What should I do to retrieve the hyperlink to Confluence user's home? - confluence

Please click this picture.
The dog photo in the red rectangle is used as the portrait of the Confluence page author, and the author's portrait(dog photo) is retrieved by below method to be displayed on Confluence page:
pic = this.userAccessor.getUserProfilePicture(confluenceUser);
portrait = pic.getDownloadPath();
I want user can be directed to the author's home by click the author's portrait (dog photo), however I don't know how to retrieve the URL of the Confluence page author's home as the portrait's hyperlink.
Could you please help me resolve this question, thanks.

If you want to link to the users profile, this is the url:
as described here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/doc/your-user-profile-139549.html


How could i post an image in Facebook feed dialog

I've been using Facebook's Feed Dialog to let users on a site share content on their Facebook feed. On their feed there would be a picture that serves as a link to the page on my site, with some text below it like name, caption and description fields. All of these - picture, name, caption and description are now deprecated and stop working now :( Is there any other way to achieve this functionality using a different method, i've proved the quote parameter but I don't like it.
You cannot post pictures on user profiles, not with the API and not with the feed dialog. The feed dialog is for sharing URLs, but they can include an image in the og:image tag of the page source. So you just need to add the correct image in the page source, with an absolut path: https://ogp.me/

On Facebook share URL, give option to user to choose image

I don't see the answer I'm looking for, so hopefully someone can help.
I have a PHP script, which displays data from an SQL database. The dynamic elements are pulled in, essentially showing details of a job listing. On this page, I have a Facebook share URL.
<a title="Post on Facebook"
When the user clicks that link, they get the Facebook page to post this to their Facebook page. The page they are on pre-populates with my page title, page description, etc.
And if I have an image on my page, that becomes the default thumbnail image for the FB post. I also set a defualt Facebook image in my metatag, and that works too. I also added up to 10 other images on my page, so that the user could choose from 1 of 10 images as the default thumbnail. But...
I wanted to be able to let the user choose a thumbnail image from their desktop. Is this possible?
The image that's used in the Share dialog needs to exist somewhere on the web before the dialog is invoked, so you'd need to allow the user to upload it somewhere before popping the dialog in order to do what you're suggesting.

Facebook Like button: how it choose image to display

I've put "Like" button to my web site.
In general it works fine, the only problem is when user add some text and publish it in the profile his post contains image. And the image chosen is not something meaningful, it is one of the menu items that doesn't really makes any sense.
Could you please advise how to tip to the facebook the better image? I didn't see any information about that in their documentation (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/), probably I've overlooked that?
Thank you.
P.S. Pretty similar question: is there any way to suggest for user text he wants to share (that will appear once user click "Like" button)?
You can specify image by adding Open Graph tags to head section each page containing the "Like" button.
You can specify an image URL in og:image tag, and Facebook will use this image in the user's profile entry.
The same goes with
og:title - this will be the title of the new entry on user's profile.
og:site_name (will be displayed as grey text under title) etc.
See http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/ and
for detailed description.
You can use the Open Graph tags for both versions of the "like" button - iframe and XFBML.
Once you add the tags to your pages you can use http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug to check if they are OK.

Like buttons and posting the correct photo on Facebook

I have an online bachelor catalog and I want people to Like a bachelor and have it appear on their FB feed.
I set up the Like button using the Social Plugins feature on FB. All bachelors are on the same page and they have anchors http://gothamrfc.org/drupal/?q=2012catalog#waldmann and the Like button refers to each anchor.
My problem is when the user clicks on Like, it posts the same picture of one bachelor, not of the one that they liked. I didn't see anything in my js file. I also added the og button but that didn't work.
How do I adjust the code so Like button corresponds to the correct photo?
I'm sure it's something simple. Thank you for your assistance.
Im having the same issue really... My current solution is to hard-code the URL of the image in the like button ref code.
The only issue with this is that it will show that image ONLY, on a blank page when someone clicks the liked image on a user's facebook page.
I'm still looking for answers since the only alternative I've found is to create individual pages for each image (each blog post, in my case) and link to THOSE pages. Not ideal and much more work than I'd like.
have a look at my blog page on my website to see what I mean: MarinePix Blog

Hyperlink on a Picture

I have a picture with a hyperlink, however, when I download the picture to Facebook the hyperlink does not work. Can you not put a hyperlink on a picture? I would like it if people open the picture, they will be able to click on the picture and it take them to a website.
You'll just need to wrap the image with an pointing it to the site where your sharing it on. However, if your using FaceBook to host the image, then you'll be using the API of FaceBook and won't have control over what happens when a user clicks on the image. Maybe just share the link in the description??