not to mention further requirements like security, cross-platform, backward compatibility. Programmer's life is not easy.

TCP or UDP for lots of connections?

I want to create a P2P network with the following characteristics:
low latency is not really important
loosing packages is okay
the nodes would only send tiny amounts of data around
there will be no NAT/firewall issues, every node has an open port on its public ip
every node is connected to every other node
Usually I would use TCP for anything not time-critical but the last requirements causes the nodes to have lots of open connections for a long time. If I remember correctly, using TCP to connect to 1000 servers would mean I had to use 1000 ports to handle these connections. UDP on the other hand, would only require a single port for each node.
So my question is: Is TCP able to handle the above requirements in a network with e.g. 1000 nodes without tweaking the system? Would UDP be better suited in this case? Is there anything else that would be a deal-breaker for either protocol?
With UDP you control the "connection state" and it is pretty much the best way to do anything peer to peer related IF you have a high number of nodes or care about bandwidth, memory and CPU overhead. By moving all the control to your application in regards to the "connection state" of each node you minimize the amount of wasted resources by making it fit your needs exactly.
You will bypass a lot of operating system specific weirdness that limits the effectiveness of TCP with high numbers of connections. There is TIME_WAIT bloat and tens to hundreds of OS specific settings which will need tweaking for every user of your P2P app if it needs those high numbers. A test app I made which allowed you to use UDP with ack or TCP showed only a 10% difference in performance regardless of operating system using UDP. TCP performance was always lower than the best UDP and its performance varied wildly by over 600% depending upon the OS. With tweaks you can make most OS perform roughly the same using TCP but by default most are not properly tweaked.
So in my opinion it is harder to make a reliable UDP P2P network compared to TCP but it is often needed. However I would only advise that route it if you were quite experienced with networking as there are a lot of "gotchas" to deal with. There are libraries which help with this like Raknet or Enet. They provide ways to do reliable UDP but it still takes a higher amount of networking knowledge to know how this all ties in together, whereas with TCP it is mostly hidden from you.
In a peer to peer network you often have messages like NODE PINGs that you may not care if each one is always received, you just care if you have received one recently. ie You may send a ping every 10 seconds, and disconnect the node after 60 seconds of no ping. This would mean you would need 6 ping packets in a row to fail, which is highly unlikely unless the node is really down. If you received even one ping in that 60 second period then the node is still active. A TCP implementation of this would have involved more latency and bandwidth as it makes sure EACH ping message gets through and will block any other data going out until it does. And since you cannot rely on TCP to reliably tell you if a connection is dead, you are forced to add similar PING features for TCP, on top of all the other things TCP is already doing extra with your packets.
Games also often have data that if its not received by a client it is no big deal because there are more packets coming in a few milliseconds which will invalidate any missed packets. ie Player is moving from A to Z over a time span of 1 second, his client sends out each packet, roughly 40 milliseconds apart ABCDEFG__I__KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Do we really care if we miss "H and J" since every 40ms we are receiving updates? Not really, this is where prediction can come into it, but this is usually not relevant to most P2P projects. If that was TCP instead of UDP then it would have increased bandwidth requirements and added latency to the rest of the packets being received as the data will be resent until it arrives, on top of the extra latency it is already adding by acking everything.
Essentially you can lower latency and network overhead for many messages in a peer to peer network using UDP. However there will always be some messages which NEED to be sent reliably and that requires you to basically implement some reliable way to get packets to that node, similar to that of TCP. And this is where you need some level of expertise if you want a reliable peer to peer network. Some things to look into include sequencing packets with a number, message ACKs, etc.
If you care a lot about efficiency or really need tens of thousands of connections then implementing your specific protocol in UDP will always be better than TCP. But there are cases to be made for TCP, like if the time to make the project matters or if you are a new to network programming.
If I remember correctly, using TCP to connect to 1000 servers would mean I had to use 1000 ports to handle these connections.
You remember wrong.
Take a web server which is listening on port 80 and can handle 1000s of connections at the same time on this single port. This is because a connection is defined by the tuple of {client-ip,client-port,server-ip,server-port}. And while server-ip and server-port are the same for all connections to this server the client-ip and client-port are not. Even if the client-ip is the same (i.e. same client) the client would pick a different source port.
... with e.g. 1000 nodes without tweaking the system?
This depends on the system since each of the open connections needs to preserve the state and thus needs memory. This might be a problem for embedded systems with only little memory.
In any case: if your protocol is just sending small messages and if packet loss, reordering or duplication are acceptable than UDP might be the better choice because the overhead (connection setup, ACK..) is smaller and it takes less memory. You could also use a single socket to exchange data with all 1000 nodes whereas with TCP you would need a separate socket for each connection (socket is not the same as port!). Using only a single socket might allow for a simpler application design.
I want to amend the answer by Steffen with a few points:
1000 connections are nothing for any normal computer and OS.
UDP fits your requirements. It might be easier to program because it is message oriented. TCP provides a stream of bytes. You need to layer a messaging protocol on top of that which is not that easy. Also, you need to handle broken TCP connections by reconnecting.
Ports are not scarce. No problem with consuming 1000 ports.

Does listen() backlog affect established TCP connections?

Would it be naive to create a TCP socket with a listen backlog set to minimum as a way of rate limiting new incoming connections? The server workload in question doesn't expect many new connections at any time but spends a lot of time servicing long open persistent connections. It appears that new incoming connections shouldn't affect established connections, though I've been unable to find any definitive answer in any text. Is it possible for failed new incoming connections to create some kind of TCP traffic congestion on the server with the packets it's receiving or are they dropped fast enough that it has no effect on any buffers or other part of the network stack?
Specifically the platform in use is Linux, and although it may be handled differently in different OSs, I expect them to all behave roughly the same.
EDIT What I mean by the "same" is that backlog doesn't affect established connections, though I do understand Linux discards them while Windows sends a reset.
Does listen() backlog affect established TCP connections?
It affects established connections that the server hasn't accepted yet via accept(), only in the sense that it limits the number of such connections that can exist.
Would it be naive to create a TCP socket with a listen backlog set to minimum as a way of rate limiting new incoming connections?
All it would accomplish would be to unnecessarily fail some connecting clients. They won't get any service until your server gets around to it anyway, and once the backlog queue fills they are rate-limited by your service code anyway. There is no particular reason why shortening the queue would have any beneficial effect. The other problem with the idea is that it isn't readily possible to determine what the minimum actually is, or whether you succeeded in setting it as the backlog queue length.
It appears that new incoming connections shouldn't affect established connections, though I've been unable to find any definitive answer in any text.
That is correct. There is no reason why it should affect them: that's why you won't find it written down anywhere, any more than the fact that the phase of the moon doesn't affect it either.
Is it possible for failed new incoming connections to create some kind of TCP traffic congestion on the server with the packets it's receiving
or are they dropped fast enough that it has no effect on any buffers or other part of the network stack?
They're not dropped. They simply aren't even created if they won't fit on the backlog queue. Ergo their resource consumption at the server is zero.
Specifically the platform in use is Linux, and although it may be handled differently in different OSs, I expect them to all behave roughly the same.
They don't. On Windows, an incoming connection when the backlog queue is full causes an RST to be issued. On other platforms it is simply ignored.
What you describe are several types of attacks like flooding, syn attacks and other goodies resulting in denial of service.
This topic is not easy, because protection has to be implemented in all the layers, including TCP. For instance a SYN attack, fiddling with the sequence numbers, ... . At that point the packet in question already came a long way, through the ethernet layer and ip layer, bottom line it is taking resources. So if your system is under attack, the attacking packets are in your data stream just like the good ones are. The faster you can detect a packet is faulty and drop it, the better. Usually a system that is under attack will be slower. Well at least the systems that I have worked with.
Some attacks try to bring your system in a faulty state permanently, this by exploiting bugs. For instance TCP has a receive queue, if packets are constantly arriving out of order they will be stored in that receive queue. If the missing packet never arrives, then this receive queue could keep on growing and growing. Without the proper defense , this would lead to the system going completely out of resources.
There are specialised tools (codenumicon for instance) to check the vulnerability of a TCP stack implementation. You can assume that the one on linux has been properly tested using similar tools.
An attack can also occur on the application layer. If you have a TCP server and it allows only a limited amount of sessions. A malicious user can simply take all the connections simply by establishing all the connections and then not doing anything with it. So you have to create some defense as well. Weather or not you set this limit very low or high does not change a thing. A malicious user will try anything to bring your system down. You need to built in defense anyway. You can connect to a webserver (HTTP) simply using telnet. If you don't send anything the server's defense will come into play and close the connection.
So bringing the amount of possible connections to a low value and thinking that this in itself is a form of protection is indeed naive.
Is it possible for failed new incoming connections to create some kind of TCP traffic congestion on the server with the packets it's receiving or are they dropped fast enough that it has no effect on any buffers or other part of the network stack?
They are using resources of your machine and will make your system run slower.
It appears that new incoming connections shouldn't affect established connections, though I've been unable to find any definitive answer in any text.
If it is normal user trying to establish a connection, even if he is doing it continuously, retrying upon failure. The influence will be minimal, close to nothing. But a malicious user that is flooding connections attempts will have influence on the system performance, because the system has to spent time identifying those flawed packets and dropping them asap.

use serial communication over TCP / UDP

I have several apps which communicate through serial comm (RS-232 and RS-422), and i would like them to communicate through TCP or UDP without changing them. Another point is that some of the apps must run on linux.
I would like to know if there are exsiting tools for that purpose..
Thanks a lot!
If all you do with your serial port is read and write bytes, and if precise timing is not a concern, then you may be able to replace your serial port object with a TCP socket and send the exact same data over the socket as you would have sent over the port. The biggest complications are that the timing on a TCP socket is much looser than on a serial port, and TCP sockets' mechanisms for sending "out-of-band" data are different from those of a serial port.
I am unaware of any standards for sending serial data via UDP. Conceptually, it would seem like a useful thing to have since there are many serial-port protocols-based in which it would be more useful to drop data that can't be delivered within a certain time frame than to deliver it late. For example, if the intended recipient of serial-port data is an embedded controller that will sometimes so busy that it drops some incoming data, but which will respond within a few milliseconds to everything it does receive, a one-second hiccup on a TCP connection [not unusual] may cause software which expects to be talking directly to the controller to retransmit a command a dozen times. Even if the device would be capable of detecting and rejecting retransmissions it receives, it would be better for the earlier transmission requests to be abandoned than to have them be delivered late. Note that to be useful, a UDP-based scheme would have to include enough wrapper logic to guarantee that packets would never be delivered out of order; once the data for a packet has been sent to the serial port, any UDP packets which are received later despite having been sent earlier must be discarded; the recipient should probably include logic so that if many out-of-sequence packets are received, it will wait a little while after receiving any packet whose sequence number does not immediately follow the last one, to see if missing packets show up before it commits itself to discarding them.
There is no standard tool to do that. I am thinking to develop one. UDP is ideal in this case since it is 100% guaranteed that there is no out of order packet delivery on a short LAN as is in your case.
In several projects I have used free tool Hercules (https://www.hw-group.com/software/hercules-setup-utility) for protoyping and testing phases. No advertising intended, just a recommendation.

Single source pushing: how to send 5kb each 5 minutes to 50000 clients

I need to implement a client server architecture where the server sends
the same message to many clients over the internet.
I need to send a single message every 5 minutes about.
The message won't excede 5KB.
I need the solution to scale to a big number of clients connected (50.000-100.000)
I considered a bunch of solutions:
TCP Sockets
UDP Multicast
WCF http duplex service (comet)
I think I have to discard UDP solution because it is a good solution only for clients on the same network and it won't work over the internet.
I read somewhere that WCF multicast will cause a bottleneck if I have many clients connected but I can't find anywhere documentation showing performance statistics.
Tcp sockets seems to me the solution to chose.
What do you think about? Am I correct?
I'm certainly wrong when I say UDP doesn't work on internet... I thought
this because I read some articles pointing out that you need properly
configured routers in the network to support multicasting... I read of the
udp ports multicast range and thought it was meant to be locally.
Instead, the range - (Class D address group), can be reached over the internet
Considering that in my case reliability is not a crucial point, the udp multicast is a good choice.
The .net framework offers really helpful classes to accomplish this.
I can easily start an UdpClient and begin send data on a multicast address with two lines of code.
At client side it is really easy to.
There is the UdpSingleSourceMulticastClient class that does exactly what I need.
For what concernes reliability and security the .net framework has a smart and simple way of handle DoS attacks, DNS Rebinding attacks and Revers tunnel attacks that is described here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee707325(v=vs.95).aspx
The main question is: Do you care if the updates get to the clients?
If you DO then you will need to build something on top of UDP to add reliability. UDP datagrams are NOT reliable and so you should expect that some wont get to the destination. This is more likely if you are pushing UDP datagrams out quickly. Note that your clients might also get multiple copies of the same datagram in some situations with UDP.
50-100k connections with this level of traffic shouldn't be that difficult to achieve with TCP if you have a decent architecture.
See here for some blog posts that I've done on the subject.
And here's some example code that deals with sending data to many clients.
Unicast (tcp sockets) will work fine for a relatively small amount of traffic such as this, but keep on top of multicasting technology, the situation is changing every year.