Why Labview is used in some t-f studies of HRV? [closed] - matlab

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am studying J. Schesser's work about HRV in ECG signals.
I am waiting for his answer to the case but also others' opinions and reviews. He has used Labview in most of his ECG data analysis.
I am thinking why, since much of my known electronics do not limit me there. I can use Matlab too.
I want to study time and frequency domains in HRV analysis of ECG signals.
I am mostly using Analog.com's electronics in my ECG boards and systems so they should not be limited to proprietary frontends like Labview.
Why Labview is used in some analysis parts of HRV?

I think it is mostly for NI's LabVIEW Biomedical Toolkit


Is MatLab worth buying? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I can access MatLab on school computers, but it would be more like a convenience factor as of right now. I want to get into programming using raspberry pi later on, but is it worth buying in the meantime? Will it be useful to me as a computer engineer? Thanks.
I have used Matlab as a student and employee for over 10 years now. I have recently taken an interest in Python as a free open-source alternative to Matlab and have been extremely impressed. Matlab is a very powerful and convenient tool, but has a significant cost, especially if toolboxes are needed. Python seems to cover all the same capability needs that I have in Matlab (with toolboxes), and if I ever need help doing something in python that I know how to do in matlab, I just do a quick google search and 9 times out of 10 I end up on this website, taking advantage of the questions that others have already answered.
With your question on Raspberry pi, it can actually run python code on board, but not the case for matlab.
I am not a computer engineer, but am of the opinion that python would likely benefit you more than matlab in the end as it is free, more widely used and can be used on devices such as raspberry pi. For reference, I have degrees in physics and electrical engineering and spend a great deal of time at work building optical sensors, operating them, and processing their data.
One more note: I like the Anaconda distribution of python, highly recommended

Difficulty in building neural network [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm performing fault analysis on induction motor considering sag and swell. We have a set of data for all types of sag and swell and our analysis includes healthy/balanced supply.
What are the inputs, samples and targets to be considered in building neural networks and how to train the network in MATLAB.
If your matlab installed neural network toolbox, here are plenty of examples that you can learn from.

Implementation of Neural Networks in MATLAB [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am new in the field of neural networks and would like to learn how to implement NNs in MATLAB. Can I have links for some step-by-step explanation of NNs using MATLAB?
It would be really helpful if applications deal with examples in Civil Engineering.
You can take a course of Andrew Ng (I believe he made most of us young people discover machine learning and become interested in this field):
The homework includes the neural network coding by matlab.
IF you're using 2013a or later you can try typing in command window:
They have a lot of examples with various data and different types of problems, and also after training you can have all the code you need to write the same thing on your own.
Also, you can check here the same thing, code with explanation:
Matlab Neural Network Toolbox

How can I learn more about solving real life problems using multilayer perceptron? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm learning about multilayer perceptrons, and looking to tackle some real-world problems in Matlab. Perhaps something like medical diagnosis, or speech recognition... But I'm not really sure where to start here. How should I tackle this?
Geoff Hinton is the man when it comes to multilayer perceptrons. His Science paper from 2006 used a special class of MLP called an "autoencoder" that was successful in digit recognition, facial recognition, and document classification (all of which have real world applications):
Reducing the Dimensionality of Data with Neural Networks
Fortunately, they also published the
Matlab code.

Is there a systematic approach to avoid the 3 pitfalls(below) of software solutions? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Developing software solutions which already exist and are available for re-use (either commercial or open-source). AKA "re-inventing the wheel".
Same as above, but your solution being broken. AKA "re-inventing the square wheel".
Developing solutions for problems which do not exist.
Again, I'm interested in a more formal approach, e.g. TRIZ
Doing some research beforehand (1) and investing in solid software architecture (2,3) usually helps :)
When you're planning to develop something you always need to calculate the benefits of doing some and the things like the ROI.
You could read more about this in Agile Estimating and Planning by Mike Cohn
Local Market Research
Internet Research
Google Metrics (Seeing what the Google Count is)