GTK+ via MSYS2 with CodeBlocks - gtk

Might be a dumb question, but how to use GTK+ (or its language bindings) with CodeBlocks in Windows? Official site shows downloading after installing msys2, via pacman. After doing that and adding C://msys64/mingw64/bin to variable path the CodeBlocks still doesn't "see" gtk header files in include since they're in gtk-3.0/gtk/ instead of gtk/. I thought to myself that I should move files one dir up, but then after finding gtk header files, CodeBlocks is unable to find its dependencies (since they are also in some gdk-pixbuf-2.0/gdk-pixbuf instead of gdk-pixbuf/).
I was able to find gtk-bundle in some third party site, which contains all needed files and headers. After extracting them into C://gtk/ and adding it to variable path I was able to get started with gtk. However after trying to get gtkmm (C++ binding for gtk) I've ran into same problem, install only via msys2, but unfortunately no bundle archive could be found.
Any help regarding how to use libraries installed via msys2 properly would be great. Thanks in advance.

For further usage. So after long searches and tries I've found a solution to my problem.
After installing GTK+ (or any of language bindings) via msys2 what you need to do is to use 'pkg-config gtk+-3.0 --cflags --libs > link.txt' in cmd (first cd to convenient location), this will generate .txt file with linker settings. Copy all content to CodeBlocks > linker settings. And that's where the boring part comes in. In order for CB to find all headers and dependencies, need to add all folders listed in .txt file needs to be added to CB > Search Directories.
These were the steps that allowed me to compile GTK+ and gtkmm wit CodeBlocks.


How do I specify a compiler in a different directory than MinGW in a NetBeans Toolchain module

I am attempting to make a simple ToolChain for the Borland 4.5 compiler with the Pharlap extender based on instructions at the Apache website:
I am basing the ToolChain on MinGW so that I can use those tools for make.
I cannot get the new toolset to find the Borland compilers the way MinGW is automatically discovered. If I use g++ as the compiler name, Netbeans finds that OK. The issue seems to be with the directory. I'm assuming an installation directory of C:\BC45\BIN and attempting to find BCC32.EXE in that directory.
When I run (clean, build, then run) the test installation of the netbeans module, I see my new toolchain in C/C++, but the field for the C++ compiler is always empty unless I specify a program in the c:\mingw\bin (base) directory.
I have tried variations on the following in my cpp xml file, making sure from time to time that it works just fine with g++ as the name:
<compiler name="bcc32.exe"/>
<recognizer pattern=".*[\\/]bc45.*[\\/]bin[\\/]?$"/>
I haven't found documents beyond the Apache website. I'm basing my guesses on what I have found in: %appdata%\NetBeans\12.4\config\CND\ToolChain\MinGW.xml
The XML above was OK as far as it goes. The example at only fills in the subclass of c++ (cpp). When I also subclassed the c, assembler, and linker, I ended up with the fields in the C++ options automatically populating as expected.
vcc4n ( has a good example of implementing the four important classes for those build tools, but really just continuing the example to create and fill in the additional XML as specified in layer.xml is straightforward enough.

How do I find what the Eclipse Cross Settings Prefix should be?

I have installed the latest version of Eclipse on my Windows 7 64-bit machine and the mingw compiler. In setting up a Hello World project, all goes well until I am asked for the Cross Settings what the Prefix is and the Path. The Path is obvious, it's the path to the compiler. However, I haven't the slightest idea what the Prefix is and Googling for much of the day hasn't enlightened me other than finding that a lot of other people have asked the question. Unfortunately the answers I've found appear to be for specific hardware. All I want to do is to produce an executable that will run on a Windows 32 bit or 64 bit machine.
So, what is the Prefix and how do I find what it should be?
What is probably happening here is that CDT is not locating your MingW or GCC installations.
simple - but unlikely reason - covering bases
There can be many reasons, from the simple - but unlikely at this point:
You don't have mingw installed
You don't have GCC installed
This can be tested easily by starting a shell and running gcc --version.
CDT heuristic not working
To more complicated reasons relating to your installation not being detected because the heuristic in CDT did not work on your machine. To find the correct settings, CDT will do:
Check $MINGW_HOME/bin for existence
Check <Eclipse install location>/mingw/bin for existence
Look for mingw32-gcc.exe or x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe on the PATH
Check C:\MinGW for existence
If CDT cannot find any of the above, you may lead to the situation you are in.
So, how to fix it!
Option 1
Start Eclipse from within a mingw set up shell. i.e. the one you can successfully run gcc --version from. That way Eclipse will inherit an environment that can launch GCC successfully.
Option 2
Set your environment up so that MINGW_HOME is properly defined. You can do this at the system level or within the build settings in Eclipse CDT. For example, on my machine in the build settings for the project (Right-click on the project, choose Properties, then choose C/C++ -> Environment) I have set:
MSYS_HOME to C:\MinGW\msys\1.0
PATH to ${MINGW_HOME}\bin;${MSYS_HOME}\bin;<my normal path>
and this allows Eclipse to launch gcc as part of the build process.
NOTE The above setting were done automatically on my machine because mingw was correctly located by the heuristic.
Here is a screenshot of the build settings if it helps:
Prefix: Under the hood
To try and answer part of your original question about what Prefix is, I provide the below information. It is unlikely to be particularly helpf
Prefix, in GCC parlance, refers to the directory under which all the related GCC files are placed. With different prefixes you can have multiple GCC installed on your machine.
From the GCC FAQ:
It may be desirable to install multiple versions of the compiler on
the same system. This can be done by using different prefix paths at
configure time and a few symlinks.
The concept comes from autotools in general. Autotools is the standard GNU make system (where you do ./configure && make - simplified). The prefix is the command line option to the configure stage (--prefix) to specify where to install the tool to. GCC above uses the --prefix to allow multiple GCCs on your system.
If you really want to know more about this, read the autobook. The section on configuring covers --prefix:
The –prefix option is one of the most frequently
used. If generated ‘Makefile’s choose to observe the argument you pass
with this option, it is possible to entirely relocate the
architecture-independent portion of a package when it is installed.
For example, when installing a package like Emacs, the following
command line will cause the Emacs Lisp files to be installed in
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/gnu
It is important to stress that this behavior is dependent on the generated files making use of this
information. For developers writing these files, Automake simplifies
this process a great deal. Automake is introduced in Introducing GNU
Additionally, Mingw takes advantage of all this prefix options. Read more about that on mingw's site. But the short of it is that the main prefix for mingw is /mingw.

Eclipse IDE and Sass

I've recently started using the Eclipse IDE for web development.
In the past when I've used Scout to complie my Sass.
Is there a way in Eclispe to automatically compile my Sass.
Is this the best option -
I've tried this but I get a BUILD FAILED becuase of
<apply dest="css" executable="/var/lib/gems/1.9.1/bin/sass">
I realise that executable needs to point to sass on my system but how do I find where sass is on my system?
I posted about this recently here:
My post refers to OS X but it should be easy enough to adapt the process to other setups.
Here's the text from my post:
1. Make sure Ruby is installed. You’re going to need this as SASS is a ruby app. OS X should have Ruby installed by default. To check, open a terminal window and enter:
ruby -v
This should display the version information, something like:
ruby 2.0.0p481 (2014-05-08 revision 45883) [universal.x86_64-darwin14]
If you don’t have Ruby, install it now. Come back once you’ve figured it out.
If you develop using Ruby at times, you are likely to be using RVM to manage different Ruby versions. If you’re using RVM we need to take some precautions. Don’t worry – we don’t need to get rid of RVM. We just need to make sure we install SASS to the system version of Ruby.
Let’s check to see if we have RVM installed:
rvm -v
If we get version information back, then we have RVM. (If we don’t we can just move on to step 2 below.) Let’s see which versions of Ruby we have installed:
rvm list
This should show you a list of Ruby versions, along with info. about which one is the default and which is the current version. We want to install SASS to the OS X default version of Ruby, not the RVM-installed versions, so enter this:
rvm use system
And now check again on our current Ruby version:
ruby -v
OK, if we’re happy that we have Ruby and that we’re using the OS X default Ruby, let’s proceed.
2. Install SASS
Do we have SASS?
sass -v
If that doesn’t return version information, you will need to install SASS:
gem install sass
If you get permission errors, use sudo:
sudo gem install sass
Once you have installed SASS, let’s check on its location:
which sass
That should return:
If a different path was returned, look again at the information above about RVM.
OK, now that we have SASS installed in the OS X default version of Ruby, we can now switch back to a different version of Ruby via RVM, if required.
Set up a Builder in your Eclipse project
In Eclipse, we’re going to use a Builder to set up SASS auto-compilation.
Ctrl-click on the title of your project in the Explorer view (I’m working on a PHP project in this case, so I’m using the PHP Explorer view.)
Select Properties.
Click on Builders, then on New… to make a new Builder.
Select the Program option and click OK.
Now we can give our Builder a name, e.g. sass.compiler
In the Main tab we need to put in the path to the installed sass application:
N.B. If you were using SASS with an RVM-installed Ruby, at this point you might have tried putting in something like:
However that gives problems as SASS then tries to find required resources but they're not in the path, and so the operation fails with the error:
sass env: ruby_executable_hooks: No such file or director
Hence the need to install SASS into the OS X default version of Ruby.
Now we need to pass the appropriate arguments to SASS, so that it knows what to do and what files to do it with. If we were running SASS from the command line, we would probably do something like this at the start of our development session:
sass --watch sourcefolder:destinationfolder
In a real project that might look something like this:
sass --watch app/sass:public/stylesheets
This is a one-off command which forces compilation of any scss files in app/sass, into css files in public/stylesheets, whenever changes are made to the scss files. However, we want our Builder to trigger the compile process each time we save our scss files, so --watch is inappropriate.
If we enter:
sass --help
we discover that the option we want is --update. Luckily this works just like --watch in that it checks the designated folder recursively – so if we have many folders with scss files, we just specify a common parent folder.
You may have some scss files which you want to include into other scss files, and should not be compiled into their own css files. If that is the case, rename those files with an underscore at the beginning, e.g. rename mixins.scss to _mixins.scss Sass will still recognise those files for inclusion, but won’t compile css equivalents.
In my Arguments field I have this:
--update ${workspace_loc:/project1/htdocs/theme}:${workspace_loc:/project1/htdocs/theme} --sourcemap=none --style compressed
In my case, the scss files are in the same folder as the compiled css files, so my source folder and destination folder are the same. I used the Browse Workspace button in one of the form fields to generate the ${workspace_loc} placeholder values for my source folders and destination folders.
I also added a few more SASS options – one to turn off the generation of .map files, the other to output css in a compressed style.
Under the Build Options tab I have Allocate Console and During auto builds ticked, but nothing else.
Click on OK to finish.
Now, when I edit one of the scss files in my project1/htdocs/theme folder, in the Eclipse console view I see that SASS is doing its work, compiling the scss into css. Success!
Alternative method
Use Webstorm ; )
An easy solution would be to use Eclipse Wild Web Developer:
The editor will simplify developing with web technologies. Besides automatically compiling SCSS files to CSS files it provides many more features. Check them out, I think you will like them.

cmake which package name to pass to find_package

I am trying to link against the libconfig++ library using cmake. I installed the library
using apt-get so I am assuming it will have a .cmake file so I can use find_package. Problem is I don't know what package name to use. I tried libconfig, config, config++ as the package name to no avail.
As a general question, how does one find out which package is associated with a library.
I know that find_package looks into CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to see if there is a .cmake script. How to I find out what is the value of CMAKE_MODULE_PATH on my system. It's not an environment variable. I am running ubuntu 12.04.
Any help is appreciated.
To use find_package you need to have corresponding Find or Config cmake file. But library may not to provide it, seems with your library is such a case. You can use find_library for finding libraries and find_path to find include directories. With these commands you can even write FindXXX.cmake yourself.
CMAKE_MODULE_PATH is not an environment variable, it is CMake's one. This variable is intended for you to set, if you have additional directories with modules, by default it's empty. This is used in the "Module" mode. In this mode CMake searches FindXXX.cmake in the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH (your modules) or in modules shipped with CMake and if it's found, it then used to find library and it's headers.
If that module wasn't found, it then switches into "Config" mode. On Unix it searches for ConfigXXX.cmake in the following directories:
This files is shipped with the library, so there is no need to find anything, they contain all information, where library and includes located, etc.
About naming scheme, there is no standard one. You can look at Standard CMake modules. Modules found in internet for your library named FindLibConfig.cmake
For your case, library ships without corresponding cmake file, so you should write it your self (or find already written) and add directory with that file to CMAKE_MODULE_PATH.
I suggest you to read how find_package command works and how to write FindXXX.cmake files.

Why can't pydev find the csv module?

I still cannot get PyDev and eclipse on MacOS to reliably import modules.
import csv generates an "Unresolved import:" error within PyDev; however, when I open Terminal and run the script from the interpreter it works fine.
PyDev is using the interpreter found at /usr/bin/python, which is pointing to Python 2.7.
The relevant files (csv.pyc and csv.pyo) are in /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7, which is in PYTHONPATH.
Actually, for the standard library, PyDev needs the .py files (from your description you only have the .pyc/.pyo files) -- it should give you a big warning when you try to configure an interpreter where the .py files are not available.
So, the recommended solution would be using a python distribution from (instead of the default which comes with Mac OS) or grab the standard library from elsewhere and copy it over to where you have the standard library in Mac OS.
See the "IMPORTANT for Mac users" note at:
Everytime you add a new module, you need to reconfigure the interpreter in PyDEV. Whenever you do that, don't forget to check the new module you are adding to make sure it's being added to the PYTHON PATH.
Alternatively, you can configure each project by adding the new module to it. But that means you will have to configure this on a project basis. I would do it the other way.