We have a requirement where we need to send .avro file as an input request to our API's. Really stuck at this point. If any detail example provided would be more appreciated.
Just use Java interop: https://github.com/intuit/karate#calling-java
You need to write a helper (start with a static method) to convert JSON to Avro and vice versa. I know teams using this for gRPC. Read this thread for tips: https://github.com/intuit/karate/issues/412
Also there is even a "karate-grpc" project: https://github.com/pecker-io/karate-grpc
Also see:
Is there any C# client anyone know about that we can use to run queries against SumoLogic? I see they have a Java Client but cannot find a corresponding C# client.
You can use SumoLogicMessageSender class.
You can find using this class here.
But, I don't recommend to use GetResult() like it writes in original code :
// this maintains synchronous behavior for single event scenarios.
.TrySend(bodyBuilder.ToString(), this.SourceName, this.SourceCategory, this.SourceHost)
How can we subscribe to file present as resource in Scala project so that any live changed to the file can be detected in the the service?
Example there is a Scala code which is calculating sum of numbers from the text file , how to subscribe to that file in the code so that program can act upon immediately for any addition of new numbers in the file.
In Scala you can use Java classes and APIs.
You can use the Java Watch Service API in java.nio.file.
You can about it here.
I want to call the API of uima-text-segmenter https://code.google.com/p/uima-text-segmenter/source/browse/trunk/INSTALL?r=22 to run an example.
But I don`t know how to call the API...
the readme said,
With the DocumentAnalyzer, run the following descriptor
`desc/textSegmenter/wst-snowball-C99-JTextTilingAAE.xml` by taking the
uima-examples data as input.
Could anyone give me some code which could be run directly in main func for example?
Thanks a lot!
Long answer:
The link describes how you would set up the application from within the Eclipse UIMA environment. This sort of set-up is typically targeted at subject matter specialists with little or no coding experience. It allows them to work (relatively fast) with UIMA in a declarative way: all data structures and analysis engines (computing blocks within UIMA) are declared in xml (with a GUI on top of it), after which the framework takes care of the rest. In this scenario, you would typically run a UIMA pipeline using a run configuration from within Eclipse (or the included UIMA pipeline runner application). Luckily, UIMA allows you to do exactly the same from code, but I would recommend using UIMAFit (http://uima.apache.org/d/uimafit-current/tools.uimafit.book.html#d5e137) for this purpose instead of of UIMA, as it bundles lots of useful things and coding shortcuts.
Short answer:
Using UIMAFit, you can call Factory methods that create CollectionReader (read input), AnalysisEngine (process input) and Consumer objects (write/do other stuff) from (third-party provided) XML files. Use these methods to construct your pipeline and the SimplePipeline class to run it. To extract the data you need, you would manipulate the CAS object (containing your data) in a Consumer object, possibly with a callback. You could also do this in a Analysis Engine object. I recommend using DKPro's FeaturePathFactory (https://code.google.com/p/dkpro-core-asl/source/browse/de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core-asl/trunk/de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.featurepath-asl/src/main/java/de/tudarmstadt/ukp/dkpro/core/api/featurepath/FeaturePathFactory.java?spec=svn1811&r=1811) to quickly access the feature you are after.
Code examples:
http://uima.apache.org/d/uimafit-current/tools.uimafit.book.html#d5e137 contains examples, but they all go in the opposite direction (class objects are used in the factory methods, instead of XML files - XML is generated from these classes). Take a look at the UIMAFit API to find the method you need, AnalysisEngineDescription from XML for example: http://uima.apache.org/d/uimafit-current/api/org/apache/uima/fit/factory/AnalysisEngineFactory.html#createEngineDescriptionFromPath-java.lang.String-java.lang.Object...-
I'm wondering whether it is at all possible to make the client ask the server for a given string, and incorporate it into another string ?
I don't see how to do that using the async approach.
As far as I know there is no really simple way to do this, because the i18n machanism of GWT replaces strings at compile-time and not at runtime.
You can try one of the following approaches:
Load the i18n in your entrypoint, store all messages in a local Map and create the Label etc, with the values from you cache. PRO: all GWT standard CONS: one request more, before you can show a translated page
Use JSP and no HTML at serverside. Wthin you jsp can create a JSON from your
message.properties and put it into your hostpage. PRO: You can synchronous read te values CONS: You will need to write a JSP which reads the properties for the correnct language, You will need to write a JSNI method to load the translated values.
Rethink, if you need a different way of translation. The built-in i18n will create tranlated versions of your app at compile-tim
I think I would use the second approach.
Is there an easy way to use SerializationStreamWriter for custom purposes without writing an own generator?
(for example html5 storage)
The javadoc of GWT tells very little.
We are writing an implementation for our current project, which does exactly what you want do: serialize an custom object into string and save it into the localstorage, deserialize the string into an object...
So, for me, it is possbile, to use SerializationStreamWriter for serialization, and use SerializationStreamReader for deserialization in CLIENT SIDE.
To realize this,
you don't need a generator for SerializationStreamWriter/SerializationStreamReader, but a generator for TypeSerializer (which implements com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.impl.SerializerBase). And this is quiet simple, take a look at com.google.gwt.user.rebind.rpc.TypeSerializerCreator, and use it in your generator. OR, if all your custom objects are referenced in one RPC service, you can just use the generated rpc service's TypeSerializer.
And you must write a proper implementation of SerializationStreamWriter OR SerializationStreamReader. Because there has two serialized string formats(request used format and response used format):
IN GWT, you have
ClientSerializationStreamWriter, ClientSerializationStreamReader for client side serialization/deserialization;
ServerSerializationStreamWriter, ServerSerializationStreamReader for server side serialization/deserialization;
Client SerializationStream Writer will serialize the object into FORMAT_1, and only Server SerializationStream Reader can read it (deserialize it into object).
Server SerializationStream Writer will serialize the object into FORMAT_2, and only Client SerializationStream Reader can read it (deserialize it into object).
so what you need to do, if you want to use ClientSerializationStreamWriter to serialize your object, then write a similar implementation of ServerSerializationStreamReader for client side. Or if you want to use ClientSerializationStreamWriter to deserialize the string, then write a similar implementation of ServerSerializationStreamWriter in client side. This is not difficult, because the difference between FORMAT_1 and FORMAT_2 is just the order.
Because the GWT-RPC serialization is asymmetric, it cannot be used for local storage: the server understands what the client sent, the client understands what the server sent, but they won't understand what they themselves wrote.