followings.json and followers.json shows blank screen - soundcloud

followings.json and followers.json shows a blank screen:
For example, this link.
Client id works, fine: I'm just curious about how to get the information showing again?

According to the API documentation, all /users subresources take a user ID and not a user permalink. The behavior when using a permalink is undefined.


Using the Facebook API, not always able to create a link back to the status

I'm consuming the facebook API in order to get status from pages feeds.
After parsing the raw response, I'm generating the links back to the original post on facebook like this:
"" + status_id
This works great, unless there are pages mentions in the status. In this case the url leads to a 404 error.
After some research, I found in this case, the first half of the status id, containing the user id, have the id of the mentioned page, not from the status author.
Do you know if this is intentional or a bug by Facebook API, and do you know a reliable way to generate links back tho original statuses on facebook, regardless of the status type?

How to find my own facebook ID? (not the app-scoped ID)

I used to be able to go to my Facebook profile page{Username} and replace the "www" for "graph"{Username}.
The answer to that used to be my real facebook ID and some other info, but now I get:
"error": {
"message": "(#803) Cannot query users by their username ({Username})",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 803
Yesterday I made the exact same thing and it worked, but today it doesn't. Is there any other way of finding my ID? Does it work for anyone?
For finding any facebook group_id or page_id or user_id go to inspect element of page and find these in meta tags.
Group Id
Profile user_id
Page Id
fb://page/here_is_your_page_id{Username} is not available now but still can find your facebook ID
There are already 3 exact same questions in the last 2 hours. Please use the search function of StackOverflow before posting a question!
You cannot get the username field anymore. This is very well documented in the Facebook docs.
See does not work
If you only have your user ID, the simplest way would be to use an online service (like this one: and paste your Facebook username.
If you need the user ID by programming, this is different. You could in this case parse the HTML code of the page (CTRL + U will show you the HTML code of the page) and search for the term entity_id, which is the user ID. You could then use regex to extract the information.
There is no way to get your Facebook ID via the Graph API!
You can use a regular expression to find your Facebook ID. If you paste the source of a profile page (or page/group) inside it will match the Facebook ID for you.
It is using the following regex to find the Facebook ID:
You can also use the tool i created and just fill in your profile url:
Go to your Facebook profile and right click on your cover photo, if you copy the URL it should have your Facebook id in it like so. fbid is what you want. I don't there's any AIP for it anymore. Looks like Facebook may be finally phasing it out.
You can use the sources already identified or you can right click below the navigation bar and view page source. Use your CTRL+F (find) and search for [profile_owner&quot].
The number listed shortly thereafter will be your global ID. It will generally look like this:
The # is listed multiple times (like 75) in the data and follows terms such as ["profile_id"], ["uid":], and [?profileid=] to name a few.
I always us this tool to find my personal facebook ID. Hope can help you.
Head over to here and authenticate with it, you can then use the Graph explorer to get your ID. You'll also need an access token to view the{ID} page.
I just tested this for you and it works correct.
I can see FB source and above i can see my FB ID also.
I used and tested with firefox.
Maybe your using it wrong per accident?
It seems like code 803 means no valid username.
Are you really sure you are using a correct username?
You can also try below link to find your FB ID.
Good luck mate!

Facebook: posting a fitness.bikes OpenGraph action

I'm trying to submit a fitness.bikes story from a Windows Phone app. Ideally I'd like it to look the same way it does in the documentation -- a table of stats, and a course map. I'm trying to figure out how to make that happen. Specifically, whether it's possible to make it happen without a 3rd party server hosting the ride data.
When I am submitting a course object to Facebook, can I specify all needed ActivityDataPoints to make the map show up, or is something else needed?
In the sample post I've been trying, all I get is the Title, the Image, and the Description. Can I get the table of stats to show up, without needing an external server?
The posts I'm sending are not appearing on the Timeline, even for a test user. They do appear in the Activity Log, and are marked with "Allowed on Timeline", not "Showing on Timeline." I'm using fb:explicitly_shared... shouldn't the post show up?
Ok, after further experimentation, I believe I can answer my own questions:
The activity post data should contain only fb:explicitly_shared, privacy, and course links, and nothing else. For some reason adding created_time makes the post appear in standard layout.
Same answer as above. Table of stats is part of the Map layout Facebook provides.
Same answer as above. Removing the created_time attribute magically makes the post appear correctly on the timeline.
P.S. As far as an external server -- it is necessary only if you want to redirect the user to your own page. Even then, the server can grab the object_id from the URL, grab an access token from Facebook using AppID and AppSecret, then lookup that object (course), extract data out of it, and show on the page.
Hope this helps someone else.

Including a link in a facebook Post from the api

I am using the restfb Java api (from Scala) to post to Facebook. I have two questions.
i) If you put a link in the message field of a post, it will automatically be rendered as a link. But what if you want to include link text instead of the href in the post message? Including Dude gets rendered as a string. But clearly there are many examples of things like "Hey, check out this car , where car is a link. How do you do this?
ii) Facebook is including the description of my company in each post. I set the description field to the empty String and its still showing up. I even removed the description from the settings page for my Facebook app and its still showing up. Any ideas?
Instead of putting the link in the message parameter, you can put it in the link parameter of your HTTP POST to the Graph API. Otherwise, it cannot be done with an inline link that has text (like what you can do with normal href's).
I don't know of a way to remove a description meta tag once it's been set. Try just a period instead of an empty string to see if that works.

Achievement link in ticker points to app's canvas page instead of achievement's url

I have an achievement registered for my application with 'url' parameter set to smth like
When achievement is published for a user ticker shows corresponding notification saying "{user name} achieved {achievement title} in {app name}". Click on this notification reveals a bigger popup that contain link to achievement that points to the url shown above.
That's ok. But ticker also has blocks saying "{user name} has earned 1 of 4 achievements in {app name}". Click on this block reveals popup with a list of all achievements available in the app. The problem is that links in this popup for some reason are pointing to urls like
Looks like instead of pointing directly to achievement's url it prepends relative path to achievement with canvas page url of the app.
Does anyone experience similar problem? Is that an expected behavior? I didn't find anything about which urls are used in ticker so if you have seen any related info in docs, please, share the link.
Before i had the same issue. today morning i solve this.
what i did is to change http to https for the achievements url sended to faceboook.
for example,
You must have to create the separate pages for all the different types of achievements (ideal. You can also create only one page for all your achievements.).
Once you create those pages, you must have to enter the value for url in that page.
Type the correct url for that achievement.
Then go to the debugger tool
Enter that url and check whether you are having any errors or not.
If any errors please solve that and if not then just go to the bottom of the page.
You'll find one link as "Graph API:". Click on that and will open the complete data for your achievement url.
Once done successfully, try to reload your application and check for all the urls for all the achievements.