What is model-file when we train CRF Mallet? java -cp "/home/hough/mallet/class:/home/hough/mallet/lib/mallet-deps.jar" cc.mallet.fst.SimpleTagger --train true --model-file nouncrf sample
Are you asking where to get it (1) or what's format it's in (2) ?
Answers are:
According to documentation --model-file option specifies where file will be written to. So MALLET creates it.
It's Java object serialized to binary using standard Java serialization.
We have a requirement where we need to send .avro file as an input request to our API's. Really stuck at this point. If any detail example provided would be more appreciated.
Just use Java interop: https://github.com/intuit/karate#calling-java
You need to write a helper (start with a static method) to convert JSON to Avro and vice versa. I know teams using this for gRPC. Read this thread for tips: https://github.com/intuit/karate/issues/412
Also there is even a "karate-grpc" project: https://github.com/pecker-io/karate-grpc
Also see:
Using H2O is mandatory, Perform Embedding on the text file(dataset as input) using word2vec model to produce an output as Vectors(arrays).
The word2Vec model will be using is below-https://code.google.com/archive/p/word2vec/
which is written in C/C++.
So, how can one implement using H2O?
[ If using H2O is "mandatory" for you, are you perhaps using it in a course? If so, I'm curious where that is... ]
H2O-3 is written in Java, and has an internal word2vec implementation written from scratch in Java. You wouldn't actually use the referenced C++ implementation inside of H2O-3.
Here is a pointer to the relevant word2vec documentation for H2O-3:
You have to generate the previous model as csv, import the csv as a frame and construct the w2oModel and specify the data frame as pretrained parameter.
I was wondering if it would be possible that link AnyLogic to Matlab?
I need a way that call a function from Matlab to Anylogic.
At this level AnyLogic should be considered as Java application, and the question should be formulated as Link Java and Matlab. You may search for different Java libraries that establish connection with MatLab and Java app, allowing to pass commands from app to Matlab, and get the result. Example of such library — matlabcontrol. There is also example model.
UPD: Matlab provides Java API for AnyLogic, so you may directly use it within AnyLogic. In this case third-party libraries are not required. For this purpose you need to add engine.jar to the model dependencies, the .jar is provided with Matlab, it is located in:
Here is the model that invokes Matlab using the respective examples from:
I'm not sure which direction you are talking about.
calling a matlab function in anylogic:
Since Anylogic is based on Java, you could use the Java Runtime class, and do something like:
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process pr = rt.exec("C:\<a long path here>\matlab.exe" -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('C:\<a long path here>\mfile.m');exit;"
after that you need to get the output from the process object pr and do your magic.
calling anylogic simulation in matlab:
have a look at : http://help.anylogic.com/topic/com.xj.anylogic.help/html/integration/Integration.html
How can we subscribe to file present as resource in Scala project so that any live changed to the file can be detected in the the service?
Example there is a Scala code which is calculating sum of numbers from the text file , how to subscribe to that file in the code so that program can act upon immediately for any addition of new numbers in the file.
In Scala you can use Java classes and APIs.
You can use the Java Watch Service API in java.nio.file.
You can about it here.
How can I change the properties (details) of a file in Matlab?
by details I mean things like "album", "track#", "artist", etc. (for an audio file).
The properties that you mention are not general file properties, but specific properties supported by specific file formats. For MP3 files for instance, that information is normally stored using an extension called ID3. To modify the information, you either need to use a library for that purpose or implement it yourself. According to id3.org there is no Matlab implementation. However, it might be possible to get the Java implementation working using Matlab's built-in Java support.