A safe way of 'overwriting'/'forcing' a certain implicit resolution - scala

I have a custom formatter (say MyFormat) for org.joda.DateTime which provides a Format[org.joda.DateTime].
Play provides a default formatter for the same class in the play.api.libs.json package.
I would like to use MyFormat across my application, and not the one Play provides. I have done this through explicit imports/mixins which does the trick, however during changes or omissions when these get removed, serialization defaults to the Play formatter and I end up with runtime errors. This seems very error prone.
Ultimately I would like for my code not to compile if there is no MyFormat for org.joda.DateTime in scope whenever one is required.
Is there a nice and safe way of doing this?

You have a couple options, but neither of them will be exactly what you want. The crux of the problem is that Scala will look for implicits within related companion objects. For example, if it needs to find an implicit Format[DateTime], it will look within the companion object of Format and the companion object of DateTime. In this case, there is an implicit def within Format that will produce the desired (or in your case, undesired) Format[DateTime] and there's nothing you can do to get rid of it, short of forking and hacking Play.
Workaround 1: Create an object with your custom formatters, and import it globally:
package my.project
object Formats {
implicit val dateTimeFormat: Format[DateTime] = ???
(in other files)
import my.project.Formats._
The Format[DateTime] imported into a local scope will supersede the one resolved from the Format object. However, you can't prevent your code from compiling without it (unless you have some sort of scalastyle rule or something that requires the import).
Workaround 2: Create a wrapper for DateTime with it's own Format, and give it an implicit conversion to DateTime.
case class MyDateTime(dt: DateTime) {
implicit def toDateTime: DateTime = dt
object MyDateTime {
implicit val fmt: Format[MyDateTime] = ???
implicit def fromDateTime(dt: DateTime): MyDateTime = MyDateTime(dt)
This is not a complete example, but an idea as to how to implement this. DateTime can be swapped with MyDateTime is most places, however it may require other implicits revolving around MyDateTime. For example, when I tried using this with Anorm, I needed an implicit ToStatement[MyDateTime], and probably a few others--so that's the obvious disadvantage. However, this would explicitly avoid using the default Format[DateTime].


What exactly Ciris.ConfigDecoder does in scala

I am new to scala and trying to support an application written in scala using ciris package.
I want to understand the is ciris ConfigDecoder and what the below code is trying to do.
#inline implicit def sourceTopicsConfigDecoder(implicit ev: ConfigDecoder[String, NonEmptyString]): ConfigDecoder[String, SourceTopics] =
ev.map(_.value.split(",").toSet.map(NonEmptyString.unsafeFrom)) map SourceTopics.apply
#inline implicit val sourceTopicsShow: Show[SourceTopics] =
I've never used (or even heard of) Ciris before, but a quick visit to the documentation informs me that ConfigDecoder is the means by which the received configuration type (usually a String) is cast to a more useful type. Something like: env("SIZE_LIMIT").as[Long]
I also learned that, while many useful ConfigDecoders are supplied, you can also make your own for decoding configuration values into application specific types, and that's what sourceTopicsConfigDecoder appears to be doing. It pulls an existing String-to-NonEmptyString decoder from the implicit scope and uses it to build a String-to-SourceTopics decoder. (SourceTopics must be previously defined.)
The new decoder is made implicit so that elsewhere in the code you can do something like: env("SRC_TOPICS").as[SourceTopics]

How to get rid of this boiler plate code

I am writing a web services project using http4s and everytime I write a new data object which is sent in or out of the web service, I need to write the following code
import argonaut.{Argonaut, CodecJson}
import org.http4s.{EntityDecoder, EntityEncoder}
import org.http4s.argonaut._
final case class Name (name: String, age : Int)
object Name {
implicit val codec : CodecJson[Name] =
Argonaut.casecodec2(Name.apply, Name.unapply)("name", "age")
implicit val decoder : EntityDecoder[Name] = jsonOf[Name]
implicit val encoder : EntityEncoder[Name] = jsonEncoderOf[Name]
Based on the number of fields in the case class, I needed to use corresponding casecodeX method (where x is the number of fields) and then pass it a list of fields.
Can you please tell me what is the best way so that I don't have to write the code which is currently in the companion object.
An idea which I have is that I should write a macro which parses the code of the Name class and then spits out the class containing the codec, encoder, decoder. But I have no idea how to go forward with the implementation of this macro.
Is there a better way?
For the codec, you can use argonaut-shapeless, specifically JsonCodec. For the encoder/decoder, you can pass jsonOf as decoder to the functions you're calling, and implicit derivation should do the rest for you. Sadly you can't get around jsonOf, it has been tried.
Also read: http://http4s.org/docs/0.15/json.html
Not really sure if it would be really better or not, but you could start with generic implicits for encoder and decoder:
implicit def decoder[A](implicit cj: CodecJson[A]): EntityDecoder[A] = jsonOf[A]
implicit val encoder[A](implicit cj: CodecJson[A]) : EntityEncoder[A] = jsonEncoderOf[A]
On that step you are getting read of 2/3 of boilerplate.
The other part is trickier: you could go with macro or reflection.
I know nothing about macro, but with reflection the reduction wouldn't be as significant to make you want to use it:
def generateCodecJson[A](implicit ClassTag[A]): CodecJson[A] = …
and you still have to provide the companion object and call that function to generate CodecJson. Not really sure if it worth effort.
I'm not familiar with Scala. But I think this situation you faced is similar in Java. In Java, all those code are imported by IDE when you inputed a token which is unknown in current namespace. You can just try and use a better IDE, such as Intellij IDEA.

Convert a Seq[String] to a case class in a typesafe way

I have written a parser which transforms a String to a Seq[String] following some rules. This will be used in a library.
I am trying to transform this Seq[String] to a case class. The case class would be provided by the user (so there is no way to guess what it will be).
I have thought to shapeless library because it seems to implement the good features and it seems mature, but I have no idea to how to proceed.
I have found this question with an interesting answer but I don't find how to transform it for my needs. Indeed, in the answer there is only one type to parse (String), and the library iterates inside the String itself. It probably requires a deep change in the way things are done, and I have no clue how.
Moreover, if possible, I want to make this process as easy as possible for the user of my library. So, if possible, unlike the answer in link above, the HList type would be guess from the case class itself (however according to my search, it seems the compiler needs this information).
I am a bit new to the type system and all these beautiful things, if anyone is able to give me an advice on how to do, I would be very happy!
Kind Regards
--- EDIT ---
As ziggystar requested, here is some possible of the needed signature:
//Let's say we are just parsing a CSV.
case class UserClass(i:Int, j:Int, s:String)
val list = Seq("1,2,toto", "3,4,titi")
// User transforms his case class to a function with something like:
val f = UserClass.curried
// The function created in 1/ is injected in the parser
val parser = new Parser(f)
// The Strings to convert to case classes are provided as an argument to the parse() method.
val finalResult:Seq[UserClass] = parser.parse(list)
// The transfomation is done in two steps inside the parse() method:
// 1/ first we have: val list = Seq("1,2,toto", "3,4,titi")
// 2/ then we have a call to internalParserImplementedSomewhereElse(list)
// val parseResult is now equal to Seq(Seq("1", "2", "toto"), Seq("3","4", "titi"))
// 3/ finally Shapeless do its magick trick and we have Seq(UserClass(1,2,"toto"), UserClass(3,4,"titi))
class Parser[A](function:A) {
//The internal parser takes each String provided through argument of the method and transforms each String to a Seq[String]. So the Seq[String] provided is changed to Seq[Seq[String]].
private def internalParserImplementedSomewhereElse(l:Seq[String]): Seq[Seq[String]] = {
* Class A and B are both related to the case class provided by the user:
* - A is the type of the case class as a function,
* - B is the type of the original case class (can be guessed from type A).
private def convert2CaseClass[B](list:Seq[String]): B {
//do something with Shapeless
//I don't know what to put inside ???
def parse(l:Seq[String]){
val parseResult:Seq[Seq[String]] = internalParserImplementedSomewhereElse(l:Seq[String])
val finalResult = result.map(convert2CaseClass)
finalResult // it is a Seq[CaseClassProvidedByUser]
Inside the library some implicit would be available to convert the String to the correct type as they are guessed by Shapeless (similar to the answered proposed in the link above). Like string.toInt, string.ToDouble, and so on...
May be there are other way to design it. It's just what I have in mind after playing with Shapeless few hours.
This uses a very simple library called product-collecions
import com.github.marklister.collections.io._
case class UserClass(i:Int, j:Int, s:String)
val csv = Seq("1,2,toto", "3,4,titi").mkString("\n")
csv: String =
CsvParser(UserClass).parse(new java.io.StringReader(csv))
res28: Seq[UserClass] = List(UserClass(1,2,toto), UserClass(3,4,titi))
And to serialize the other way:
scala> res28.csvIterator.toList
res30: List[String] = List(1,2,"toto", 3,4,"titi")
product-collections is orientated towards csv and a java.io.Reader, hence the shims above.
This answer will not tell you how to do exactly what you want, but it will solve your problem. I think you're overcomplicating things.
What is it you want to do? It appears to me that you're simply looking for a way to serialize and deserialize your case classes - i.e. convert your Scala objects to a generic string format and the generic string format back to Scala objects. Your serialization step presently is something you seem to already have defined, and you're asking about how to do the deserialization.
There are a few serialization/deserialization options available for Scala. You do not have to hack away with Shapeless or Scalaz to do it yourself. Try to take a look at these solutions:
Java serialization/deserialization. The regular serialization/deserialization facilities provided by the Java environment. Requires explicit casting and gives you no control over the serialization format, but it's built in and doesn't require much work to implement.
JSON serialization: there are many libraries that provide JSON generation and parsing for Java. Take a look at play-json, spray-json and Argonaut, for example.
The Scala Pickling library is a more general library for serialization/deserialization. Out of the box it comes with some binary and some JSON format, but you can create your own formats.
Out of these solutions, at least play-json and Scala Pickling use macros to generate serializers and deserializers for you at compile time. That means that they should both be typesafe and performant.

Collision of implicits in Scala

The following Scala code works correctly:
val str1 = "hallo"
val str2 = "huhu"
val zipped: IndexedSeq[(Char, Char)] = str1.zip(str2)
However if I import the implicit method
implicit def stringToNode(str: String): xml.Node = new xml.Text(str)
then the Scala (2.10) compiler shows an error: value zip is not a member of String
It seems that the presence of stringToNode somehow blocks the implicit conversion of str1 and str2 to WrappedString. Why? And is there a way to modify stringToNode such that zip works but stringToNode is still used when I call a function that requires a Node argument with a String?
You have ambiguous implicits here. Both StringOps and xml.Node have the zip-method, therefore the implicit conversion is ambiguous and cannot be resolved. I don't know why it doesn't give a better error message.
Here are some links to back it up:
edit: it was StringOps, not WrappedString, changed the links :) Have a look at Predef: http://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/index.html#scala.Predef$
to see predefined implicits in Scala.
I would avoid using implicits in this case. You want 2 different implicit conversions which both provide a method of the same name (zip). I don't think this is possible. Also, if you import xml.Text, you can convert with just Text(str) which should be concise enough for anyone. If you must have this implicit conversion to xml.Node, I would pack the implicit def into an object and then import it only in the places where you need it to make your code readable and to, possibly, avoid conflicts where you also need to zip strings. But basically, I would very much avoid using implicits just to make convenient conversions.
Like #Felix wrote, it is generally a bad idea to define implicit conversions between similar data types, like the one you used. Doing that weakens type system, leads to ambiguities like you encountered and may produce extremely unclear ("magic") code which is very hard to analyze and debug.
Implicit conversions in Scala are mostly used to define lightweight, short-lived wrappers in order to enrich API of wrapped type. Implicit conversion that converts String into WrappedString falls into that category.
Twitter's Effective Scala has a section about this issue.

How should I organize implicits in my Scala application?

Having written a few scala tools, I'm trying to come to grips with the best way to arrange my code - particularly implicits. I have 2 goals:
Sometimes, I want to be able to import just the implicits I ask for.
Othertimes, I want to just import everything.
To avoid duplicating the implicits, I've come up with this structure (similar to the way scalaz is arranged):
case class StringW(s : String) {
def contrived = s + "?"
trait StringWImplicits {
implicit def To(s : String) = StringW(s)
implicit def From(sw : StringW) = sw.s
object StringW extends StringWImplicits
// Elsewhere on Monkey Island
object World extends StringWImplicits with ListWImplicits with MoreImplicits
This allows me to just
import StringW._ // Selective import
or (in most cases)
import World._. // Import everything
How does everyone else do it?
I think that implicit conversions are dangerous if you don't know where they are coming from. In my case, I put my implicits in a Conversions class and import it as close to the use as possible
def someMethod(d: Date) ; Unit {
import mydate.Conversions._
val tz = TimeZone.getDefault
val timeOfDay = d.getTimeOfDay(tz) //implicit used here
I'm not sure I like "inheriting" implicits from various traits for the same reason it was considered bad Java practice to implement an interface so you could use its constants directly (static imports are preferred instead).
I usually had implicit conversions in an object which clearly signals that what it is imported is an implicit conversion.
For example, if I have a class com.foo.bar.FilthyRichString, the implicit conversions would go into com.foo.bar.implicit.FilthyRichStringImplicit. I know the names are a bit long, but that's why we have IDEs (and Scala IDE support is getting better). The way I do this is that I feel it is important that all the implicit conversions can be clearly viewed in a 10 second code review. I could look at the following code:
// other imports
import com.foo.bar.FilthyRichString
import com.foo.bar.util.Logger
import com.foo.bar.util.FileIO
import com.foo.bar.implicits.FilthyRichStringImplicit._
import com.foo.bar.implicits.MyListImplicit._
// other implicits
and at a glance see all the implicit conversions that are active in this source file. They would also be all gathered together, if you use the convention that imports are grouped by packages, with a new line between different packages.
Along the lines of the same argument, I wouldn't like a catch-all object that holds all of the implicit conversions. In a big project, would you really use all of the implicit conversions in all your source files? I think that doing that means very tight coupling between different parts of your code.
Also, a catch-all object is not very good for documentation. In the case of explicitly writing all the implicit conversions used in a file, one can just look at your import statements and straight away jump to the documentation of the implicit class. In the case of a catch-all object, one would have to look at that object (which in a big project might be huge) and then search for the implicit conversion they are after.
I agree with oxbow_lakes that having implicit conversion in traits is bad because of the temptation of inheriting from it, which is, as he said, bad practice. Along those lines, I would make the objects holding the implicit conversions final just to avoid the temptation altogether. His idea of importing them as close to the use as possible is very nice as well, if implicit conversions are just used sparingly in the code.
-- Flaviu Cipcigan