Using the Facebook API, not always able to create a link back to the status - facebook

I'm consuming the facebook API in order to get status from pages feeds.
After parsing the raw response, I'm generating the links back to the original post on facebook like this:
"" + status_id
This works great, unless there are pages mentions in the status. In this case the url leads to a 404 error.
After some research, I found in this case, the first half of the status id, containing the user id, have the id of the mentioned page, not from the status author.
Do you know if this is intentional or a bug by Facebook API, and do you know a reliable way to generate links back tho original statuses on facebook, regardless of the status type?


Getting Facebook comments "From" field using Graph API [duplicate]

Recently, when using the /feed Facebook Graph API method, it has stopped returning the From field. This field typically contains the Id and Name of the author of the Facebook Post in question.
The URL I'm hitting is{id}/feed?fields={my-fields-here}&access_token={token}
From what I can tell, the From field still exists within the API: If I try{id}/feed?fields=id,from&access_token={token} I get a list of IDs (no Froms though), without errors.
However, if I try a deliberately-invalid field name, such as{id}/feed?fields=id,doesnotexist&access_token={token} then I get an error response of (#100) Unknown fields: doesnotexist.
So the From field still exists as far as the Facebook Graph API is concerned. It's just no longer being returned. Did something change recently? The From field is also still listed as the list of fields over on their documentation. As far as the data itself goes, posts dating months back also no longer have From, so it's not a case of "newer posts in the feed lack the field, but older posts do either."
I'm at a loss! If anyone could lend a hand, I'd appreciate it.
It is only included if you use a Page Token. v2.11 of the Graph API (90-Day Breaking Changes):
/page/* — User information will not be included in GET responses for
any objects owned by (on) a Page unless the request is made with a
Page access token. This affects all nodes and edges that return data
for objects owned by a Page.
...or in the link of your question:
Any valid access token can read posts on a public Page, but responses
will not include User information.
A Page access token can read all Posts posted to or posted by that Page, and responses will include User information.

How to post a status message to facebook with TO target using facebook4j?

I am using facebook4j to add fb page feed posting capabilities to an existing system. Initially I thought it would just be for posting to pages, which is done, but many pages don't allow posting. In such a case I need to fall back to targeting the individual in a status message. In facebook such a post shows up with heading like "{User's Name}‎ > {Target's Name}".
The problem I'm running into is that even though the facebook graph api has a "to" attribute for a message, I can not find a way to accomplish this with facebook4j. The postStatusMessage() method appears to only accept the id of the feed to post to and the PostUpdate class does not have a "to" property. I could of course be misunderstanding what the arguments represent or how this should be accomplished.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Get Share Count of Public Video with FB API v2.5

The Short Version:
"I can visit the public page without being logged into Facebook and see underneath the post is says "2155 shares" I would like to know how to access that number through the API"
The Details:
I'm trying to use the newest version (v2.5) of the graph HTTP API to determine the total share count for a public video. The problem is FB seems to have changed the API enough that older posts on SO no longer answer this question.
Looking at the Graph API Documentation it appears that video nodes now have the "sharedposts" edge. However, calling this route with summary=true only returns a few of the shares and no value for a total count. This returns counts for comments and likes so I'm not using the endpoints incorrectly or messing up my authorization.
I've also tried to use the URL Node but this doesn't seem to do much with links inside of Facebook. I simply get a JSON response with an 'id' field with the same url I supplied as a request parameter. Seems like this route is meant to be used for links to content outside of Facebook.
I've tried the above methods with multiple videos on multiple public pages so I don't think it is due to the group owners restricting access, unless this is the new default.
It seems arbitrary that I would be allowed access to total counts for comments and likes, but not shares. Is there some legacy way to do this or am I out of luck for now?
You should query the Post element containing the Video element.
Each video posted is also contained in a post element.
The post id is then composed of the video id prepended with the posting entities id (user, page etc'), separated with an underscore.
It then looks like: user-id_video-id.
Then using the Graph API to get the share count of a post is straightforward:
GET /v2.5/{post-id}?fields=shares
Lets take a video from the BBC page:
(Please tell me if the link is broken. I'll switch it to something newer :))
Video id : 10153524838517217
Page id (see below): 228735667216
--> Post id: 228735667216_10153524838517217
And the request would be:
GET /v2.5/228735667216_10153524838517217?fields=shares
(open in the Graph API explorer)
Page id
to get the page id, you could query the video element for the from field.
GET /v2.5/10153524838517217?fields=from

Facebook post id returned using graph api and the posted Id on facebook are not same

I need to retrive the comments for the particular post on Facebook, so whenever i post sometext on facebook using graph api as mentioned below.
$result = $facebook->api($fid.'/feed/','post',$attachment);
It returns the post id in response($result).
When i login to facebook and hover on the "datetime" for that post, it shows me the different post id and not the returned one in my response, so i couldn't get the comments for that post id.
I use to get the comments using the code below.
$post_comments = $facebook->api('/'.$postid,array('access_token' =>'AAAAxxxxxx'));
Any Help would be Appreciated!
The Post ID returned by the API is in the form {user_id}_{post_id} so its slightly different than the one facebook shows. However, if you replace the _ with /posts/ you get the same URL as the one Facebook provides.
I ran into this behaviour myself some days ago – user used three different apps and thereby created three individual link-posts. The "x minutes ago"-link for each of them showed a different number of minutes, but clicking on any of them led to the same post, the first on that was made.
I suspect it has something to do with all three post being made from page tabs on the same fan page(?) – but i looks like a bug to me, because to any of his friends following the "x minutes ago"-link on one of the other two posts it surely must be a bit confusing to be taken to a different post detail page than the one the actually clicked on.

Facebook graph API: feeds missing in json response

I try to fetch user's feeds via graph api from my Android application. It generally works but some feeds that I can see on the wall are missing in the json response.
I call the url, by using the Android Facebook SDK methods, so the access token should be provided automatically, but it's not really relevant I think in my case. Nevertheless fyi, the user of my app is authenticated via OAuth.
I already checked the following:
all the user's feeds are visible to everyone / public (set in privacy settings)
the json response is not cached by my browser
I am aware of paging, but this is not an issue. The problem is not that I am not getting the very oldest feeds but that some feeds are just missing in between.
I registered a new facebook user which is not connected to the user I want to retrieve the wall feeds from, and when I open the respective wall I see all the feeds there, as expected, since they're all public to everyone. Yet, when I open the same related json url unter, some feeds are missing.
This is an example of the problem - since all my posts are public, I can just call the json url directly in a browser to do a test.
I want to get wall feeds from user:
Screenshot1: note the 3 marked postings, all posted by myself
and here the json response, as you can see, the 1st and 3rd wall posts are included in the json, but the 2nd post is not. Why?
The related json url is:
I am getting the 'missing' feed when I add an access_token to the url - but why? The posted feed has a privacy setting for 'everyone'?!
This is the missing feed that I get when using the access_token:
{"id":"504063796_485195138796","from":{"name":"Mathias Lin","id":"504063796"},"message":"Photo test upload from Android","picture":"http:\/\/\/hphotos-ak-snc6\/hs021.snc6\/165194_485195123796_504063796_6062399_1841907_s.jpg","link":"http:\/\/\/photo.php?fbid=485195123796&set=a.485195118796.256450.504063796","name":"Torres Photos","icon":"http:\/\/\/rsrc.php\/yz\/r\/StEh3RhPvjk.gif","actions":[{"name":"Comment","link":"http:\/\/\/504063796\/posts\/485195138796"},{"name":"Like","link":"http:\/\/\/504063796\/posts\/485195138796"}],"privacy":{"description":"Everyone","value":"EVERYONE"},"type":"photo","created_time":"2011-01-06T05:10:43+0000","updated_time":"2011-01-06T09:00:23+0000","likes":6,"comments":{"data":[{"id":"504063796_485195138796_3607414","from":{"name":"Mathias Lin","id":"504063796"},"message":"Awesome, photo upload now works as well. Not so much fun working with the Facebook SDK for Android, would have expected more functionality beyond that just very very simple graph api wrapper. But need to be considered that the android sdk development was part of an internship - but since it's it's open source, it can luckily be modified. Which has to be done due to some bugs (mixing up the bundle parameters for a post, getString, getByteArray). Api documentation could be improved.","created_time":"2011-01-06T05:26:04+0000"},{"id":"504063796_485195138796_3608020","from":{"name":"Renate Hermanns","id":"628810487"},"message":"Wow
, how fast time passes by. Your daughter is nearly grown up ;-).","created_time":"2011-01-06T09:00:23+0000"}],"count":2},"attribution":"Torres"}
I've already posted the question to the FB dev forum, awaiting response.
Related threads:
Facebook Graph API "/userid/feed" returning Blank
Your approach is correct, I've seen the JSON and yes it's missing the second one, I think it's upload app form adroid, try checking the application settings for this app. Or If your trying to retrieve the wall FQL is a much better way
SELECT post_id, actor_id, target_id, message FROM stream WHERE source_id in (SELECT target_id FROM connection WHERE source_id=<uid> AND is_following=1) AND is_hidden = 0
I've been through this, the way Facebook is categorizing their permissions is somehow misleading, for example Publicly available may sounds like Available to everyone on Facebook but apperantly it's not.
Now in your case, if you already authenticated the user, then try using:
I guess this is the only case where access_token is not needed in the URL.
I had a similar problem. But for me, the problem was related to not setting the scope properly on first login (to authorize the app). I posted a similar question and got an answer that worked for me here:
Facebook API how to get all wall items