Octave: create .csv files with varying file names stored in a sub folder - matlab

I have multiple arrays with string data. All of them should be exported into a .csv file. The file should be saved in a subfolder. The file name is variable.
I used the code as follows:
fpath = ('./Subfolder/');
m_date = inputdlg('Date of measurement [yyyymmdd_exp]');
m_name = inputdlg('Characteristic name of the expteriment');
fformat = ('.csv');
fullstring = strcat(fpath, m_date,'_', m_name, fformat);
However, I get an error that FILE must be a filename string or numeric FID
What's the reason?

What you are asking to do is fairly straightforward for Matlab or Octave. The first part is creating a file with a filename that changes. the best way to do this is by concatenating the strings to build the one you want.
You can use: fullstring = strcat('string1','string2')
Or specifically: filenameandpath = strcat('./Subfolder/FixedFileName_',fname)
note that because strings are pretty much just character arrays, you can also just use:
fullstring = ['string1','string2']
now, if you want to create CSV data, you'll first have to read in the file, possibly parse the data in some way, then save it. As Andy mentioned above you may just be able to use dlmwrite to create the output file. We'll need to see a sample of the string data to have an idea whether any more work would need to be done before dlmwrite could handle it.


Reading a file from a different directory in matlab

My matlab function is in a folder that contains the main project and the other functions of the code. However, the data is stored in a folder withing the main one named "data" and inside the specific dataset that i want, for example "ded4" in this example. I can't figure out how to open the text file that I want without changing the file to the main folder. The code I have so far is:
function[Classify] = Classify(logDir)
Directory = ['data/' logDir '/']
Filename = [logDir '-fixationsOffSet']
File_name = fullfile(Directory,Filename)
File = fopen(File_name,'r')
The code is in the 'dev' folder, I think my path is correct because when I do
it opens.
Thanks for the help
If you want to open the file in the editor, use
If you want to read data from the file, you can use
dlmread(File_name) % Read ASCII delimited file.
C = textscan(File,'FORMAT') % Read formatted data from text file or string.
or more low-level using fscanf, e.g., if the file contains three columns of integers you do the following: Read the values in column order, and transpose to match the appearance of the file: (from the help of fprintf)
fid = fopen('count.dat');
A = fscanf(fid,'%d',[3,inf])';

read multiple file from folder

I want to read multiple files from a folder but this code does not work properly:
for i=3:length(direction)
filename = fullfile(Fold_name);
fileid= fopen(filename);
data = fread (fileid)';
I modified your algorithm to make it easier
Just use this form :
folder='address\datafolder\' ( provide your folder address where data is located)
filenames=dir([folder,'*.txt']); ( whatever your data format is, you can specify it in case you have other files you do not want to import, in this example, i used .txt format files)
for k = 1 : numel(filenames)
Do your code
It should work. It's a much more efficient method, as it can apply to any folder without you worrying about names, number order etc... Unless you want to specify certain files with the same format within the folder. I would recommend you to use a separate folder to put your files in.
In case of getting access to all the files after reading:
for i=3:length(direction)
filename = fullfile(Fold_name);
fileid(i)= fopen(filename);
data{i-2} = fread (fileid(i))';

How to auto create matrix from .txt file name?

I am reading data from a text file and sort it with matlab. It works well with below script:
load 'con.txt';
A = con;
X = sortrows(A,3);
But I've got many similar text files to sort with different names. E.g. con.txt, bon.txt, ton.txt, etc...
As such, I have to replace the name of file (i.e. load 'filename') to load, and replace matrix (i.e. A='filename') each time when i run the script.
Is there any easier way so that I don't need to replace two lines and A will auto equal to .txt file name?
Maybe something like this:
fname = input('enter filename:', 's');
A = load(fname);

Saving strings from the input .txt filename - MATLAB

Via textscan, I am reading a number of .txt files:
fid1 = fopen('Ev_An_OM2_l5_5000.txt','r');
This is a simplification as in reality I am loading several hundred .txt files via:
files = dir('Ev_An*.txt');
Important information not present within the .txt files themselves are instead part of the filename.
Is there a way to concisely extract portions of the filename and save them as strings/numbers? For example saving 'OM2' and '5000' from the above filename as variables.
fileparts appears to require the full path of the file rather than just defaulting to the MATLAB folder as with textscan.
It depends on how fixed your filename is. If your filename is in the string filename, then you can use regexp to extract parts of your filename, like so:
filename = 'Ev_An_OM2_l5_5000.txt'; %or whatever
parts = regexp(filename,'[^_]+_[^_]+_([^_]+)_[^_]+_([^\.]+)\.txt','tokens');
This will give you parts{1}=='OM2' and parts{2}=='5000', assuming that your filename is always in the form of
If you like structs more than cells, then you can name your tokens like so:
parts = regexp(filename,'[^_]+_[^_]+_(?<first>[^_]+)_[^_]+_(?<second>[^\.]+)\.txt','names');
in which case parts.first=='OM2' and parts.second=='5000'. You can obviously name your tokens according to their actual meaning, since they are important. You just have to change first and second accordingly in the code above.
If you use dir to get your filenames, you should have a struct array with loads of unnecessary information. If you really just need the file names, I'd use a for loop like so:
files = dir('Ev_An*.txt');
for i=1:length(files)
parts = regexp(filename,'[^_]+_[^_]+_(?<first>[^_]+)_[^_]+_(?<second>[^\.]+)\.txt','tokens');
%here do what you want with parts.first, parts.second and the file itself

Saving Multiple Arrays to Text File in Matlab

I need to save multiple arrays to a text file with the filename the same as the variable name. I have created a vector of all the variables required using the follow lines.
I am now struggling to find a way to save all of these variable to file. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
I'm not sure if I understood correctly. Do you want to save each variable in different files? Assuming you want to save all variables in the same file with, lets say, the first value of the vector as the filename, you could try something like:
filename = sprintf('vector_starting_with%d.mat', vars(1).name);
In case you want separated files for each element in the vector, you could try:
varsave=sprintf('vector_%d.mat', vars(i).name)
Sorry that it might have some bugs, right now I don't have MATLAB. Nevertheless, try to go over this documentation.
Edit Let me know if you try this then:
filename = sprintf('%d.txt', vars(i).name);
file = fopen(filename,'w');