Prefill form with data in Symfony2, shorter way - forms

I have form that can be used on front page and search page. Users can fill it on both pages, but if it is filled on front page it has to show filled data on the search page. to achieve this I'm forwarding the data, and using syntax similar to this.
Everything works fine, except the form has a lot of fields and I was wondering if there is a shorter way to achieve the same?

What about this?
$form_data['return_box'] = (boolean)$form_data['return_box'];


Laravel 5.4 - Display errors to appended inputs in a form

Whatsup guys
I am struggling with an issue which is displaying errors on appended inputs in a form after submit. I guess there is a simple solution on this which i dont know of because i am a newbie in Laravel.
I have a form where a user needs to select a category and depending on the selection, a few inputs should be appended (with ajax) into the same form below the category dropdown. I have set up the validations and the error rendering on the html but it doesnt seem to work yet the request doesnt pass since it detects the validations.
Any clues?
You will not be able to display the errors next to form inputs that have been retrieved with Ajax. However, you may use an error box at the top of the screen describing the problem. Or you may simply post the form using Ajax instead of a page refresh, then using JavaScript, you can display the errors to the appended input.
If this is not an answer to the question you are asking, please provide code and more details.

ASP Classic - Passing form data to Iframe

I'm looking to pass data from a form into an iFrame, but I have a slight problem.
The form page I can edit with no restrictions
The page I send the data to I cannot edit unless its html or JavaScript
The data needs to end up in an iframe within this page, which I can edit with no restrictions
I'm incorporating a search function into a CMS system which is why I cannot edit the iframe's parent page, and why I am using iframes at all.
At the moment the data sends to the parent page but is not picked up within the iframe, I am sending via the POST method.
I got it..
Added and extra page which converted the post data into session data,
if anyone knows a better way i would like to hear it though.
And they are the same domain, but editing the CMS system would have taken ages to look through as its not mainstream or developed by me.
Maybe I'm oversimplifying the problem, but can't you use the "target" attribute of the form tag to post to the Iframe?

ASP.NET MVC 2: Emulating eBay Postback

Below is an image of the sections I'm talking about:
What I'm doing is very similar to eBay:
1) a form at the top for "search terms" and then a category.
2) filters on the left that a user can click to refine the search even further.
3) sorting those results.
I played with eBay a bit and it looks to me like they are posting back every time a filter (box on the left) is clicked, or when they sort the results. Do they then store a copy of all the "settings" used to display the page in the form and use that to post back on a submit click?
How can I emulate this functionality? I don't like the idea of wrapping an entire page in a form element... it seems dirty. Should I use jQuery to collect all of the user input and then somehow pass it along?
I'm not sure how eBay does it, but if it were me, I'd have some javascript object that keeps track of all the search options on the page. Each of the elements you've highlighted would fire an event that would cause my javascript object to update this information, send it via AJAX to a controller action, and update the results area with the changes.
That's a somewhat simplified version of events, but hopefully it can put you on the right track.
I've decided that the best solution is to use jQuery Ajax. Otherwise, I'd have to make sure that every peice of user input is a form element and wrap the entire page in a form tag.

Codeigniter form action with slashes instead of normal GETs?

Hey, so this is one of those questions that seems obvious, and I'm probably going to feel stupid, but here goes:
I'm doing a CodeIgniter site with a search. Think of a Google type input, where you'd search for "white huskies." I have a search results page that takes a URI ( huskies), and takes the third part, and performs the search on that term. I'd like this to be done in the URI, and no by POST so my users can bookmark results.
The problem I'm having is how to get that search button directed to IS IN THE INPUT. How do I get the what is in the input part into the anchor href? I know I could do this with javascript, but I've heard it's bad practice to force people to have javascript for things this small.
Thanks for the help!
Read: Form redirect to URL containing query term? - pure HTML or Django
(asked for Django, but answer fits here too)
You could have an intermediate POST page that collects the form inputs and concatenates them into a valid URL which you can then redirect to. I'm not sure if this is good or bad SEO practice however, but I can't see another way of doing this without some Javascript intervention.
Perhaps you could look at doing the intermediate POST page which takes the values are redirects you to /search/dog/white/huskies, but also have a Javascript equivalent that does this on the fly on the form submit and does a window.location refresh to the same /search/dog/white/huskies?
Just my 2 pennies worth ;)
It is possible to have CodeIgniter work with $_GET variables and URI segments securely.
A work around I have used in the past is to have the search term collected using POST, parse the required URL for use with URI segments and then redirect your user to this page.
$url = '' . urlencode($_POST['query']);
This shouldn't effect SEO but something like the URL of a search result is unlikely to have any effect on SEO anyway. Clean URLs are only really meant to be used for permanent content. If you're going to be displaying the search term on the page, remember to use xss_clean(), seen a few people make this fatal mistake before.

1. I fill out a form & click submit. 2. I get the results page. Goal: Get the same results without filling out the form again

This is my first time posting - I greatly appreciate any and all guidance on this subject.
Background: I am building a Real Estate web site. I would like to use the free IDX data provided by my local MLS board. The MLS board does not allow me the option of displaying a predefined search and only provides me with a link to the search field. after filling out the search field, I am able to view the results.
Goal: I would like to bypass this step and frame the results page into a GoDaddy website I am building, which supports HTML.
Here is a link to the search page:
I am trying to only show the listings that appear in my neighborhood. Options include:
1. Property Type - Residential
2. GEO Area - FM11
3. Developments: Fiddlesticks Country Club
Once this criteria is entered, I have the page needed to make this project work.
Thank all of you for taking the time to read this and for the time you spend helping me out.
Best regards,
Without looking at the page itself, it's probably doing a "POST" operation to give the form to the website. You should be able to use javascript (maybe jquery or some other ajax framework) to do this for you in the frame and have it display the results.
So long as this is a POST form and they aren't doing a lot of strict referrer checking, the following should work:
Replicate the form on your own site.
Make a few minor changes to automate a few of the fields to better serve your geographic area/company.
Ensure everything is a full path and not relative to the server handling the query.
You will probably end up changing a lot of the text/select fields to hidden fields with pre-set values to keep it simple for end-users. The server handling the request won't know the kind of field it came from, just the value and name.
I took a look at the page HTML, the form posts is defined thusly:
<FORM action="/scripts/mgrqispi.dll" method="POST" name="InputForm" />
you may be able to create your own form defined like this:
<FORM action="" method="POST" name="InputForm">
You will have to go through the HTML on the page you provided to get the appropriate ID's and Name's of the form elements you are interested in. Its possible their processing page checks to ensure its their form that is submitting to it, in which case this wouldn't work.
good luck.