Trying to update the content of language copy in AEM - aem

I was having a website with en and having pages under it.Now i created another language copy named French (fr).I have made some changes in my English copy,how can i update the same changes from one language copy to other.

Making a language copy just copies the content from source(en) to the new language(fr). If you want changes in en page to reflect in the copied pages fr pages automatically, you will have to create fr pages as live copy of source(en) page and specify appropriate rollout configs while creating a live copy.
Of course, if it's a text in english that is modified at source, this will not automatically translate to french text. Live copy will copy the modified english text to the french page, content reauthoring in specific language is required. But for images and assets in general, live copy will work out.
You can refer this for more info.


TYPO3 News Extension - How can i copy and paste content elements of a news entry?

If i created a content elements (f.e. text, image, plugins etc.) in a single news, i cannot copy and paste this content element again. Have I missed something or is it not working (yet)?
Thxs for support
It is just not supported, only thing you can do is creating copy of such News record in WEB > List module.
It will create copy of the News itself and copies of all content elements in it. Then you can edit these records to have quite other News and/or CEs. Also if you'll make any change to copied CE it will not reflect the original one(s).

Jump to a specific part of a page in a moodle wiki?

I should create a moodle wiki and I have got some sections on my wiki-page. Now I would like to create a table of contents where The user can jump between the sections like on Wikipedia.
What I tried:
<h2 id="section1">Section1</h2>
The problem I got is that when I save the page the id property will be removed from the tags
If you are using one of the latest version of Moodle, it is possible to make the HTML ids stick if you add you HTML markups within the Wiki HTML editor.
This has to be the ultimate change you do to the document. Once you have your HTML correctly tagged, directly hit the Save button without going back to the editor's preview mode. They should be available in the Wiki after that.
If you need to edit the page again, be sure to keep a local copy of your HTML structure, in order to avoid having to add the HTML markups again. They will be removed everytime you edit the page or if you switch from the HTML editor to the WYSIWYG preview mode.

Can we translate the Page URLs using Language Copy in AEM?

We are planning to use the Language copy feature for the translation of our English content and have done a small POC using Microsoft trial translator.
We noticed that the created language copy has the URL structure in the English language itself. Let's say if we create a language copy of /content/site/en/test-page, it will create it as /content/site/es/test-page, which is correct but the URL of the Spanish page would be in English. But we want to translate the URL as well for the Spanish language copy. So it should be /content/site/en/página de prueba (in Spanish)
Is it achievable to translate the URL of the page using language copy? what are the different options here?
AEM needs pages to have the same path (and name) after the language node in order to see that this is / should be a language copy. So changing the node name is not an option in your case. In addition to that, changing a page name will be regarded as a move event in AEM and in the end, AEM will not be able to connect your language copies any more.
You can change the alias instead, which is in the page properties in the "Advanced" tab (see for further explanations). If you have spanish aliases for all spanish pages, then your URLs will be using those spanish aliases which is exactly what you would like to have, I guess...

Magento how do I override/alter template/payment/form/purchaseorder.phtml file

I need to add some text to this file [template/payment/form/purchaseorder.phtml], for a particular store within clients' magento site. When I make a change to the purchaseorder.phtml file, it changes the text on all the stores. So I need to somehow customize this for one store in particular.
I have read comments on several sites, some mention changing the local.xml, change the config.xml, make changes in admin panel, but this such a small change, I don't want to disrupt anything by going overboard.
I need to extend the functionality on the backend so this change can be made for a particular store or stores. the sites has five stores built into the one install and for now I need to make the above change to just one store.
I think I need to somehow add a PO field Heading and an "Additional Text" option to the Purchase order section in image two. is this correct, if so how do I do this?
Could someone point me in the right direction to making this type of change please.
Note: I can't do the create directory structure, copy files, change needed files option
This is magento 1.7
Copy purchaseorder.phtml file from base/default directory then paste it in your current template. Now you can alter content of it purchaseorder.phtml in your current directory, it wont affect the base file.Like below,
Copy from
Paste to
When you override a section, the folder structure should resemble the default template folder structure like current_theme/template/form/ payment/purchaseorder.phtml .
sorry for bad english.

How to create different versions of a site in Liferay?

I have built my site with default language being in Spanish and now I want to build the English version of it. I have added the link 'In English' to the Spanish site, and when clicked takes me to The control panel on the English site converts to English as well, which is fine. Then I try to translate the contents from Spanish to English.
Here is what I do: let's say I take the 'Contact' menu, where I have the contact page. In the URL then it looks like this: Through Edit, I go to the text editor, localize the language to English, change the title and the content of the page into English and save it in a hope to see the changes on the English version only, but the change is also shown on the Spanish version, that is it overrides the Spanish version, which means that the page is the same on both the language versions. I thought the copy that is under is a different instance of the web content than that on, but I was wrong.
The question is how to create the English version of the site then? Should I copy the whole site's theme into a folder e.g. /en and make the changes from there? or there is another way to do this?
1: Create a content
2: Add tranlation
3: Put tranlation
with,, etc. you can see the tranlation.