Doxygen Dot Generates Boxes Instead of Names - doxygen

I'm trying to visualize a code base without explicit doxygen comments, I run into what seems like an error when viewing the dot graphs in the html generated by doxygen Generated Boxes
I'm running doxygen under a cygwin bash with GraphViz installed. Any Ideas?

OK, figured it out...the blank boxes should have been a dead give away that the problem was with a missing font dependency. I installed a different version of GraphViz that had the font dependency resolved under mingw.


When I install SASS with NPM, where is the executable on my computer?

I am developing in Windows 10. I do some of my web development in Eclipse and like to use SASS in developing my CSS. Eclipse needs to access SASS in order to compile the SCSS into CSS.
I went to the SASS website and they give a variety of options for installing SASS. I chose to install it with npm and did so successfully on my C: drive. Now I need to know the name of the SASS executable and where it is on my C: drive so I can point to it in my Eclipse tool builders.
I've tried searching for files containing "sass" in the file name but the Windows search utility is useless: it's been running for hours and most of the file names it finds don't even contain "sass". It finds nothing at all when I search on "sass.exe".
I got it working on my own.
First, I should explain that I was initially using Ruby Sass but that wouldn't work when I tried to use it yesterday for the first time in a few months. I vaguely remember something about Ruby Sass being scheduled for deprecation so maybe that's why it stopped working suddenly? Anyway, I needed it to work again but found the information at the SASS website so vague as to raise more questions than it answered so I posted here.
Insomnia has me up in the middle of the night so I started digging and decided to try the SASS website again. This time, I opted for the "Install Anywhere (standalone)" instructions and grabbed Dart SASS. It wasn't intuitively obvious how to install that either but I searched here at StackOverflow and found this article, which I followed carefully.
I found that for my particular situation, I didn't need to create the two files, style.css and style.scss, and I didn't have to execute the watch command either. However, the syntax of the SASS command for the Eclipse Builder had changed a bit: --sourcemaps=none changed to --no-source-maps and I didn't need the --style parameter at all since the default value for style is exactly what I wanted, namely expanded. By the way, the executable isn't an .exe file, it's sass.bat.
Now my SCSS compiles to CSS cleanly and I'm back in business.

Missing CGAL/hierarchy_simplify_point_set.h file in ubuntu install

I am trying to build some source code on ubuntu 16.04 where one of the classes relies hierarchy_simplify_point_set.h header file, which is part of CGAL's point set package. After following instruction on the installation page, I have installed libcgal-dev and libcgal-qt5-dev via apt-get. The package manager has installed libcgal-dev 4.7 which should include the point set library. However, the particular header file seems to be missing (it seems to have some files from the point set library and not others - I am looking in /usr/include/CGAL). Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
ps: For good measure, I have already tried uninstalling and reinstalling both the packages, but no luck.
This header has been introduced in CGAL 4.8 while it seems you are using CGAL 4.7.
You can get the latest version of CGAL here. Since the latest versions can be used as a header-only library, simply extract the release archive somewhere and set CGAL_DIR to that location when calling cmake to configure your example and it should work directly.

GTK+ via MSYS2 with CodeBlocks

Might be a dumb question, but how to use GTK+ (or its language bindings) with CodeBlocks in Windows? Official site shows downloading after installing msys2, via pacman. After doing that and adding C://msys64/mingw64/bin to variable path the CodeBlocks still doesn't "see" gtk header files in include since they're in gtk-3.0/gtk/ instead of gtk/. I thought to myself that I should move files one dir up, but then after finding gtk header files, CodeBlocks is unable to find its dependencies (since they are also in some gdk-pixbuf-2.0/gdk-pixbuf instead of gdk-pixbuf/).
I was able to find gtk-bundle in some third party site, which contains all needed files and headers. After extracting them into C://gtk/ and adding it to variable path I was able to get started with gtk. However after trying to get gtkmm (C++ binding for gtk) I've ran into same problem, install only via msys2, but unfortunately no bundle archive could be found.
Any help regarding how to use libraries installed via msys2 properly would be great. Thanks in advance.
For further usage. So after long searches and tries I've found a solution to my problem.
After installing GTK+ (or any of language bindings) via msys2 what you need to do is to use 'pkg-config gtk+-3.0 --cflags --libs > link.txt' in cmd (first cd to convenient location), this will generate .txt file with linker settings. Copy all content to CodeBlocks > linker settings. And that's where the boring part comes in. In order for CB to find all headers and dependencies, need to add all folders listed in .txt file needs to be added to CB > Search Directories.
These were the steps that allowed me to compile GTK+ and gtkmm wit CodeBlocks.

How to issue warning/error when using older version of Doxygen?

I'm planning to use doxygen to document a project. It's an OSS project whose current documentation is of questionable quality. The reason I've decided to go with doxygen is because from version 1.8, doxygen has added support for Markdown (text formatter; think we use it on this site too).
A concern of mine is for the people who might end up using older versions of Doxygen (for example, it hasn't been updated in the current Ubuntu LTS release).
Is it possible to add some setting or marking in the Doxyfile (doxygen configuration file), such that it will issue an error/warning if someone tries to generate the documentation using an older version of doxygen?
(Ideally, explaining the cause of error as well)
Doxygen itself provides a sort-of warning for these circumstances. If your doxyfile includes things like MARKDOWN_SUPPORT = YES and the incumbent doxygen is not one that supports markdown, then you do get a warning that the option is unrecognised.
Warning: ignoring unsupported tag 'MARKDOWN_SUPPORT'...
Alternatively, you could implement some script that parses the return from doxygen -v which will either return a handy '1.8.5' or the usage help, including a line version 1.y.z - so something based around doxygen -v | grep "1\." would extract a suitable line.

Stuck in installing Taglist in Vim

I was trying to install Taglist in VIM and I did not understand this step:
If the exuberant ctags utility is not
present in your PATH, then set the
Tlist_Ctags_Cmd variable to point to the location of the exuberant ctags
utility (not to the directory) in the .vimrc file.
What does it mean? If anybody uses this plugin, could you please help me congfigure it?
I downloaded the ctags and set my variable to
:let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd='C:\Program Files\Vim\ctags-5.7\ctags.exe'
But Im still getting "cannot generate tags" error.
ctags is a separate program you will need to install on your system.
you'll want to look for install instructions for your specific operating system.
Once thats installed you can set that variable as specified if its not in your PATH
There is what seems to be thorough installation information here.
If you've installed ctags and you're still getting the Taglist: Failed to generate tags error like I was, make sure to use this format in your vimrc:
let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = '"C:\Program Files\ctags58\ctags.exe"'
Note the double quotes inside the single quotes. I believe this is necessary when there are spaces in your string, and it's what made things work for me.