Eclipse doesn't save the previous settings like workspace & Plug-ins - eclipse

I am using Eclipse Neon on my MacBook & every time I start Eclipse it prompts me for my workspace again and again even though I set it as my default one.
Same goes for the plug-ins I have installed , I need to install eclipse decompiler every time I load eclipse.
I get an error like : "This wizard helps you to import and reinstall previously installed plug-ins. It is triggered because
either you are launching eclipse for the first time or your Eclipse has been updated."
Can someone please assist me with this issue ?

I had the same problem after updating my Mac to Sierra: Eclipse would not remember the default workspace. After moving Eclipse into the Application folder, the problem disappeared.

The issue seems to come from a Mac OSX Sierra feature called 'path randomization' (see eclipse bug 507328). The actual solution to avoid the path randomization seems to be for eclipse to provide signed .dmg images (bug
Two workarounds that I can suggest are:
Start from the eclipse oomph installer when installing eclipse (see
Start the actual eclipse executable file instead of opening the .App container


Eclipse Neon 2 & 3 keeps Resetting the Workspace and Plugins

Have installed Eclipse Neon 3 x86_64 bit on macOS Sierra...
Proceeded by picking a workspace folder and installed the following plugins:
Subclipse 1.10.13 (by dragging the icon on to the workspace from
Installed the following plugins (by going to Help -> Install New Software -> All Available Sites and expanded Web, XML, Java EE and OSGI Enterprise Development):
Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools 3.8.0.v201701262139
Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools 3.8.0.v201702270442
Eclipse Web Developer Tools 3.8.2.v201702270442
JST Server Adapters 3.2.400.v201606081655
JST Server Adapters Extensions 3.3.501.v201609071751
JST Server UI 3.4.300.v201606081655
Everything works (plugin functionality) but everytime I close Eclipse, it brings up the default dialog asking for a workspace and is completely fresh (no plugins and preferences...). I have to manually install these plugins every single time I restart Eclipse!
I've deleted the following directories and files:
~/.eclipse (folder);
~/Library/Saved Application/org.eclipse.eclipse.savedState;
And, also unzipped Eclipse into a different folder and specified a new workspace and after installing the plugins and restarting Eclipse, its completely fresh again!
This is very annoying and also disappointing...
I even tried to put -clean as the first line of the eclipse.ini file but it didn't help any...
What's weird is that this is happening on my company issued MacBook Pro but not my personal MacBook Pro (which is the exact same model and year as the company issue one)...
Any suggestions would be most appreciated!
Have you checked Eclipse Bugzilla for a similar issue?
It looks like you are running into this:
Bug 507328 - Eclipse forgets about global settings and installed features
It's a feature of macOS introduced with Sierra called "App Translocation" or "Gatekeeper Path Randomization". Try unzipping Eclipse and moving it (drag and drop) with Finder to a different location. This should set a flag which disables Gatekeeper Path Randomization. However, it's important this this is done from within Finder.
The Eclipse Oxygen packages will ship as DMG which will motivate users to drag and drop the bundle into the Applications folder using Finder. There is an Apple bug here where Apple explicitly states that Finder may be able to opt an app out of Gatekeeper Path Randomization.
To check whether Gatekeeper Path Randomization is happing in Eclipse perform the following:
Open Eclipse > About Eclipse
Click Installation Details
Navigate to tab Configuration
Check the value of osgi.install.area property
If it points to some random looking path with /var/private that path randomization is in effect.
The situation may become more complicated in future macOS versions, though.

Installed a plugin on eclipse (mars), now eclipse won't start. How can I uninstall the plugin?

I installed a plugin for viewing json files, its the "json tool" by sweetlemonade.
Anyway, after installing it I tried to view a json file (very large file) which I thought the plugin might be able to handle. Well, eclipse crashed when I did this. Now I can't get eclipse to start again. It fails when it gets to "loading org.sweetlemonade.eclipse.json"
I've searched for other answers on here but the accepted answers include using "p2 director" to uninstall the plugin via command line. The only problem is the answer is for an old version of eclipse. I'm using eclipse mars and can't find an install for "p2 director" anywhere.
How can I uninstall this plugin manually and get eclipse to run again? I want to solve this without having to reinstall and lose my project setups.
Okay so I managed to solve this by navigating to
and deleted the line responsible for the plugin:
Then I ran eclipse again and it opened just fine. I saw the tab where eclipse previously tried to open the large JSON file was still open except now it has an "x" with the message that the json tool plugin couldn't be found. Since the issue was probably occurring because eclipse kept trying to restore that tab every time I opened it, I closed the tab then closed eclipse and re-added the line I deleted to the file. Lastly, I reopened eclipse and uninstalled the plugin the proper way (since the plugin wouldn't be of any use to me).
It sounds to me like Eclipse autosaved your workspace with that file open; the autosave happens every 5 minutes by default. Rename that autosave file, found in _workspace_/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.e4.workbench/workbench.xmi, and relaunch.
You can then use the Help → About → Installation Details to uninstall the JSON editor if you so choose.

Eclipse Mars 1.0 Build Path Missing From Properties Menu

I have just reinstalled my OS and made a clean install of Eclipse.
I want to import my previous projects made on a previous version of Eclipse and that is no problem. However when I try to run it then it says: "The selection cannot be run on any server".
I read around I need to go into Properties => Build Path and do something there.
Only problem is my Properties menu does not have a Build Path option. I have searched around Eclipse for a long time now to find Build Path but stil no luck.
Does anyone now where og why my Build Path is no where to be found?
By Chance i found the solution myself.
I originally installed the Eclipse Php Mars version of Eclipse which i still can't get to work. But install the Eclipse Jee Mars (Java EE IDE) version instead solves the problem.
First time you run the code though you might have to run it through the main menu in the top and not by the convenient Run icon botton.
I have no clue why this is but now i can continue my work.

I cannot install eclipse jaxb builder plugin

I am currently working with a product that is built onto Eclipse version 3.4.2.
I am trying to install the jaxb builder plugin, but it is not working.
So far I have tried:
Unzipping the folder into the Eclipse plugins folder and then restarting Eclipse
The restarting Eclipse using the -clean flag
Unzipping the folder into the product's (built onto Eclipse) plugin folder and then restarting with and without -clean
Unzipping the folder into the dropins folder and then restarting Eclipse
I think that it may be possible that this version of jaxb builder doesn't support my version of Eclipse, but I can't figure out how to find that information. I tried emailing the address on the "Contact Us" page, but it came right back to me.
Is it possible that the product has been discontinued? How can I find out?
Discontinued? I don't know but the last build is from 2011-05. It's built against Eclipse 3.4 (see plugin.xml). What do you mean be "not working"? Exceptions? Entries in Eclipse error log/view?
Turns out it was the application's fault. I'm not exactly sure what the problem was, but when I did the exact same thing in a regular Eclipse environment, it came up with no issues.
I will edit if I get more information.

Cannot find installed plugin on my Eclipse IDE after update

I have updated my ubuntu desktop and the eclipse which i was running on the system got updated automatically. After the update all the options inside the eclipse are the same as they used to be by default.. all my customization has been lost and the perspectives, project templates are no more. Now when i tried to installed the plugins, eclipse returns me that the selected plugins has already been installed..
I want to know is it common with eclipse to show this behavior after each update? How to can i get back my old customization without deleting the installed plugin folder and install them from scratch again..
I didn't met the issue you mentioned before. but I suggest you can check whether your workspace location is changed after your plugin is installed/updated.
Actually, all your eclipse plugins configuration/preferences settings are stored into your {workspace_home}.metadata folder. it's not relevant about what plugin eclipse has installed, That's the reason why each time switch workspace, you need to re-customized preferences settings.
So, if you want to protect customized settings, pls consider backup .metadata folder properly.